liberalism is nothing but emotion. NO logic


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Would you say liberalism is based on emotion more than anything else? I honestly dont see much logic in the ideology.

Look at that poor guy. He needs welfare
they might have came in the country illegally, but making them go back is mean
john has more money than sarah, so we should take half oh johns money and give it to sarah. After all its "fair"
Scared to offend slackers... Why does the losing team need a trophy? they didnt win! I understand they are just kids but damn people you are setting a precedent!!!!!
It seems to only be different for the right. We are just racists, nazis, bigots etc. But guys... thats not "nice"
All they are about are feelings.
In the liberal world, everybody must be made to feel like a winner, and a person's bad situation, even though directly caused their own actions, are not their fault.
They live in a utopia...translated from it's greek origin: a fantasy land/nonexistant paradise.
And worse, they keep trying to CREATE a utopia by forcing retarded ideals onto the public.
Man's very NATURE clashes with the idea of a utopia. It simply cannot happen. :cuckoo:
just because you disagree with an opinion doesn't make it more or less logical or emotional than your own position. it just means you disagree with it.

the need to lump a group in to one category and dismiss their ideas out of hand based on a preconceived notion that they're based solely on emotions is at best a sign of weakness.
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How are they not?
What fuckin logic is there to take a hard workers money and give it to a POS?
What fuckin logic is there to let all these illegals legal, but cut back on military tuition? well beside spolitical theater
What fuckin logic is there to want to take away guns because because some kids got murdered? EMOTION there isnt no goddamn logic to that is there?
If even once Conservatives were on the right side of history, if even once a Conservative proffered an opinion that was based in fact rather than anecdote, if even once a Conservative reasoned out the conclusion of his ideology, you might have a point.

As it is, you cannot persuade without precedent. You cannot convince without winning results.

A made up mind is a closed mind. Those who cling to failed ideology are both delusional and specious. Congratulations!
No, that's the right wingers.

"Oh those poor, poor, rich people! The deserve every tax break and government handout they can get! They deserve it!"

"We should take any job at any pay mr corporate master gives us! He is so nice even to offer us a job, we should worship him!"

"Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We need to force huge government on women to tell them what they can and can't do with their own bodies!"

"I'm so oppressed! Everyone iz gunna take all my gunzzzzz! Poor, poor me!"
"Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We need to force huge government on women to tell them what they can and can't do with their own bodies!"

"I'm so oppressed! Everyone iz gunna take all my gunzzzzz! Poor, poor me!"

Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We must abolish the Second Amendment!
Actually my mind is pretty open. I like you BS judgement about me though :thup:
I like how you say failed ideology. I needed a laugh
Obviously both have failed. Look at us :)
Open your eyes dipshit
now, you are saying the examples I gave are not based on emotion?
No, that's the right wingers.

"Oh those poor, poor, rich people! The deserve every tax break and government handout they can get! They deserve it!"

"We should take any job at any pay mr corporate master gives us! He is so nice even to offer us a job, we should worship him!"

"Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We need to force huge government on women to tell them what they can and can't do with their own bodies!"

"I'm so oppressed! Everyone iz gunna take all my gunzzzzz! Poor, poor me!"

I partially agree with the first quotation
The rest is just partisan psycho babble Bullshit.
The other one I might have agreed with (abortion)but you turned into a hack rant as usual
"Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We need to force huge government on women to tell them what they can and can't do with their own bodies!"

"I'm so oppressed! Everyone iz gunna take all my gunzzzzz! Poor, poor me!"

Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We must abolish the Second Amendment!

Liberalism and logic doesn't work.

Barry's NEW ACA. the REGULATIONS alone, when stacked on the floor are 7 feet 3 inches tall. JUST PAPER!

21 NEW taxes on Americans totaling 1.06 TRILLION dollars that will be passed on to every American.

Liberals call that "progressive".......
Now look here. If we don't bypass the Fourth Amendment, the terrorists could blow up a dirty bomb in your basement any day now.

We must do this, for the children!

And by the way, THEY'RE CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ!!! How are you going to defend yourself against rapists?

The appeal to emotion fallacy is not exclusive to the Left, unfortunately. Just listen to the doom music behind a lot of the whacko right wing conspiracy theory films. Now that I have mentioned it, you won't be able to miss it.
No, that's the right wingers.

