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That's really bad advice.

When neophytes ask about a political philosophy, the proponents usually want to say "We honor timeless principles which speak to the best of humanity."

When liberals are asked what they're all about, this is what you get "We take the most outrageous comedy routines of Monty Python and adopt them as Holy Scripture. We aspire to turn parody into reality."

What was Monty Python trying to do for it's audience back when they filmed that movie? They were trying to come up with the most outlandish nonsense that they could imagine in order to get the audience to laugh at the sheer silliness of the scene.

Today, liberals take seriously what used to have movie audiences in stitches. It's now offensive to note that women get pregnant. Liberals don't want to offend anyone so they refrain from drawing attention to the fact that women get pregnant.

99.9% of the liberals I know have no problem calling women women and pregnancy pregnancy.

And 30 years ago every damn liberal my parents knew couldn't even conceive of the notion of two dudes getting married to each other. You simply haven't been browbeaten and shamed enough for your transphobia and insensitivity to the hurt you're causing trans-men. After some public shamings from more enlightened liberals, you'll begin toeing the line. Why look at how many liberals now believe that homosexual marriage is, you know, actually marriage.

I bet that you are going to explain just exactly what harm my 25 year old marriage is going to suffer when/if two gay men or women get married. Whether they live 5 blocks from me or 1 thousand miles from me, explain what harm my marriage will suffer.

Now your marriage may be different. So you could explain just what damage has already occurred to your marriage. I am sure you must have a damaged marriage to feel the butt hurt so strongly about gays getting married.

Remember, YOU said it is the Democrats that are all so interested in making you do what they want you to.

But but but its the Republicans wanting to dictate morality all the time.

So explain away.
So, here on this forum I've been getting called a liberal. I don't involve myself with politics and I don't really understand the terminology and the difference between all the parties.
I've always considered myself as an independent because I don't really care for politics.

Please don't judge. I just want to understand all of it better.

Which is why you're being called a 'liberal' by conservatives.

Conservatives are in essence authoritarians, they need to label that which they don't understand and fear: change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty terrify most conservatives.

When one refuses to conform to the conservative ideal, as expressed in rightist dogma, conservatives perceive that as a 'threat,' a 'threat' that must be attacked, however unwarranted their fear.
So, here on this forum I've been getting called a liberal. I don't involve myself with politics and I don't really understand the terminology and the difference between all the parties.
I've always considered myself as an independent because I don't really care for politics.

Please don't judge. I just want to understand all of it better.

Which is why you're being called a 'liberal' by conservatives.

Conservatives are in essence authoritarians, they need to label that which they don't understand and fear: change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty terrify most conservatives.

When one refuses to conform to the conservative ideal, as expressed in rightist dogma, conservatives perceive that as a 'threat,' a 'threat' that must be attacked, however unwarranted their fear.

Yes, the reaction you get in act of professing compassion for one of their designated fear/hate targets, such as illegal immigrants, is proof enough of that.
Also ignore this kind of strawman jibberish.

That's really bad advice.

When neophytes ask about a political philosophy, the proponents usually want to say "We honor timeless principles which speak to the best of humanity."

When liberals are asked what they're all about, this is what you get "We take the most outrageous comedy routines of Monty Python and adopt them as Holy Scripture. We aspire to turn parody into reality."

What was Monty Python trying to do for it's audience back when they filmed that movie? They were trying to come up with the most outlandish nonsense that they could imagine in order to get the audience to laugh at the sheer silliness of the scene.

Today, liberals take seriously what used to have movie audiences in stitches. It's now offensive to note that women get pregnant. Liberals don't want to offend anyone so they refrain from drawing attention to the fact that women get pregnant.

99.9% of the liberals I know have no problem calling women women and pregnancy pregnancy.

That will change the minute they learn about the decision of the New York Abortion Access Fund. Then, like all obedient brainwashed drones, they will fall in line and use the politically correct terminology. I learned that when I was in college composition class and used terms like "stewardess" rather than "flight attendant" in my writing.
So, here on this forum I've been getting called a liberal. I don't involve myself with politics and I don't really understand the terminology and the difference between all the parties.
I've always considered myself as an independent because I don't really care for politics.

