Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…



And here is of course Brip lying again.

Still trying to dance away from his lie.

But as we all know- all he/she/it does is lie- and make nonsensical insults and of course express his disdain for our veterans of World War 2

That's really the only post I ever submitted that you can attack?

No- i can attack virtually all of your posts.

I choose to point out this specific blatant lie that you were caught in in this thread.

You really are a pathetic douchebag.

Interesting choice of adjectives. Which ones would you use for a poster who, say, took a 93-year old photo of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin and tried to sell it as a "newly discovered" photo of the Democratic convention?

This oughta be some scathing dunce-denunciation right here. Prolly involves whole new words. I'm ready to take notes.
Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…



And here is of course Brip lying again.

Still trying to dance away from his lie.

But as we all know- all he/she/it does is lie- and make nonsensical insults and of course express his disdain for our veterans of World War 2

That's really the only post I ever submitted that you can attack?

No- i can attack virtually all of your posts.

I choose to point out this specific blatant lie that you were caught in in this thread.

You really are a pathetic douchebag.

You really are a pathetic douchebag liar.

And always will be.
Ever wonder why the Dims try so hard to paint Republicans as racists? Here's your answer, and it's hilarious!

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democrat Convention…



And here is of course Brip lying again.

Still trying to dance away from his lie.

But as we all know- all he/she/it does is lie- and make nonsensical insults and of course express his disdain for our veterans of World War 2

That's really the only post I ever submitted that you can attack?

No- i can attack virtually all of your posts.

I choose to point out this specific blatant lie that you were caught in in this thread.

You really are a pathetic douchebag.

Interesting choice of adjectives. Which ones would you use for a poster who, say, took a 93-year old photo of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin and tried to sell it as a "newly discovered" photo of the Democratic convention?

This oughta be some scathing dunce-denunciation right here. Prolly involves whole new words. I'm ready to take notes.

Not interested, shit stain.
And here is of course Brip lying again.

Still trying to dance away from his lie.

But as we all know- all he/she/it does is lie- and make nonsensical insults and of course express his disdain for our veterans of World War 2

That's really the only post I ever submitted that you can attack?

No- i can attack virtually all of your posts.

I choose to point out this specific blatant lie that you were caught in in this thread.

You really are a pathetic douchebag.

Interesting choice of adjectives. Which ones would you use for a poster who, say, took a 93-year old photo of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin and tried to sell it as a "newly discovered" photo of the Democratic convention?

This oughta be some scathing dunce-denunciation right here. Prolly involves whole new words. I'm ready to take notes.

Not interested, shit stain.

Disappointing. I kinda expected something stronger considering those who called out that faux pas are already "pathetic douchebags".

How 'bout this to sweeten the deal.
Suppose this same bullshit poster also trotted in a map of the 1860 election featuring a vote for "West Virginia", which didn't even exist? And then won't say where he got it?

NOW how much would you pay? :popcorn:
That's really the only post I ever submitted that you can attack?

No- i can attack virtually all of your posts.

I choose to point out this specific blatant lie that you were caught in in this thread.

You really are a pathetic douchebag.

Interesting choice of adjectives. Which ones would you use for a poster who, say, took a 93-year old photo of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin and tried to sell it as a "newly discovered" photo of the Democratic convention?

This oughta be some scathing dunce-denunciation right here. Prolly involves whole new words. I'm ready to take notes.

Not interested, shit stain.

Disappointing. I kinda expected something stronger considering those who called out that faux pas are already "pathetic douchebags".

How 'bout this to sweeten the deal.
Suppose this same bullshit poster also trotted in a map of the 1860 election featuring a vote for "West Virginia", which didn't even exist? And then won't say where he got it?

NOW how much would you pay? :popcorn:
We're done, idiot. Haven't you figured that out yet?
No- i can attack virtually all of your posts.

I choose to point out this specific blatant lie that you were caught in in this thread.

You really are a pathetic douchebag.

Interesting choice of adjectives. Which ones would you use for a poster who, say, took a 93-year old photo of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin and tried to sell it as a "newly discovered" photo of the Democratic convention?

