Liberalism Versus Blacks


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Liberalism Versus Blacks

January 15, 2013
By Thomas Sowell



San Francisco is a classic example of a city unexcelled in its liberalism. But the black population of San Francisco today is less than half of what it was back in 1970, even though the city’s total population has grown.

Severe restrictions on building housing in San Francisco have driven rents and home prices so high that blacks and other people with low or moderate incomes have been driven out of the city. The same thing has happened in a number of other California communities dominated by liberals.

Liberals try to show their concern for the poor by raising the level of minimum wage laws. Yet they show no interest in hard evidence that minimum wage laws create disastrous levels of unemployment among young blacks in this country, as such laws created high unemployment rates among young people in general in European countries.


Liberalism Versus Blacks
The Black unemployment rate continues to SKYROCKET under Obama as he continues to make the black middle class non-existent, despite what all the models used in all of the prime time television commercials would leave one to believe.

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars | Fox News

Is it any wonder why black men - a small sliver of the population - commit well over half of all the gun murder in America?
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You do realize there's a significant portion of the black population that remembers when they couldn't use the same toilet that Thomas Sowell used for 35+ years of his life?
republicanism Versus Blacks = Those welfare sucking, lazy, white killing feral unevolved , Obamaphone social pariahs.
Let's speak honestly and avoid political correctness. The Democrat Party's policy since Lyndon Johnson has been to keep blacks ignorant and on the public dole in order to buy their votes. It amounts to a non-working serfdom. Give them $300 a month in food stamps...put them in shitty public housing...and buy them off with AFDC and free healthcare in the form of Medicaid.

Nobody is living large on the free shit the Government gives them, but you can get by. In exchange, the Democrats expect every black person in America to vote for them. And let's face it, they nearly do. In the last election cycle blacks voted for Democrat candidates 95% of the time.

The only way to break the cycle, is for black Americans to realize they are being duped, and demand more from their Government than the occasional handout. In order for that to happen, there needs to be accountability in the black community, and a cessation of racial grievance that seems to be a cornerstone of black thought in America.

The Democrat Party exploits the idea of racial grievance constantly. The subtext of the message is to keep black people ignorant, and focused on anything other than how shitty their own communities are. Black folks buy it every time. The love it when Rev Al, or Jesse, or Obama talk about how evil white people are, and how racist America is. It keeps the focus away from their own shitty lives and how little the Government has actually done for them. It is all powerfully ignorant, and I don;t see it changing unfortunately.
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You do realize there's a significant portion of the black population that remembers when they couldn't use the same toilet that Thomas Sowell used for 35+ years of his life?
And that black population did alot better then todays.

Are you religious tank?

Old School,

You're a good dude, so I'll say this simply so we can avoid invoking four centuries of racial grievance that all of us have heard about 8 billion times.

Since the civil rights movement and Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" social experiment, Black America has gone to shit. How: Incarceration rates have skyrocketed....children born out of wedlock skyrocketed...increases in school drop out rate skyrocketed....violent crime skyrocketed.

No one is advocating going back to the Jim Crow era. But, the Democrat Party's ideas haven't done shit, except make things much worse. We need to try some different things other than throw money at the problem and give Government handouts. Do you have any ideas?
republicanism Versus Blacks = Those welfare sucking, lazy, white killing feral unevolved , Obamaphone social pariahs.

republicanism Versus Blacks = Those welfare sucking, lazy, white killing feral unevolved , Obamaphone social pariahs.

Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party's Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South

Ku Klux Klan ? Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
Old School playing from the bottom of the race card deck.

Two or three posts from now we'll probably start getting crap about lynchings and cross burnings on people's yards.

You gotta bring up any racial shit you can from 100 years ago to avoid the reality of how shitty things are in Black America right now...and how little the Government has done to improve black people's lives even after we've spent trillions of dollars. It's sad the discussion never advances beyond the tired litany of racial grievance through the ages. No wonder things keep getting worse.
And that black population did alot better then todays.

