Liberals Believe in Trickle Down Economics

Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

How do they get the job to be able to do that?


Nobody "gets" a job. They provide labor from which the employer profits

Well gee whiz, Winger...don't they first have to have a job to go to in order to perform that labor? So what causes that to take place? In a capitalistic system it's someone starting a business with the goal of making a profit. That anticipated profit is what creates jobs...not a labor pool that would like to work.

It never ceases to amaze me how you liberals can't grasp simple economic theories. I guess that's hard when you're so caught up in "social justice" issues.
Most of the business employers are the small business, self employed, corporations are not the big employers that people think they are...
Does anybody here personally know people who started out as small to medium sized businesses and grew their businesses into multi-national corporations?
So the CEO eating a lobster lunch for 3 hours is working harder than the oil platform worker risking his life and body to get the oil so they can have their lobster lunch? I don't think so.

That's the usual line of fibs from the usual leftist fanatic.

When did you last see a CEO eating a lobster lunch for 3 hours? (Other than in a movie made by leftist fanatics?)

The vast majority of CEOs work their @sses off, their lives are not their own. When they ride in the back of a limo, it's not to laze around and eat Grey Poupon or whatever. They're in the back of that limo so they can complete the proposal for manufacturing a new product or open a new wing of the hospital... or, these days, re-plan the company's financial outlook to take into account new and ever-changing taxes and penalties. While someone who can't do those things as well as the CEO can, takes care of more mundane tasks like driving.

I know you leftists live for the opportunity to cut down and destroy CEOs. But you're not bothering them - they're too busy to notice you.
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So the CEO eating a lobster lunch for 3 hours is working harder than the oil platform worker risking his life and body to get the oil so they can have their lobster lunch? I don't think so.

That's the usual line of fibs from the usual leftist fanatic.

When did you last see a CEO eating a lobster lunch for 3 hours? (Other than in a movie made by leftist fanatics?)

The vast majority of CEOs work their @sses off, their lives are not their own. When they ride in the back of a limo, it's not to laze around and eat Grey Poupon or whatever. They're in the back of that limo so they can complete the proposal for manufacturing a new product or open a new wing of the hospital... or, these days, re-plan the company's financial outlook to take into account new and ever-changing taxes and penalties. While someone who can't do those things as well as the CEO can, takes care of more mundane tasks like driving.

I know you leftists live for the opportunity to cut down and destroy CEOs. But you're not bothering them - they're too busy to notice you.

Most eat in their offices, they just have it delivered....
Capitalists do not create wealth.......the workers do

Wow, you dont know shit. If henry ford didnt come up with the assembly line, you wouldnt have many autoworkers and cars would be even higher priced. Ford created wealth with his ideas, workers just get paid to produce stuff, anyone can do those jobs and they need someone to come up with an idea so they can have their menial labor tasks
Never said that it's not the individual's responsibility but you are ignoring that not everyone owns property or if they own property that they don't have enough land to grow the food they need to survive. We are not a agriculture based economy anymore. People need jobs and they need jobs that pay the bills, provide the essentials and gives them some disposable income to do with whatever they please. Many people in this country have jobs that can't provide for the essentials without some assistance from the government.

So in reality, survival in our modern economy is dependent on others creating jobs. Just because you want to be ignorant of that fact doesn't make it false.

And this illustrates one of the biggest problems we currently face. The disillusionment of society in general. The thinking that people are helpless in a free and open society. The mindset that individuals and families must depend on government because no other way is possible to survive. This is clearly the success of Marxist propagandists, or at the very least, what they thrive on instilling. You have to deprogram yourself from this way of thinking.

Every American, rich or poor, has the opportunity to participate in our free market capitalist system. That's the great and wonderful beauty of it. This explains how a poor little black girl in a tar paper shack of Mississippi, can eventually become the wealthiest woman in America. Government subsidy didn't make Oprah wealthy and she certainly didn't resign herself to depending on someone to give her a job. She got to where she is by working hard, believing in herself and her abilities, and going after her dream. I'm sure there were times along the way it seemed hopeless, unattainable, too much of a challenge, but she kept on and didn't give up. She didn't sit on her ass and say... Well, I am a poor black girl, I don't stand a chance.

