Liberals Believe in Trickle Down Economics

Why is there a recession?

If we could figure that out, we could eliminate recessions. But, we can't and therefore we don't. Economies run on the margins, and when enough people, for whatever reason, cease to buy durable goods, then the economy begins to stall. Sometimes, government restricts the money supply and that effects the economy. Often after a sustained boom, people exhaust their credit, and that causes them not to buy durable goods.

When times are good, people tend to live good, and far too many live beyond their means to sustain their lifestyles. They borrow, until they can no longer borrow.
Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

Why does the term "Marxist" bother you again?

Obviously you did nothing but show up to work your whole career. No one who has ever had any management experience or even is a strong individual contributor believes that companies are build on the people like paycheck to paycheck schleps like you who showed up, didn't give a crap and were out of the building 5 minutes after your shift ended.

Liberals don't believe in trickle down Economics, you're just authoritarian leftist who want everyone to be equally poor. That is except your political leaders who will be fabulously wealthy.

This is all part of the "you didn't build that, someone else did" mentality. Most are people with absolutely no understanding of or appreciation for the risks, failures, headaches, costs and sacrifices of starting and growing and operating a business.

Moreover, they don't WANT to know about it or admit to it, because at some point they'd have to look in the mirror at the fear and unwillingness inside of them to do what it takes. It's easier to just label the business owner be the bad guy and do the entitlement thing.

The purpose of a business/corporation is to maximize shareholder value, not to put food on the table of people who don't have the balls to start their own business or the willingness to make themselves more valuable on the job market.

And they chafe when people don't believe they're pro-business.


It's actually boring to "debate" with the progressives on these boards or people like them in RL.

I can work 55-65 hours a week, my business partner works around 80 hours a week. For the first 5 months that we were open I made no money, zero. All the work I did months prior to opening I made no money. I invested a large sum of capital. I did demo, build outs, painting, ordered stuff, moved stuff...

Then these fucking assholes want to claim I/we only use people, that I created nothing and that I somehow use people. I have some great employee's but I have and had some really horrible employee's. Never once do I ask them to reinvest their paycheck into the business so that things are working or better so that we make more money. I do that with my own money.

People like RW are so ignorant that they would be just fine with destroying human life just one more time to see if their idiotic policies that have failed throughout history would somehow work this time.

RW is more than likely a sub par bullshit waste of a paycheck employee. That's why he wants mandatory job security, he can't cut it.
Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

How do they get the job to be able to do that?



You do know that the largest employer in the country is the government, right?

Yes, and currently they are bankrupted and have to print themselves trillions every year while running deficits to keep the lights on... No business could opportune like the Government because there is simply no demand for their services at the price they should be charging.
Wal-Mart profited nearly $16B in the last three months of 2011, while its part-time employees making their state's minimum wage still require public assistance to get by.

Can Wal-Mart afford to raise its employees' wages and offer better benefits if the company profits $15.7 billion in three months? Why doesn't trickle down theory work in practice?

Also, you do understand that life is actually not a marathon, right? There is no finish line. If you think death is the finish line, then all the money that you can imagine isn't going to help you win the race.

Another way of looking at that would be to ask how many billions did Wal-Mart provide to it's employees in all the stores it owns across the country? Care to guess how large a number THAT would be?
It's obviously less than it could be if the company's PROFITS (outweighing costs like employee wages and benefits) were $15.7 billion in three months. Theoretically, Wal-Mart could take a profit of only $8 or $9 billion in three months (a substantial amount in any economy) and reinvest the rest of those profits into higher wages and better benefits so that Wal-Mart employees don't require as much public assistance.

Why doesn't trickle down theory work in practice?

It's all trickle down you fucking dumb fuck. If Government takes 2.5 trillion out of the economy and "trickles it down" by way of food stamps, housing, loans, schools, roads or whatever then you have to look at where they dump tens and hundreds of billions. Obama did a 877 billion dollar trickle down stimulus that found it's way into the pockets of the rich.

Think about those numbers you dip chit. You want to flop bullshit 5 or 10 billion out there while the Government deals with 3.5 trillion. You bitch that wall-mart could spend 5 billion less here or there yet I doubt you would consider cutting jack chit fuckin crap from Government other than on defense.... forgetting that Obama/Dems are spending more than Bush/Reps did on killing people in other countries.

Democrats are currently the party of dumb.
Wal-Mart profited nearly $16B in the last three months of 2011, while its part-time employees making their state's minimum wage still require public assistance to get by.

