Liberal writes letter to editor about the Redskins

Why is the writer a liberal? Isn't a person in America allowed to have an opinion without some moron labeling them according to their own stereotypical, lack of thought, mostly empty head?

"Over the past half century, hundreds of high-school and college athletic programs, facing opposition from students or simply coming to their senses, have jettisoned their Native American nicknames and mascots. They’ve been left with some odd stuff: generically combative animals, vague and hard-to-animate color names, and, in the case of Stanford’s unofficial mascot, one seriously strange-looking tree. Yet, though these new mascots and nicknames lack pedigree, they at least can be worn with pride, as they represent an overdue recognition that the appropriation of a minority people’s culture is inappropriate, and that a celebration of retrograde and false stereotypes, like savagery and warrior-like ferocity, is embarrassing. Since 1971, nearly two-thirds of professional and amateur athletic teams bearing Native American iconography have made a change. But there are some holdouts. In fact, there are still dozens of high schools that assemble at pep rallies and football games under the banner of “Redskins.”"

Washington Redskins Face New Challenge of Ugly Name : The New Yorker
With all the problems this country has this is the fight they want to fight. To much political correctness in this country. Grow a pair Liberals!!

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