Liberals Can’t Understand Why Mainstream America Views Them as Idiots

The hate and decay continue.

No doubt she has fans now.

Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

A rightwing nut promoting PCness. Good on you.

A right wing nut, eh? I am pro choice, anti death penalty, agnostic, amongst other issues I can agree with on the left. You are just angry whenever someone is able to see reality and is not a part of your partisan bubble and issues that you feel "outraged" over. :dunno:
Hey, I was giving you kudos for your brief moment of normalcy. Who knows where you find anger in that?
As I've said, it's a symptom of a much, much larger problem. I wasn't addressing Bush92's comments.

You were warned years ago. What did you hope to gain that would make this worth it?
Are you a Chesterson reader? (you should be)

Suppose that a great commotion arises in the street about something, let us say a lamp-post, which many influential persons desire to pull down. A grey-clad monk, who is the spirit of the Middle Ages, is approached upon the matter, and begins to say, in the arid manner of the Schoolmen, “Let us first of all consider, my brethren, the value of Light. If Light be in itself good–” At this point he is somewhat excusably knocked down. All the people make a rush for the lamp-post, the lamp-post is down in ten minutes, and they go about congratulating each other on their unmediaeval practicality. But as things go on they do not work out so easily. Some people have pulled the lamp-post down because they wanted the electric light; some because they wanted old iron; some because they wanted darkness, because their deeds were evil. Some thought it not enough of a lamp-post, some too much; some acted because they wanted to smash municipal machinery; some because they wanted to smash something.

And there is war in the night, no man knowing whom he strikes. So, gradually and inevitably, to-day, to-morrow, or the next day, there comes back the conviction that the monk was right after all, and that all depends on what is the philosophy of Light. Only what we might have discussed under the gas-lamp, we now must discuss in the dark.

– Heretics
Hillary is history, a bad part of history that most people would rather never happened at all.
Trump is a sex deviant that you support because you agree that women have to be treated like shit...

Trump has hired more women than Hillary and pays them more too. :D
yes he has hired them for Prostitution you are correct ...he is a champion of females Right ? LOL
Trump was one of the first guys to have a woman CEO. Quit proving yourself to be the idiot you are.
I think this is what bothers the leftists most of all, they cannot control your thoughts.

“It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be.” 1984

Did Orwell know leftists or what?
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The hate and decay continue.

No doubt she has fans now.

Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

I guess you didn’t listen to your parents either. Telling someone to shut their “big stupid mouth” isn’t my definition of “nice”.

You should reread the last sentence of your post. It applies to you too.
The hate and decay continue.

No doubt she has fans now.

Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

I guess you didn’t listen to your parents either. Telling someone to shut their “big stupid mouth” isn’t my definition of “nice”.

You should reread the last sentence of your post. It applies to you too.

Who said anything about "nice?" Would I show up at his funeral and say that? No. Therein lies the point of the matter.
Ugly is deeper than skin..

I know. All one has to do is read your posts to figure out that much. You are just as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside! :D
Trump is known for calling females Fat and ugly because women have to be treated like shit as you have already agreed

Hey, if someone is fat and ugly, then they are fat and ugly. There is no sugar coating that.
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..
They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.
"women you have to treat them Like shit"...Donald Trump
Roger Stone steps up attacks on Barbara Bush: 'She is descending ...
4 days ago - Trump ally Roger Stone has doubled down on his criticism of Barbara Bush after calling the former first lady "a nasty drunk" following news she had died Tuesday at the age of 92. "She is descending into hell right now. She's not going to heaven. She was a bad person," Stone told controversial website ...
Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Calls Barbara Bush 'Nasty Drunk ...
4 days ago - Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, responded to the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush by calling her a "nasty drunk" in an Instagram post. “Barbara Bush was a nasty drunk. When it came to drinking she made Betty Ford look like Carrie Nation #blottoBabs,” Stone wrote, hours ...

So your point is that Roger Stone is as much of a lowlife as that libtard professor?

Can’t disagree with that.

The most interesting part of that article is that one can be a drunk and still live to 92. That’s great! Time for my morning scotch!
The hate and decay continue.

No doubt she has fans now.

Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

A rightwing nut promoting PCness. Good on you.

A right wing nut, eh? I am pro choice, anti death penalty, agnostic, amongst other issues I can agree with on the left. You are just angry whenever someone is able to see reality and is not a part of your partisan bubble and issues that you feel "outraged" over. :dunno:
Hey, I was giving you kudos for your brief moment of normalcy. Who knows where you find anger in that?
It's that black birthday party on her mind..
Funny how the thread has been so completely derailed.
Deflection is a very effective tactic.
you are whining because Liberals have destroyed the stupid premise of this thread ...that you Trump Gimps represent Mainstream America represent Gimp Zombie America
Another example of my original point, thanks.

