Liberalism’s Real Appeal


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…is you can do whatever feels good at the moment. Nothing else matters.

1.Or, to put it another way, one can pursue a life having no greater morality than that designed by any lower organism. Plato was credited with the quote, "An unexamined life is not worth living,” yet that is exactly what Liberals, Leftists, yearn to do: live without considering the consequences to any other person, or society in general. No matter how degrading, insane or counterproductive….Liberals, Progressives, Democrats….they’re on board with that.

At some point, the West gave up that which made it dominant: morality, religion, and a belief in the sanctity of human life. Now the mantra is ‘who are you to tell me….’

2. “Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is ‘safer than giving birth.’ Teen Vogue, a popular online magazine targeted at teenage girls, told their young readers this month, abortion procedures are safer than giving birth.

“Abortion is actually very safe,” the magazine stated in a piece titled 5 Abortion Myths and the Truth About Them. “In fact, it’s a safer procedure than getting a colonoscopy, and it’s safer than giving birth.”

The U.S. based publication also linked young readers to a study which claimed the risk of death associated with childbirth is approximately 14 times higher than that with abortions.

What the article fails to mention is that every successful abortion results in someone’s death.” Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is 'safer than giving birth.' · Caldron Pool

3. Championing the slaughter of the most innocent and the most defenseless comes from this view:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

…and leads to this:

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."

Joseph Stalin

…a repudiation of this: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

It certainly relieves one of difficult decision-making, doesn’t it.
4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring," fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

5. You can pretend you believe this lie: “It’s her body, she can do what she wishes with it.”

The most elementary biology disproves this excuse for murder:

How can it be 'her body'.....

a. It has a totally different DNA
b. She doesn't have the same fingerprints.
c. She doesn't have four arms and four legs.
d. Half the time, the offspring.....that's what 'fetus' a different sex
e. Usually,the blood type is different.
f. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
g. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person. is Teen Vogue prodding young girls to have abortions.
4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring," fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

5. You can pretend you believe this lie: “It’s her body, she can do what she wishes with it.”

The most elementary biology disproves this excuse for murder:

How can it be 'her body'.....

a. It has a totally different DNA
b. She doesn't have the same fingerprints.
c. She doesn't have four arms and four legs.
d. Half the time, the offspring.....that's what 'fetus' a different sex
e. Usually,the blood type is different.
f. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
g. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person. is Teen Vogue prodding young girls to have abortions.

Lets see, The religious right professes to believe that worshipping a three in one mangod is the way to eternal life.

Some present Jesus as a perfect sacrifice for sin even though the law calls for the ritual sacrifice of a he-goat 'without blemish' for the expiation of sin, not the messiah.

then they eat him.

Lets face it. Theres a lot of crazy going around........

Personally I would prefer that those who call good evil and evil good were not in charge of anything. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and all that. (Genesis 3:14)

If the religious right got something that important wrong, and they did, how could they possibly be right about any other less important issue?

If your own holy book is true, you are all under the condemnation of God. It's on your permanent record.

What other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns you fucking hypocrite.
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4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring," fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

5. You can pretend you believe this lie: “It’s her body, she can do what she wishes with it.”

The most elementary biology disproves this excuse for murder:

How can it be 'her body'.....

a. It has a totally different DNA
b. She doesn't have the same fingerprints.
c. She doesn't have four arms and four legs.
d. Half the time, the offspring.....that's what 'fetus' a different sex
e. Usually,the blood type is different.
f. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
g. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person. is Teen Vogue prodding young girls to have abortions.

Lets see, The religious right professes to believe that worshipping a three in one mangod is the way to eternal life.

Some present Jesus as a perfect sacrifice for sin even though the law calls for the ritual sacrifice of a he-goat 'without blemish' for the expiation of sin, not the messiah.

then they eat him.

Lets face it. Theres a lot of crazy going around........

Personally I would prefer that those who call good evil and evil good were not in charge of anything. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and all that. (Genesis 3:14)

If the religious right got something that important wrong, and they did, how could they possibly be right about any other less important issue?

If your own holy book is true, you are all under the condemnation of God. It's on your permanent record.

What other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns you fucking hypocrite.

And here we have exactly the sort of dunce the OP nice of him to slither in, so I didn't have to stop by the zoo to call one in.

As I said:
Liberalism’s Real Appeal

…is you can do whatever feels good at the moment. Nothing else matters.

And, as we see in the above post, they sling mud at the "holy book" to hide their evil desires.

Let's cut to the chase.....that "holy book" is the basis for our nation, and referenced in our founding documents.

This is the key to the dominance of Western Civilization:

If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people.

For dolts like you, I recommend the punishment Kafka outlined...pun "The Penal Colony," with their infraction tattooed around their body .."Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people.

Now, be gone.
Let's cut to the chase.....that "holy book" is the basis for our nation, and referenced in our founding documents.

You are under the condemnation of God according to that holy book.

thats why you and your ilk must be removed from the positions of authority that you have usurped under the pretense of adhering to the moral law, by the people. It's the will of God according to that holy book.