This oughta be some scathing dunce-denunciation right here. Prolly involves whole new words. I'm ready to take notes.

Not interested, shit stain.

Disappointing. I kinda expected something stronger considering those who called out that faux pas are already "pathetic douchebags".

How 'bout this to sweeten the deal.
Suppose this same bullshit poster also trotted in a map of the 1860 election featuring a vote for "West Virginia", which didn't even exist? And then won't say where he got it?

NOW how much would you pay? :popcorn:
We're done, idiot. Haven't you figured that out yet?

This thread was done when it started. We established that six months ago. And you got busted on it.

Sooooooooo why are you still posting again?

Once again the question on the floor is: if a poster who calls out a fake photo on a fake-news story is a "pathetic douchebag" ---- then what does that make the fake news poster who brought it in in the first place?

And what if that fake-news poster then continues calling attention to his own fuckup by continuing to bump the same bullshit thread six months later? What then? The whole world wants to know.
You really are a pathetic douchebag.

Interesting choice of adjectives. Which ones would you use for a poster who, say, took a 93-year old photo of a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin and tried to sell it as a "newly discovered" photo of the Democratic convention?

This oughta be some scathing dunce-denunciation right here. Prolly involves whole new words. I'm ready to take notes.

Not interested, shit stain.

Disappointing. I kinda expected something stronger considering those who called out that faux pas are already "pathetic douchebags".

How 'bout this to sweeten the deal.
Suppose this same bullshit poster also trotted in a map of the 1860 election featuring a vote for "West Virginia", which didn't even exist? And then won't say where he got it?

NOW how much would you pay? :popcorn:
We're done, idiot. Haven't you figured that out yet?

This thread was done when it started. We established that six months ago. And you got busted on it.

Sooooooooo why are you still posting again?

I love it when posters say that they are 'not interested' and that they are 'done' and just keep replying.

Just showing what idiotic douchebag shitheads that they are.
Here is what he actually said:
Nnnnnnope. Six (not three) ex-Confederate soldiers invented the KKK and they had no known political affilations -- and Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway

Who invented the KKK?

6 white ex-confederate soldiers- that there is no record of ever being members of the Democratic Party

Why did he say that the Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway?

Because the Democratic Party didn't exist in the Confederacy and wasn't yet an official force in the ex-Confederate states when the KKK was started.

What part of "Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway" didn't you understand, dumbass?
What part of, “in that time and place,” don’t you understand?

Pogo did, moron.
Nope, Pogo didn’t. You’re simply lying now and everyone here sees that for themselves.

Quote Pogo saying anything about Democrats not existing before 1860... you can’t because he didn’t even say snything about 1860.

Quote Pogo saying anything about Democrats not existing beyond the borders of Tennessee... you can’t do that either because he didn’t.

Basically, you misunderstood what he said and accused him of saying what you imagine he did. And because you’re not a man of character, you can’t bring yourself to simply acknowledge your mistake but would rather keep digging your hole deeper and deeper.

Allow me to quote post #1391

"Democrats didn't exist in that time and place anyway."

You and Pogo are batting 1.000 when it comes to being wrong.

How the fuck does, "Democrats didn't exist in that time [1866] and place [Tennessee] anyway," equal, "you claimed the Democrat Party didn't exist in 1860."

You must have shit for brains.

I bet you stare at juice containers because they say, "concentrate".
Whelp --- here we are a year later and neither OP has the stones to admit how much they fucked up, just because they weren't interested in actual facts.

Shocker I tell ya. Guess I win the bet with Forney Johnston. He said they'd man up. I just won a penny.
The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
They also be living in shotgun shacks in Arkansas...

Trump's base because he understands. They believe his guttersnipe personality means he speaks for them.

How could they have gotten it so wrong and what's taking them so long?

Sent from my iPad using
So many socks, so little difference
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Other than Strom Thurmond and less than a handful of others, these individuals are life long Democrats...

The DNC has long been the party of the KKK and history has proven this, but you'll continue to fool the dumb dumbs...
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Other than Strom Thurmond and less than a handful of others, these individuals are life long Democrats...

