Liberals Argument Against Netenyahu Speech Is Not Their Own Idea


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

Yeah, don't be so partisan.


Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement
Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement Brookings Institution
"In his remarks, Einhorn stressed three fundamental requirements for a potential agreement:

  1. A final agreement should provide for as much transparency surrounding Iran's nuclear-related activities as possible, including monitoring and other confidence-building measures beyond the IAEA Additional Protocol.
  2. Iran’s timeline for nuclear breakout should be lengthened to allow the international community to intervene decisively if Iran is found in violation of agreement protocols.
  3. A deal must be accompanied by consensus among the President, the Congress, and Washington's international partners that an attempt by Iran to violate the agreement would be met with a swift and firm international response that may include use of military force."
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

Yeah, don't be so partisan.


Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement
Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement Brookings Institution
"In his remarks, Einhorn stressed three fundamental requirements for a potential agreement:

  1. A final agreement should provide for as much transparency surrounding Iran's nuclear-related activities as possible, including monitoring and other confidence-building measures beyond the IAEA Additional Protocol.
  2. Iran’s timeline for nuclear breakout should be lengthened to allow the international community to intervene decisively if Iran is found in violation of agreement protocols.
  3. A deal must be accompanied by consensus among the President, the Congress, and Washington's international partners that an attempt by Iran to violate the agreement would be met with a swift and firm international response that may include use of military force."

Look, Iran has proved for the last 3 decades to be a major player in terrorism, and trying to ignore it is total insanity. You're crazy if you think they'll be any more trustworthy than Saddam or any other despotic regime. Trusting either party in these negotiations is an exercise in futility. Every scandal this administration has started only proves that transparency is a pipe-dream, and any idiot that expects it from them is just about as retarded as one can get.

This isn't about keeping nukes from the Iranians. This is about giving Obama something to crow about and something for liberals to hang their collective hats on. It's about talking-points and Obama doesn't give a flying fuck what the consequences are. He figures if Israel burns it's no skin off of his nuts. He hates Jews with a passion anyway
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

Yeah, don't be so partisan.


Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement
Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement Brookings Institution
"In his remarks, Einhorn stressed three fundamental requirements for a potential agreement:

  1. A final agreement should provide for as much transparency surrounding Iran's nuclear-related activities as possible, including monitoring and other confidence-building measures beyond the IAEA Additional Protocol.
  2. Iran’s timeline for nuclear breakout should be lengthened to allow the international community to intervene decisively if Iran is found in violation of agreement protocols.
  3. A deal must be accompanied by consensus among the President, the Congress, and Washington's international partners that an attempt by Iran to violate the agreement would be met with a swift and firm international response that may include use of military force."

Look, Iran has proved for the last 3 decades to be a major player in terrorism, and trying to ignore it is total insanity. You're crazy if you think they'll be any more trustworthy than Saddam or any other despotic regime. Trusting either party in these negotiations is an exercise in futility. Every scandal this administration has started only proves that transparency is a pipe-dream, and any idiot that expects it from them is just about as retarded as one can get.
This isn't about keeping nukes from the Iranians. This is about giving Obama something to crow about and something for liberals to hang their collective hats on. It's about talking-points and Obama doesn't give a flying fuck what the consequences are. He figures if Israel burns it's no skin off of his nuts. He hates Jews with a passion anyway

Look, the United States has proven over the past three or four decades it will start preemptive wars and invade countries with little reason, or a media blitz and false pretexts. It's government is bought and sold by greedy corporations and bankers, its media propagandizes its population so it believes erroneous lies about other nations, just so it's government can meddle in other nations internal politics. This has happened repeatedly time and time again.

Let's TRY not to forget, this is not just a deal between the US and Iran? Why are you making this only about "Obama?" There are many other nations involved in the P5+1 deal that ALL have a stake in the legitimacy and truthfulness of Iran becoming a responsible member of the international community. I don't know why you want to buy MSM propaganda funded and supported by Israeli interest groups and neo-con groups with financial ties to corporate profits hinging on the project for the New Middle East?