Can Wal-Mart afford to raise its employees' wages and offer better benefits if the company profits $15.7 billion in three months? Why doesn't trickle down theory work in practice?

Also, you do understand that life is actually not a marathon, right? There is no finish line. If you think death is the finish line, then all the money that you can imagine isn't going to help you win the race.

Another way of looking at that would be to ask how many billions did Wal-Mart provide to it's employees in all the stores it owns across the country? Care to guess how large a number THAT would be?
It's obviously less than it could be if the company's PROFITS (outweighing costs like employee wages and benefits) were $15.7 billion in three months. Theoretically, Wal-Mart could take a profit of only $8 or $9 billion in three months (a substantial amount in any economy) and reinvest the rest of those profits into higher wages and better benefits so that Wal-Mart employees don't require as much public assistance.

Why doesn't trickle down theory work in practice?

In 2013, Walmart made profits of $17 Billion on revenues of $470 Billion. That is a profit of 3.6%. Walmart paid $8.11 Billion in income taxes.

WMT Annual Income Statement - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Annual Financials
Why is there a recession?

Many people have different ideas, me, well I believe it was simple malinvestment by the Government. The Government over invested in projects to buy votes and it all fell apart as inevitably it should have. We are doing the same thing today actually, and another crash can't be avoided.
Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

How do they get the job to be able to do that?



You do know that the largest employer in the country is the government, right?

Yes, and that is a good share of the problem. Government consumes wealth, it doesn't create any. With the possible exception of the public schools generating an educated work force, and government is even lousy at that.
Why does wealth inequality coincide with lower corporate taxes?

It doesn't, this is just a circumstantial coincidence.

"Wealth inequality" is more Maoist claptrap you've bought into. The natural condition in any free market capitalist economy is persistent income disparity, it can't be avoided in a capitalist system. Wealthy capitalists will always continue to make more wealth at a faster pace than poor people. This is because wealthy people generally have more motivation and drive to attain wealth, which is how they became wealthy to start with. The poor are generally less motivated and have less ambition to attain wealth, thus they remain poor or stagnant.

So it's like looking at a marathon race and saying.. hey, the seasoned marathon runners are outpacing the couch potatoes! OMG... what do we do about that? Well, there is nothing you can do about that, it's a natural circumstance that can't be avoided. It does absolutely no good to start hobbling the marathon runners to make them slower. Even the hobbled and slow marathon runner is likely going to be as fast as the couch potatoes. The better idea would be to motivate the couch potatoes, turn them into seasoned marathon runners.
Wal-Mart profited nearly $16B in the last three months of 2011, while its part-time employees making their state's minimum wage still require public assistance to get by.

Can Wal-Mart afford to raise its employees' wages and offer better benefits if the company profits $15.7 billion in three months? Why doesn't trickle down theory work in practice?

Also, you do understand that life is actually not a marathon, right? There is no finish line. If you think death is the finish line, then all the money that you can imagine isn't going to help you win the race.

You're looking at things the wrong way. Walmart made $16B in profits, provided jobs and incomes to millions of people, supported thousands of other vendor companies who supplied their stores, in turn creating even more jobs and incomes. All of this created millions in taxable revenues which benefited towns and cities across America as well as the federal government, providing money for school lunches, day care, welfare of all kinds.

In addition, Walmart was the leading national participant in Partners in Education, a program designed to pair businesses and schools at the local level. Through PIE, they were responsible for donating millions to build new playgrounds and libraries, improve facilities and help 'at risk' students. (I know this for a fact because I've worked closely with their liaisons.)

To top all of this off, the employees of Walmart (paid by Walmart) are the leading national contributors to the United Way. Walmart itself, is the leading corporate contributor. None of this would be possible if Walmart were not successful at delivering products consumers want at a reasonable price.

I never compared life to a marathon race, I simply gave an analogy to help illustrate my point. I'm sorry if you are too dumb to understand an analogy, but that's all it was.
How do they get the job to be able to do that?



You do know that the largest employer in the country is the government, right?

Yes, and that is a good share of the problem. Government consumes wealth, it doesn't create any. With the possible exception of the public schools generating an educated work force, and government is even lousy at that.

Really, infrastructure= waste, educating all of our children = waste, best r&d and science programs on this planet = waste. We need reforms in education but your idea's simply aren't as good overall. A parent currently has the ability to send their children to private school! Not everyone can...

Can you now see why I think you people aren't sane?

You do know that the largest employer in the country is the government, right?

