Liberals are awful people and this whole ANTIFA thing is just more proof of that

Americans keep promoting this fiction that socialist countries aren't successful, conflating socialism with communism, which is an extreme form of socialism. COMMUNISM is not successful.

Venezuela is not Communist. It is Socialist and it is VERY unsuccessful, yet was doing quite well prior to electing Chavez who implemented all of these failed policies.
Americans keep promoting this fiction that socialist countries aren't successful, conflating socialism with communism, which is an extreme form of socialism. COMMUNISM is not successful.

Venezuela is not Communist. It is Socialist and it is VERY unsuccessful, yet was doing quite well prior to electing Chavez who implemented all of these failed policies.

Venezuela wasn't doing "quite well". It was doing OK, but its economy was highly dependent on oil exports for economic stability. When the bottom dropped out of the oil prices, Venezuela had little else to fall back on and the economy collapsed.

Russia is very much in the same boat which is why Putin is desperate to have sanctions lifted. His iron grip on power won't be worth a damn if ordinary Russians don't have food.
The Right enables the KKK types and shares many views.

The Left enables the Antifa types and shares many views.

I can understand the attempts to deny and divert on this, but it is what it is: Opposite sides of the same coin.

sorry, the Antifa movement is one that sees their country sliding towards fascism and is trying to do something about it.

As someone whose family actually fled a fascist country (Nazi Germany) and had relatives who wound up in Concentration camps, all I have to say is "Good for them!"

If only someone stood up to Hitler in 1934.

Oops, Mac, did I compare your Islamophobic hero to Hitler. Yes. Yes, I did.
Venezuela is not Communist. It is Socialist and it is VERY unsuccessful, yet was doing quite well prior to electing Chavez who implemented all of these failed policies.

if it was doing well before they elected Chavez, they wouldn't have elected Chavez, no re-elected him and his successor several times.

You also leave out nearly 15 years of economic warfare the US and other countries have waged on Venezuela because the elected socialists. Kind of like we did to Chile in the 1970's. Or Cuba since 1959.

Here's a crazy idea, how about we actually let people have the kinds of government they want.
The Right enables the KKK types and shares many views.

The Left enables the Antifa types and shares many views.

I can understand the attempts to deny and divert on this, but it is what it is: Opposite sides of the same coin.

sorry, the Antifa movement is one that sees their country sliding towards fascism and is trying to do something about it.

As someone whose family actually fled a fascist country (Nazi Germany) and had relatives who wound up in Concentration camps, all I have to say is "Good for them!"

If only someone stood up to Hitler in 1934.

Oops, Mac, did I compare your Islamophobic hero to Hitler. Yes. Yes, I did.

Sorry, your precious antifa movement are just a bunch of brainwashed idiots who attack old ladies for carrying a flag.
Sorry, your precious antifa movement are just a bunch of brainwashed idiots who attack old ladies for carrying a flag.

Well, they shouldn't have picked up a flag with a swastika on it...
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

I've always known that because they support the violence of abortion, which kills 3000 babies every day in America.

But now the world knows it, because of ANTIFA.

I have often said that all liberals are going to hell, unless they repent.

So I ask liberals this important question.

Is what you're doing now, to yourself, to other people, to our country, really worth spending an eternity burning in hell?

Please mend your evil ways, go to a Catholic church, confess all your hateful ways to a priest, and then commit yourself to a new life of peace in your heart and love for your fellow man.

Otherwise, you will burn.

Yes, you hate abortion, but support war, so it's the Liberals that are bad, and the warmongers who are good. Remember that one death is a tragedy, but a million deaths is a statistic.
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.
Progressives are the most cowardly of people
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.

that's some mighty twisted logic you got there. 'let's kill all of the conservatives because they're talking about defending themselves from the liberals who want to kill them'
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.

that's some mighty twisted logic you got there. 'let's kill all of the conservatives because they're talking about defending themselves from the liberals who want to kill them'

Bullshit. No liberal on this board has threatened conservatives. Not one.

But every day conservatives here say "all liberals need to die", or that in order for America to heal you need to get rid of liberals.

Liberals are NOT threatening conservatives, but they are being threatened daily.

Right wing terrorism had been consistently identified as the greatest threat in the US for years. Incidents of right wing terrorism happen on a daily basis - over 500 reports of right wing hate crimes this year alone, but according to posters here, the left is the problem.

Anti-facists aren't attacking, they're fighting back, and yet you blame them, not the fascists.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

Yes, they are and so are a lot of conservatives. You people are just two sides of the same coin
No, that is a lie, and what's more you know it.

You're just trying to get credit for taking what you perceive to be a "moderate" position.

But "moderate" is just another word for "liberal."

Moderates will end up in hell too.

No, you are lying and you know it. And I'm not a moderate, I'm a libertarian. You are an authoritarian and you are part of the problem in this country. You wave the flag around and cling to the constitution but you don't believe in either one unless it suits your own agenda
No, he is not an authoritarian. He is a THEOCRAT.
You're either for the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK or you're against them.
By every word that the trumpbots speak they show where their allegiance lies.
I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

Yes, it is that simple.
You're either for the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK or you're against them.
By every word that the trumpbots speak they show where their allegiance lies.
I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

Yes, it is that simple.
The Regressives want nothing to do with that phrase.

Leftist authoritarians don't believe in freedom of expression.

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