Are you religious tank?

Old School,

You're a good dude, so I'll say this simply so we can avoid invoking four centuries of racial grievance that all of us have heard about 8 billion times.

Since the civil rights movement and Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" social experiment, Black America has gone to shit. How: Incarceration rates have skyrocketed....children born out of wedlock skyrocketed...increases in school drop out rate skyrocketed....violent crime skyrocketed.

No one is advocating going back to the Jim Crow era. But, the Democrat Party's ideas haven't done shit, except make things much worse. We need to try some different things other than throw money at the problem and give Government handouts. Do you have any ideas?

You just posted a great conversation starter. I hate when people come on here and just post news stories for the sake of complaining about black people. It'd be great to have a thread where we actually debated this issue.
Are you religious tank?

Old School,

You're a good dude, so I'll say this simply so we can avoid invoking four centuries of racial grievance that all of us have heard about 8 billion times.

Since the civil rights movement and Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" social experiment, Black America has gone to shit. How: Incarceration rates have skyrocketed....children born out of wedlock skyrocketed...increases in school drop out rate skyrocketed....violent crime skyrocketed.

No one is advocating going back to the Jim Crow era. But, the Democrat Party's ideas haven't done shit, except make things much worse. We need to try some different things other than throw money at the problem and give Government handouts. Do you have any ideas?

You just posted a great conversation starter. I hate when people come on here and just post news stories for the sake of complaining about black people. It'd be great to have a thread where we actually debated this issue.

Funny, I've posted the exact same things, in practically the same exact words, but since my name is 2nd Amendment, you attacked it.
TheNoSchool, don't even start.

WelfareQueen is going to rip you a new one
Old School,

You're a good dude, so I'll say this simply so we can avoid invoking four centuries of racial grievance that all of us have heard about 8 billion times.

Since the civil rights movement and Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" social experiment, Black America has gone to shit. How: Incarceration rates have skyrocketed....children born out of wedlock skyrocketed...increases in school drop out rate skyrocketed....violent crime skyrocketed.

No one is advocating going back to the Jim Crow era. But, the Democrat Party's ideas haven't done shit, except make things much worse. We need to try some different things other than throw money at the problem and give Government handouts. Do you have any ideas?

You just posted a great conversation starter. I hate when people come on here and just post news stories for the sake of complaining about black people. It'd be great to have a thread where we actually debated this issue.

Funny, I've posted the exact same things, in practically the same exact words, but since my name is 2nd Amendment, you attacked it.

If you have I haven't seen it. And I've supported gun rights on this site as long as I've been a member.
Are you religious tank?

Old School,

You're a good dude, so I'll say this simply so we can avoid invoking four centuries of racial grievance that all of us have heard about 8 billion times.

Since the civil rights movement and Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" social experiment, Black America has gone to shit. How: Incarceration rates have skyrocketed....children born out of wedlock skyrocketed...increases in school drop out rate skyrocketed....violent crime skyrocketed.

No one is advocating going back to the Jim Crow era. But, the Democrat Party's ideas haven't done shit, except make things much worse. We need to try some different things other than throw money at the problem and give Government handouts. Do you have any ideas?

You just posted a great conversation starter. I hate when people come on here and just post news stories for the sake of complaining about black people. It'd be great to have a thread where we actually debated this issue.

Agreed. The standard solutions to address the problems in Black America have not worked. Obama is also correct, whenever there is a formal discussion on race, it always comes across as stilted and false.

I think accountability within the black community is key. Racial grievance is real. However, dwelling on racial grievance has not gotten Black America anywhere. Real solutions must come from within the community, and that starts with a realistic appraisal of the damage within the black community, and holding each other accountable.

Race baiters like the Rev Al's and the Jesse's are only hurting the black community, not helping. The Democrat Party's answer since Lnydon Johnson to throw money at the problem via Government handouts has also failed.
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