Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

You're taking quite a beating, huh?
Oh man its been sides are hurting ....stop it you are gonna make me pee ...LOL

Donald Trump Child Rape Allegation - YouTube

You'd best change your Depends, huh?
You'd best change your Depends, huh?
I am going to go change the water in my bong the way that Nanny Government thinks its going to ban me from smoking marijuana ...No shot of that ..
The Salacious Ammo Even Donald Trump Won't Use in a Fight Against ...
Meanwhile, message pads [see below] from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called ...


Well....if you're too afraid to stick to the issues up to now..... about these from this very thread?

6. One dope tried to claim that being in favor of the death penalty meant one should also favor abortion.
Liberalism: "It's All About Me"
Liberal logic at its finest.

7. Embarrassed by the truths about Liberals being revealed, another one leapt to the bumper-sticker 'Trump is a Fascist!!"
Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Uneducated as they are, he didn't realize that not only is Fascism tied to Liberalism, but that Democrat/Liberal demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, used Mussolini's Fascism as his 'New Deal.'

Gads, Liberals are dumb!

8. Next, the Liberal claim that a foetus is simply a part of a woman's body, and she can excise it at any time:
"Liberty" is killing the unborn????
Liberalism: "It's All About Me"
Of course, I simply pointed out that, while carried in the mothers' body, the unborn is unique, different fingerprints, DNA, often different blood type, sex and other characteristics.

Gads, Liberals are dumb!

9. And yet another fool claimed as 'liberty' his right to kill another human being.

I had to point out that 'convenience' was the excuse for said murder in the overwhelming majority of abortions.....and it being convenient has never been a defense for murder.

10. I asked this question, for which I never get an answer: Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?
'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.

11. When Liberals sense that they are losing the argument....they simply make stuff up.
" Yes baby that's born is viable on its own. It doesn't even need its mother another person can come along and take care of it."
Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Yet the same fools voted for Hussein, who warned that having a baby is a 'punishment,' and voted for a bill that would leave a baby born.....born....of a botched abortion, to lie there until it dies.
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky


If you're offended,....I'll help you pack

No thinks. As offensive as you are, I'm never offended, nor an I stimulated by your written words.

"No thinks (sic). As offensive as you are, ...."


I really make you nervous, huh?

1. Your post was so vague as to represent both your writing and what passes for thinking on your part.

2. "As offensive as you are,..."
I'm very careful of how I express my opinions of you because I want to put as much vituperation in them as possible.

3. While you claim to find me 'offensive,' you stick to me- as a professor of mine used to say...'like manure to a wet blanket.'
I know what a treasured moment this is for you- actually conversing with moi- and I don't say that often- eight or ten times a day tops.

4. Exposing yourself to the mockery I heap upon you every time you post is a small price to pay for fame!

And by small I mean huge, and by fame I mean humiliation.

Your cavil post is above you. You go low, and then lower with every foolish attack on EVERYONE who doesn't kiss your ass. You are a mirror image of Donald Trump - and that ain't pretty.
That's pretty selfish of you .

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH LIL TIMMY JUST MADE YOUR POINT FOR YOU!!! MIKE. More proof isn't needed. Murderers, just need to have abortions done on them. If they like them let them have a retroactive one.
I'll go with the Supreme Court, rather than be a wedge issue dupe of the giveaway-to-the-rich GOP, dupe. Abortion as as issue is over. Food stamps and WIC are for the unfortunate, unfortunate mainly because of GOP policy. Crap jobs, no training programs, corrupt bubbles busting, crap infrastructure, etc etc. Great job!.

Did you support the only President in nigh on a century who never had even 3% GDP growth.....with eight chances to do it?

You did?

Soooo....what are you complaining about?
The worst obstruction in living memory, ANOTHER GOP world depression, and brainwashed functional morons like you? We had the best economy in the world and still do...

There was never a GOP world depression.

FDR causes and extended the Depression....a Liberal Democrat.

And the mortgage meltdown was Democrat policy of invading the private housing market.

Own it.

Why would anyone but a biddable fool want to own counterfeit history? Of course your support comes from the set of the easily led and easily fooled supporters of Trump.

Your animus for minorities is well known, what you don't understand is your opinions are that of a minority, you post nothing of substance unless lies, half-truths, rumors and logical fallacies can be inferred as substantive.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH LIL TIMMY JUST MADE YOUR POINT FOR YOU!!! MIKE. More proof isn't needed. Murderers, just need to have abortions done on them. If they like them let them have a retroactive one.
I'll go with the Supreme Court, rather than be a wedge issue dupe of the giveaway-to-the-rich GOP, dupe. Abortion as as issue is over. Food stamps and WIC are for the unfortunate, unfortunate mainly because of GOP policy. Crap jobs, no training programs, corrupt bubbles busting, crap infrastructure, etc etc. Great job!.

Did you support the only President in nigh on a century who never had even 3% GDP growth.....with eight chances to do it?

You did?