Now the interesting thing to note here is how the Marxist Socialist promoters have effectively helped to knock the underpinning out from under the poor and working class, making it even more difficult than ever to achieve these levels of success in America. Once upon a time, you could start a small business up without much hassle, it wasn't that hard to hang your shingle and start realizing profits. Today, you have to jump through 50-bazillion government hoops to even start your business, then you have the regulatory costs and tax burdens, mandates and requirements that have to be met, all of them costing valuable resources and zapping your profits. It's still doable, because we still live in a free market capitalist society, but the more Marxists get their way, the harder it becomes and the fewer people who are able to make that leap.

It's not a disillusionment of society, it's people making observations and coming to conclusions about our future.

That if they even think of asking for a raise, they may lose their job because they created waves in their company. If they wanted to even express their grievances, that could put them out of favor with the company and then the company will look for ways to get rid of that person because they could create a problem.

They see their bosses and CEOs getting rich while their wage stays the same or goes up maybe $1,000 a year. That's assuming some one who is paid hourly rate a $0.50 an hour raise. How many companies do you know who pay hourly who gives each employee who has been there over a year a $0.50 raise each year? Yet with the rate of inflation going up 2% each year, Someone making $50,000 would need to get a $1,000 raise just to have the same purchasing power as the previous year. So for someone make $25,000, they would need a $500 raise. That would mean they would need a $0.25/hour raise and that's assuming they work 40 hours a week. Getting even some sort of raise is unheard of today. Yet the stock markets are soaring and companies are more profitable than have ever been.

Your ilk say it's because the CEOs work harder. So the CEO eating a lobster lunch for 3 hours is working harder than the oil platform worker risking his life and body to get the oil so they can have their lobster lunch? I don't think so.

Your concept of the daily life of a CEO is laughable. Yes, they may have lobster for lunch...but I guarantee that if it is a "3 hour" lunch that most of that time is taken up talking business. I also guarantee you that the oil platform worker doesn't work a sixteen hour day or take his job home with him. You've also neglected the extra hours that the average CEO had to put in along the way BEFORE he or she became a CEO. I've got news for you but if you want to work 9 to 5 and have your nights and weekends to aren't going to go far in today's corporate world.
Does anybody here personally know people who started out as small to medium sized businesses and grew their businesses into multi-national corporations?

yes, I worked and knew the founder of Chick Fil A in the mid 1970's

Excellent! Was he all over the business day and night in a completley organized fashion or did he fly by the seat of his pants on a lot of business matters that came up?
Its really govt civil servants and entry level labor that creares growth.... Lol

No more than the person who designs and puts together a company and designs jobs in that company, simple enough for those people to do while still producing enough profit for the company to survive and have enough for the next new product launch.

I've noticed that the people who scream the loudest in outrage at people who form and run companies, are the people who have never formed and run companies, and so have no clue what such people do and how much they risk.
Try getting your lawn mowed by a rich person

The capitalists provide no goods or services. They only profit off the labor of others
How did they accumulate their capital in the first place?

Is there a big secret pile of cash somewhere that they aced you out of?
Yes, actually there is.
Global super-rich hide $21 trillion in tax havens -
Super-Rich Hide $21 Trillion in Secret Tax Havens, Says Tax Justice Network - ABC News
Tax havens: The missing $20 trillion | The Economist
Rich hide up to $32 trillion in offshore tax havens, report contends - Los Angeles Times

And this is a prime example of the left-wing Occutard stupidity that permeates society today. These "tax havens" exist because of government intrusion into free market capitalism. Mostly in the form of ever-increasing corporate taxation. In other words, it is the result of liberalist policy of trying to "punish the wealthy" which has caused this, but instead of the ideologues realizing what is actually happening, they want to double-down, find more ways to "punish the rich" by maybe confiscating this wealth somehow. The problem is, there is no constitutional way to do that.

Let's say that I send a million dollars to Belize. It's in a bank in Belize. Congress can't tax it because it's not here, it's in Belize. The bank in Belize is appreciative of the money, so they pay me a dividend each quarter, but they don't send the money to me in the US, they simply put it in my Belize account. The US Government still has no authority to tax it because it is not here, it's in Belize. The government there can tax it, but they are so appreciative of having my money, they aren't inclined to tax it too much. Now I can go to Belize and withdraw my windfall and spend it there, or travel Europe, invest in a German business, or go to Africa and hand out $100 bills to poor people... whatever I please, and the US Government still has no authority to touch a single penny of my money. The ONLY way they can, is if I choose to bring that money home to the US. Then it becomes an asset they can tax and they do.

