Liberals are Just Unhinged With Trump....I love it and Carlson Tucker does too, Apparently

If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration. is because we are focused on the reality of a Trump administration that we are so happy and giddy about bashing you left wing morons.......his picks have been really good so far, and even if we don't agree with all of his policies.....who does that with any politician........we have a pretty good idea that he doesn't hate the country, that he respects police and military, and he will try his best to actually improve the United States....unlike the petulant narcissist obama who was doing his best to bring about decline and humiliation to the country.....and to increase race hate....

So yeah.....even a month later left wing tears still taste great...and are less filling...
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.
Trump isn't in office yet. Hasn't done anything yet and the leftists are shitting the bed!
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.
Wow thats some serious butt hurt :lmao:

It really is impressive, how hardcore partisan ideologues can make such significant assumptions about the future.

They're just clairvoyant!

The rest of us mere mortals figure we'll just have to wait and see.
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.
Wow thats some serious butt hurt :lmao:

In my opinion it's more derangement than butthurt. Look at what this idiot wrote, "If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago...". Anyone who's been paying attention knows it's lefty nutbags who've become completely unglued because their candidate had no cogent message and ran a pathetic campaign - a few WI visits might have helped! - and thus lost what they assumed was a guaranteed victory. Since then, look at the focus by dimocrat party sycophants, their cohorts in the lefty dominated media, in here, and everywhere else. They're consumed with their own disbelief to the point that can't shut up about it and instead come up with excuse after excuse for the loss and spout an endless stream of bullshit about the winner, how badly he's going to govern, and any other negative opinion they can dream up. That's derangement to a tee.

It's so much fun to witness them wallowing in their own feces over everything, and it doesn't cost a dime.
He used to have a show on MSNBC and his frequent bantering guest was Rachel Madcow. Scarborough came on after him. Then MSNBC went hard left and moved Scarborough to the AM, dumped Carlson altogether and gave Madcow her own show.
Wow, MSNBC suxors more than I realized.

Thanks for the info.
Aside from the basic fact that they're stunned because they expected to win (which is understandable), the reaction has been on a new and unique level entirely.

Here's my guess: The Left (and this is global) had decided it was over - that the country was moving towards a Euro-social democracy and it will all just a matter of time because they felt demographics made it inevitable. The whole battle was OVER. And yeah, that was my opinion too. Their mistake (among others) was that they completely underestimated the size and passion of those who weren't ready to give up yet.

When you think a long, hard battle is over and you suddenly have your head handed to you, who knows how you'll react.

Of course, the further to the Left a person is, the more they may simply not accept the loss on either an intellectual or emotional level.
What astonishes me the most though, Mac, is that so many of these idiots are still refusing to accept Reality.

We need an effective opposition party and I dont know that the Democrats can do that if they continue like this much longer.

They need to get their shit together by 2024 or we will have to set up a new opposition party.

My Gawd, I cant believe I am saying this when only a year ago I thought the Republicans were dead.

Trump has been a revolution the way our Founding Fathers meant it to be via the ballot box.
Aside from the basic fact that they're stunned because they expected to win (which is understandable), the reaction has been on a new and unique level entirely.

Here's my guess: The Left (and this is global) had decided it was over - that the country was moving towards a Euro-social democracy and it will all just a matter of time because they felt demographics made it inevitable. The whole battle was OVER. And yeah, that was my opinion too. Their mistake (among others) was that they completely underestimated the size and passion of those who weren't ready to give up yet.

When you think a long, hard battle is over and you suddenly have your head handed to you, who knows how you'll react.

Of course, the further to the Left a person is, the more they may simply not accept the loss on either an intellectual or emotional level.
What astonishes me the most though, Mac, is that so many of these idiots are still refusing to accept Reality.

We need an effective opposition party and I dont know that the Democrats can do that if they continue like this much longer.

They need to get their shit together by 2024 or we will have to set up a new opposition party.

My Gawd, I cant believe I am saying this when only a year ago I thought the Republicans were dead.

Trump has been a revolution the way our Founding Fathers meant it to be via the ballot box.
Yeah, this is just amazing, the whole thing. What a turnaround. The Democrats became regional literally overnight.

BUT, the pressure is on the GOP now. The ball is entirely in their court, and things could turn again if they don't do this right.
Yeah, this is just amazing, the whole thing. What a turnaround. The Democrats became regional literally overnight.
BUT, the pressure is on the GOP now. The ball is in their court, and things could turn again if they don't do this right.
Dude, why arent most Democrats half as intelligent as you are?
Yeah, this is just amazing, the whole thing. What a turnaround. The Democrats became regional literally overnight.
BUT, the pressure is on the GOP now. The ball is in their court, and things could turn again if they don't do this right.
Dude, why arent most Democrats half as intelligent as you are?

Hey, I'm just a left-leaning Independent, but thanks.
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In starting to like Trump now that he has shifted his position on climate change. He's not a conservative, that's for sure.

"He is "open-minded" about human impact on climate change, and what can be done about it."

"Look, I'm somebody that gets it and nobody really knows," Trump said. "It's not something that's so hard and fast."

Trump dismisses allegations of Russian election tampering
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.
No, just amused how y'all are losing your minds. Very delightful! Lol
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.

Lol, I love it!
So Trump and his crew continue to tell provable ridiculous lies, but the liberals are the ones that are unhinged? Landslide victory and biggest EC victory in decades are provable lies. Trump is a delusional asshole or a pathological liar. Maybe both. Yikes.

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