Please don't judge. I just want to understand all of it better.

Which is why you're being called a 'liberal' by conservatives.

Conservatives are in essence authoritarians, they need to label that which they don't understand and fear: change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty terrify most conservatives.

When one refuses to conform to the conservative ideal, as expressed in rightist dogma, conservatives perceive that as a 'threat,' a 'threat' that must be attacked, however unwarranted their fear.

Oh yeah, liberals don't use labels like "right-winger", "extreme", "reactionary", "racist", "homophobic", "sexist" or a thousand other designations. They would never attack anyone for criticizing their dogma.
that's really bad advice.

When neophytes ask about a political philosophy, the proponents usually want to say "we honor timeless principles which speak to the best of humanity."

when liberals are asked what they're all about, this is what you get "we take the most outrageous comedy routines of monty python and adopt them as holy scripture. We aspire to turn parody into reality."

what was monty python trying to do for it's audience back when they filmed that movie? They were trying to come up with the most outlandish nonsense that they could imagine in order to get the audience to laugh at the sheer silliness of the scene.

Today, liberals take seriously what used to have movie audiences in stitches. It's now offensive to note that women get pregnant. Liberals don't want to offend anyone so they refrain from drawing attention to the fact that women get pregnant.

99.9% of the liberals i know have no problem calling women women and pregnancy pregnancy.

and 30 years ago every damn liberal my parents knew couldn't even conceive of the notion of two dudes getting married to each other. You simply haven't been browbeaten and shamed enough for your transphobia and insensitivity to the hurt you're causing trans-men. After some public shamings from more enlightened liberals, you'll begin toeing the line. Why look at how many liberals now believe that homosexual marriage is, you know, actually marriage.

In America we have the right to be liberal scum, in fact, that may have been one of the rights that didn't make it into the bill of rights.
The term 'liberal' has been hi-jacked, it should be progressive scum.
So, here on this forum I've been getting called a liberal. I don't involve myself with politics and I don't really understand the terminology and the difference between all the parties.
I've always considered myself as an independent because I don't really care for politics.

Please don't judge. I just want to understand all of it better.

Which is why you're being called a 'liberal' by conservatives.

Conservatives are in essence authoritarians, they need to label that which they don't understand and fear: change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty terrify most conservatives.

Conservatives label people and apply blanket statements to them and non-conservatives never label people... oh wait. I just labeled people. OOPS.

When one refuses to conform to the conservative ideal, as expressed in rightist dogma, conservatives perceive that as a 'threat,' a 'threat' that must be attacked, however unwarranted their fear.

Right because conservatives routinely attack anyone who makes any statement in public or private that is or could be construed as being against their position. Oh wait, that's liberals.
And 30 years ago every damn liberal my parents knew couldn't even conceive of the notion of two dudes getting married to each other. You simply haven't been browbeaten and shamed enough for your transphobia and insensitivity to the hurt you're causing trans-men. After some public shamings from more enlightened liberals, you'll begin toeing the line. Why look at how many liberals now believe that homosexual marriage is, you know, actually marriage.

Conservatives are against progress, we get that. That's why conservatives ultimately lose in the long run.
Well, if what you supported actually resulted in 'progress' of a positive nature, you might have a point. Your 'progress' is basically to take us back to oppression and slavery that have been in existence for most of man's existence on the planet. The founding of the United States as a constitutional republic giving liberty, freedom, and individual rights not granted by any state, was what I would call progress. All 'progressives' are trying to do is destroy it to go back to totalitarianism that has existed for thousands of years, go back to enslaving people for the enrichment of others. Actually, to accurately label your movement would be to call you all REgressives.
Well, if what you supported actually resulted in 'progress' of a positive nature, you might have a point. Your 'progress' is basically to take us back to oppression and slavery that have been in existence for most of man's existence on the planet. The founding of the United States as a constitutional republic giving liberty, freedom, and individual rights not granted by any state, was what I would call progress. All 'progressives' are trying to do is destroy it to go back to totalitarianism that has existed for thousands of years, go back to enslaving people for the enrichment of others. Actually, to accurately label your movement would be to call you all REgressives.
This is a pretty fair snapshot, I think.