Now it seems to me, the BEST way to get me to take my money out of Belize and bring it back here, where it can work to stimulate this economy and create new jobs and such, is to eliminate the tax burden I would face if I brought the money home. But the ideologues refuse to consider this option, and instead, continue to spew the same Marxist-Maoist philosophy of "hate the rich" and "punish the wealthy."
Why does wealth inequality coincide with lower corporate taxes?
Its really govt civil servants and entry level labor that creares growth.... Lol

No more than the person who designs and puts together a company and designs jobs in that company, simple enough for those people to do while still producing enough profit for the company to survive and have enough for the next new product launch.

I've noticed that the people who scream the loudest in outrage at people who form and run companies, are the people who have never formed and run companies, and so have no clue what such people do and how much they risk.

You are absolutely right. And if you query these people who decry the pay of CEOs, you will find that they have not a clue what a CEO does. A liberal friend of mine was recently on a rant at a gathering I was at, and usually I won't get involved in political conversations because I tend to be the lone conservative in my group of friends, but he just kept on and on about the rich greedy CEOs making all this money they don't deserve while the poor workers lived on mac and cheese... blah blah blah. Finally, I asked him... What do you think a CEO typically does? His response was priceless. Apparently, according to him... CEOs "take phone calls and go to meetings" and that's about it. The rest of the time, they are jetting around the world on the corporate G-5, spending lavish amounts of money living like kings. This is amusing to me, since the CEOs are employed by capitalists who have the sole objective of making as much profit as possible for their company and shareholders. It would seem they could hire a secretary to take phone calls and some junior accountant intern to go to meetings, and sell that corporate jet... save all kinds of money and make greater profits! I guess capitalists are just really dumb not to do this, huh?
Now it seems to me, the BEST way to get me to take my money out of Belize and bring it back here, where it can work to stimulate this economy and create new jobs and such, is to eliminate the tax burden I would face if I brought the money home. But the ideologues refuse to consider this option, and instead, continue to spew the same Marxist-Maoist philosophy of "hate the rich" and "punish the wealthy."
A lot of them live for that. Not to discuss philosophy at all, but to hate, denigrate, and destroy somebody.

Liberalism is a philosophy that feels that everyone else is incompetent and unable to survive without massive "help"... from liberals, inevitably. It couples that with a belief that their opponents are not just wrong, but unutterably evil. And to top it off, most Americans find their agenda unappealing, understandably. So the liberals have gotten into the habit of lying about their agenda, lying about their opponents, and twisting the truth wherever they can, since telling the truth would only get them voted out of power. Lying becomes a normal, ingrained habit with them.

So it tends to attract people who are slavering to denigrate and assassinate the character of conservatives, or even Republicans - ANYONE who opposes them, regardless of their actual characteristics. And saying "CEOs don't create anything" as various leftists do here, is all in a day's work - just another part of what they must do to be successful liberals.

In a nutshell, liberalism attracts the worst among us. Some people who genuinely want to help others, don't last long in the liberal camp as they discover the platitudes of "helping the poor" etc. were fibs, and discover the true nature of the ones who have remained and risen through the ranks. The ones who remain, are the ones whom the agenda and tactics fit to a "T": Those seething with hate, people happy to lie and distort their way through life, etc.

Why else do they constantly spend their time spewing lies about conservatives such as "poisoning the air", "stealing from children", "dispossessing seniors", "throwing granny off the cliff", and now "CEOs eating three hour lobster lunches"?

It's not a disturbing exception. Among liberals, it's the rule. It's the only way they can advance their agenda... and in most cases, the only way they want to.

And the dregs of humanity - warped individuals seething with hate, desiring to hurt and destroy others - find an accommodating home among their fellow travelers in the Democrat and other extreme-left big-government parties that regard the majority as needing help, unable to function well without "guidance", and generally inferior to the leftists. Not just now, but throughout history - England's "Labor" party, South Africa's white minority, Germany in the 1930s, etc.
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Its really govt civil servants and entry level labor that creares growth.... Lol

No more than the person who designs and puts together a company and designs jobs in that company, simple enough for those people to do while still producing enough profit for the company to survive and have enough for the next new product launch.

I've noticed that the people who scream the loudest in outrage at people who form and run companies, are the people who have never formed and run companies, and so have no clue what such people do and how much they risk.