Be gone? lol... Pft.
Let's cut to the chase.....that "holy book" is the basis for our nation, and referenced in our founding documents.

So what? They also defecated in chamber pots, thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and owned other human beings as property. I think we should stop citing them as an authority on much of anything.

So in your quest for government small enough to fit in a lady's who-ha, the real practicality is women will have abortions no matter what the law is. They aren't difficult to perform, and no jury would ever convict a woman of having one.
The man who supported infanticide:

"I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't
want them punished with a baby. "
Barack Obama

6. “Abortion is the act of intentionally ending the life of a living, unique, unborn human being.

“Virtually every human embryologist and every major textbook of Human Embryology states that fertilization marks the beginning of the life of the new individual human being,” …

“The reason why this is true is the following: … After the initial contact of spermatozoon and oocyte, there is no subsequent moment or stage which is held in arbitration or abeyance by the mother, or the embryo or fetus. Nor is a second contribution, a signal or trigger, needed from the male in order to continue and complete development to birth.”

The continuum of human development does not cease until death, whether that may occur in utero or at 100 years of age.” Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is 'safer than giving birth.' · Caldron Pool

7. Once one commits to Liberalism, Leftism, one assumes the right to kill at will. No one is allowed to criticize the murder, if fact, Liberals tell those who have had an abortion to shout it our with pride.

"#ShoutYourAbortion is a social media campaign where people share their abortion experiences online without “sadness, shame or regret”
ShoutYourAbortion - Wikipedia

“The procedure of abortion isn’t an anodyne polyp removal. It involves doing terminal violence to an unborn child. Ignoring that fact allows abortion advocates to avoid looking reality in the face.
Ben Shapiro
'That is a human being': Ben Shapiro makes powerful pro-life case with ultrasound

So easy to be a Liberal: one is suddenly entitled to toss out millennia of human experience, i.e. morality and religion, and do anything up to and including murder.
Let's cut to the chase.....that "holy book" is the basis for our nation, and referenced in our founding documents.

So what? They also defecated in chamber pots, thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and owned other human beings as property. I think we should stop citing them as an authority on much of anything.

So in your quest for government small enough to fit in a lady's who-ha, the real practicality is women will have abortions no matter what the law is. They aren't difficult to perform, and no jury would ever convict a woman of having one.

"...and owned other human beings as property."

I'll post about the Democrats next time.
Fetuses aren't babies.. Nobody really considers them babies.

I've known women who've had miscarriages and women who've lost actual babies.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal.

Now, would it be nice to have less abortions? Sure it would. It's an unpleasant procedure from what I've heard.

But you don't get there by screaming "Jesus" in people's faces.
So easy to be a Liberal: one is suddenly entitled to toss out millennia of human experience, i.e. morality and religion, and do anything up to and including murder.
You advocate setting aside the law of God and worshipping a three in one mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. Its on your permanent record.

That, my dear, is murder in the eyes of God.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that Satan was a murderer from the beginning by teaching adam and eve to set aside the law of God and dying in the very day that they did it... according to the fairy tale.

Like I said, what other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns. Your life ain't no fairy tale. This is not a game. This is no bad dream.

If scripture is true, you are in deep shit.
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Fetuses aren't babies.. Nobody really considers them babies.

I've known women who've had miscarriages and women who've lost actual babies.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal.

Now, would it be nice to have less abortions? Sure it would. It's an unpleasant procedure from what I've heard.

But you don't get there by screaming "Jesus" in people's faces.

Every day, it seems, there's some stupid, ugly, insalubrious imbecile whose mission is to lay out the usual, lying Leftist propaganda bumper-stickers.
I see, today, you've volunteered for that role.

It makes my mission so much simpler.

OK...let's put you to work:

"Fetuses aren't babies.. Nobody really considers them babies. "

4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring," fetus | Origin and meaning of fetus by Online Etymology Dictionary

Now, write soon, y'hear!
So easy to be a Liberal: one is suddenly entitled to toss out millennia of human experience, i.e. morality and religion, and do anything up to and including murder.
You advocate setting aside the law of God and worshipping a three in one mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. Its on your permanent record.

That, my dear, is murder in the eyes of God.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that Satan was a murderer from the beginning by teaching adam and eve to set aside the law of God and dying in the very day that they did it... according to the fairy tale.

Like I said, what other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns. Your life ain't no fairy tale. This is not a game. This is no bad dream.

If scripture is true, you are in deep shit.

I've never said what my religion is.....why are you pretending you know it?

I might be a Druid.....I do look good in blue

But....I do respect the concepts of the Judeo-Christian faith that has provided the basis of America's founding.
It is, after all, the finest iteration of government ever seen on earth.
So easy to be a Liberal: one is suddenly entitled to toss out millennia of human experience, i.e. morality and religion, and do anything up to and including murder.
You advocate setting aside the law of God and worshipping a three in one mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. Its on your permanent record.