Let's just say what you say is true, Obama "He hates Jews with a passion anyway" and, "It's about talking-points and Obama doesn't give a flying fuck what the consequences are. He figures if Israel burns it's no skin off of his nuts"

Let's just say, "This isn't about keeping nukes from the Iranians. This is about giving Obama something to crow about and something for liberals to hang their collective hats on."

Perhaps I can even agree with you on what you say about the transparency issue.

But like I said, this isn't about the US. It isn't about Obama.

Russia and Putin are far more competent. So are the Chinese.

Do you have ANY idea how much money the Germans have invested over there? This isn't about "Obama's" legacy or reputation. The Germans don't give a flying FUCK about Obama. They want the Iranians to SHOW ME THE MONEY!

"Germany is the key trading partner of Iran.[4] Iran's nuclear program depends mainly upon German products and services. For example, the thousands of centrifuges used to enrich the uranium are controlled by Siemens "Simatic WinCC Step7" software.[5][6] Around 50 German firms have their own branch offices in Iran and more than 12,000 firms have their own trade representatives in Iran. Several well-known German companies are involved in major Iranian infrastructure projects, especially in the petrochemical sector, like Linde, BASF, Lurgi, Krupp, Siemens, ZF Friedrichshafen, Mercedes, Volkswagen and MAN (2008).[7]

In 2005, Germany had the largest share of Iran's export market with $5.67 billion (14.4%).[8] In 2008, German exports to Iran increased by 8.9 percent and comprised 84.7 percent of the total German-Iranian trade volume. The overall bilateral trade volume until the end of September 2008 stood at 3.23 billion euros, compared to 2.98 billion euros the previous year.[7][9] The value of trade between Tehran and Berlin increased from around 4.3 billion euro in 2009 to nearly 4.7 billion euro in 2010.[10]

The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce has estimated that economic sanctions against Iran may cost more than 10,000 German jobs and have a negative impact on the economic growth of Germany. Sanctions would especially hurt medium-sized German companies, which depend heavily on trade with Iran.[7] There has been a shift in German business ties with Iran from long-term business to short-term and from large to mid-sized companies which have fewer business interests in the US and thus are less prone to U.S. political pressure.[11]"

So rather than be seen as the world power that is preventing peace, the US is just facilitating WHAT EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD, (Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, oh, except Israel) WANTS, PEACE!

It's better to trade and make our lives better, than to try and steal land, enslave people and be bellicose forever.

But when it all comes down to it, we don't see the Iranians bitching, even though the conservatives and Israelis are always going off about what a dangerous nation they are, and how we need to subvert their government.

Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon

TEHRAN—Amidst mounting geopolitical tensions, Iranian officials said Wednesday they were increasingly concerned about the United States of America's uranium-enrichment program, fearing the Western nation may soon be capable of producing its 8,500th nuclear weapon. "Our intelligence estimates indicate that, if it is allowed to progress with its aggressive nuclear program, the United States may soon possess its 8,500th atomic weapon capable of reaching Iran," said Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, adding that Americans have the fuel, the facilities, and "everything they need" to manufacture even more weapons-grade fissile material. "Obviously, the prospect of this happening is very distressing to Iran and all countries like Iran. After all, the United States is a volatile nation that's proven it needs little provocation to attack anyone anywhere in the world whom it perceives to be a threat.
Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8 500th Nuclear Weapon The Onion - America s Finest News Source

Do yourself a favor, turn off the TV, and don't take what you hear on the radio seriously.
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

Yeah, don't be so partisan.


Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement
Experts Discuss Framework for a Final Iran Nuclear Agreement Brookings Institution
"In his remarks, Einhorn stressed three fundamental requirements for a potential agreement:

  1. A final agreement should provide for as much transparency surrounding Iran's nuclear-related activities as possible, including monitoring and other confidence-building measures beyond the IAEA Additional Protocol.
  2. Iran’s timeline for nuclear breakout should be lengthened to allow the international community to intervene decisively if Iran is found in violation of agreement protocols.
  3. A deal must be accompanied by consensus among the President, the Congress, and Washington's international partners that an attempt by Iran to violate the agreement would be met with a swift and firm international response that may include use of military force."

