Liberal, Socialist, Communist Extreme Gun Restrictions Lead To Gun Confiscation Which Leads To Turning Citizens Into Subjects


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

People will turn people in here in America. The test of this virus proves it. People have been fired from jobs comparing this to Jewish people in Nazi Germany. Most of the Progs will get in your face but whither when hit back. the problem is that many Non Prog do not hit back. If the worst happens, all of you non progs never help a Prog in that time period if needed. Never!!! They brought this on us all.
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Lol, it is paranoid.
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While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns
People will turn people in here in America. The test of this virus proves it. People have been fired from jobs comparing this to Jewish people in Nazi Germany. Most of the Progs will get in your face but whither when hit back. the problem is that many Non Prog do not hit back. If the worst happens, all of you non progs never help a Prog in that time period if needed. Never!!! They brought this on us all.

Indeed. I was totally surprised at the number of people who readily turned in their neighbors at the drop of a hat for not "masking up or going down the wrong aisle in the grocery store".

God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......
People will turn people in here in America. The test of this virus proves it. People have been fired from jobs comparing this to Jewish people in Nazi Germany. Most of the Progs will get in your face but whither when hit back. the problem is that many Non Prog do not hit back. If the worst happens, all of you non progs never help a Prog in that time period if needed. Never!!! They brought this on us all.

Indeed. I was totally surprised at the number of people who readily turned in their neighbors at the drop of a hat for not "masking up or going down the wrong aisle in the grocery store".

God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......

Snitches get stitches
People will turn people in here in America. The test of this virus proves it. People have been fired from jobs comparing this to Jewish people in Nazi Germany. Most of the Progs will get in your face but whither when hit back. the problem is that many Non Prog do not hit back. If the worst happens, all of you non progs never help a Prog in that time period if needed. Never!!! They brought this on us all.

Indeed. I was totally surprised at the number of people who readily turned in their neighbors at the drop of a hat for not "masking up or going down the wrong aisle in the grocery store".

God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......

Snitches get stitches

At my age (unfortunately) my ass-kicking days are well behind me. Now that doesn't mean that I won't take a ball bat to their little pointed heads.....;)
I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.
God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......
If the government actually began that process, it WOULD trigger a civil war. The sheep in the blue cesspool cities will cheer (except for the gang bangers) but in the rest of America there will be sufficient resistance that the situation will quickly go critical. At some point, cops will have to shoot citizens whose only "crime" is to ignore an unconstitutional edict. I don't know about your part of the country but where I live, that kind of action will end badly for everyone.
The Left/Marxists won't care a bit if violence is the result. Their real goal is to weaken, destroy, and then "rebuild" America into one of their "utopias". If these 2 gun control bills are signed into law, ESPECIALLY if it's done by removing the filibuster, it will lead to hundreds of local and state jurisdictions creating 2A sanctuaries.
I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.
It isn't a party/political issue. This is about freedom and protecting the Constitution. I suspect there are many like you whose political beliefs don't mesh at all with conservatives but who STILL understand that 2A is all that stands between us and a police state.
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

The only legal way to prevent crazy and violent people from being dangerous is to mandate they live under supervision.
There is no other way to prevent them from being able to get any dangerous thing they want, legally or illegally.
Firearms are the least of our worries, as if they instead obtain flammables, toxins, explosive chemicals, etc., they not only can easily kill far more people, but can get away with it easily as they don't have to be there.
God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......
If the government actually began that process, it WOULD trigger a civil war. The sheep in the blue cesspool cities will cheer (except for the gang bangers) but in the rest of America there will be sufficient resistance that the situation will quickly go critical. At some point, cops will have to shoot citizens whose only "crime" is to ignore an unconstitutional edict. I don't know about your part of the country but where I live, that kind of action will end badly for everyone.
The Left/Marxists won't care a bit if violence is the result. Their real goal is to weaken, destroy, and then "rebuild" America into one of their "utopias". If these 2 gun control bills are signed into law, ESPECIALLY if it's done by removing the filibuster, it will lead to hundreds of local and state jurisdictions creating 2A sanctuaries.
Down here in Florida, our Governor will not have any gun banning. As a matter of fact, if the feds show up at my door, the castle doctrine will be my defense since any FBI agent is the enemy of the people.

The Florida "Castle Doctrine" law basically does three things: One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
Florida Castle Doctrine -
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Lol, it is paranoid.
No, snowflake - it's history.
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

Laws already exist to prevent crazy people and violent criminals from owning guns, it's just that cat lady twats like you don't feel like enforcing laws against actual criminals, you prefer to go after law abiding citizens that disagree with you politically.

Why haven't your 30 cats eaten your dried up snatch yet?
I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.

Lol, the old "it wasn't socialism they were doing it wrong" trope.
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

God bless you my Friend and expand your territory.
I copied his brilliant article and saved it to my storage for future reference.

