Liberals are awful people and this whole ANTIFA thing is just more proof of that

Not one deplorable can admit why Trump so badly mangled his Charlottesville speeches.
Trump knows his base is made up of many Nazis and WS, thus he couldn't say ," I DONT WANT THEIR SUPPORT."

It was the nadir of his presidency he still hasn't recovered from it yet. And never will.
All Trump said was that both sides were to blame for the violence, which is true.
And the cops were to blame, because they stood back and allowed it to happen.
Meds not kicking in tonight?
Hell is a real place and thousands of people go there every day.

Your disbelief in hell will not save you when your time comes.

My posting this warning is an act of charity. I am genuinely trying to save you and your fellow liberals from an eternity of pain.

You can choose to ignore my warning, but I will still get credit from God for my effort.
check please. im out.
Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
All Trump said was that both sides were to blame for the violence, which is true.

He said "many sides", which is true. You have the neo-Nazi side; the KKKlan side; the alt-white side; the anti-Semite side; the "let's beat the black guy with poles" side; the run-them-down-with-a-car side.... yes many sides indeed.
Well, you've been calling people "Nazis" for years now, and it's like the boy who cried wolf. Now that actual Nazis have shown up, no one believes you anymore.
lol, the RWnuts' to manufacture the ANTIFA monster is their funniest attempt yet to deflect attention from their own bigotry.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

I've always known that because they support the violence of abortion, which kills 3000 babies every day in America.

But now the world knows it, because of ANTIFA.

I have often said that all liberals are going to hell, unless they repent.

So I ask liberals this important question.

Is what you're doing now, to yourself, to other people, to our country, really worth spending an eternity burning in hell?

Please mend your evil ways, go to a Catholic church, confess all your hateful ways to a priest, and then commit yourself to a new life of peace in your heart and love for your fellow man.

Otherwise, you will burn.
I was born into a Catholic family. Baptized a Catholic. Was Confirmed as a Catholic. Spent 8 years in parochial school. Was an alter boy. Have been to over 1000 masses in my lifetime.

Oh yes, I'm also a liberal!
Well, you've been calling people "Nazis" for years now, and it's like the boy who cried wolf. Now that actual Nazis have shown up, no one believes you anymore.
You acknowledge there are Nazis here, yet you think the real problem is people against fascism?

Tell me, how many times a day do you break the 9th commandment?
No, that is a lie, and what's more you know it.

You're just trying to get credit for taking what you perceive to be a "moderate" position.

But "moderate" is just another word for "liberal."

Moderates will end up in hell too.
You don't think conservatives hate?

Tell that to the Muslims who want to build a mosque at Ground Zero.
Meds not kicking in tonight?
Hell is a real place and thousands of people go there every day.

Your disbelief in hell will not save you when your time comes.

My posting this warning is an act of charity. I am genuinely trying to save you and your fellow liberals from an eternity of pain.

You can choose to ignore my warning, but I will still get credit from God for my effort.
Keep on scoring points for the afterlife... What are you up to now...
Is what you're doing now, to yourself, to other people, to our country, really worth spending an eternity burning in hell?

Please mend your evil ways, go to a Catholic church, confess all your hateful ways to a priest, and then commit yourself to a new life of peace in your heart and love for your fellow man.

Otherwise, you will burn.

do you really think your Imaginary Friend in the Sky cares about how people vote?

Look, I realize that you all thought the world was going to bend over wh en you stole the election last year, but they aren't.

Last night, I watched Tucker Carlson whine how Republicans are going to take big losses because they don't support Trump. It was hilarious to watch.
The thing about getting lost in the darkness, is that every day you get further and further from God.

Oh, we should be so lucky. However, as long as stupid people are afraid of death, the "God Scam" will always be out there.

Liberals have been lost in the darkness for decades now, but now they've become so evil that they are involving little children in transgenderism.

That's child abuse, and Jesus said that anyone who scandalizes children it is better for them that they have a millstone put around their neck and thrown in the sea, compared to what will happen to them.

If you talk to most adult transgenders, they'll tell you they knew when they were little they were different.

So what's your solution, hit them over the head with a bible until they conform?
The Democratic Party is fighting against racism and hate…..
.......well except for the racist bigot Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, bigot Muslim Brotherhood Democrats, racist LULAC Democrats, bigot CAIR Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, the bigot Antifa Rioter Democrats………
While not all lefties are Antifa, all Antifa are lefties.

(and I'll prove that when you douchebags prove the same about the racism statement of the same flavor you're so in love with)
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all.

The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.

They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all.

The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.

They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.

Note that fake centrist Mac does not express the same hostility towards the RWnut who started this thread.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all. The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.
Note that fake centrist Mac does not express the same hostility towards the RWnut who started this thread.
And, for what must be the zillionth time, right on cue.

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