Look, Iran has proved for the last 3 decades to be a major player in terrorism, and trying to ignore it is total insanity. You're crazy if you think they'll be any more trustworthy than Saddam or any other despotic regime. Trusting either party in these negotiations is an exercise in futility. Every scandal this administration has started only proves that transparency is a pipe-dream, and any idiot that expects it from them is just about as retarded as one can get.
This isn't about keeping nukes from the Iranians. This is about giving Obama something to crow about and something for liberals to hang their collective hats on. It's about talking-points and Obama doesn't give a flying fuck what the consequences are. He figures if Israel burns it's no skin off of his nuts. He hates Jews with a passion anyway

Look, the United States has proven over the past three or four decades it will start preemptive wars and invade countries with little reason, or a media blitz and false pretexts. It's government is bought and sold by greedy corporations and bankers, its media propagandizes its population so it believes erroneous lies about other nations, just so it's government can meddle in other nations internal politics. This has happened repeatedly time and time again.

Let's TRY not to forget, this is not just a deal between the US and Iran? Why are you making this only about "Obama?" There are many other nations involved in the P5+1 deal that ALL have a stake in the legitimacy and truthfulness of Iran becoming a responsible member of the international community. I don't know why you want to buy MSM propaganda funded and supported by Israeli interest groups and neo-con groups with financial ties to corporate profits hinging on the project for the New Middle East?

Let's just say what you say is true, Obama "He hates Jews with a passion anyway" and, "It's about talking-points and Obama doesn't give a flying fuck what the consequences are. He figures if Israel burns it's no skin off of his nuts"

Let's just say, "This isn't about keeping nukes from the Iranians. This is about giving Obama something to crow about and something for liberals to hang their collective hats on."

Perhaps I can even agree with you on what you say about the transparency issue.

But like I said, this isn't about the US. It isn't about Obama.

Russia and Putin are far more competent. So are the Chinese.

Do you have ANY idea how much money the Germans have invested over there? This isn't about "Obama's" legacy or reputation. The Germans don't give a flying FUCK about Obama. They want the Iranians to SHOW ME THE MONEY!

"Germany is the key trading partner of Iran.[4] Iran's nuclear program depends mainly upon German products and services. For example, the thousands of centrifuges used to enrich the uranium are controlled by Siemens "Simatic WinCC Step7" software.[5][6] Around 50 German firms have their own branch offices in Iran and more than 12,000 firms have their own trade representatives in Iran. Several well-known German companies are involved in major Iranian infrastructure projects, especially in the petrochemical sector, like Linde, BASF, Lurgi, Krupp, Siemens, ZF Friedrichshafen, Mercedes, Volkswagen and MAN (2008).[7]

In 2005, Germany had the largest share of Iran's export market with $5.67 billion (14.4%).[8] In 2008, German exports to Iran increased by 8.9 percent and comprised 84.7 percent of the total German-Iranian trade volume. The overall bilateral trade volume until the end of September 2008 stood at 3.23 billion euros, compared to 2.98 billion euros the previous year.[7][9] The value of trade between Tehran and Berlin increased from around 4.3 billion euro in 2009 to nearly 4.7 billion euro in 2010.[10]

The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce has estimated that economic sanctions against Iran may cost more than 10,000 German jobs and have a negative impact on the economic growth of Germany. Sanctions would especially hurt medium-sized German companies, which depend heavily on trade with Iran.[7] There has been a shift in German business ties with Iran from long-term business to short-term and from large to mid-sized companies which have fewer business interests in the US and thus are less prone to U.S. political pressure.[11]"

So rather than be seen as the world power that is preventing peace, the US is just facilitating WHAT EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD, (Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, oh, except Israel) WANTS, PEACE!

