Liberals Cause Their Own Homeless Problem

Lots of homeless people choose states that have a warm climate and/or good social programs. Many spend the winters in the south, summers in the north. It's a society within a society within a society.
Most homeless are homeless in their area. They don't have the money to move around in mass to find the best homeless deal.
Ray, you should educate yourself and not listen to the echo chamber.

PC 459.5 shoplifting is always a misdemeanor crime and punishable by up to six months in a county jail and fine up to $1,000, unless the defendant has one of more prior convictions. Shoplifting is commonly thought of as stealing an item from a store without paying for it.

Shoplifting Laws in California | Penal Code 459.5 PC

In many states, including California, store owners are allowed to detain suspected shoplifters. This serves to protect them from allegations of false imprisonment.

Here's What to Do if a Store Detains You for Shoplifting

Penal Code 459.5 PC - California "Shoplifting" Laws & Penalties › ca › defense › penal-code

California Penal Code 459.5 PC defines shoplifting as entering into an open business with the intent to steal merchandise worth $950 or less.
What are the California... · ‎What happens when I get... · ‎Can you legally detain a...


No, you can’t steal up to $950 worth of merchandise in California without consequence under Prop 47​

Prop 47 reclassified theft offenses from felonies to misdemeanors, including shoplifting. It doesn’t mean people can steal up to $950 in goods without consequences.
Says the person who listens to their echo chamber.
Yes, but not until Franklin Roosevelt, before then people died on the streets, and people were told not to help them because it would ruin them, just like the GOP said and did in 1929 which is why the GOP lost federal elections for twenty years. Now you idiots who want to end welfare are suddenly interested in homeless people? You people are liars and have zero interest in helping homeless people.
The right wants to help them BEFORE they become homeless. The left want to wait until they become homeless and then try figuring out a way to help them.
The total number of homeless should be zero. Too bad Democrats started this problem when they supported unions.
You do know we had little homelessness when unions were powerful in this country. Right?
You do know we had little homelessness when unions were powerful in this country. Right?

You do know that the drug of choice was pot and not fentanly or any other opioid drugs back then, right? I don't recall any story about people becoming homeless because of pot.

In the 70's Geraldo had his own weekly television show. He went on a crusade to protest for people who were incarcerated by judges for not being able to take care of themselves. In other words the mentally ill. The word for that was called "committed" which is a word you never hear today. It made it's way to court and a judge agreed with Geraldo. You can't incarcerate people who committed no crime. Afterwards the mental institutions had to open the cages and let people do as they wanted, which most of them wanted out, and they're still on our streets today.

The bulk of homeless are not people that can't find good paying jobs. Good paying jobs are all across the country. it's just that we can't find Americans to work them anymore. The bulk of our homeless are drug addicts and people with mental issues.
Drug addicts and those with mental issues do make up a large portion of the homeless.

As we see here which is indicative of society in general, few are willing to address it without interjecting their partisan politics.

Partisan politics trump everything.
You do know that the drug of choice was pot and not fentanly or any other opioid drugs back then, right? I don't recall any story about people becoming homeless because of pot.

In the 70's Geraldo had his own weekly television show. He went on a crusade to protest for people who were incarcerated by judges for not being able to take care of themselves. In other words the mentally ill. The word for that was called "committed" which is a word you never hear today. It made it's way to court and a judge agreed with Geraldo. You can't incarcerate people who committed no crime. Afterwards the mental institutions had to open the cages and let people do as they wanted, which most of them wanted out, and they're still on our streets today.

The bulk of homeless are not people that can't find good paying jobs. Good paying jobs are all across the country. it's just that we can't find Americans to work them anymore. The bulk of our homeless are drug addicts and people with mental issues.
Homeless need a home. Then they can get a job. You thinking all of them are drug addicts is absurd.

I’m old enough to remember when no one slept on the street in this country. We need to get back to that.

Our corrupt government spends trillions annually, but refuses to help the homeless. I find this despicable.
Yes. We still have those jobs in America if it wasn't for greedy liberals. Without those jobs, we have more homeless people.
Absurd. This isn’t a partisan issue no matter how much you want to make it one.
Our corrupt government spends trillions annually, but refuses to help the homeless. I find this despicable.
So what is your opinion of how the religious groups below spend money on the homeless?

---The Mormon Church Amassed $100 Billion. ---

--- Wealth of Roman Catholic Church impossible to calculate There is no doubt, however, that between the church’s priceless art, land, gold and investments across the globe, it is one of the wealthiest institutions on Earth---

So what is your opinion of how the religious groups below spend money on the homeless?