Soooo....what are you complaining about?
The worst obstruction in living memory, ANOTHER GOP world depression, and brainwashed functional morons like you? We had the best economy in the world and still do...

There was never a GOP world depression.

FDR causes and extended the Depression....a Liberal Democrat.

And the mortgage meltdown was Democrat policy of invading the private housing market.

Own it.

Why would anyone but a biddable fool want to own counterfeit history? Of course your support comes from the set of the easily led and easily fooled supporters of Trump.

Your animus for minorities is well known, what you don't understand is your opinions are that of a minority, you post nothing of substance unless lies, half-truths, rumors and logical fallacies can be inferred as substantive.

As usual, you are unable to back up a single one of the lies in your post.

There is great danger in living your life based on untruths.... magnanimous as I am, I'll try to help:

"These risks are increased by the fact that so few lies are solitary ones. It is easy, a wit observed, to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one. The first lie "must be thatched with another or it will rain through." More and more lies may come to be needed; the liar always has more mending to do. And the strains on him become greater each time- many have noted that it takes an excellent memory to keep one's untruths in good repair and disentangles. The sheer energy the liar has to devote to shoring them up is energy that honest people can dispose of freely."
"Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life"
By Sissela Bok
p. 25

Now.....go forth and sin no more.
I'll go with the Supreme Court, rather than be a wedge issue dupe of the giveaway-to-the-rich GOP, dupe. Abortion as as issue is over. Food stamps and WIC are for the unfortunate, unfortunate mainly because of GOP policy. Crap jobs, no training programs, corrupt bubbles busting, crap infrastructure, etc etc. Great job!.

Did you support the only President in nigh on a century who never had even 3% GDP growth.....with eight chances to do it?

You did?

Soooo....what are you complaining about?
The worst obstruction in living memory, ANOTHER GOP world depression, and brainwashed functional morons like you? We had the best economy in the world and still do...

There was never a GOP world depression.

FDR causes and extended the Depression....a Liberal Democrat.

And the mortgage meltdown was Democrat policy of invading the private housing market.

Own it.

Why would anyone but a biddable fool want to own counterfeit history? Of course your support comes from the set of the easily led and easily fooled supporters of Trump.

Your animus for minorities is well known, what you don't understand is your opinions are that of a minority, you post nothing of substance unless lies, half-truths, rumors and logical fallacies can be inferred as substantive.

As usual, you are unable to back up a single one of the lies in your post.

There is great danger in living your life based on untruths.... magnanimous as I am, I'll try to help:

"These risks are increased by the fact that so few lies are solitary ones. It is easy, a wit observed, to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one. The first lie "must be thatched with another or it will rain through." More and more lies may come to be needed; the liar always has more mending to do. And the strains on him become greater each time- many have noted that it takes an excellent memory to keep one's untruths in good repair and disentangles. The sheer energy the liar has to devote to shoring them up is energy that honest people can dispose of freely."
"Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life"
By Sissela Bok
p. 25

Now.....go forth and sin no more.

Finally you've posted something of value, Please forward this post to the White House, with copies to The President, VP, Press Secretaries, Atty General, McConnell and Ryan, the Freedom Caucus and P@triot. The latter maybe redundant, since I suspect he is your sock, or your are his.
Did you support the only President in nigh on a century who never had even 3% GDP growth.....with eight chances to do it?

You did?

Soooo....what are you complaining about?
The worst obstruction in living memory, ANOTHER GOP world depression, and brainwashed functional morons like you? We had the best economy in the world and still do...

There was never a GOP world depression.

FDR causes and extended the Depression....a Liberal Democrat.

And the mortgage meltdown was Democrat policy of invading the private housing market.

Own it.

Why would anyone but a biddable fool want to own counterfeit history? Of course your support comes from the set of the easily led and easily fooled supporters of Trump.

Your animus for minorities is well known, what you don't understand is your opinions are that of a minority, you post nothing of substance unless lies, half-truths, rumors and logical fallacies can be inferred as substantive.

As usual, you are unable to back up a single one of the lies in your post.

There is great danger in living your life based on untruths.... magnanimous as I am, I'll try to help:

"These risks are increased by the fact that so few lies are solitary ones. It is easy, a wit observed, to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one. The first lie "must be thatched with another or it will rain through." More and more lies may come to be needed; the liar always has more mending to do. And the strains on him become greater each time- many have noted that it takes an excellent memory to keep one's untruths in good repair and disentangles. The sheer energy the liar has to devote to shoring them up is energy that honest people can dispose of freely."
"Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life"
By Sissela Bok
p. 25

Now.....go forth and sin no more.

Finally you've posted something of value, Please forward this post to the White House, with copies to The President, VP, Press Secretaries, Atty General, McConnell and Ryan, the Freedom Caucus and P@triot. The latter maybe redundant, since I suspect he is your sock, or your are his.

