Liberals are awful people and this whole ANTIFA thing is just more proof of that

Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all.

The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.

They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.

Note that fake centrist Mac does not express the same hostility towards the RWnut who started this thread.
And, for what must be the zillionth time, right on cue.

Note that he doesn't dispute my observation.

Your "observation" was on the same level as the crazy fucker running through the park, claiming he is receiving messages from the planet Frimmerbee through an invisible implant in his scrotum.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all.

The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.

They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.

Note that fake centrist Mac does not express the same hostility towards the RWnut who started this thread.
And, for what must be the zillionth time, right on cue.

Note that he doesn't dispute my observation.

Your "observation" was on the same level as the crazy fucker running through the park, claiming he is receiving messages from the planet Frimmerbee through an invisible implant in his scrotum.
As I said, they're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.

They get pissy like this when the light shines on them.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

Yes, they are and so are a lot of conservatives. You people are just two sides of the same coin
No, that is a lie, and what's more you know it.

You're just trying to get credit for taking what you perceive to be a "moderate" position.

But "moderate" is just another word for "liberal."

Moderates will end up in hell too.

No, you are lying and you know it. And I'm not a moderate, I'm a libertarian. You are an authoritarian and you are part of the problem in this country. You wave the flag around and cling to the constitution but you don't believe in either one unless it suits your own agenda
Libertarian is another word for "clueless idiot".

I and a liberal friend argued with a libertarian once, and when we asked her why a man could not sell himself into slavery, she had no answer.

Because there is no libertarian answer to this question, and that's because according to libertarianism, a man CAN sell himself into slavery.
/----/ for the same reason you can not sell yourself into prostitution (except vegas) Besides you can not sign away your Constitutional rights.
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all.

The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.

They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.

Note that fake centrist Mac does not express the same hostility towards the RWnut who started this thread.
And, for what must be the zillionth time, right on cue.

Note that he doesn't dispute my observation.

Your "observation" was on the same level as the crazy fucker running through the park, claiming he is receiving messages from the planet Frimmerbee through an invisible implant in his scrotum.

OK, show me where in that post Mac expresses the same hostility.
You're either for the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK or you're against them.
By every word that the trumpbots speak they show where their allegiance lies.
I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

Yes, it is that simple.

lol, if you think I'd die to defend your nonsensical spewing, you're fucking insane.

btw, you don't even have freedom of speech HERE.
The Regressives want nothing to do with that phrase.

Leftist authoritarians don't believe in freedom of expression.

NO, you see, some of who had relatives who fled Nazi Germany and had other relatives who went to concentration camps just don't feel a whole lot like "defending" the free speech rights of people who would do the same thing again, if given a chance.

It makes about as much sense as trying to pet a rabid dog.
The Regressives want nothing to do with that phrase.

Leftist authoritarians don't believe in freedom of expression.

NO, you see, some of who had relatives who fled Nazi Germany and had other relatives who went to concentration camps just don't feel a whole lot like "defending" the free speech rights of people who would do the same thing again, if given a chance.

It makes about as much sense as trying to pet a rabid dog.
^^^ See?
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK

I would encourage everyone to go to the page that Jackhole just linked to. Not only are there no quotes from me on that page advocating murdering anyone, there are no posts on that particular page from me at all. (Although I did comment on that thread.)
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK

I checked your link and found nothing of the kind.
funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.

we are not discussing dictionary definitions, we are discussing the practical realities practiced TODAY by people who call themselves liberals-------------antifa, BLM, the media, academia, etc.

my description is accurate of today's liberals.

No, what you're doing is wimping out on the definition and trying to have the rest of us believe that a term can mean its own opposite. The OP tried the same song and dance but your inability to come to terms with terms is nobody's issue but your own.

This goes in the round file along with "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery" and most useful for your purposes here, "Ignorance is Strength".

those three phrases that you put in quotes perfectly describe the left of today. The actions of the leftists at Berkley and other places prove my point.

It may, but that treatise was about "Liberalism" -- not "leftism". That you don't know the difference underscores my point about misdefinitions.

in modern parlance, left and liberal mean the same thing, the same people, and the same ideology
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

I've always known that because they support the violence of abortion, which kills 3000 babies every day in America.

But now the world knows it, because of ANTIFA.

