Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Have I told you lately you are a raging Imbecile ?
Regressive liberal ROE
Conservative two step

Act all Macho Alpha

When a liberal smacks your ass start whining and go tell the teacher a "boy was mean to me":badgrin:

Fuck off Knucklehead ...
Must really piss you off that a real man is making you look like the liberal pass ass that you are...going to cry in the lady's room now?

What is exhilarating about the thread is the number of truths, facts, that were provided..... and the Liberal myths that have been revealed and exploded.

Time to review the thread:

1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Someone recommended aborting all Liberals.....but look at the comedy gold we'd lose!
1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings.
I would like to correct your terminology towards liberal feelings to themselves and others. - LIBERALS hate all humanity, which is why they want the extinction of born and unborn babies. They hate everyone the most, but only hate themselves a little, because no matter what(since they have no God) they cannot find happiness in their miserable lives. So they must FORCE the rest of US to be miserable like them, then there is equality of outcome, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is FAIRNESS....

While, just last week, President Trump spoke on Liberals hatred of western civilization....your point "LIBERALS hate all humanity," may be closer to the heart of the matter.

The Liberal subsidiary, Environmentalism, is based on exactly that: that humanity is a virus that must be eradicated.
For environmentalists, it's all guilt and gloom, and the blame is placed on their own species.... Man is a virus and a despoiler and must be controlled!

It certainly fits the OP, not having children.
What is exhilarating about the thread is the number of truths, facts, that were provided..... and the Liberal myths that have been revealed and exploded.

Time to review the thread:

1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Someone recommended aborting all Liberals.....but look at the comedy gold we'd lose!
1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings.
I would like to correct your terminology towards liberal feelings to themselves and others. - LIBERALS hate all humanity, which is why they want the extinction of born and unborn babies. They hate everyone the most, but only hate themselves a little, because no matter what(since they have no God) they cannot find happiness in their miserable lives. So they must FORCE the rest of US to be miserable like them, then there is equality of outcome, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is FAIRNESS....

While, just last week, President Trump spoke on Liberals hatred of western civilization....your point "LIBERALS hate all humanity," may be closer to the heart of the matter.

The Liberal subsidiary, Environmentalism, is based on exactly that: that humanity is a virus that must be eradicated.
For environmentalists, it's all guilt and gloom, and the blame is placed on their own species.... Man is a virus and a despoiler and must be controlled!

It certainly fits the OP, not having children.
Man is a virus and a despoiler and must be controlled!

Liberalism in general is a virus, and not need to be controlled but eradicated from the world just like we remove cancers from the body. When there is no liberalism, then there is no misery and everyone can be happy.
Have I told you lately you are a raging Imbecile ?
Regressive liberal ROE
Conservative two step

Act all Macho Alpha

When a liberal smacks your ass start whining and go tell the teacher a "boy was mean to me":badgrin:

Fuck off Knucklehead ...

Now.....let's see the Liberal description of Macho Alpha

Zinnia Jones


I also don't believe the blanket claim of "straight men don't want to be with someone who has a dick!"

6:56 PM - 1 Jul 2017

Could she have had you in mind????
While, just last week, President Trump spoke on Liberals hatred of western civilization....your point "LIBERALS hate all humanity," may be closer to the heart of the matter.
Pussy grabbing Declarations and serial sexual assaults on women are the epitome of Donald Trump civilization ...can you go make some "sammiches" and bring us some cool one s...
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.
only Big Coercive GOVERNMENT CAN save the fetus and protect you from "the Homosexuals"

Every time you are stumped you attempt a resort to a non sequitur.

Government school grad???
Must really piss you off that a real man is making you look like the liberal pass ass that you are...going to cry in the lady's room now?
John Wayne dodged draft so he could continue his affair with Marlene ...

I have tears on my face alright ...from Laughter
Hell John Wayne could of been president of the US then..
Bill Clinton -- Draft Dodger, Liar, Flag Burner, Traitor
While, just last week, President Trump spoke on Liberals hatred of western civilization....your point "LIBERALS hate all humanity," may be closer to the heart of the matter.
Pussy grabbing Declarations and serial sexual assaults on women are the epitome of Donald Trump civilization ...can you go make some "sammiches" and bring us some cool one s...

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart
Its easy being me except I tend to be limping occasionally from all the conservative ass kicking I am forced to do as a public service in this here "Right wing Suck Hole"
Could she have had you in mind????

I am the kind of liberal
that's built to last
fuck with me
I'll put my foot
up you ass :2up:

Did I miss what your post has to do with this....
1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

...or have I forced you into yet another non sequitur?

You're taking quite a beating, huh?
While, just last week, President Trump spoke on Liberals hatred of western civilization....your point "LIBERALS hate all humanity," may be closer to the heart of the matter.
Pussy grabbing Declarations and serial sexual assaults on women are the epitome of Donald Trump civilization ...can you go make some "sammiches" and bring us some cool one s...

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Can you show me where the convictions and or the admissions of guilt by Bill Clinton are ...
While, just last week, President Trump spoke on Liberals hatred of western civilization....your point "LIBERALS hate all humanity," may be closer to the heart of the matter.
Pussy grabbing Declarations and serial sexual assaults on women are the epitome of Donald Trump civilization ...can you go make some "sammiches" and bring us some cool one s...

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Can you show me where the convictions and or the admissions of guilt by Bill Clinton are ...

Now, watch me destroy that attempt to hide what you Liberals stand for.

When any Liberal/Progressive/Democrat bootlicker is presented with the list of Bill Clintons rape and sexual misbehaviors, the knee-jerk response of the jerk is the expected: "But...but (sputter- sputter) he was never convicted in any court of law!!

This, of course, is a prime example of sophistry, the use of fallacious arguments, with the intention of deceiving. (i.e., the jerk is a liar.)

This is not a court of law, and the argument does not end with a jail sentence....sadly.

It is the court of real world experience, and is based on one's judgment based on their experience and knowledge, and, especially, the past behavior of the individual in question.

The type of verdict demanded does not require that of a court, it is the court of public opinion.

1. Based on Clinton's history, is the charge that he refused to acknowledge his prey's refusal for sexual intercourse...possible or impossible?

.......probable or improbable?

.....exceptional or expected?

2. Has he been shown to be a liar? Yes, in fact in a court of law.

The answer is clear.

"Bill 'the rapist' Clinton" is an accurate description.

3. The same procedure should be used to examine as to whether charges would even be brought against one of his lofty political stature...and political party.

That question requires even less effort to it has been answered previously, in an even more serious matter: responsibility in the death of a young woman.

I refer to "The Liberal Lion," Ted Kennedy.

4. An auxiliary question might be 'what type of individual would support rapists and murderers as mentioned above?

This, too, is an easy question to answer.

5. Oh.....need I bring up the rapist's many trips to Epstein's 'Sex Slave island'?
"Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known"
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
Does the phrase boner mean anything to you? Instead of calling the New Post Office in Washington DC the "William Jefferson Clinton Building" in honor of a rapist, they should just call it the "Boner Building", save money and time shorting up the plaques with a picture of an erect obelisk.

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