Yes, and that is a good share of the problem. Government consumes wealth, it doesn't create any. With the possible exception of the public schools generating an educated work force, and government is even lousy at that.

Really, infrastructure= waste, educating all of our children = waste, best r&d and science programs on this planet = waste. We need reforms in education but your idea's simply aren't as good overall. A parent currently has the ability to send their children to private school! Not everyone can...

Can you now see why I think you people aren't sane?

Yes, infrastructure is waste. Building roads and bridges to nowhere is a waste. "Educating tens of millions of children to be illiterate by the time they are 18 is a waste.

Privet schools do something like 2x better than public schools... We would be better off with following the constitution and keeping education privet. Or you can keep forcing children to stay stupid.

What will you have it be Matt?
Yes, and that is a good share of the problem. Government consumes wealth, it doesn't create any. With the possible exception of the public schools generating an educated work force, and government is even lousy at that.

Really, infrastructure= waste, educating all of our children = waste, best r&d and science programs on this planet = waste. We need reforms in education but your idea's simply aren't as good overall. A parent currently has the ability to send their children to private school! Not everyone can...

Can you now see why I think you people aren't sane?

Yes, infrastructure is waste. Building roads and bridges to nowhere is a waste. "Educating tens of millions of children to be illiterate by the time they are 18 is a waste.

Privet schools do something like 2x better than public schools... We would be better off with following the constitution and keeping education privet. Or you can keep forcing children to stay stupid.

What will you have it be Matt?

You don't even know the first thing about the constitution you anti-government person you. Have fun taking us back to the 18th century as people like me will fight you all the way.

I don't totally agree with our educational system being dysfunctional but like Japans, norways and south Korea's educational system we can make it work.
Really, infrastructure= waste, educating all of our children = waste, best r&d and science programs on this planet = waste. We need reforms in education but your idea's simply aren't as good overall. A parent currently has the ability to send their children to private school! Not everyone can...

Can you now see why I think you people aren't sane?

Yes, infrastructure is waste. Building roads and bridges to nowhere is a waste. "Educating tens of millions of children to be illiterate by the time they are 18 is a waste.

Privet schools do something like 2x better than public schools... We would be better off with following the constitution and keeping education privet. Or you can keep forcing children to stay stupid.

What will you have it be Matt?

You don't even know the first thing about the constitution you anti-government person you. Have fun taking us back to the 18th century as people like me will fight you all the way.

I don't totally agree with our educational system being dysfunctional but like Japans, norways and south Korea's educational system we can make it work.

Public education is not part of the constitution you moron.

And doing your way literally takes us back in time to a failed system. Why do you progressives falsify history thinking no one actually knows any?

Privet education>Public education.....

Why do you support dumbing down a nation Matt? Do you hate.... progress?

And I'm not anto Government you dumb fuck, you're just anti human as you want to push the US into policies that have killed hundreds of millions when they fail.
I like the progressive Matt's silence when it comes to providing where Public education is part of the constitution....

Holy fuck he is an ignorant one, and what's worse is it's clearly been a choice to be that way.
Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

Utter nonsense! Creation of wealth requires a work place, raw materials, tools, and workers. Without capital, there are no workers, and there is no wealth created.

This issue is more complex then a lot of people will admit too. You could expand this and say that the corporation/business needs a stable government to keep the peace and build the roads to get the demander to their door steps. ;) Look at Haiti and Somalia as they're not places of opportunity or of the corporate world.

You need a stable government
You need good infrastructure
You need good economic policies

At the micro level you right as a business needs to be able to make their own choices but at the macro level. Well, the conservative idea of things is a little to simple.

Economics gets complicated when government attempts to intervene in the macro economy. The conservative idea of things is simple. No man, nor group of men, is smart enough, fast enough, or pure enough to exert any level of control over a national economy, and therefore, should not be foolish enough to try to do so. Government should stick to what it does best, and allow the people to do what they do best, and that is to look out for their own best interests.

Government distorts markets with every law and regulation that it creates. Those distortions create some winners and some losers, and to some degree restricts the growth of those markets, and subsequently, the growth of the economy. Regulation of markets, by government, is often required to ensure that markets are open, honest, and fair to all players. However, that regulation should be absolutely necessary and strictly tailored to fit the fault that needs to be corrected.
Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

How do they get the job to be able to do that?



You do know that the largest employer in the country is the government, right?

And what does the government create?

The government gets 100% of its operating capital not from producing anything but from shaking down the private sector.

The government could not employ anyone if not for the private sector.

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