It's better to trade and make our lives better, than to try and steal land, enslave people and be bellicose forever.

But when it all comes down to it, we don't see the Iranians bitching, even though the conservatives and Israelis are always going off about what a dangerous nation they are, and how we need to subvert their government.

Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8,500th Nuclear Weapon

TEHRAN—Amidst mounting geopolitical tensions, Iranian officials said Wednesday they were increasingly concerned about the United States of America's uranium-enrichment program, fearing the Western nation may soon be capable of producing its 8,500th nuclear weapon. "Our intelligence estimates indicate that, if it is allowed to progress with its aggressive nuclear program, the United States may soon possess its 8,500th atomic weapon capable of reaching Iran," said Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, adding that Americans have the fuel, the facilities, and "everything they need" to manufacture even more weapons-grade fissile material. "Obviously, the prospect of this happening is very distressing to Iran and all countries like Iran. After all, the United States is a volatile nation that's proven it needs little provocation to attack anyone anywhere in the world whom it perceives to be a threat.
Iran Worried U.S. Might Be Building 8 500th Nuclear Weapon The Onion - America s Finest News Source

Do yourself a favor, turn off the TV, and don't take what you hear on the radio seriously.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgents with high-tech improvised explosive devices that killed or maimed thousands of our troops??? Who armed and trained Somalis who attacked me and my friends in uniform during a humanitarian mission in 93'???


Sorry, but I have no feelings of goodwill towards them. Russia has always been in competition with us for trading and other rights in Iran. Germany built their nuke facilities and built Saddam's shit as well. This is why sanctions are important, but Obama ended them. Germany couldn't do anything if we didn't allow them to.

You seem to be of the impression that America is so evil. I contend that you're forgetting most of what led up to any actions we took in the past. You believe it's evil corporations or some such bs. Right now the major player in the world is rich hedgefunders playing games with the global economy. Fuckers like George Soros. Betting on economic collapse and making billions off of it at the same time they prop up socialist/progressive leaders that are bent on bringing down successful economic systems and enriching themselves in the process.
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Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

As far as being parrots is concerned, I can just imagine the cacophony were a foreign leader to treat Obama as shabbily as Obama has treated Netenyaho. The calls of "racism" would be loud and continuous.

Somehow, antisemitism is just fine to these same hypocrites.
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

Thank you for the most accurate post of the day, mudwhistle. Spot on, as usual!
Listening to the Democrat response to yesterday's speech shows clearly that not only don't they have any class, but that they don't have minds of their own.

Yesterday, in response to the speech Obama showed how petty he could be by claiming the speech had nothing new in it.

Folks, as long as we argue about this subject, liberals, like the parrots they are, will repeat this stupid phrase.

The speech had nothing new.

Of course not!! Everyone knows you can't trust Iran, so why negotiate like you believe they are trustworthy? This administration is so ready to make a deal, any deal, that they are willing to sell us out to do it. They just want headliness proclaiming they got a deal. It's utterly stupid, but this is the Obama administration in a nutshell.

Democrats showed their lack of class, some by not showing up for the speech, and others by acting rude when they did. Nancy Pelosi grudgingly stood up every time there was a standing ovation, but turning her back to him before she sat down, or in other words saying "kiss my ass". This is your Democrat today. A bunch of race-baiting, Jew-hating scumbags. They are a bunch of jerks pissing on our friends while sucking up to our enemies.

As far as being parrots is concerned, I can just imagine the cacophony were a foreign leader to treat Obama as shabbily as Obama has treated Netenyaho. The calls of "racism" would be loud and continuous.

Somehow, antisemitism is just fine to these same hypocrites.

These Democrats like to scream constantly about discrimination and equality yet they never practice what they preach. Only specific groups get their protection while everyone else can go pound sand.