The DNC has long been the party of the KKK and history has proven this, but you'll continue to fool the dumb dumbs...

There's no evidence Strom Thurmond was with the Klan. Prove me wrong.

The photo above however, which is not at all the summer 1924 Democratic convention in New York but a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin in December of that year --- a month after the election had already happened, where the Klan endorsed Coolidge because he was the only major candidate who did not denounce them --- was taken just after the Klan had elected its candidates to governor and Senator seats in Maine, Indiana, Colorado, Oregon, California and Kansas. Want their names? Owen Brewster (ME), Ed Jackson (IN), Rice Means (CO), Clarence Morley (CO), George Baker (OR), Ben Paulen (KS) as well as the city council of Anaheim and numerous local offices in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Maine and elsewhere.

Might want to essplain to the class why DNC would be electing Republicans. Or you might wanna just skulk away and hope nobody notices.

Happily that didn't last long though....

--- although it didn't stop the KKK from running a vicious smear campaign against Al Smith, the 1928 Democratic nominee, because he was Catholic. Oh that's right, you also didn't know the group in the OP picture -- the one taken on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December -- stood in staunch opposition to not only blacks but Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions, and was founded by the remnants of a lynch mob that had murdered a Jew. Might want to take a stab at explaining why a political party would be running around oppressing its own constituents.

But again --- prove any of that wrong. We did all this a year ago and nobody has yet.

See you in a year.
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Other than Strom Thurmond and less than a handful of others, these individuals are life long Democrats...

The DNC has long been the party of the KKK and history has proven this, but you'll continue to fool the dumb dumbs...

There's no evidence Strom Thurmond was with the Klan. Prove me wrong.

The photo above however, which is not at all the summer 1924 Democratic convention in New York but a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin in December of that year --- a month after the election had already happened, where the Klan endorsed Coolidge because he was the only major candidate who did not denounce them --- was taken just after the Klan had elected its candidates to governor and Senator seats in Maine, Indiana, Colorado, Oregon, California and Kansas. Want their names? Owen Brewster (ME), Ed Jackson (IN), Rice Means (CO), Clarence Morley (CO), George Baker (OR), Ben Paulen (KS) as well as the city council of Anaheim and numerous local offices in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Maine and elsewhere.

Might want to essplain to the class why DNC would be electing Republicans. Or you might wanna just skulk away and hope nobody notices.

Happily that didn't last long though....

--- although it didn't stop the KKK from running a vicious smear campaign against Al Smith, the 1928 Democratic nominee, because he was Catholic. Oh that's right, you also didn't know the group in the OP picture -- the one taken on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December -- stood in staunch opposition to not only blacks but Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions, and was founded by the remnants of a lynch mob that had murdered a Jew. Might want to take a stab at explaining why a political party would be running around oppressing its own constituents.

But again --- prove any of that wrong. We did all this a year ago and nobody has yet.

See you in a year.

What has history really shown us?

That the idiots who started this thread and continued to support it- are liars like their cherished Don the Con.
Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Other than Strom Thurmond and less than a handful of others, these individuals are life long Democrats...

The DNC has long been the party of the KKK and history has proven this, but you'll continue to fool the dumb dumbs...

There's no evidence Strom Thurmond was with the Klan. Prove me wrong.

The photo above however, which is not at all the summer 1924 Democratic convention in New York but a Klan funeral march in Wisconsin in December of that year --- a month after the election had already happened, where the Klan endorsed Coolidge because he was the only major candidate who did not denounce them --- was taken just after the Klan had elected its candidates to governor and Senator seats in Maine, Indiana, Colorado, Oregon, California and Kansas. Want their names? Owen Brewster (ME), Ed Jackson (IN), Rice Means (CO), Clarence Morley (CO), George Baker (OR), Ben Paulen (KS) as well as the city council of Anaheim and numerous local offices in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Maine and elsewhere.

Might want to essplain to the class why DNC would be electing Republicans. Or you might wanna just skulk away and hope nobody notices.

