Liberal Science

The government is always going to invest money into understanding the climate. Their jobs are not on the line. The idea that the vast majority of climate scientists the world over have been corrupted by governments and are lying is beyond laughable. You actually need to be crazy to believe that.

So, other than your becoming our best source of greenhouse have no such link?

Who coulda' guessed.

What exactly would you like a link to? What did I say that's not true? Unlike you I try to have discussions with my own thoughts rather than relying on walls of text written by other people.

The government is always going to invest money into understanding the climate. Their jobs are not on the line. The idea that the vast majority of climate scientists the world over have been corrupted by governments and are lying is beyond laughable. You actually need to be crazy to believe that.

So, other than your becoming our best source of greenhouse have no such link?

Who coulda' guessed.

What exactly would you like a link to? What did I say that's not true? Unlike you I try to have discussions with my own thoughts rather than relying on walls of text written by other people.

Your bogus claim that there's as much money in disproving the scam as proving it.

Of course there isn't.

You simply provide the boilerplate propaganda that your masters program for you.

Isn't that the case?

The only question is whether it is because you are that dumb....or because you are that cowardly.

Just between us...which one?
He has already admitted that his *belief* is based upon nothing more than appeal to authority...Everything gets reverse engineered from the conclusion...Just like the climate "science".

But nobody ever thought that the goalposts were going to move themselves.
Your bogus claim that there's as much money in disproving the scam as proving it.

You constantly make it apparent which one of us is honest and which isn't by deliberately misrepresenting the things I say. I said climate scientists are not at risk of losing their jobs.
Their models have never ever been predictive.....Even when they've "revised" the data.

Do you think we're not constantly learning more about the climate thanks to their efforts?

Of course not.

Liberal Science

…is not science. takes a certain sort of dunce to believe what you do.

See if this helps.

A research group by the name of the “Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine” solicited signatures for a petition (known now as the Oregon Petition) to have the United States reject the Kyoto Protocol to set internationally binding emission reduction targets.

This petition reads, in its entirety:

We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

the petition bore 31,487 signatures as of October 2016: The current list of petition signers includes 9,029 PhD; 7,157 MS; 2,586 MD and DVM; and 12,715 BS or equivalent academic degrees. Most of the MD and DVM signers also have underlying degrees in basic science.
FACT CHECK: Did 30,000 Scientists Declare Climate Change a Hoax?

This unintentional humor from the Snopes attempt to marginalize the petition: “Aside from the potential political motivations behind the petition, the misleading tactics employed to gather signatures, and the lack of verification…”

That pretty much describes the global warming scam.

We all know the economic benefits that accrue from signing onto the global warming me the benefits that accrue to those 31,000 who simply chose to tell the truth.

“Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists.”

What's their motive, you dunce?
Your bogus claim that there's as much money in disproving the scam as proving it.

You constantly make it apparent which one of us is honest and which isn't by deliberately misrepresenting the things I say. I said climate scientists are not at risk of losing their jobs.

Who is paying them for work that disproves the scam?

Who is paying them for work that disproves the scam?


The government. What you fail to realize is every climate scientist on Earth would love to be the one that proves AGW isn't happening. That person would be famous.
As per the OP......Liberal Science is not science.

Time to prove it.......

7. OK…had you on the hook long enough. Guess what….

“Study: Pregnant Mothers Exposed to Police Killings More Likely to Deliver Underweight Black Infants”

….turns out to be just what any normal person guessed from the start…Bogggggggussssss!!!!

Just like Global Warming.

“UPDATE 12/12/19, 1:30 pm ET: After publication, errors in the data set and data analysis were identified. Joscha Legewie could not replicate his original findings and the journal is retracting his paper. The story appears below in its original form.:
Police Shootings May Be Causing Black Infants Long-Term Harm

“Editors’ note (Dec. 12, 2019): The author of the study upon which this story is based has retracted the paper, published last week in Science Advances, citing data classification errors.”
How police shootings of unarmed black Americans could harm infant health

“Study linking police violence and black infants’ health is retracted ….effort to repeat the analysis with corrected data found no significant link between police violence and infants’ chances of being born early or having a lower birth weight, said author Joscha Legewie, a sociologist at Harvard University.”
Study linking police violence and black infants' health is retracted

Wadda I tell ya’ about Liberal Science….???
8. Even well-known Liberal ‘scientists’ make up stuff that is so ridiculous and contrary to real science, that only a Liberal would accept the notion…..such as the claim that the universe was created from nothing.