"Oh those poor, poor, rich people! The deserve every tax break and government handout they can get! They deserve it!"

"We should take any job at any pay mr corporate master gives us! He is so nice even to offer us a job, we should worship him!"

"Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We need to force huge government on women to tell them what they can and can't do with their own bodies!"

"I'm so oppressed! Everyone iz gunna take all my gunzzzzz! Poor, poor me!"

I partially agree with the first quotation
The rest is just partisan psycho babble Bullshit.
The other one I might have agreed with (abortion)but you turned into a hack rant as usual

It's all 100% facts. The right wingers are nutcases. Here's a few more.

"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"

"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!

"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"
All liberals are not illogical, but the vast majority of the left wing wackos cannot even see the contradictions in their ideology. They fail to comprehend that one cannot share wealth unless there is wealth. Otherwise, they would not be opposed to the creation of wealth. They fail to comprehend that American wealth is highly dependent upon cheap energy. Otherwise, they would not be opposed to oil, gas and coal.

They fail to understand that 330 million people need to be clothed, fed, housed and heated, and that cannot be accomplished without exploiting the earth. That we have to find reasonable compromise between clean air and water, and the ability of people to live and thrive. We have to use our resources, we cannot afford the look, but don't touch, idiocy of the environmentalists.

They fail to understand that we cannot insist that illegal aliens have the right to stay here, but they do not have the right to work and make a living here. Why insist that they be allowed to stay, and also insist that people who hire them should be prosecuted.

They do not understand that a thriving, growing economy is good for the rich, the middle class, the working class, and the poor. They do not understand that the same thriving, growing economy is good for government revenues at all levels of government, and far better than a tax hike on those who are using their resources to build that economy.

They never learned that "making money" is a uniquely American term and means creating wealth.
Actually my mind is pretty open. I like you BS judgement about me though :thup:
I like how you say failed ideology. I needed a laugh
Obviously both have failed. Look at us :)
Open your eyes dipshit
now, you are saying the examples I gave are not based on emotion?

I call it a failed ideology because economically, it has resulted in the greatest disparately of concentration of wealth since the 19th century essentially killing the middle class. Favoring the wealthy because you think they're job providers might make sense, if the wealthy did indeed create jobs. But economics have changed. It used to be the wealthy got that way by producing something, thus requiring a labor force and voilà creating jobs. Today, getting rich doesn't mean you've made a better mousetrap, it means you've made a killing in the markets.

Socially, Conservatism offers nothing NOTHING but hate, suspicion, fear and repression. Think about it. Every advance in human rights was opposed by Conservatives. Every expansion of liberty and freedom was resisted by Conservatives. Unless you want to re-write history and tell us that Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Phyllis Schlafly, Bull Connor and Lester Maddox were, in fact Birkenstock wearing tree hugging Kumbya singing Liberals.

And the examples you set forth are based in emotion. Your emotion. You failed to cite legitimate Liberal ideas. Rather you cloaked them in the stilted rhetoric of the closed minded.
Would you say liberalism is based on emotion more than anything else? I honestly dont see much logic in the ideology.

Look at that poor guy. He needs welfare
they might have came in the country illegally, but making them go back is mean
john has more money than sarah, so we should take half oh johns money and give it to sarah. After all its "fair"
Scared to offend slackers... Why does the losing team need a trophy? they didnt win! I understand they are just kids but damn people you are setting a precedent!!!!!
It seems to only be different for the right. We are just racists, nazis, bigots etc. But guys... thats not "nice"
All they are about are feelings.
In the liberal world, everybody must be made to feel like a winner, and a person's bad situation, even though directly caused their own actions, are not their fault.
They live in a utopia...translated from it's greek origin: a fantasy land/nonexistant paradise.
And worse, they keep trying to CREATE a utopia by forcing retarded ideals onto the public.
Man's very NATURE clashes with the idea of a utopia. It simply cannot happen. :cuckoo:

So...that's how you feel about our nation's Founders, huh.....
Some days it seems like the same day. Haven't we gone over this time and time again and haven't we decided on some point, on some policy, on some issue, everyone is a liberal. And haven't we also decided that on some days, and on some topics, and on some issues, everyone is a conservative. And while I am guilty too, let's at least make an effort to stop repeating the same tired cliches and see if we can find something pertinent about the issues that one thinks are liberal. The OP is boring beyond words. Heard it heard it heard it. Move on, forward even.