Happily that didn't last long though....

--- although it didn't stop the KKK from running a vicious smear campaign against Al Smith, the 1928 Democratic nominee, because he was Catholic. Oh that's right, you also didn't know the group in the OP picture -- the one taken on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December -- stood in staunch opposition to not only blacks but Catholics, Jews, immigrants and labor unions, and was founded by the remnants of a lynch mob that had murdered a Jew. Might want to take a stab at explaining why a political party would be running around oppressing its own constituents.

But again --- prove any of that wrong. We did all this a year ago and nobody has yet.

See you in a year.

What has history really shown us?

That the idiots who started this thread and continued to support it- are liars like their cherished Don the Con.

And a year later ---- still running away from their glorious fuckup.
In 94 years, they stopped wearing the sheets and joined the GOP.

The liberal GOP and the conservative northern Democrats freed the slaves from the southern Democrats and remaining Whigs.
The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
They also be living in shotgun shacks in Arkansas...

Trump's base because he understands. They believe his guttersnipe personality means he speaks for them.

How could they have gotten it so wrong and what's taking them so long?

Sent from my iPad using
So many socks, so little difference
Thanks for the bump

It should be noted that the Democratic Party has a rich history enriched in Racism. Their policies today are a pseudo form of racism. For example, assuming Blacks are so segregated, they have no means to obtain, or even lack a government ID that could be required at the voting booth.

Other examples are Democratic policies, where their lack of economic initiatives which allows the poor, with will and ambition, to make a better life for themselves through job opportunities.

Mr Trump has changed that and is showing what this great country can do for those willing to sacrifice hard work for the reward of a weekly paycheck

The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
They also be living in shotgun shacks in Arkansas...

Trump's base because he understands. They believe his guttersnipe personality means he speaks for them.

How could they have gotten it so wrong and what's taking them so long?

Sent from my iPad using
So many socks, so little difference
Thanks for the bump

It should be noted that the Democratic Party has a rich history enriched in Racism. Their policies today are a pseudo form of racism. For example, assuming Blacks are so segregated, they have no means to obtain, or even lack a government ID that could be required at the voting booth.

Other examples are Democratic policies where their lack of economic initiatives that allow the poor, with will and ambition, to make a better life for themselves through job opportunities.

Mr Trump has changed that and is showing what this great country can do for those willing to sacrifice hard work for the reward of weekly paycheck


Oh look. It's the ballless wonder who posted a picture of the Klan marching on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December and called it the "Democratic convention". And a year later he still can't man up to his grandiose fuckup.

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:
The modern day Klan traded in their hoods and robes for business suits and live in the penthouses of NY and in Malibu/Hollywood Hills.
They also be living in shotgun shacks in Arkansas...

Trump's base because he understands. They believe his guttersnipe personality means he speaks for them.

How could they have gotten it so wrong and what's taking them so long?

Sent from my iPad using
So many socks, so little difference
Thanks for the bump

It should be noted that the Democratic Party has a rich history enriched in Racism. Their policies today are a pseudo form of racism. For example, assuming Blacks are so segregated, they have no means to obtain, or even lack a government ID that could be required at the voting booth.

Other examples are Democratic policies, where their lack of economic initiatives which allows the poor, with will and ambition, to make a better life for themselves through job opportunities.

Mr Trump has changed that and is showing what this great country can do for those willing to sacrifice hard work for the reward of a weekly paycheck


Hey look Sleaux! Your collossal boner done made Snopes. :thup:

>> Did the Klan actually march at the 1924 convention? There’s no credible evidence that they did. It’s well documented that there was a Klan presence at the convention aimed at influencing its outcome (as many as 300 delegates were card-carrying Klansmen, according to Arnold S. Rice’s The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics), but we found no mention of Klan marches or rallies at or near Madison Square Garden in contemporaneous press coverage (including that of the New York Times, which published daily reports on the convention’s progress), nor in history books recounting the event.