There is prominent scientist, Lawrence Krauss, "... an American theoretical physicist and cosmologist...known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, ...and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, includingThe Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing."
Lawrence M. Krauss - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Krauss has said "we all, literally, emerged from quantum nothingness..."
Clearly an attempt to avoid the central question of where did the universe come from. Where are the quantum rules that imply a universe that must appear out of the void? Can any come up with a few examples where something has come from nothing?


And, from reviews of Krauss' book, " A Universe From Nothing,"...

" the end of the book he he has given up trying to explain his hypothesis. Throughout the book he admits that Something can come from Nothing only if there is Something inherent in the Nothingness.

...Krauss claims that "in quantum gravity, universes can, and indeed always will, spontaneously appear from nothing" This is yet again another fabrication,....

Krauss mixes opinion with pseudo-science to fool his cult that the universe popped into existence from nowhere with no cause Li(the epitome pseudo-science, anti-science and religious belief)."

Of course, the ancient Greek, Parmenides, was correct: nihil fit ex nihilo... "out of nothing, nothing [be]comes."

This is Liberal Science.

The fake science dunces are willing to accept anything...even things that obviate all of real science.
9. Even when well-known ‘scientists’ admit it, the dunces from government school continue with what they have been programmed to admit.

As is the case of the ‘just-so-story’ called ‘Evolution.’

“We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs,” the geneticist Richard Lewontin remarked equably in The New York Review of Books, “in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories.” We are to put up with science’s unsubstantiated just-so stories because, Lewontin explains, “we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door!”

Do you know what that means?

“In science and philosophy, a just-so story is an unverifiable narrative explanation for a cultural practice, a biological trait, or behavior of humans or other animals.”
Just-so story - Wikipedia

Evolution is one of science’s unsubstantiated just-so stories.

Here are the facts about ‘Evolution:’

"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field." Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

"NOT ONE of the examples studied documents the origin of large-scale biological change. The vast majority of the examples do NOT even show the production of new species, where a "species" is defined by the standard definition of a "reproductively isolated population."
Thus, not a single bona fide example of speciation in animals -- e.g. the establishment of a completely reproductively isolated population -- was found. -Specious Speciation: The Myth of Observed Large-Scale Evolutionary Change - Evolution News & Views


But you learned that evolution is a proven fact....didn't you.
10. Academia is rife with the sort of lies, disguised as scholarly papers, aimed at advancing the Liberal agenda.

As is the case in damaging support of the 2nd amendment.

"Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture" is a discredited 2000 book by Michael A. Bellesiles on American gun culture. The book is an expansion of a 1996 Journal of American History article by Bellesiles, and argues that guns were uncommon during peacetime in early United States, and that a culture of gun ownership arose only much later. It initially won the prestigious Bancroft Prize, but later became the first book in that prize's history to have its award rescinded. The revocation occurred after Columbia University's Board of Trustees decided that Bellesiles had "violated basic norms of scholarship and the high standards expected of Bancroft Prize winners." Arming America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Get it?
This Liberal claimed no guns in colonial America.
It was designed to strengthen the argument for gun control. He made everything up.

Many will recognize a running joke on the board, that 'only 6% of scientists are Republican...or conservatives.' I don't know if that is true...but if it is, it appears that it is a good thing.

Notice that the bogus studies are designed to advance Liberal themes. Perhaps that is because universities are overwhelmingly Liberal...and these themes herald career advancement.

Liberals and truth……oil and water.
Liberal liars are all over in academia.
They play to the audience that can make their careers.
Truth and honesty mean naught.