I have often said that all liberals are going to hell, unless they repent.

So I ask liberals this important question.

Is what you're doing now, to yourself, to other people, to our country, really worth spending an eternity burning in hell?

Please mend your evil ways, go to a Catholic church, confess all your hateful ways to a priest, and then commit yourself to a new life of peace in your heart and love for your fellow man.

Otherwise, you will burn.
Prove that the members of Antifa are true liberals...You can't..

their actions are condoned by liberals, duh
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

Yes, they are and so are a lot of conservatives. You people are just two sides of the same coin
No, that is a lie, and what's more you know it.

You're just trying to get credit for taking what you perceive to be a "moderate" position.

But "moderate" is just another word for "liberal."

Moderates will end up in hell too.

No, you are lying and you know it. And I'm not a moderate, I'm a libertarian. You are an authoritarian and you are part of the problem in this country. You wave the flag around and cling to the constitution but you don't believe in either one unless it suits your own agenda
Libertarian is another word for "clueless idiot".

I and a liberal friend argued with a libertarian once, and when we asked her why a man could not sell himself into slavery, she had no answer.

Because there is no libertarian answer to this question, and that's because according to libertarianism, a man CAN sell himself into slavery.
Slavery = debt in today's society..

slavery today = dependence on the government
You're either for the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK or you're against them.
By every word that the trumpbots speak they show where their allegiance lies.
I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

Yes, it is that simple.

lol, if you think I'd die to defend your nonsensical spewing, you're fucking insane.

btw, you don't even have freedom of speech HERE.
You being against freedom of speech is not news. Now toddle along, kid, the ADULTS are talking.
And once again right wingers on this board is calling for violence against ALL liberals because of a very small number of violent young anti-fascists.

I have never seen any liberal here say that the US will be great again when all the conservatives are gone, or that conservatives don't deserve to live but every day several conservative posters here Post hate against liberals and wish them dead.

You can't wish others dead and then complain that those you constantly threaten start fighting back.
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK

I checked your link and found nothing of the kind.
Then you didn't look. Post 53, a bit past halfway down.
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK

I would encourage everyone to go to the page that Jackhole just linked to. Not only are there no quotes from me on that page advocating murdering anyone, there are no posts on that particular page from me at all. (Although I did comment on that thread.)
You're lying again, dickhead. Three posts from you on that page, the link takes you directly to one of them!
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK

I would encourage everyone to go to the page that Jackhole just linked to. Not only are there no quotes from me on that page advocating murdering anyone, there are no posts on that particular page from me at all. (Although I did comment on that thread.)
You're lying again, dickhead. Three posts from you on that page, the link takes you directly to one of them!

Three posts wherein Joe says there is no God and talks about his mother dying of cancer despite everyone praying for her to recover.

No wishing ill on anyone.
You're lying again, dickhead. Three posts from you on that page, the link takes you directly to one of them!

You need to check your link, buddy. Now posts from me on page 3. I do post in thread, and other people quote me. Nor do I advocate rounding people up and mass murdering them.

I did whimsically suggest that we should throw Bible thumpers off the top floor of the sears tower to see if God will catch them or not. Don't you think God will catch people? Why don't you believe in God?
You're lying again, dickhead. Three posts from you on that page, the link takes you directly to one of them!

You need to check your link, buddy. Now posts from me on page 3. I do post in thread, and other people quote me. Nor do I advocate rounding people up and mass murdering them.

Just stop, dude...posts 52, 53, and 60.

I did whimsically suggest that we should throw Bible thumpers off the top floor of the sears tower to see if God will catch them or not. Don't you think God will catch people? Why don't you believe in God?

Stop masturbating to your murder fantasies, liar.
Bullshit. Off the top of my head, Joey positively SALIVATES at the thought of having people he doesn't like rounded up and killed. He has openly called for the murder of all religious people. LINK

I would encourage everyone to go to the page that Jackhole just linked to. Not only are there no quotes from me on that page advocating murdering anyone, there are no posts on that particular page from me at all. (Although I did comment on that thread.)
You're lying again, dickhead. Three posts from you on that page, the link takes you directly to one of them!

Three posts wherein Joe says there is no God and talks about his mother dying of cancer despite everyone praying for her to recover.

No wishing ill on anyone.

Are you THIS fucking dense? Reread post 53!

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