Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement

Well the commie bullies win the day again. I seriously doubt any student would have said a word without the prompting of the professors. The professors should be fired for forcing their political views on the student population, it's not their place.
No one wants to hear what the first black female secretary of state has to say. Certainly a black woman pianist so accomplished she gave a concert with Yolo Ma has nothing to add to the racial conversation. A black woman who can sit down with Putin and speak to him in fluent Russian is no role model for women today.

Whatever was Rutgers thinking? Get the black congresswoman who said she is a freed slave. That's worth the price of admission.
Speaking at commencements is not a right. They don't like her or her actions. Let's mush on.

Your tune would be different if it was your dear leader being protested, You'd be whipping out the race card faster than you could say mulatto messiah.
But of course as the little wet behind the ears libs, they would love to have Mumia Abu Jamal speak from his jail cell at their commencement.
No one wants to hear what the first black female secretary of state has to say. Certainly a black woman pianist so accomplished she gave a concert with Yolo Ma has nothing to add to the racial conversation. A black woman who can sit down with Putin and speak to him in fluent Russian is no role model for women today.

Whatever was Rutgers thinking? Get the black congresswoman who said she is a freed slave. That's worth the price of admission.

Or they would rather have the dipshit Shelia Jackson Lee ramble on and on about how horrible America is. Libs would eat that shit right up, especially the white ones.
Sadly universities and colleges of today are loaded with the most intolerant small minded assholes you are going to meet in your future.

On the bright side, we conservatives are in positions not to hire the little bastards. :) Hells bells I was in rock and roll and lived and died fun times. Worst people ever working for me as roadies and crew for example were so called liberals.

Control freaks.
Speaking at commencements is not a right. They don't like her or her actions. Let's mush on.

Your tune would be different if it was your dear leader being protested, You'd be whipping out the race card faster than you could say mulatto messiah.

He's the President of my nation, nothing more, and he has been protested, several times.
Ironic, how that is the same school that so offended by Imus.

Liberals and their pure bullshit.

Just more proof what the mass brainwashing has done.

Should be interesting to see how much more divided we can get.

Conservatives will only be able to speak to conservatives, liberals to liberals.

At some point it will end up literally being two different languages.

E Pluribus Unum is over.


Well at least we haven't started grabbing guns yet anyway.

Should be interesting to see how much more divided we can get.

Conservatives will only be able to speak to conservatives, liberals to liberals.

At some point it will end up literally being two different languages.

E Pluribus Unum is over.


Well, we cannot really escape liberal talk can we? Has a school like this ever turned down a liberal talker?

Have conservatives at these schools ever try to stop a liberal from speaking, even though everything they say and stand for is anti-American?

Liberals are more interested in hearing

They sure as shit let this asshole speak, didn't they?

Fucking double talking hypocrites.

They are so fucked up in the head that liberals think Condoleeza Rice is more dangerous than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Save the world, punch a liberal in the face.
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Should be interesting to see how much more divided we can get.

Conservatives will only be able to speak to conservatives, liberals to liberals.

At some point it will end up literally being two different languages.

E Pluribus Unum is over.


Well, we cannot really escape liberal talk can we? Has a school like this ever turned down a liberal talker?

Have conservatives at these schools ever try to stop a liberal from speaking, even though everything they say and stand for is anti-American?

Liberals are more interested in hearing

They sure as shit let this asshole speak, didn't they?

Fucking double talking hypocrites.

They are so fucked up in the head that liberals think Condoleeza Rice is more dangerous than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Save the world, punch a liberal in the face.

Can't argue, it will be impossible at some point for a conservative to even be able to speak at most colleges.

Those college kids are smart 'n open-minded 'n stuff.

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I always viewed Condi as the lone respectable person in that administration. The rutgers kids are just being little crybaby's.

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