However, there is a grain of truth to the less dramatic version of the claim, which holds that the Klan held a convention-related rally in New Jersey. The city of Long Branch (which is not “across the river,” but further down the shore from New York City) was the site of a massive, multi-state Ku Klux Klan gathering scheduled for the Fourth of July. It was billed as the largest Klan gathering ever, though actual attendance fell short of the projected 50,000 Klansmen and family members. Although they hadn’t convened for that purpose, attendees were kept abreast of the political drama unfolding at Madison Square Garden and reacted accordingly, the New York Times reported:

> The event which drew men, women and children of the hooded order from all New Jersey and Delaware and from Eastern Pennsylvania had been announced as a Tri-State Klorero, the purpose of which was to demonstrate the patriotism of the Klansmen and their devotion to the cause of good government. Before the day’s program had proceeded an hour, however, scores of men and women, and many children encouraged by their elders, had pounded to a battered pulp an effigy of Governor Smith, which the Kloreans were invited to attack at three baseballs for a nickel. <
Anti-Smith outbursts aside, the Klan event was “largely a picnic,” the Times reported, “with no features of unusual importance.” Indeed, most of the day, leading up to the obligatory cross burning ceremony after dark, was taken up with standard KKK activities...

... There is no reason to suppose, in fact, that the overlapping timings of the Klan gathering and the Democratic National Convention were anything other than coincidental. The convention got underway, as scheduled, on June 24. Had it lasted four days (which was, and still is, the average length of presidential nominating conventions), it would have been over by June 28th. No one, least of all the planners of the so-called Independence Day “Klorero,” could have predicted that the convention would continue through the Fourth of July and beyond. The events were unrelated.

... What’s interesting about every version we were able to find of this claim, however, is that not one of them was published before 2000. During the entire 76 years between 1924, when the convention took place, and 2000, when it was first asserted that it was popularly known as the “Klanbake,” there appear to have been no published mentions of that “fact” at all.

The results of our research tracked those of historian Peter Shulman and freelance journalist Jennifer Mendelsohn, who reported in the Washington Post in March 2018 that in all the contemporaneous press coverage of the convention, the word “Klanbake” appeared only once — as an editorial joke — and would not used again in that context for more than seven decades:

> While the Klan presence at the Democratic convention was significant, it was not enough to control the proceedings. Yet members of the Invisible Empire were not exactly invisible. On June 25, 1924, the second day of the convention, a reporter for the young tabloid New York Daily News published a breezy, joking announcement from the Democratic convention hall in Madison Square Garden declaring that the “Klanbake steamed open at 12:45.” <
An exhaustive search of contemporary newspapers, digitized and microfilmed, including papers published by the Klan itself, found not a single instance of another publication, including the Daily News, ever using this term again during their coverage of the convention or its aftermath.

In the decades that followed, neither the lone book nor scholarly articles about the convention referenced this supposedly well-known “nickname,” nor do any of the most-respected histories of the Klan. Yet today, this moniker has emerged as widely known shorthand for the convention — shorthand that conveys the mistaken message that Democrats were the party of the Klan in the 1920s.

... The Klan’s impact on the Republican Party was noted in press coverage of the time as well. In the same vein as the Daily News had quipped that the Democratic convention was a “Klanbake,” TIME ran a 23 June 1924 report on a failed attempt by a Republican faction to include an anti-KKK plank in the party platform which referred to the Republican National Convention by the nickname “Kleveland Konvention.”

Shulman says the unchecked spread of the “Klanbake” meme illustrates the perils of putting partisanship before accuracy:

n an age of the internet, it’s really easy for a initial embellishment to snowball into both an apparent authoritative fact as well as a partisan bludgeon. We should resist that temptation, be skeptical of partisan and ideological uses of history, and correct the record whenever a story doesn’t check out. <<

Wassup, Sleaux foot? Told you all this a year ago, idiot.

Long Branch is new info though. I know exactly where Long Branch is. It's not even near New York --- let alone freaking Wisconsin.
It's no secret that FDR appointed a (former) member of the KKK to the Supreme Court. The photo isn't "newly discovered" at all but the liberal MSM hopes that Americans forget about the democrat party's historic ties to the KKK.

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