Soooo....which of your lies would you like to correct/retract?
The worst obstruction in living memory, ANOTHER GOP world depression, and brainwashed functional morons like you? We had the best economy in the world and still do...

There was never a GOP world depression.

FDR causes and extended the Depression....a Liberal Democrat.

And the mortgage meltdown was Democrat policy of invading the private housing market.

Own it.

Why would anyone but a biddable fool want to own counterfeit history? Of course your support comes from the set of the easily led and easily fooled supporters of Trump.

Your animus for minorities is well known, what you don't understand is your opinions are that of a minority, you post nothing of substance unless lies, half-truths, rumors and logical fallacies can be inferred as substantive.

As usual, you are unable to back up a single one of the lies in your post.

There is great danger in living your life based on untruths.... magnanimous as I am, I'll try to help:

"These risks are increased by the fact that so few lies are solitary ones. It is easy, a wit observed, to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one. The first lie "must be thatched with another or it will rain through." More and more lies may come to be needed; the liar always has more mending to do. And the strains on him become greater each time- many have noted that it takes an excellent memory to keep one's untruths in good repair and disentangles. The sheer energy the liar has to devote to shoring them up is energy that honest people can dispose of freely."
"Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life"
By Sissela Bok
p. 25

Now.....go forth and sin no more.

Finally you've posted something of value, Please forward this post to the White House, with copies to The President, VP, Press Secretaries, Atty General, McConnell and Ryan, the Freedom Caucus and P@triot. The latter maybe redundant, since I suspect he is your sock, or your are his.

Soooo....which of your lies would you like to correct/retract?

"Finally you've posted something of value". Of course it was sarcasm, but clearly untrue. Amen.
You're nuts, superdupe.

You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!)
You're nuts, superdupe.

You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!) actually went to the trouble to author this post in an effort to deny that you were "practicing heel-clicking as we speak" ????????

Remember all the times I referred to you as a dunce?

I realize now that I was far too kind.
You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!) actually went to the trouble to author this post in an effort to deny that you were "practicing heel-clicking as we speak" ????????

Remember all the times I referred to you as a dunce?

I realize now that I was far too kind.
Try replying, troll/dupe. And Anne Coulter is a HUGE liar...
You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!) actually went to the trouble to author this post in an effort to deny that you were "practicing heel-clicking as we speak" ????????

Remember all the times I referred to you as a dunce?

I realize now that I was far too kind.

You're nuts, superdupe.

You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!)

"Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate)"


How many times must I correct you????

Fascism, as is Nazism, and Communism.....and Left wing doctrine.

But.....Noblesse oblige!
As you have come to rely on me to fill in the educational lacunae....prodigious in fact....I will have to do so once again.

"After 1919, the Fascists developed a theory of the state; until then this was the one element in Fascist political theory which had not been elaborated. Its elaboration, in an extended public debate, gave rise to the "totalitarian" view of the state, notoriously expounded in Mussolini's formula, "Everything in the state, nothing against the state, nothing outside the state." [The word "totalitarian" (totalitario) was first used against Fascism by a liberal opponent, Giovanni Amendola. It was then taken up proudly by Fascists to characterize their own form of state. Later the term was widely employed to refer to the common features of the Fascist, Soviet, and Nazi dictatorships or to denote an ideal type of unlimited government. In this sense, the word was in common use among Anglophone intellectuals by 1935, and in the popular media by 1941."
"The Mystery of Fascism"

by David Ramsay Steele
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!) actually went to the trouble to author this post in an effort to deny that you were "practicing heel-clicking as we speak" ????????

Remember all the times I referred to you as a dunce?

I realize now that I was far too kind.

You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
More of the big lie from the chumps of lying, brainwashing, thieving GOP billionaires....Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate) have a bs hate giant propaganda/fake news machine. See sig- all fact. ("There was no depression in 1929 or 2008- and the Dems caused them" LOL!)

"Only the RW (on the way to RW fascism [the only kind] at this rate)"


How many times must I correct you????

Fascism, as is Nazism, and Communism.....and Left wing doctrine.

But.....Noblesse oblige!
As you have come to rely on me to fill in the educational lacunae....prodigious in fact....I will have to do so once again.

"After 1919, the Fascists developed a theory of the state; until then this was the one element in Fascist political theory which had not been elaborated. Its elaboration, in an extended public debate, gave rise to the "totalitarian" view of the state, notoriously expounded in Mussolini's formula, "Everything in the state, nothing against the state, nothing outside the state." [The word "totalitarian" (totalitario) was first used against Fascism by a liberal opponent, Giovanni Amendola. It was then taken up proudly by Fascists to characterize their own form of state. Later the term was widely employed to refer to the common features of the Fascist, Soviet, and Nazi dictatorships or to denote an ideal type of unlimited government. In this sense, the word was in common use among Anglophone intellectuals by 1935, and in the popular media by 1941."
"The Mystery of Fascism"

by David Ramsay Steele
No mystery. Brand new (2005) RW balderdash, for ignorant dupes only...

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