Ask yourself why Democrats are turning their backs on our strongest friend in the Middle-East. What do they stand to gain from doing so? Why are they throwing in with terrorists who have been murdering Americans since the Carter Administration? If you can answer that you might find an explanation. They have nothing in common with Muslims. Why are they siding with them against Israel and America? I have a few ideas why:

  1. Democrats never learn from the past
  2. They think their useless words can influence change in any situation
  3. They feel the bs they get away with here will fly elsewhere
  4. They are convinced that poverty is the root cause of Islamic aggression
  5. They believe that Brown people cannot be evil
To Democrats Israel is white and Arabs are brown and that's all that matters. Arabs cannot be racist or corrupt because they are oppressed and Israel is the oppressor. That's it in a nutshell. Reality doesn't even enter into it.
These Democrats like to scream constantly about discrimination and equality yet they never practice what they preach. Only specific groups get their protection while everyone else can go pound sand.

Ask yourself why Democrats are turning their backs on our strongest friend in the Middle-East. What do they stand to gain from doing so? Why are they throwing in with terrorists who have been murdering Americans since the Carter Administration? If you can answer that you might find an explanation. They less in common with them than Israel. I have a few ideas why:

  1. Democrats never learn from the past
  2. They think their useless words can influence change in any situation
  3. They feel the bs they get away with here will fly elsewhere
  4. They are convinced that poverty is the root cause of Islamic aggression
  5. They believe that Brown people cannot be evil
To Democrats Israel is white and Arabs are brown and that's all that matters. Arabs cannot be racist or corrupt because they are oppressed and Israel is the oppressor. That's it in a nutshell. Reality doesn't even enter into it.

Antisemitism is now politically correct, and in this era of identity politics and pandering to the base, that is all that counts any more. To much of their base, you can replace "Jews" with "The Man", as that is what Jews represent to them. You have enormous numbers of uneducated, resentful people looking for a scapegoat, and so it is much easier to toss the Jewish state under the buss than it is to risk alienating all those ignorant bigots.

I find myself wishing some sort of intelligent, moderate party could take hold, myself. The republicans are too beholden to big business for me and I don't go for all the anti-gay stuff. The democrats are too beholden to the practitioners of identity politics,are weak on foreign policy and increasingly hateful of Jews. Libertarians are too rigidly doctrinaire and isolationist , and nobody else seems worthwhile, either.
These Democrats like to scream constantly about discrimination and equality yet they never practice what they preach. Only specific groups get their protection while everyone else can go pound sand.

Ask yourself why Democrats are turning their backs on our strongest friend in the Middle-East. What do they stand to gain from doing so? Why are they throwing in with terrorists who have been murdering Americans since the Carter Administration? If you can answer that you might find an explanation. They less in common with them than Israel. I have a few ideas why:

  1. Democrats never learn from the past
  2. They think their useless words can influence change in any situation
  3. They feel the bs they get away with here will fly elsewhere
  4. They are convinced that poverty is the root cause of Islamic aggression
  5. They believe that Brown people cannot be evil
To Democrats Israel is white and Arabs are brown and that's all that matters. Arabs cannot be racist or corrupt because they are oppressed and Israel is the oppressor. That's it in a nutshell. Reality doesn't even enter into it.

Antisemitism is now politically correct, and in this era of identity politics and pandering to the base, that is all that counts any more. To much of their base, you can replace "Jews" with "The Man", as that is what Jews represent to them. You have enormous numbers of uneducated, resentful people looking for a scapegoat, and so it is much easier to toss the Jewish state under the buss than it is to risk alienating all those ignorant bigots.

I find myself wishing some sort of intelligent, moderate party could take hold, myself. The republicans are too beholden to big business for me and I don't go for all the anti-gay stuff. The democrats are too beholden to the practitioners of identity politics,are weak on foreign policy and increasingly hateful of Jews. Libertarians are too rigidly doctrinaire and isolationist , and nobody else seems worthwhile, either.
I think most of your complaints against the GOP is a byproduct of liberal propaganda, not legitimate argument. It's hard to weed through all of the bs and get down to truth.

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