If I were to label myself it would be liberal progressive probabilist with touches of pragmatic communitarian recognizing it is most often luck or the hand we are dealt that matters and not the stuff circling around in our heads, and we should enjoy this time, work hard, measure the words we use and foster this earth we walk on, oh and help others too.
Now look here. If we don't bypass the Fourth Amendment, the terrorists could blow up a dirty bomb in your basement any day now.

We must do this, for the children!

And by the way, THEY'RE CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ!!! How are you going to defend yourself against rapists?

The appeal to emotion fallacy is not exclusive to the Left, unfortunately. Just listen to the doom music behind a lot of the whacko right wing conspiracy theory films. Now that I have mentioned it, you won't be able to miss it.

I agree man. But I would say, at least for me, more on logic than emotion. Far righters, well,
Example : I am pro-choice. Abortion is fine by me. Know why? My emotions take over. imagine that :eek:
No, that's the right wingers.

"Oh those poor, poor, rich people! The deserve every tax break and government handout they can get! They deserve it!"

"We should take any job at any pay mr corporate master gives us! He is so nice even to offer us a job, we should worship him!"

"Oh those poor innocent children being murdered! We need to force huge government on women to tell them what they can and can't do with their own bodies!"

"I'm so oppressed! Everyone iz gunna take all my gunzzzzz! Poor, poor me!"

I partially agree with the first quotation
The rest is just partisan psycho babble Bullshit.
The other one I might have agreed with (abortion)but you turned into a hack rant as usual

It's all 100% facts. The right wingers are nutcases. Here's a few more.

"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"

"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!

"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"

You are a goddamn kook.
Fact? You are one to talk about facts. Your hackness reminds me of TM and Lud
"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!
^ that was re-signed by obama :eek:
"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"
^ What started all this? Fuckin emotion! You starting to get it yet? No didnt figure you did.
"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"
^ Didnt they find yellow cake uranium? That could have been debunked IDK If I am wrong would love proof. Anyways, you are being a retarded hypocrite because they scared the shit out of the dems that voted for it as well!
All liberals are not illogical, but the vast majority of the left wing wackos cannot even see the contradictions in their ideology. They fail to comprehend that one cannot share wealth unless there is wealth. Otherwise, they would not be opposed to the creation of wealth. They fail to comprehend that American wealth is highly dependent upon cheap energy. Otherwise, they would not be opposed to oil, gas and coal.

They fail to understand that 330 million people need to be clothed, fed, housed and heated, and that cannot be accomplished without exploiting the earth. That we have to find reasonable compromise between clean air and water, and the ability of people to live and thrive. We have to use our resources, we cannot afford the look, but don't touch, idiocy of the environmentalists.

They fail to understand that we cannot insist that illegal aliens have the right to stay here, but they do not have the right to work and make a living here. Why insist that they be allowed to stay, and also insist that people who hire them should be prosecuted.

They do not understand that a thriving, growing economy is good for the rich, the middle class, the working class, and the poor. They do not understand that the same thriving, growing economy is good for government revenues at all levels of government, and far better than a tax hike on those who are using their resources to build that economy.

They never learned that "making money" is a uniquely American term and means creating wealth.

Dude I dont agree with a lot the repubs do. Another terrible judgement :thup:
Would you say liberalism is based on emotion more than anything else? I honestly dont see much logic in the ideology.

Look at that poor guy. He needs welfare
they might have came in the country illegally, but making them go back is mean
john has more money than sarah, so we should take half oh johns money and give it to sarah. After all its "fair"
Scared to offend slackers... Why does the losing team need a trophy? they didnt win! I understand they are just kids but damn people you are setting a precedent!!!!!
It seems to only be different for the right. We are just racists, nazis, bigots etc. But guys... thats not "nice"
All they are about are feelings.
In the liberal world, everybody must be made to feel like a winner, and a person's bad situation, even though directly caused their own actions, are not their fault.
They live in a utopia...translated from it's greek origin: a fantasy land/nonexistant paradise.
And worse, they keep trying to CREATE a utopia by forcing retarded ideals onto the public.
Man's very NATURE clashes with the idea of a utopia. It simply cannot happen. :cuckoo:

There is no logic in what you post. Does that make you a liberal?

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