The conservatives of the founding (the Whigs/classical liberals) insisted on a constitutionally limited government, just as they do today.

The liberals of the era (the Tories/loyalists) insisted on a government by prerogative - executive prerogative, essentially - just as they do today - prerogative by the executive or by the majority.
So, here on this forum I've been getting called a liberal. I don't involve myself with politics and I don't really understand the terminology and the difference between all the parties.
I've always considered myself as an independent because I don't really care for politics.

Please don't judge. I just want to understand all of it better.

I wouldn't worry about it. "Liberal" is just a term used by some in order not to have to actually engage their brain. By applying a label to you they don't have to worry about the issue itself. You see it on the other side as well. As soon as the label comes out, you can pretty much assume no intelligent discussion is going to take place.
And 30 years ago every damn liberal my parents knew couldn't even conceive of the notion of two dudes getting married to each other. You simply haven't been browbeaten and shamed enough for your transphobia and insensitivity to the hurt you're causing trans-men. After some public shamings from more enlightened liberals, you'll begin toeing the line. Why look at how many liberals now believe that homosexual marriage is, you know, actually marriage.

Conservatives are against progress, we get that. That's why conservatives ultimately lose in the long run.

if progress is defined as marxist collectivism, then you are correct.

But, as usual, you are totally wrong.

Conservatives are for true equality----for everyone. No special treatment for anyone.

conservatives are for government according to the US constitution, enforcement of our laws, no one above the law, fiscal sanity, balanced budgets, lower taxes for everyone, compassion for those truly in need.
And 30 years ago every damn liberal my parents knew couldn't even conceive of the notion of two dudes getting married to each other. You simply haven't been browbeaten and shamed enough for your transphobia and insensitivity to the hurt you're causing trans-men. After some public shamings from more enlightened liberals, you'll begin toeing the line. Why look at how many liberals now believe that homosexual marriage is, you know, actually marriage.

Conservatives are against progress, we get that. That's why conservatives ultimately lose in the long run.

You're developing quite a reputation for stating everything 100% in opposition to reality.

Progress usually implies that matters will get better in the future. All of the liberal reforms over the last century are making things worse. People ask "will my standard of living be better than that of my parents" and the answer is usually coming up "No."

The liberal mindset is easy to understand - they see something in society and they seek to destroy that in order to replace it with something "better." The thing is, the replacement is an untested quantity, it's only "better" in the mind of the liberal. The liberal takes society on a leap of faith, a leap off of a cliff, with the promise that we'll float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon bottom.

Layer after layer after layer of liberal reform fundamentally changes society and no one in the liberal reform movement give a god damn about the after effects nor the unintended consequences. This is the wreckage that liberals causes.

Look back half a century ago. High school graduates were getting married in their early 20s and some in their late teens. Children were being born soon into the marriage. The man was able to modestly support the young family on his income. As his work experience grew he was promoted and the quality of life for the family improved. As the family grew with more children they moved up the income ladder and up the housing ladder too. The public schools weren't shitholes and liberal intellectual ghettos, they actually managed to teach and kids actually managed to learn.

Everything liberals touch turns to shit because none of their ideas survive touching reality.

Progress doesn't just mean doing something different, it means actually making things better. This is where liberals fail. People will come to realize this if they actually think about it. So the liberal strategy must focus on getting people to not think about it or to inject all sorts of bogus distractions to shift the blame for all the change onto conservatives, people who were trying to defend the status quo and manage incremental change based on reforms known to work.
I'm financially conservative and socially liberal. The blatant hypocrisy by conservatives who want less gov't intrusion but want to know what you are doing in your bedroom cannot explain their values whatsoever. I support trimming gov't programs. There is also no threat to my marriage by two adults of the same sex that want to get married. Pathetic.
And 30 years ago every damn liberal my parents knew couldn't even conceive of the notion of two dudes getting married to each other. You simply haven't been browbeaten and shamed enough for your transphobia and insensitivity to the hurt you're causing trans-men. After some public shamings from more enlightened liberals, you'll begin toeing the line. Why look at how many liberals now believe that homosexual marriage is, you know, actually marriage.

