Liberals, can you explain this?

How about not going to war with Russia and disarming NK?
we weren't going to war with Russia and talks were already happening with NK. Just more right wing, fake news.

So you think it's a bad thing to try and iron out our differences?
Fucken lefty warmonger.
by ditching our allies? only right wing, self-interest not public interest, does that.

You have yet to tell us which allies we're ditching even though I've asked repeatedly.
nothing but diversion? if You aren't keeping up with the latest political developments, why should I take You seriously about the topic?

So no allies ditched.....thanks for playing.
You have a Link?
Not keeping track of our new friendships? Why should I take you seriously.
Trump does not need the House to cut funding.
And why do you want to pay another nations obligations?
And I still would like a Link.
I mean, not even a lie from MSLSD?
swapping one set of alliances for another? what are we gaining.
What alliances did we drop?
What alliances did we gain?
Be specific.
why do we need a security agreement with our "new friends"?
I asked questions; answer them.
Not keeping track of our new friendships? Why should I take you seriously.
Trump does not need the House to cut funding.
And why do you want to pay another nations obligations?
And I still would like a Link.
I mean, not even a lie from MSLSD?
swapping one set of alliances for another? what are we gaining.
What alliances did we drop?
What alliances did we gain?
Be specific.
why do we need a security agreement with our "new friends"?
I asked questions; answer them.
why do you believe we needed a change in the status quo in our foreign relations?

why do you believe our "new friends", can help us more than our long time allies.
Trump does not need the House to cut funding.
And why do you want to pay another nations obligations?
And I still would like a Link.
I mean, not even a lie from MSLSD?
swapping one set of alliances for another? what are we gaining.
What alliances did we drop?
What alliances did we gain?
Be specific.
why do we need a security agreement with our "new friends"?
I asked questions; answer them.
why do you believe we needed a change in the status quo in our foreign relations?

why do you believe our "new friends", can help us more than our long time allies.
I appreciate you showing everyone here you have no facts to grab onto so you’re posting non sequiturs.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

Don't hold your breath waiting for a straight answer.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.
Then where did you get the idea China is attempting to claim other countries?
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.
Then where did you get the idea China is attempting to claim other countries?
TheHill and Politico.
They carry international events.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.
Then where did you get the idea China is attempting to claim other countries?
TheHill and Politico.
They carry international events.
Please post links to this information.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.
Then where did you get the idea China is attempting to claim other countries?
TheHill and Politico.
They carry international events.
Please post links to this information.
I’ll look in the morning.
I read the story several months ago after being told about it by an immigrant from Tibet.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.
Then where did you get the idea China is attempting to claim other countries?
TheHill and Politico.
They carry international events.
Please post links to this information.
Google “china building islands”
Damn freaky!
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

Libtards never stop to realize that if they tried to piece together every different claim they make as "facts," that they are claiming something different about Trump for every day of the week, half of which are the diametric contradiction of the other.
Libtards never stop to realize that if they tried to piece together every different claim they make as "facts," that they are claiming something different about Trump for every day of the week, half of which are the diametric contradiction of the other.

I suspect, "Libtards" are just a figment of your imagination, a transference projection, if you will.

On the other hands, if liberals hear from the Trumpy "it would" on one day, and, on the same matter, "it wouldn't" on the next, what are members of the fact-based community to do?
FYI, I don't read daily Kos, or Palmer report, or any of the less credible sources. Can you say that about your news sources?

I seriously doubt it.
TheHill and Politico.
Even though they are clones and go between loving and hating Trump.
I presume they slant their stories based on visits to their sites.
I won’t bother with Sludge or Fauxnoos.
Since GW and Globalism Gone Wild, I won’t bother with neo-Conservative sites.
It’s limiting but 99% of the “news” outlets are complete bullshit.
Then where did you get the idea China is attempting to claim other countries?
TheHill and Politico.
They carry international events.
Please post links to this information.
Google “china building islands”
Damn freaky!
I am away they are building islands. They are using them to extent their seapower. They see not using them to take over other nations.
swapping one set of alliances for another? what are we gaining.
What alliances did we drop?
What alliances did we gain?
Be specific.
why do we need a security agreement with our "new friends"?
I asked questions; answer them.
why do you believe we needed a change in the status quo in our foreign relations?

why do you believe our "new friends", can help us more than our long time allies.
I appreciate you showing everyone here you have no facts to grab onto so you’re posting non sequiturs.
Good, so no need to change Anything.


insist our new best friends play nice for nice capital consideration.
What alliances did we drop?
What alliances did we gain?
Be specific.
why do we need a security agreement with our "new friends"?
I asked questions; answer them.
why do you believe we needed a change in the status quo in our foreign relations?

why do you believe our "new friends", can help us more than our long time allies.
I appreciate you showing everyone here you have no facts to grab onto so you’re posting non sequiturs.
Good, so no need to change Anything.


insist our new best friends play nice for nice capital consideration.
Why do we love the murderous totalitarian nation known as China?
Damn, you’re naive.
why do we need a security agreement with our "new friends"?
I asked questions; answer them.
why do you believe we needed a change in the status quo in our foreign relations?

why do you believe our "new friends", can help us more than our long time allies.
I appreciate you showing everyone here you have no facts to grab onto so you’re posting non sequiturs.
Good, so no need to change Anything.


insist our new best friends play nice for nice capital consideration.
Why do we love the murderous totalitarian nation known as China?
Damn, you’re naive.
We have a Commerce Clause.
I asked questions; answer them.
why do you believe we needed a change in the status quo in our foreign relations?

why do you believe our "new friends", can help us more than our long time allies.
I appreciate you showing everyone here you have no facts to grab onto so you’re posting non sequiturs.
Good, so no need to change Anything.


insist our new best friends play nice for nice capital consideration.
Why do we love the murderous totalitarian nation known as China?
Damn, you’re naive.
We have a Commerce Clause.
Interstate; zippo to do with international commerce.

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