Liberalism: the art of deception


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Global warming, 30 years ago it was global cooling

Iraq: most of the intel came from Clintons people. 29 Dem. senators voted for the war

Defict(s): in 2007 it was 162 billion, by 2009 it was 1.4 trillion with the same GWB base line after BHO adds 500 billion

Trevon: I wonder what BHO will say to the baseball player murdered in the mid west. could he have been his son?

Transparency: from Holders gun running to Beghazi to the IRS to the NSA, it is the most up side down scenario I have ever seen

Red line: steady moving while the people of Syria are gassed (probably with Saddams WMDS)

Arab Spring: has turned into Arab death. the brother hood could not hold there true colors back long enough to assure power

Job Creation: Job failure. without the states drilling, there are no full time job creation

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