Conservatives are against progress, we get that. That's why conservatives ultimately lose in the long run.

You're developing quite a reputation for stating everything 100% in opposition to reality.

Progress usually implies that matters will get better in the future. All of the liberal reforms over the last century are making things worse. People ask "will my standard of living be better than that of my parents" and the answer is usually coming up "No."

The liberal mindset is easy to understand - they see something in society and they seek to destroy that in order to replace it with something "better." The thing is, the replacement is an untested quantity, it's only "better" in the mind of the liberal. The liberal takes society on a leap of faith, a leap off of a cliff, with the promise that we'll float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon bottom.

Layer after layer after layer of liberal reform fundamentally changes society and no one in the liberal reform movement give a god damn about the after effects nor the unintended consequences. This is the wreckage that liberals causes.

Look back half a century ago. High school graduates were getting married in their early 20s and some in their late teens. Children were being born soon into the marriage. The man was able to modestly support the young family on his income. As his work experience grew he was promoted and the quality of life for the family improved. As the family grew with more children they moved up the income ladder and up the housing ladder too. The public schools weren't shitholes and liberal intellectual ghettos, they actually managed to teach and kids actually managed to learn.

Everything liberals touch turns to shit because none of their ideas survive touching reality.

Progress doesn't just mean doing something different, it means actually making things better. This is where liberals fail. People will come to realize this if they actually think about it. So the liberal strategy must focus on getting people to not think about it or to inject all sorts of bogus distractions to shift the blame for all the change onto conservatives, people who were trying to defend the status quo and manage incremental change based on reforms known to work.

Sorry to say but societal norms always trend to more progressive ideals. 120 years ago it was unthinkable to see a women showing her ankle in public but things gradually turn more progressive. In another hundred years people will be looking back and laughing at you conservatives and your beliefs about gay marriage, abortion, …etc. 500 years from now people will be looking back at the utter absurdity of orthodox religion. Religion is dying and you guys can't handle it.
Conservatives are against progress, we get that. That's why conservatives ultimately lose in the long run.

You're developing quite a reputation for stating everything 100% in opposition to reality.

Progress usually implies that matters will get better in the future. All of the liberal reforms over the last century are making things worse. People ask "will my standard of living be better than that of my parents" and the answer is usually coming up "No."

The liberal mindset is easy to understand - they see something in society and they seek to destroy that in order to replace it with something "better." The thing is, the replacement is an untested quantity, it's only "better" in the mind of the liberal. The liberal takes society on a leap of faith, a leap off of a cliff, with the promise that we'll float upwards instead of plummeting into the canyon bottom.

Layer after layer after layer of liberal reform fundamentally changes society and no one in the liberal reform movement give a god damn about the after effects nor the unintended consequences. This is the wreckage that liberals causes.

Look back half a century ago. High school graduates were getting married in their early 20s and some in their late teens. Children were being born soon into the marriage. The man was able to modestly support the young family on his income. As his work experience grew he was promoted and the quality of life for the family improved. As the family grew with more children they moved up the income ladder and up the housing ladder too. The public schools weren't shitholes and liberal intellectual ghettos, they actually managed to teach and kids actually managed to learn.

Everything liberals touch turns to shit because none of their ideas survive touching reality.

Progress doesn't just mean doing something different, it means actually making things better. This is where liberals fail. People will come to realize this if they actually think about it. So the liberal strategy must focus on getting people to not think about it or to inject all sorts of bogus distractions to shift the blame for all the change onto conservatives, people who were trying to defend the status quo and manage incremental change based on reforms known to work.

Sorry to say but societal norms always trend to more progressive ideals. 120 years ago it was unthinkable to see a women showing her ankle in public but things gradually turn more progressive. In another hundred years people will be looking back and laughing at you conservatives and your beliefs about gay marriage, abortion, …etc. 500 years from now people will be looking back at the utter absurdity of orthodox religion. Religion is dying and you guys can't handle it.

What's this "you guys" business? I'm not religious.

Besides, religion is not dying. The most religious people I know are liberals and environmentalists. They have their new religions and boy, oh boy, are they zealots to those two new religions.

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