Liberals are awful people and this whole ANTIFA thing is just more proof of that

Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.
Liberals are good, decent, open, curious people who, for any faults they have, want the best for this country and demand freedom expression for all.

The people you're talking about are Regressives, the leftist authoritarians who have taken over the left side of the spectrum in the name of liberalism.

They're not liberals. They're distortions, mutations, perversions.

Note that fake centrist Mac does not express the same hostility towards the RWnut who started this thread.
And, for what must be the zillionth time, right on cue.

Note that he doesn't dispute my observation.
Not one deplorable can admit why Trump so badly mangled his Charlottesville speeches.
Trump knows his base is made up of many Nazis and WS, thus he couldn't say ," I DONT WANT THEIR SUPPORT."

It was the nadir of his presidency he still hasn't recovered from it yet. And never will.
Black lives matter and the like are no different than neo-Nazis… fact
Liberals are hateful, unreasonable and violent people.

I've always known that because they support the violence of abortion, which kills 3000 babies every day in America.

But now the world knows it, because of ANTIFA.

I have often said that all liberals are going to hell, unless they repent.

So I ask liberals this important question.

Is what you're doing now, to yourself, to other people, to our country, really worth spending an eternity burning in hell?

Please mend your evil ways, go to a Catholic church, confess all your hateful ways to a priest, and then commit yourself to a new life of peace in your heart and love for your fellow man.

Otherwise, you will burn.

As we said to our children, "When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you".

How many innocents do conservatives kill with their useless wars?

You have a problem with abortion but do nothing to address the poverty and other causes of it. Countries with government funded health care for pregnant women, mandated maternity leave, job protections for pregnant women, and mandatory sex education in the schools have abortion rates that are half the US rate. You have none of those.

When conservatives are holding white supremacy marches, and hiding the hate crimes and violence of the KKK, and other Nazis against Jews, Catholics, and people of colour, out in the open, it is Gods work to shut them down. Conservatives have embraced and encouraged them.

Before you complain about the sliver in someone else's eye, look to the moat in your own.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.
Your progressive schooling has confused you, all communism is, is evolved socialism.
The collective that is socialism eliminates any sort of individuality and freedom… fact
A Free-market capitalist republic is the only way to promote individuality and freedom…
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.

we are not discussing dictionary definitions, we are discussing the practical realities practiced TODAY by people who call themselves liberals-------------antifa, BLM, the media, academia, etc.

my description is accurate of today's liberals.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.

True dat. "Socialism" was a trendy marketing term of the time which is why Hitler went along with it. It boggles the mind to read the wags here who insist that "Hitler was a socialist because he had the word in his party name" --- as if Hitler was some kind of altruistic angel who would never stoop to propaganda... :eusa_liar:

Matter of fact the whole purpose of his SA ("brownshirts") was to beat up and intimidate the real socialists so that the NSDAP could take over. And when the first political prison opened at Dachau, socialists were the first "guests". And oh yes Hitler, the guy who's word is to be taken at face value because he would never lie, referred to those brownshirts as the "gymnastics and sports division".
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.

True dat. "Socialism" was a trendy marketing term of the time which is why Hitler went along with it. It boggles the mind to read the wags here who insist that "Hitler was a socialist because he had the word in his party name" --- as if Hitler was some kind of altruistic angel who would never stoop to propaganda... :eusa_liar:

Matter of fact the whole purpose of his SA ("brownshirts") was to beat up and intimidate the real socialists so that the NSDAP could take over. And when the first political prison opened at Dachau, socialists were the first "guests". And oh yes Hitler, the guy who's word is to be taken at face value because he would never lie, referred to those brownshirts as the "gymnastics and sports division".

brownshirts of 1930 equals antifa and blm of 2017. wake the fuck up, hopstick!
Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.

we are not discussing dictionary definitions, we are discussing the practical realities practiced TODAY by people who call themselves liberals-------------antifa, BLM, the media, academia, etc.

my description is accurate of today's liberals.

No, what you're doing is wimping out on the definition and trying to have the rest of us believe that a term can mean its own opposite. The OP tried the same song and dance but your inability to come to terms with terms is nobody's issue but your own.

This goes in the round file along with "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery" and most useful for your purposes here, "Ignorance is Strength".

It is the nadir of cowardice to deliberately mischaraterize someone's intentions/philoosophy, and then point the finger at your own mischaracterization. Completely dishonest.
View attachment 147150 Eye witness accounts say it was a white supremacist riot in Charlotteville.
Nazis are socialists... hence the name of Hitler's party

Halter co-opted the Socialist Party, in much the same way that Trump co-opted the Republican Party. Just as Trump really isn't a Republican, neither was Hitler a socialist.

Hitler hated socialism and wanted to change the party name but Goebbels talked him out of it, saying it made him appear to be on the side of the people. The rest of Europe initially appeased Hitler because he was a right winger who opposed communism. They considered him an important bulwark against Stalin in the east.

Read your history.

True dat. "Socialism" was a trendy marketing term of the time which is why Hitler went along with it. It boggles the mind to read the wags here who insist that "Hitler was a socialist because he had the word in his party name" --- as if Hitler was some kind of altruistic angel who would never stoop to propaganda... :eusa_liar:

Matter of fact the whole purpose of his SA ("brownshirts") was to beat up and intimidate the real socialists so that the NSDAP could take over. And when the first political prison opened at Dachau, socialists were the first "guests". And oh yes Hitler, the guy who's word is to be taken at face value because he would never lie, referred to those brownshirts as the "gymnastics and sports division".

brownshirts of 1930 equals antifa and blm of 2017. wake the fuck up, hopstick!

"Antifa" and "BLM" are beating up socialists then?

Meds not kicking in tonight?
Hell is a real place and thousands of people go there every day.

Your disbelief in hell will not save you when your time comes.

My posting this warning is an act of charity. I am genuinely trying to save you and your fellow liberals from an eternity of pain.

You can choose to ignore my warning, but I will still get credit from God for my effort.
No such thing as Hell except what you make for yourself in your last moments on for haven't been paying attention much lately.....many liberals (myself included) have started condemning them in their violent anti-1st Amendment ways.
Hitler was left wing all the way, hence his actions. He wanted to control everybody and everything the very definition of socialism.
Dip shit, the GOP establishment Republican Party is not conservative, never has been.

Hitler was a hard right authoritarian dictator. The urge to "control" everyone comes from authoritarianism, not liberalism. Stalin was a hard left authoritarian. They were two sides of the same coin.

Trump also seeks to control the press, his opposition and others. That doesn't make him a left winger, but it makes him an authoritarian. Anyone who criticizes him is an "enemy of the people". Trump's authoritarianism is what makes him so dangerous as a President.

funny, but you just described Obama and Hillary Clinton. They, and you libs, are the ones that want to control others. you want to control speech, education, the media, food, drink, cars, reproduction, and even thoughts. YOU are antifa. you resort to violence when you don't get your way. YOU are what is wrong with America

What you just described is the antithesis of "Liberal". Learn your terms.

we are not discussing dictionary definitions, we are discussing the practical realities practiced TODAY by people who call themselves liberals-------------antifa, BLM, the media, academia, etc.

my description is accurate of today's liberals.

No, what you're doing is wimping out on the definition and trying to have the rest of us believe that a term can mean its own opposite. The OP tried the same song and dance but your inability to come to terms with terms is nobody's issue but your own.

This goes in the round file along with "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery" and most useful for your purposes here, "Ignorance is Strength".

those three phrases that you put in quotes perfectly describe the left of today. The actions of the leftists at Berkley and other places prove my point.

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