Liberals are awful people and this whole ANTIFA thing is just more proof of that

Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

It must suck to be you. You've spend weeks lying and crying about antifa and liberals, yet nobody is paying attention. Everyone still rightfully blames your Nazi BFF's.

So, how do you plan to address your failure? Scream and pout even louder in your little fascist SafeSpace here? Yeah, that's worked so well for you so far.

Remember. Nazis go to Hell, and Nazi collaborators go to Hell as well. No wonder you're all so touchy. You seem to know where you're going, but you can't stop yourselves.
Nazis are socialists, socialism/progressivism are the most intolerant forms of government. Nothing good comes from them
NAZIs are fascists....self-avowed fascists, far-right totalitarians...the first they threw into Dachau were the socialist.
And the cops were to blame, because they stood back and allowed it to happen.
I love it....blame the cops for the NAZI/KKK/Alt-Right violence. Can I blame them for when I speed on the freeway too?
Well, you've been calling people "Nazis" for years now, and it's like the boy who cried wolf. Now that actual Nazis have shown up, no one believes you anymore. don't believe they were NAZIS..............
The Right enables the KKK types and shares many views.

The Left enables the Antifa types and shares many views.

I can understand the attempts to deny and divert on this, but it is what it is: Opposite sides of the same coin.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

I've always known that because they support the violence of abortion, which kills 3000 babies every day in America.

But now the world knows it, because of ANTIFA.

I have often said that all liberals are going to hell, unless they repent.

So I ask liberals this important question.

Is what you're doing now, to yourself, to other people, to our country, really worth spending an eternity burning in hell?

Please mend your evil ways, go to a Catholic church, confess all your hateful ways to a priest, and then commit yourself to a new life of peace in your heart and love for your fellow man.

Otherwise, you will burn.
I'm content that the Lord will judge me and He won't have the limited, vacuous outlook of an internet looney tune. I rest easy. Perhaps you should heed the admonition 'judge not lest he be judged'.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.
Nope...he was a fascist a self-avowed christian fascist....the far right totalitarian side of the political spectrum while communism is the far left totalitarian side of the political spectrum.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America
trumpanzee excuses #1 and 2.
Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.

we are not discussing dictionary definitions, we are discussing the practical realities practiced TODAY by people who call themselves liberals-------------antifa, BLM, the media, academia, etc.

my description is accurate of today's liberals.
Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.
Your progressive schooling has confused you, all communism is, is evolved socialism.
The collective that is socialism eliminates any sort of individuality and freedom… fact
A Free-market capitalist republic is the only way to promote individuality and freedom…

The only way to have "free market" capitalism is to totally control and eliminate the left because free market capitalism suppresses wages, increases prices and provides no social safety net for the instability it causes.

When it was tried in South America in the 70's, it lead to deepening poverty, inequity, and could only be maintained by the brutal repression and murder of liberals.

Democratic socialism, which balances well regulated capitalism with a reasonable social safety net produces far more successful countries.
Socialism has never survived, long-term. Because it relies on envy as its primary principle

Americans keep promoting this fiction that socialist countries aren't successful, conflating socialism with communism, which is an extreme form of socialism. COMMUNISM is not successful.

Communism is the opposite of free market capitalism, which is also not successful, and has failed miserably every time it's tried. FMC is so spectacularly unsuccessful that attempts to implement it have always fallen short, and been forced to rely on at least some social safety net to keep the lower classes from starvation and rioting.

Both Communism and FMC are dependent on extreme violent suppression of the population, and restricting freedom of the press.

Canada has been a democratic socialist country for 150 years. How long have Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Great Britain been around and other European countries been around? These are all socialist democracies which combine well regulated capitalism with a strong social safety net, and all have been around since the industrial revolution, even if some of them are technically monarchies.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

Yes, they are and so are a lot of conservatives. You people are just two sides of the same coin
No, that is a lie, and what's more you know it.

You're just trying to get credit for taking what you perceive to be a "moderate" position.

But "moderate" is just another word for "liberal."

Moderates will end up in hell too.

No, you are lying and you know it. And I'm not a moderate, I'm a libertarian. You are an authoritarian and you are part of the problem in this country. You wave the flag around and cling to the constitution but you don't believe in either one unless it suits your own agenda
Libertarian is another word for "clueless idiot".

I and a liberal friend argued with a libertarian once, and when we asked her why a man could not sell himself into slavery, she had no answer.

Because there is no libertarian answer to this question, and that's because according to libertarianism, a man CAN sell himself into slavery.
Slavery = debt in today's society..

Slavery isn't necessarily debt. It can also be defined as working for less money than is required in today's economy to cover one's basic living expenses.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.

