Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

This thread is a real funny one for us liber4al posters as the cons are using every part of propaganda they have to try and make points. The truth is abortions should only be carried out on Conservative people as they are the problem with the world.

You need further education?

No prob....a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a Liberal.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Liberalism/Progrssivism/Socialism/Fascism/Communism/Nazism is based on
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Soooo....why do you choose the latter over the former?

Take your time.
This is a joke right . Everyone know that liberals are for helping those in need , helping those who are routinely targetd by the majority. . While cons are selfish opportunists .

Throw out any issue and you'll see this is true .
When have liberals ever helped anyone "in need"?

Well.....they 'needed' the votes of blacks and illegal they 'helped' themselves to same.
Evidently it was the GOP which got those votes this time around..

That's a funny one.

Try telling it to the children you abort!

That zygote is not a child . But I'll give you that !

Then the baby is born. It's liberals who are for WIC and food stamp assistance to keep the baby healthy . Cons what to cut all that .
It's the cons who are for personal responsibility by not having children until they can support them and not make someone else pay for their children! A concept you clearly have no clue of!


That's pretty selfish of you .

That's one way of looking at it. Here's another. Those who give birth expecting others to pay to raise their children are the selfish ones. Those who have one child after another expecting others to feed, clothe and support their children are the epitome of selfishness. Those who have children and do not know who the father is can't even get child support which might at least put part of the financial responsibility on the parent. It is foolish to claim that someone is selfish just because they expect others to provide for their own children.

PS: There is an indisputable and substantial correlation between criminal behavior and children raised in fatherless households but that's a story for another day.

Correlation does not mean causation!

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
This thread is a real funny one for us liber4al posters as the cons are using every part of propaganda they have to try and make points. The truth is abortions should only be carried out on Conservative people as they are the problem with the world.

You need further education?

No prob....a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a Liberal.

Conservatism is based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Liberalism/Progrssivism/Socialism/Fascism/Communism/Nazism is based on
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Soooo....why do you choose the latter over the former?

Take your time.
You missed out on the prior years of conservative based subjugation of that individualism if one did not comply? How young are you?
The worst obstruction in living memory, ANOTHER GOP world depression, and brainwashed functional morons like you? We had the best economy in the world and still do...

Not under your beloved lying treasonous scum mess-I-ah, If it were not for private industry and the GOP, stopping his agenda we would have been 100 trillion dollars in debt instead of just 30 some odd. His entire goal was to subjugate this country to the countries of the world we have wronged and stolen from in his eyes because he hates this country and wants to bring it down. he sees this country as an Imperial state that has taken its wealth from other countries instead of a country that has generated worldwide wealth and prosperity. That is the general vision of an avowed regalist communist.
We haven't hit 20 yet- And where do you get such gibberish?

From facts dumbass,, The actual total deficit of the USA is about 36 trillion. FINANCIAL FACT!! sorry you really don't know what a FACT is!!!

Well....he doesn't have to know anything.

That's the big perq for being a Liberal.
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

This is why liberals plan on making children wards of the state.

.....ending the role of parents:



"The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible."

· “The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.
You're nuts, superdupe.

You're saying you don't see the value of making children wards of the state?
WTH are you talking about? Of course not...unless they're extremely unfortunate...

I guess you just haven't gotten those marching orders yet; don't worry, as a useful idiot, you'll get behind it when the time comes.

He's practicing heel-clicking as we speak.
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

White and Asian women in the US, by their forties, have had the fewest number of children:

Family Size, by Race and Ethnicity
That is liberal white women by their forties have had the fewest number of children, because liberal women have been brainwashed to hate themselves. Nice job, when there aren't any liberals left, the world will be a better place.

We need to keep a a cautionary tale.
What is exhilarating about the thread is the number of truths, facts, that were provided..... and the Liberal myths that have been revealed and exploded.

Time to review the thread:

1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Someone recommended aborting all Liberals.....but look at the comedy gold we'd lose!
What is exhilarating about the thread is the number of truths, facts, that were provided..... and the Liberal myths that have been revealed and exploded.

Time to review the thread:

1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Someone recommended aborting all Liberals.....but look at the comedy gold we'd lose!
Don't forget that "If we can't abort our kids we need wic and food stamps to take care of them".
Have I told you lately you are a raging Imbecile ?
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
What is exhilarating about the thread is the number of truths, facts, that were provided..... and the Liberal myths that have been revealed and exploded.

Time to review the thread:

1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

Someone recommended aborting all Liberals.....but look at the comedy gold we'd lose!
1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings.
I would like to correct your terminology towards liberal feelings to themselves and others. - LIBERALS hate all humanity, which is why they want the extinction of born and unborn babies. They hate everyone the most, but only hate themselves a little, because no matter what(since they have no God) they cannot find happiness in their miserable lives. So they must FORCE the rest of US to be miserable like them, then there is equality of outcome, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is FAIRNESS....
Time to review the thread:
To summarize all Conservatives we have their spokesperson Ayn Rand

I understand you'd rather change the

Was there anything inaccurate here?

1. That Liberals love themselves far more than society and other human beings. It is jaw-dropping to normal folks to read that Liberals find that having babies is 'immoral.'
And the basis for this is the pagan believe in worship of Earth-Mother, Gaia.

2. As the saying goes, 'to know what the Left is doing, or believes, notice what they blame the other side for.' So, when a Leftist dolt says " I thought they had kids so they could live off of them," we see the only reason why Leftists have children. Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

3. And when one moron offered this myth, "the earth is only so big and at the rate the cons are using up resources there will be no resources left in 50 years," I provided the destruct of that tale, one that exploded it 30 years ago: "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!"

But....on the Left, Malthus survives.
They need the fear of some impending tragic event to enforce the belief that only big, coercive government will save them.

4. And the same dolt offered this lie: "for planned Parenthood the majority of the abortions provided are for the religious reich children who though the rhythm method worked. Liberal women go for prenatal care and help with childbirth." Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

The truth is very different:
" within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods."

The original design of Planned Parenthood was the eradication of 'undesirable' populations.

5. Unable to recognize that they were verifying the OP, Liberal dunces rushed forward to offer support for abortion!!!
I don't know what they take to make them stupid...but it sure works!

And....all sorts of inadvertent attempts do disparage having children:

"This whole thread is about cons having a bunch of kids .! The idea that as long as you don't get welfare , there is no cost to society. " Liberalism: "It's All About Me"
Have I told you lately you are a raging Imbecile ?
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

And...the ever-popular...."Buuuuuuusssssshhhh!!!!!"

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