11. Professor Diederik Stapel of Tilburg University, dean of the university’s School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. " Stapel was an academic star in the Netherlands and abroad, the author of several well-regarded studies on human attitudes and behavior. That spring, he published a widely publicized study in Science about an experiment done at the Utrecht train station showing that a trash-filled environment tended to bring out racist tendencies in individuals. And just days earlier, he received more media attention for a study indicating that eating meat made people selfish and less social."

" [The former was a] study linking racism to environmental untidiness, supposedly conducted during a strike by sanitation workers. In the experiment described in the Science paper, white volunteers were invited to fill out a questionnaire in a seat among a row of six chairs; the row was empty except for the first chair, which was taken by a black occupant or a white one. Stapel and his co-author claimed that white volunteers tended to sit farther away from the black person when the surrounding area was strewn with garbage.

He made everything up. All of it. " Overnight, Stapel went from being a respected professor to perhaps the biggest con man in academic science..... Stapel’s fraud may shine a spotlight on dishonesty in science, but scientific fraud is hardly new. The rogues’ gallery of academic liars and cheats features scientific celebrities who have enjoyed similar prominence.

The once-celebrated South Korean stem-cell researcher Hwang Woo Suk stunned scientists in his field a few years ago after it was discovered that almost all of the work for which he was known was fraudulent. The prominent Harvard evolutionary biologist Marc Hauser resigned in 2011 during an investigation by the Office of Research Integrity at the Department of Health and Human Services that would end up determining that some of his papers contained fabricated data."

" Every year, the Office of Research Integrity uncovers numerous instances¬ of bad behavior by scientists, ranging from lying on grant applications to using fake images in publications. A blog called Retraction Watch publishes a steady stream of posts about papers being retracted by journals because of allegations or evidence of misconduct."
12. Liars….er, Liberals, control universities and what the captive audience is ‘taught.’
The ratio of Democrat Professors vs Republican....


"Notice by the way that engineers tend to be much more Republican, yet there are NO Republican “communications” professors at this sample of “elite” colleges. Think about that. Engineers must deal with reality, things like gravity, amplitude, chemical reactions, tinsel strength. “Communications” on the other hand is about crafting narratives and spin. These people often end up going to journalism school. What does that tell you?"
39% of "elite" liberal arts colleges have 0 registered Republican professors - as in NONE
…is not science.

1.Science is correctly defined as the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.(Google)

2. But if the human beings producing understanding called ‘science’ recognize that their incomes and careers are bound to the conclusions they advance….well….it’s not science any more. That’s why we see all sorts of pronouncements claiming thousands of scientists agree with the Global Warming scam.

3. The same effect is produced when ideology, not money, is the factor in academic studies.

It is essential to Liberal/Progressive/Democrat victory that the America remains viewed as a racist society, founded on slavery, and any underachievement by black American is due to same.

Recently, Science Magazine published this study:

Police violence and the health of black infants

Police use of force is a controversial issue, but the broader consequences and spillover effects are not well understood. This study examines the impact of in utero exposure to police killings of unarmed blacks in the residential environment on black infants’ health.

Using a preregistered, quasi-experimental design and data from 3.9 million birth records in California from 2007 to 2016, the findings show that police killings of unarmed blacks substantially decrease the birth weight and gestational age of black infants residing nearby. There is no discernible effect on white and Hispanic infants or for police killings of armed blacks and other race victims, suggesting that the effect reflects stress and anxiety related to perceived injustice and discrimination. Police violence thus has spillover effects on the health of newborn infants that contribute to enduring black-white disparities in infant health and the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage at the earliest stages of life.” Police violence and the health of black infants

Gettin' this?
“…in utero exposure to police killings of unarmed blacks in the residential environment on black infants’ health…. police killings of unarmed blacks substantially decrease the birth weight and gestational age of black infants residing nearby.”

Good thing the Democrat Party is around to take care of those black unborn babies (before Planned Parenthood can get their hands on ‘em) and reign in those racist cops!!!