True dat. "Socialism" was a trendy marketing term of the time which is why Hitler went along with it. It boggles the mind to read the wags here who insist that "Hitler was a socialist because he had the word in his party name" --- as if Hitler was some kind of altruistic angel who would never stoop to propaganda... :eusa_liar:

Matter of fact the whole purpose of his SA ("brownshirts") was to beat up and intimidate the real socialists so that the NSDAP could take over. And when the first political prison opened at Dachau, socialists were the first "guests". And oh yes Hitler, the guy who's word is to be taken at face value because he would never lie, referred to those brownshirts as the "gymnastics and sports division".

brownshirts of 1930 equals antifa and blm of 2017. wake the fuck up, hopstick!

"Antifa" and "BLM" are beating up socialists then?


Berkley for starters, not just beating up socialists, but beating up everyone who is not them.
I condemn what they did....anti-1st amendment thugs they are.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

It must suck to be you. You've spend weeks lying and crying about antifa and liberals, yet nobody is paying attention. Everyone still rightfully blames your Nazi BFF's.

So, how do you plan to address your failure? Scream and pout even louder in your little fascist SafeSpace here? Yeah, that's worked so well for you so far.

Remember. Nazis go to Hell, and Nazi collaborators go to Hell as well. No wonder you're all so touchy. You seem to know where you're going, but you can't stop yourselves.
Nazis are socialists, socialism/progressivism are the most intolerant forms of government. Nothing good comes from them
NAZIs are fascists....self-avowed fascists, far-right totalitarians...the first they threw into Dachau were the socialist.
Nazis = socialists
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.
Nope...he was a fascist a self-avowed christian fascist....the far right totalitarian side of the political spectrum while communism is the far left totalitarian side of the political spectrum.
Socialism/communism are the same thing… It just happens to be that communism is evolved socialism
funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.

we are not discussing dictionary definitions, we are discussing the practical realities practiced TODAY by people who call themselves liberals-------------antifa, BLM, the media, academia, etc.

my description is accurate of today's liberals.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.
Your progressive schooling has confused you, all communism is, is evolved socialism.
The collective that is socialism eliminates any sort of individuality and freedom… fact
A Free-market capitalist republic is the only way to promote individuality and freedom…

The only way to have "free market" capitalism is to totally control and eliminate the left because free market capitalism suppresses wages, increases prices and provides no social safety net for the instability it causes.

When it was tried in South America in the 70's, it lead to deepening poverty, inequity, and could only be maintained by the brutal repression and murder of liberals.

Democratic socialism, which balances well regulated capitalism with a reasonable social safety net produces far more successful countries.
Socialism has never survived, long-term. Because it relies on envy as its primary principle

Americans keep promoting this fiction that socialist countries aren't successful, conflating socialism with communism, which is an extreme form of socialism. COMMUNISM is not successful.

Communism is the opposite of free market capitalism, which is also not successful, and has failed miserably every time it's tried. FMC is so spectacularly unsuccessful that attempts to implement it have always fallen short, and been forced to rely on at least some social safety net to keep the lower classes from starvation and rioting.

Both Communism and FMC are dependent on extreme violent suppression of the population, and restricting freedom of the press.

Canada has been a democratic socialist country for 150 years. How long have Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Great Britain been around and other European countries been around? These are all socialist democracies which combine well regulated capitalism with a strong social safety net, and all have been around since the industrial revolution, even if some of them are technically monarchies.
Yes, they are and so are a lot of conservatives. You people are just two sides of the same coin
No, that is a lie, and what's more you know it.

You're just trying to get credit for taking what you perceive to be a "moderate" position.

But "moderate" is just another word for "liberal."

Moderates will end up in hell too.

No, you are lying and you know it. And I'm not a moderate, I'm a libertarian. You are an authoritarian and you are part of the problem in this country. You wave the flag around and cling to the constitution but you don't believe in either one unless it suits your own agenda
Libertarian is another word for "clueless idiot".

I and a liberal friend argued with a libertarian once, and when we asked her why a man could not sell himself into slavery, she had no answer.

Because there is no libertarian answer to this question, and that's because according to libertarianism, a man CAN sell himself into slavery.
Slavery = debt in today's society..

Slavery isn't necessarily debt. It can also be defined as working for less money than is required in today's economy to cover one's basic living expenses.
Socialism is the breeding ground for dictatorships, socialism is great "on paper" but never in reality and always runs out of other peoples money and turns into a fucking disaster… As it should be thought of.
It was said best earlier this way:

"Today's Self-proclaimed anti-American anarchist antifa is yesterday's liberal Weathermen', both domestic terrorists / Enemies of the State.

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