Liberalism's 'Worthy' Adversaries.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.

The Left is content to fight imaginary evil, such as carbon emissions and second hand smoke and income inequality.

Yesterday, in the WSJ, Bret Stephens fleshes out the image of addle-brained Liberals, and their battles with windmills.

1. "Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies.

Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal ... claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country [with] the highest rates of obesity.
The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” [This] gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots.

2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
The brilliant Dennis Prager has summarized the great divide in this way:
There are two kinds of people: those who fear terrorism, and those who fear second hand smoke.

The Left is content to fight imaginary evil, such as carbon emissions and second hand smoke and income inequality.

Yesterday, in the WSJ, Bret Stephens fleshes out the image of addle-brained Liberals, and their battles with windmills.

1. "Little children have imaginary friends. Modern liberalism has imaginary enemies.

Hunger in America is an imaginary enemy. Liberal ... claim that one in seven Americans is hungry—in a country [with] the highest rates of obesity.
The statistic is a preposterous extrapolation from a dubious Agriculture Department measure of “food insecurity.” [This] gives those advocacy groups a reason to exist while feeding the liberal narrative of America as a savage society of haves and have nots.

2. The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. Never mind the debunked rape scandals at Duke and the University of Virginia, or the soon-to-be-debunked case at the heart of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about an alleged sexual assault at Harvard Law School.

The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school?

... there is no epidemic.But the campus-rape narrative sustains liberal fictions of a never-ending war on women.

3. Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility. We’re supposed to believe this anyway because the future of liberal racialism—from affirmative action to diversity quotas to slavery reparations—requires periodic sightings of the ghosts of a racist past."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies

We already have this thread on the board. Learn to read.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read a book?

What a stupid response. What is it that you are trying to ask?

Do Republican use fear tactics? Sure they do.Thats all they have to offer.

Be afraid, be VERY afraid. Of Republicans.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read a book?

What a stupid response. What is it that you are trying to ask?

Do Republican use fear tactics? Sure they do.Thats all they have to offer.

Be afraid, be VERY afraid. Of Republicans.
You should be afraid of BOTH parties :thup:
4.The OP provides three out-and-out lies that the Left relies on...and no one seems able to dispute that they are imaginary enemies.

One is tempted to simply laugh at the 'reliable Democrat voter' who accepts what is patently false, the 'enemies' trumpeted by the Left, and hears their President lie- and they simply shrug.....

After the shootings at the Colorado abortion mill, " Obama went on to say he hopes the latest incident will ignite conversations at all levels of government to reduce gun violence that he said "just doesn't happen in other countries." After Planned Parenthood Shooting, Obama Again Calls For Action On Guns...

...he said this from Paris, where the world had just witnessed Muslim killers slaughtering and wounding some 400 innocents.

There is no better characterization of Liberal voters than Comedian Richard Pryor's. He told the story of his wife catching him in bed with another woman. He denies anything is going on, and asks his wife, “Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”

Not a laughing Lord Byron said “And if I laugh at any mortal thing, 'Tis that I may not weep”
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.

So you say, even as you live yours according to the dictates of a blithering, annoyingly cachinating rube who dreamed he was a king.

In studying both, which offers the most?
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.

So you say, even as you live yours according to the dictates of a blithering, annoyingly cachinating rube who dreamed he was a king.

In studying both, which offers the most?

I don't, so what's your point?

It's not a very smart play for religious people to mock others for believing in something that is allegedly only in their imagination.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?
You live your life according to the dictates of an imaginary supernatural being.

So you say, even as you live yours according to the dictates of a blithering, annoyingly cachinating rube who dreamed he was a king.

In studying both, which offers the most?

I don't, so what's your point?

You do. That is my point.

It's not a very smart play for religious people to mock others for believing in something that is allegedly only in their imagination.

I am not a religious person, but you believe my faith resides only in my imagination. That is your prerogative.

You claim to not be a sycophant, yet the object of your sycophancy is obvious and measurable, and your sycophantic behavior commensurate to your degree of obeisance. It is my prerogative to believe that which is clearly evidenced.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
I don't understand

You referred to Google.

I'd appreciate it if you would articulate your point,as I did mine in the OP.
It contains specific examples that none have denied.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
I don't understand

You referred to Google.

I'd appreciate it if you would articulate your point,as I did mine in the OP.
It contains specific examples that none have denied.
Im not going to. I am well aware of the lefts fear tactics. I am just aware that BOTH parties use fear tactics.
BTW, it was BING lol..
Now...about absurdities that the Left sees as 'worthy adversaries'....

5. "... notice a pattern [in Liberal choice of enemies:]

Dramatic crises—for which evidence tends to be anecdotal, subjective, invisible, tendentious and sometimes fabricated—are trumpeted on the basis of incompetently designed studies, poorly understood statistics, or semantic legerdemain.

Food insecurity is not remotely the same as hunger. An abusive cop does not equal a bigoted police department. An unwanted kiss or touch is not the same as sexual assault, at least if the word assault is to mean anything.

[And clearly, violence ....and most assuredly gun violence....occurs in other countries. Obama never misses an opportunity to slander America.]

...bogus studies and statistics survive because the [Liberal] cottage industries of compassion need them to be believed, and because mindless repetition has a way of making things nearly true, and because dramatic crises require drastic and all-encompassing solutions."
Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies

And, the success of the propaganda is based, prominently, on the control the Left has of the schools and the media.
Fear tactics. Imagine that
I just Binged "do republicans use fear tactics" and got 12.6 million results... lol

Ever read a book?

Book: A set of written, printed,or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.

Ever read the Bible? It teaches you to have faith in the existence of that which is otherwise imaginary.

Is this the point of your thread? To discredit the Bible? To discredit religion?

Now, for your edification, here is the correct use of "So...." agree that any danger due to second hand smoke, hunger in America, the campus-rape epidemic, institutionalized racism or income inequality is imaginary.


I'll put you in a place you have rarely been found....the "true" column.

Now...the difference between belief in God and the acceptance of what we just stipulated is "imaginary" is that the former is not a basis for public policy.

Pretty significant, huh?

I did not stipulate to any such things. So you're lying.

Religion plays a VERY significant role in public policy. Your assertion that is doesn't is your second lie.

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