Liberals believe

Libs in America see manger scenes as a threat to America and the US Constitution

It somewhat is. Speration of church and state is in the constitution. To me that means exactley what it says. One should have nothing to do with the other. Yet relgious values, specifcally Christian ones, are a large part of American culture and history. In other words the country was founded on the principle that you can participate in any relgion you want, yet our country is predominantly alligned with just one. It is the first thing cited when debates as to whether crosses should appear in public facilities or if other relgious monuments in public places. They say well Christianity is part of American heritage and so the symbols should be allowed. But that runs counter to seperation of church and state.
It somewhat is. Speration of church and state is in the constitution. To me that means exactley what it says. One should have nothing to do with the other. Yet relgious values, specifcally Christian ones, are a large part of American culture and history. In other words the country was founded on the principle that you can participate in any relgion you want, yet our country is predominantly alligned with just one. It is the first thing cited when debates as to whether crosses should appear in public facilities or if other relgious monuments in public places. They say well Christianity is part of American heritage and so the symbols should be allowed. But that runs counter to seperation of church and state.

I prefer inclusive rather than exclusive representation of the Freedom of Religion. I would rather the government buildings put up displays of each of the religion's holidays rather than exclude them entirely.
Find me an official statement from an official web site?

Right. But we can just assume that Rush speaks for all conservatives and make generalizations. It's a game of generalization. Have fun with it. Make your own "Cons Believe" thread rather than assuming it is some sort of threat to your belief system.
Im barely a Democrat, but Republicans are definetly not the way to go.
Republican Conservatives believe:
In the word NO.
Everyone is going to burn in hell, except them.
NO on gay marriage, Gays are going to burn in hell, cause its any of their business.
NO to abortions, Women who have abortions are going to burn in hell. Republicans would rather have unwanted pregnancies grow up to be criminals to pray on society.
.........the fetuses that were aborted, had they been born, would have become children who were statistically the most likely group to become criminals. Raised by single mothers, in poverty, with genes that might not provide them with much ability to foresee the longterm consequences of impulsive actions..........
NO to advancing medical science through stem cell reasearch is wrong, finding cures and healing the sick and possibly repairing OUR wounded soldiers who fight so bravely in Iraq is wrong.
The US is falling behind......... Countries where the research is encouraged have stepped into the breach, making new lines at an astonishing rate. Their discoveries are increasingly showcased at scientific meetings.
NO, to leaving Iraq, Keeping our troops in Iraq is good, Cause you obviously want them dead.
It would appear that Republicans are agreed on one thing, Killing undeveloped, unborn babies is wrong,
BUT letting sick people suffer and die, and letting our troops and innocent civillians get blown up is good.
Support suffering, Vote Republican.
This message was brought to you by,
"The fight against the ignorance of RSR."

Unfortunatly when Im being sarcastic it rarely comes accross as intended.

My apologies.

Although I half assed believe this, Im not die hard in advocating it, it was in jest and retalliation to the idea of this thread.

Respect to Gunny and Bern80 who have put it in better perspective and accomplished to get accross more or less what i have feebly attempted.
Find me an official statement from an official web site?

The actions of liberals is all the proof you need

Gay parades are out in the open on the public street for all to see (including children)

If you want a manger in the town square, the ACLU is right there ready to sue
The actions of liberals is all the proof you need

Gay parades are out in the open on the public street for all to see (including children)

If you want a manger in the town square, the ACLU is right there ready to sue

That was a TOTALLY lame response.:rolleyes:

You made the statement. back it up.
I guess you miss the libs annual War on Christmas every year

I have not missed the secular progressive war against Christianity at all; although. I think the "War on Christmas" isa a bit overplayed.

What's that got to do with you providing a link to support your statement?
Are you suggesting there is a war on Je$u$ Chri$t. I thought is was on the moneychangers.

Libs and the ACLU go after Constitional threats like schools having Christmas parties, kids singing Christmas Carols, and fire houses have a Christmas tree in the station
Are you denying the libs have an annual war on Christmas?

Hell, I'll bite. Not that I'll get a straight answer out of you.

The secualr progressive movement is not solely liberal. It is just another minority special interest group that hides out with the Democrats. Not all liberals are secular progressive, nor even Democrats.

So, your statement as it stands is incorrect.
Hell, I'll bite. Not that I'll get a straight answer out of you.

The secualr progressive movement is not solely liberal. It is just another minority special interest group that hides out with the Democrats. Not all liberals are secular progressive, nor even Democrats.

So, your statement as it stands is incorrect.

Most of the idiots I see going after Christmas are liberals

If there are any Conservatives doing it - let me know
Most of the idiots I see going after Christmas are liberals

If there are any Conservatives doing it - let me know

Dude, you think there's a liberal monster under your bed too. If anyone wears out the word "liberal" to death, it's YOU.

I was raised in a liberal family, and most of my family is liberal, and NONE of them are anything like your broad-sweeping brush attempts to paint them as.

But the two Republicans are about as open-minded as you.:neutral:

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