4. The handmaidens of Liberalism pumped it out like a Carvel ice cream dispenser:

“Police shootings of unarmed black Americans have escalated a national debate about racial injustice and the use of force. A new study says they could also be harming the health of infants not directly involved in the incidents.”
How police shootings of unarmed black Americans could harm infant health

How could any right-thinking American not vote Democrat,….to protect those innocent babies???

I was about to correct you and say there is no such thing but your post made that unnecessary.
As per the OP......Liberal Science is not science.

Time to prove it.......

7. OK…had you on the hook long enough. Guess what….

“Study: Pregnant Mothers Exposed to Police Killings More Likely to Deliver Underweight Black Infants”

….turns out to be just what any normal person guessed from the start…Bogggggggussssss!!!!

Just like Global Warming.

“UPDATE 12/12/19, 1:30 pm ET: After publication, errors in the data set and data analysis were identified. Joscha Legewie could not replicate his original findings and the journal is retracting his paper. The story appears below in its original form.:
Police Shootings May Be Causing Black Infants Long-Term Harm

“Editors’ note (Dec. 12, 2019): The author of the study upon which this story is based has retracted the paper, published last week in Science Advances, citing data classification errors.”
How police shootings of unarmed black Americans could harm infant health

“Study linking police violence and black infants’ health is retracted ….effort to repeat the analysis with corrected data found no significant link between police violence and infants’ chances of being born early or having a lower birth weight, said author Joscha Legewie, a sociologist at Harvard University.”
Study linking police violence and black infants' health is retracted

Wadda I tell ya’ about Liberal Science….???

More Liberal science......

"Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed that clues in the small-scale structure of the universe point to the existence of numerous parallel worlds.
There are still equations, physical rules, patterns that must be obeyed. Some possible alternate worlds can come true. But not all of them,” Carroll said.

In the past, Carroll has advanced some groundbreaking yet controversial theories on topics such as the Big Bang theory and the nature of time.

He has said that the universe didn’t start in a huge explosion as most people now believe, but instead it is an infinitely old, constantly inflating entity in which time can run both forward and backward.

For Carroll quantum physics is not something that can be broken down and explained in simpler terms.

As far as we currently know,” he writes.

“Quantum mechanics isn’t just an approximation to the truth; it is the truth.”

Physics is stuck trying to understand the fundamentals of nature and the Big Bang,” Carroll said.

It’s time to take a step back and understand its foundations. It’s time to tackle our understanding of the quantum world.”

In 2011 physicist Brian Greene wrote a book exploring the possibility called The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos.

“You almost can’t avoid having some version of the multiverse in your studies if you push deeply enough in the mathematical descriptions of the physical universe,” Greene told NPR.

“There are many of us thinking of one version of parallel universe theory or another. If it’s all a lot of nonsense, then it’s a lot of wasted effort going into this far-out idea. But if this idea is correct, it is a fantastic upheaval in our understanding.”

Even Stephen Hawking suggested that, thanks to quantum mechanics, the Big Bang supplied us with an endless number of universes, not just one.

Up until this point understanding quantum physics and its realms has been impossible, but Carroll hopes that is changing thanks to technology.

Now we’re getting better at that,” Carroll says.Technology has improved. Maybe things are going to change.”

Greene, Carroll, and Hawking may be right, and researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee want to find out if there are multiverses or mirror images of our own reality. The team was set to record experiments last year sending a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel, past a powerful magnet and into an impenetrable wall.

If it exists, it would form a bubble of reality nestling within the fabric of space and time alongside our own familiar universe, with some particles capable of switching between the two,” lead researcher Leah Broussard told New Scientist.

The shocking comments were made on the Jeff Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast last year. Carroll says that the fact that tiny particles like electrons and photons don’t have one set location in the universe is evidence that there are many parallel universes."
Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist And We May Soon Explore Them

Amazing what the taxpayer is hit up for.

As usual, as long as the view runs counter to religion, and the Bible, some morons will stroke their chins, and agree.....

And...yes.....Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll is an atheist.

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