Liberals Are Still Anti War and Still Dream of Vietnam Protests


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Liberals will never change. They will never side with America.

<Today’s protesters are reviving the tactics of the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 1960s and ’70s>

<The protests continued to intensify in 1967, as the number of American troops in Vietnam peaked at 450,000. A Catholic priest named Philip Berrigan made his point about the war by pouring blood (mostly from ducks, some of his own) on draft records in a Selective Service office in Baltimore. One activist confronted Johnson with a sign that read: “LBJ, Pull Out Like Your Father Should Have Done!” Student protesters would taunt the president by chanting “Hey, hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today?”>

<The students did not let up after Richard Nixon was president. Although the president began the process of Vietnamization, pulling U.S. troops out of the conflict, he undertook a massive bombing campaign and a secret invasion of Cambodia. It seemed the war would never end. When the National Guard killed four students in a protest at Kent State University in May 1970, protests erupted all around the nation.>

A Template for ‘Incivility’
It's still hard to believe people in our own country just handed Vietnam over to the communists.
It's still hard to believe people in our own country just handed Vietnam over to the communists.

That was lbjs screw up. Never should have been there. So, we go over there, lose 50k americans, and then bail as the VC moves in to saigon.
Student protesters would taunt the president by chanting “Hey, hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today?”

Yeah, we did --- and that chant had an eerie, creepy serious ring to it, I can tell you.

The thing that makes me mad now about Vietnam is that we learned SO MUCH from it (never wage a ground war in Asia, notably) about stupid forever-wars that don't have anything to do with American interests.

For thirty solid years we kept out of wars like that because of the Vietnam experience, then ----- along came idiot Bush and his handlers Cheney and Rumsfeld, and plunged us into not one, but TWO stupid unwinnable forever wars, and there we still are today.

The only worse thing that could happen is if we started up conscription again, like during Vietnam, and the main driver for the protests. God forbid we do that.
I'm definitely against all the killing that comes with war ... not sure why anyone would enjoy that ... most of the Iranians who will be dying don't deserve such a fate ... and who likes seeing our own boys and girls come home in body bags? ...

If you want war ... then check with the State Department and see which mercenary groups you can join and fight with ... and still be able to return to the USA ...

Do you want American business interests there protected ... [dumb look] ... the patriotic thing to do is invest in the United States ... jobs, wages, tax revenue, better roads ... just a thought ... killing is messy ... maybe we're rich enough ...
It's still hard to believe people in our own country just handed Vietnam over to the communists.

Vietnam was never ours to hand over to anyone. French Indochina should have been given it's freedom for the abuses suffered under the Japanese occupation, not given back to France.
The far left was not anti war under Obama, they actually supported his illegal wars!

They are only anti anything when it is done with an (R) next to the name!

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