---The Mormon Church Amassed $100 Billion. ---

--- Wealth of Roman Catholic Church impossible to calculate There is no doubt, however, that between the church’s priceless art, land, gold and investments across the globe, it is one of the wealthiest institutions on Earth---

Piss poor. Now it must be noted, not all are as bad as these two examples.
What I've said all along and this article is the proof. And, it's not an article from Fox News. It is an article from the Atlantic, which leans left. Liberals have caused their very own problem. Same holds true with income inequality and a whole slew of other things.

Working class employees in the SF bay area have been communting nearly 100 miles each way for at least 40 years. This is not a new problem in the bay area. When rent for a garage is 2K a month, these folks figure that it is better to commute long distances and buy their homes. However, this is contrary to the direction the environmentalists and dems want to go with fuel. Now the working class has a double whammy--high home prices and exorbitant fuel prices. The result is homelessness.
What I've said all along and this article is the proof. And, it's not an article from Fox News. It is an article from the Atlantic, which leans left. Liberals have caused their very own problem. Same holds true with income inequality and a whole slew of other things.


It's one of many reasons why the Democrats need to be voted out of the White House, and the Senate, and the House.

But to save America you are going to have to choose a new standard bearer with far less baggage than the present Orange Con-Man.

Most of the Trump Agenda is actually good for America but not the man himself... I've said this before (here)... Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

I truly admire the way Ron shipped Illegal Aliens up-north and even took some off-of Texas' hands to lighten their load and participate in the fun.

I truly admire the way Ron stood up to the Gay Mafia with that Disney squabble and proxy-forced DIsney to dump its CEO and bring one back to make nice.

And, Ron's a veteran, with a tour (as admin support) in a war zone, and experience as a US Congressman and experience as a Governor - reelected no less.

I wasn't real keen on Ron's actions and statements during the height of the pandemic but he has common sense, a sense of right-and-wrong, and courage.

Ron seems to be the type of elected official that is strives to be Servant of The People rather than trying to connive for The People to be servants to him.

Ron is your best shot in 2024 for bringing-across Independents and Reagan Democrats, and, without a big percentage of those on your side, you will lose.

It's time for Republicans to face that Reality, to give their Orange Albatross a gold watch, and move forward into the future with a different standard bearer.

Before it's too late to do you any good in 2024.

Then again, the way things are going for Trump, the criminal law courts may sideline the Albatross FOR you, without you lifting a finger.

Perhaps that's actually what you're waiting for? Criminal indictments and/or convictions? That way you don't pi$$-off the Trailer Trash amongst you, eh? ;)
Well don't look now but it's been going on without the homeless for decades now. When HUD decides to target an area for destruction, they waste no time destroying it by paying for their lowlifes TO live there. Dementia promised to put that on steroids as well.
I don't believe in racial discrimination but I'm a big believer in economic discrimination. We have some racial and ethnic diversity but we are all at the same economic level and everyone has been welcomed.

If you can't afford a home in my neighborhood, find a home elsewhere you can afford. It took me several decades to be able to afford the home I'm in now so don't look to me to get a shortcut.
Homeless need a home. Then they can get a job. You thinking all of them are drug addicts is absurd.

I’m old enough to remember when no one slept on the street in this country. We need to get back to that.

Our corrupt government spends trillions annually, but refuses to help the homeless. I find this despicable.

Up north our winters are brutal. Temperatures dive into the single digits at times and Cleveland is windier than Chicago statistically. We have plenty of homeless and shelters for them if needed. At times some may come by for a night when temperatures and wind are too dangerous to be outside. But for the most part, the homeless don't use the shelters on a regular basis. That's because the shelters come with strict regulations in regards to sobriety and violence.

So in spite of these temperatures (it's 27 degrees right now) people prefer to be outside. This is mental illness and addiction to alcohol or drugs. In other words there is only so much you can do with these people.

There will always be poor. Jesus Christ said that himself back in the biblical days. But you have to work with these people on their grounds. The last time I contributed to a charity, it was for the homeless, but I didn't give a dime to the shelters. I didn't want them spending it on six digit salaries for administrative costs and nonsense. So I found a church where every dime went to the homeless. They bought tents, sleeping bags, canned food, blankets and such and gave it directly to the people. The parishioners donated their time to make the purchases and pass the goodies out to them.
Working class employees in the SF bay area have been communting nearly 100 miles each way for at least 40 years. This is not a new problem in the bay area. When rent for a garage is 2K a month, these folks figure that it is better to commute long distances and buy their homes. However, this is contrary to the direction the environmentalists and dems want to go with fuel. Now the working class has a double whammy--high home prices and exorbitant fuel prices. The result is homelessness.
But we still give billions for a proxy war, corporate welfare, and tax breaks galore for the billionaires.

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