That, my dear, is murder in the eyes of God.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that Satan was a murderer from the beginning by teaching adam and eve to set aside the law of God and dying in the very day that they did it... according to the fairy tale.

Like I said, what other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns. Your life ain't no fairy tale. This is not a game. This is no bad dream.

If scripture is true, you are in deep shit.

I've never said what my religion is.....why are you pretending you know it?


now I know that you are just another russian dipshit.
So easy to be a Liberal: one is suddenly entitled to toss out millennia of human experience, i.e. morality and religion, and do anything up to and including murder.
You advocate setting aside the law of God and worshipping a three in one mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. Its on your permanent record.

That, my dear, is murder in the eyes of God.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that Satan was a murderer from the beginning by teaching adam and eve to set aside the law of God and dying in the very day that they did it... according to the fairy tale.

Like I said, what other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns. Your life ain't no fairy tale. This is not a game. This is no bad dream.

If scripture is true, you are in deep shit.

I've never said what my religion is.....why are you pretending you know it?


now I know that you are just another russian dipshit.

Vulgarity....the Liberal 'white flag.'

I graciously accept.

Now, depart.
4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"

So what. Guess what the Romans did with their unwanted clumps of cells? Yup, they aborted the shit out of them.

I've done a benefit analysis. There's already a place where they are doing what you want... it's called "The Philippines". Abortion is illegal in nearly all cases, and they have 800,000 abortions a year, 4000 women are hospitalized for botched abortions, and they have 1.8 MILLION abandoned children wandering the streets.

You see, everything in life is a benefit analysis. You want less abortions, but you aren't willing to put in place the social programs like the Europeans have that make them less common.

But go cut and paste some stuff from your "Big Folder of Crazy" and pretend you are smart.
So easy to be a Liberal: one is suddenly entitled to toss out millennia of human experience, i.e. morality and religion, and do anything up to and including murder.
You advocate setting aside the law of God and worshipping a three in one mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. Its on your permanent record.

That, my dear, is murder in the eyes of God.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that Satan was a murderer from the beginning by teaching adam and eve to set aside the law of God and dying in the very day that they did it... according to the fairy tale.

Like I said, what other people do with their lives should be the least of your concerns. Your life ain't no fairy tale. This is not a game. This is no bad dream.

If scripture is true, you are in deep shit.

I've never said what my religion is.....why are you pretending you know it?


now I know that you are just another russian dipshit.

Vulgarity....the Liberal 'white flag.'

I graciously accept.

Now, depart.

How are things in brighton beach? Finally got a part time job trying to incite the stupid??

now I know that you are just another russian dipshit.

No, no, PC is a weird experiment of taking a mail-order bride from wherever they are coming from this year, locking her in a house to listen to hate radio all day, and then letting them loose on the internet.

So she plows ahead with her number pointed crazy pretending to take an academic approach to issues, when any junior college would have ripped her to shreds.
4. There is no right or wrong in Leftism, only benefit analysis.
If you provide the excuses, you accrue the votes of those who are willing to lie to themselves. You can say ‘fetus’ is not a human being, merely a ball of cells….and ignore that ‘fetus’ comes from the Latin for "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"

So what. Guess what the Romans did with their unwanted clumps of cells? Yup, they aborted the shit out of them.

I've done a benefit analysis. There's already a place where they are doing what you want... it's called "The Philippines". Abortion is illegal in nearly all cases, and they have 800,000 abortions a year, 4000 women are hospitalized for botched abortions, and they have 1.8 MILLION abandoned children wandering the streets.

You see, everything in life is a benefit analysis. You want less abortions, but you aren't willing to put in place the social programs like the Europeans have that make them less common.

But go cut and paste some stuff from your "Big Folder of Crazy" and pretend you are smart.

And, yet another post from the history-challenged chump.

He fails to understand the danger in allowing subjectivity to prevail over morality, the Judeo-Christian morality that impelled Western Civilization.

Dennis Prager writes:

If there's no God - making ourselves the source of ethics for everybody, or declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective. Abortion may be legal, and a woman’s right….but this doesn’t it is ethically right. The Greeks believed in a version of same in which they placed deformed babies on the hillside.

The reason I use the Greek example of ugly children is not because we do it today, but because they had reason on their side. Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion.

Imagine watching an urban riot with your child, and you ask: “would you loot if you could get away with it?" A child watching all these people raking all the things he'd like - color TVs, Reeboks, and they were not only getting away with it, they were smiling for the cameras. And your child says, "No." "Why?" And he said, "Because it's in the Ten Commandments.” That's the answer a religious parent wants to hear. Most parents would want their kid to say, "Because I think it's wrong." I would also like my kid to think that looting is wrong. But since I don't trust people, I want him to think that God thinks it's wrong, too. I think it's a better way to raise a generation to think that God, not just their own feeling, is against looting.

For Liberals, Leftists, postmodernists like the crypto-Islamist who just left the White House, there is no right and wrong.
Hence....he supported what has become Democrat doctrine......abortion and infanticide.

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