And I voted for Hillary. My goodness, you're so consumed by your hate and ideology that you're just gone.


Seriously though, I'm pretty sure his "issues" run deeper than just some partisanship. There are obviously other issues at play with this one.
Here's what concerns me: If this behavior were limited to an online message board, that would be one thing, it could be dismissed as just an ugly anomaly. But it's not, it's a part of our regular culture now. Of course, the thread has been derailed, but that's what we were discussing before the Regressives jumped in to change the subject.

This is a real problem. We've literally lost layers of civility, and it's only increasing.


Just point out you call one side 'Regressives' which is a insult, not a big one and then later say 'literally lost layers of civility, and it's only increasing.'....

I know it is easy here to name call by almost accident... We have all done it, frustration is a cruel mistress...

No biggy, I don't agree with the professor... Wrong time, wrong place... But the New York Post has asked why she isn't fired and the university has taken it up... This is the same New York Post which complained when students protested far right wing speakers... So they want free speech (and be invited to campus) but don't want to give it...

You are right the exact people would be screaming in the other direction if this changed from blue to red... It is all gone tribal and the leader of the tribe is the one most committed to it...
They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.
"women you have to treat them Like shit"...Donald Trump
Roger Stone steps up attacks on Barbara Bush: 'She is descending ...
4 days ago - Trump ally Roger Stone has doubled down on his criticism of Barbara Bush after calling the former first lady "a nasty drunk" following news she had died Tuesday at the age of 92. "She is descending into hell right now. She's not going to heaven. She was a bad person," Stone told controversial website ...
Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Calls Barbara Bush 'Nasty Drunk ...
4 days ago - Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, responded to the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush by calling her a "nasty drunk" in an Instagram post. “Barbara Bush was a nasty drunk. When it came to drinking she made Betty Ford look like Carrie Nation #blottoBabs,” Stone wrote, hours ...

So your point is that Roger Stone is as much of a lowlife as that libtard professor?

Can’t disagree with that.

The most interesting part of that article is that one can be a drunk and still live to 92. That’s great! Time for my morning scotch!
and milk..
I know. All one has to do is read your posts to figure out that much. You are just as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside! :D
Trump is known for calling females Fat and ugly because women have to be treated like shit as you have already agreed

Hey, if someone is fat and ugly, then they are fat and ugly. There is no sugar coating that.
I am speaking of that which comprises the soul..

Okay, let me be blunt. I find you extremely ugly on the outside and on the inside. You are not someone I would ever consider having a friendship with. I find you shallow, stupid, immature, mean spirited and ridiculous.
Really? Like I could give a fuck what you stink..

Likewise, so stop telling me what you think about me. It is irrelevant and inconsequential.
The hate and decay continue.

No doubt she has fans now.

Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

Same with Trump. Never taught how to behave or be nice to people, except if it benefits him. Not even welcome at funerals.
The hate and decay continue.

No doubt she has fans now.

Never heard of her before the Right started whining about her. Doesn't sound any whackier than the professors I had at UIC back in the 1980's.

So what is this derangement we have that when someone dies, we have to say nothing but nice things about them? I've kind of held off on saying bad things about Babs because she wasn't as awful as the rest of her family, but if you didn't like someone when they were alive, why do they suddenly become better when they are dead?

Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.

Same with Trump. Never taught how to behave or be nice to people, except if it benefits him. Not even welcome at funerals.

I can't recall him ever expressing joy over another person's death.
They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.
"women you have to treat them Like shit"...Donald Trump
Roger Stone steps up attacks on Barbara Bush: 'She is descending ...
4 days ago - Trump ally Roger Stone has doubled down on his criticism of Barbara Bush after calling the former first lady "a nasty drunk" following news she had died Tuesday at the age of 92. "She is descending into hell right now. She's not going to heaven. She was a bad person," Stone told controversial website ...
Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Calls Barbara Bush 'Nasty Drunk ...
4 days ago - Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, responded to the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush by calling her a "nasty drunk" in an Instagram post. “Barbara Bush was a nasty drunk. When it came to drinking she made Betty Ford look like Carrie Nation #blottoBabs,” Stone wrote, hours ...

So your point is that Roger Stone is as much of a lowlife as that libtard professor?

Can’t disagree with that.

The most interesting part of that article is that one can be a drunk and still live to 92. That’s great! Time for my morning scotch!
and milk..

You’re dead to me.

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