You are absolutely right. And if you query these people who decry the pay of CEOs, you will find that they have not a clue what a CEO does. A liberal friend of mine was recently on a rant at a gathering I was at, and usually I won't get involved in political conversations because I tend to be the lone conservative in my group of friends, but he just kept on and on about the rich greedy CEOs making all this money they don't deserve while the poor workers lived on mac and cheese... blah blah blah. Finally, I asked him... What do you think a CEO typically does? His response was priceless. Apparently, according to him... CEOs "take phone calls and go to meetings" and that's about it. The rest of the time, they are jetting around the world on the corporate G-5, spending lavish amounts of money living like kings. This is amusing to me, since the CEOs are employed by capitalists who have the sole objective of making as much profit as possible for their company and shareholders. It would seem they could hire a secretary to take phone calls and some junior accountant intern to go to meetings, and sell that corporate jet... save all kinds of money and make greater profits! I guess capitalists are just really dumb not to do this, huh?

Most CEOs of large corporations hire people to do the work for them; they do not do the work themselves.
They usually present the result of the work of their underlings to the Board.
Now it seems to me, the BEST way to get me to take my money out of Belize and bring it back here, where it can work to stimulate this economy and create new jobs and such, is to eliminate the tax burden I would face if I brought the money home. But the ideologues refuse to consider this option, and instead, continue to spew the same Marxist-Maoist philosophy of "hate the rich" and "punish the wealthy."
A lot of them live for that. Not to discuss philosophy at all, but to hate, denigrate, and destroy somebody.

Liberalism is a philosophy that feels that everyone else is incompetent and unable to survive without massive "help"... from liberals, inevitably. It couples that with a belief that their opponents are not just wrong, but unutterably evil. And to top it off, most Americans find their agenda unappealing, understandably. So the liberals have gotten into the habit of lying about their agenda, lying about their opponents, and twisting the truth wherever they can, since telling the truth would only get them voted out of power. Lying becomes a normal, ingrained habit with them.

So it tends to attract people who are slavering to denigrate and assassinate the character of conservatives, or even Republicans - ANYONE who opposes them, regardless of their actual characteristics. And saying "CEOs don't create anything" as various leftists do here, is all in a day's work - just another part of what they must do to be successful liberals.

In a nutshell, liberalism attracts the worst among us. Some people who genuinely want to help others, don't last long in the liberal camp as they discover the platitudes of "helping the poor" etc. were fibs, and discover the true nature of the ones who have remained and risen through the ranks. The ones who remain, are the ones whom the agenda and tactics fit to a "T": Those seething with hate, people happy to lie and distort their way through life, etc.

Why else do they constantly spend their time spewing lies about conservatives such as "poisoning the air", "stealing from children", "dispossessing seniors", "throwing granny off the cliff", and now "CEOs eating three hour lobster lunches"?

It's not a disturbing exception. Among liberals, it's the rule. It's the only way they can advance their agenda... and in most cases, the only way they want to.

And the dregs of humanity - warped individuals seething with hate, desiring to hurt and destroy others - find an accommodating home among their fellow travelers in the Democrat and other extreme-left big-government parties that regard the majority as needing help, unable to function well without "guidance", and generally inferior to the leftists. Not just now, but throughout history - England's "Labor" party, South Africa's white minority, Germany in the 1930s, etc.

So CEOs who testify that Americans don't have relevant skills are liberals.
Glad we settled that!
No more than the person who designs and puts together a company and designs jobs in that company, simple enough for those people to do while still producing enough profit for the company to survive and have enough for the next new product launch.

I've noticed that the people who scream the loudest in outrage at people who form and run companies, are the people who have never formed and run companies, and so have no clue what such people do and how much they risk.

You are absolutely right. And if you query these people who decry the pay of CEOs, you will find that they have not a clue what a CEO does. A liberal friend of mine was recently on a rant at a gathering I was at, and usually I won't get involved in political conversations because I tend to be the lone conservative in my group of friends, but he just kept on and on about the rich greedy CEOs making all this money they don't deserve while the poor workers lived on mac and cheese... blah blah blah. Finally, I asked him... What do you think a CEO typically does? His response was priceless. Apparently, according to him... CEOs "take phone calls and go to meetings" and that's about it. The rest of the time, they are jetting around the world on the corporate G-5, spending lavish amounts of money living like kings. This is amusing to me, since the CEOs are employed by capitalists who have the sole objective of making as much profit as possible for their company and shareholders. It would seem they could hire a secretary to take phone calls and some junior accountant intern to go to meetings, and sell that corporate jet... save all kinds of money and make greater profits! I guess capitalists are just really dumb not to do this, huh?

Most CEOs of large corporations hire people to do the work for them; they do not do the work themselves.
They usually present the result of the work of their underlings to the Board.

knowing how to delegate is crucial to leadership. doesnt mean they dont work.. go cry

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