I think it's about time for me to create a new website, "The Gun Control Fraud."
So much material refutes all of liberalism's lies.
God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......
If the government actually began that process, it WOULD trigger a civil war. The sheep in the blue cesspool cities will cheer (except for the gang bangers) but in the rest of America there will be sufficient resistance that the situation will quickly go critical. At some point, cops will have to shoot citizens whose only "crime" is to ignore an unconstitutional edict. I don't know about your part of the country but where I live, that kind of action will end badly for everyone.
The Left/Marxists won't care a bit if violence is the result. Their real goal is to weaken, destroy, and then "rebuild" America into one of their "utopias". If these 2 gun control bills are signed into law, ESPECIALLY if it's done by removing the filibuster, it will lead to hundreds of local and state jurisdictions creating 2A sanctuaries.

I live in Kansas. Here we have Constitutional Carry and I carry every day. No license, open carry - concealed carry.

Should this actually come to fruition and gun seizures begin to take place, I'm an old man and I have lived a good life, I have no regrets. I WILL make a stand. Someone (whichever police organization) will have to come through my door first. That person will accompany me to the Great Beyond. I spent a large part of my life as an Army CID investigator and I can not envision a situation where I might have to turn my weapon on a contemporary, but turn on him I will.

I pray to God this doesn't happen because it will pit Americans against Americans. This country simply cannot survive that situation. Civil war will become a reality.
Lol, it is paranoid.

Ignorance is the weapon the Nazis and you Communist Chinese who hold their leash seek to employ.

An educated people who know history can easily recognize that what the Nazis are doing here is identical to what countless other tyrannies have done in the past. You seek to turn America into a vassal of the fascist lords of Communist China. An armed populace can rise up successfully as we have seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. You of the CCP and your Nazi puppet government in America fear that above all else.
God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......
If the government actually began that process, it WOULD trigger a civil war. The sheep in the blue cesspool cities will cheer (except for the gang bangers) but in the rest of America there will be sufficient resistance that the situation will quickly go critical. At some point, cops will have to shoot citizens whose only "crime" is to ignore an unconstitutional edict. I don't know about your part of the country but where I live, that kind of action will end badly for everyone.
The Left/Marxists won't care a bit if violence is the result. Their real goal is to weaken, destroy, and then "rebuild" America into one of their "utopias". If these 2 gun control bills are signed into law, ESPECIALLY if it's done by removing the filibuster, it will lead to hundreds of local and state jurisdictions creating 2A sanctuaries.

I live in Kansas. Here we have Constitutional Carry and I carry every day. No license, open carry - concealed carry.

Should this actually come to fruition and gun seizures begin to take place, I'm an old man and I have lived a good life, I have no regrets. I WILL make a stand. Someone (whichever police organization) will have to come through my door first. That person will accompany me to the Great Beyond. I spent a large part of my life as an Army CID investigator and I can not envision a situation where I might have to turn my weapon on a contemporary, but turn on him I will.

I pray to God this doesn't happen because it will pit Americans against Americans. This country simply cannot survive that situation. Civil war will become a reality.

Sadly, this is all part of the plan.

As Americans fight Americans to stave off the Nazi overthrow of our once great Republic, Harris and the Reich will call on China to "restore order."
God help us if gun confiscation ever becomes a reality.......
If the government actually began that process, it WOULD trigger a civil war. The sheep in the blue cesspool cities will cheer (except for the gang bangers) but in the rest of America there will be sufficient resistance that the situation will quickly go critical. At some point, cops will have to shoot citizens whose only "crime" is to ignore an unconstitutional edict. I don't know about your part of the country but where I live, that kind of action will end badly for everyone.
The Left/Marxists won't care a bit if violence is the result. Their real goal is to weaken, destroy, and then "rebuild" America into one of their "utopias". If these 2 gun control bills are signed into law, ESPECIALLY if it's done by removing the filibuster, it will lead to hundreds of local and state jurisdictions creating 2A sanctuaries.

I live in Kansas. Here we have Constitutional Carry and I carry every day. No license, open carry - concealed carry.

Should this actually come to fruition and gun seizures begin to take place, I'm an old man and I have lived a good life, I have no regrets. I WILL make a stand. Someone (whichever police organization) will have to come through my door first. That person will accompany me to the Great Beyond. I spent a large part of my life as an Army CID investigator and I can not envision a situation where I might have to turn my weapon on a contemporary, but turn on him I will.

I pray to God this doesn't happen because it will pit Americans against Americans. This country simply cannot survive that situation. Civil war will become a reality.

Sadly, this is all part of the plan.

As Americans fight Americans to stave off the Nazi overthrow of our once great Republic, Harris and the Reich will call on China to "restore order."

I could see that scenario happening..........

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