Liberals Cause Their Own Homeless Problem

I don't believe in racial discrimination but I'm a big believer in economic discrimination. We have some racial and ethnic diversity but we are all at the same economic level and everyone has been welcomed.

If you can't afford a home in my neighborhood, find a home elsewhere you can afford. It took me several decades to be able to afford the home I'm in now so don't look to me to get a shortcut.

We both totally agree. I'm just pointing out to you that the party you support doesn't agree with us. They try to score points with their voters by destroying nice areas in the name of equity. I live in the burbs. I have Section 8 right next door. Every tenant there has been there was nothing but a problem. They are noisy, have zero consideration for working people, and are generally dirty and have even been violent on a few occasions. They simply don't belong here. The police have been next door about a dozen times in the last five or six years because of all the problems they bring with them.
Up north our winters are brutal. Temperatures dive into the single digits at times and Cleveland is windier than Chicago statistically. We have plenty of homeless and shelters for them if needed. At times some may come by for a night when temperatures and wind are too dangerous to be outside. But for the most part, the homeless don't use the shelters on a regular basis. That's because the shelters come with strict regulations in regards to sobriety and violence.

So in spite of these temperatures (it's 27 degrees right now) people prefer to be outside. This is mental illness and addiction to alcohol or drugs. In other words there is only so much you can do with these people.

There will always be poor. Jesus Christ said that himself back in the biblical days. But you have to work with these people on their grounds. The last time I contributed to a charity, it was for the homeless, but I didn't give a dime to the shelters. I didn't want them spending it on six digit salaries for administrative costs and nonsense. So I found a church where every dime went to the homeless. They bought tents, sleeping bags, canned food, blankets and such and gave it directly to the people. The parishioners donated their time to make the purchases and pass the goodies out to them.
Is that some kind of justification for doing nothing to help the poor?
No, just pointing out the fact there is only so much that can be done. They have issues most other people don't have. They are completely different than you or I.
I don’t buy that. Homelessness could easily be eliminated in this country. It just takes money.
Liberal policies have increased homelessness. It's not on the homeless, it is on the liberal policies which forced them into homelessness.
I wonder how many of those Blue state homeless are immigrants from Red states? I suspect if I had mental issues the services of a Blue city might be very appealing. If I was a drug abuser or dealer, I might be tempted to find a bigger market in an urban area.
We both totally agree. I'm just pointing out to you that the party you support doesn't agree with us. They try to score points with their voters by destroying nice areas in the name of equity. I live in the burbs. I have Section 8 right next door. Every tenant there has been there was nothing but a problem. They are noisy, have zero consideration for working people, and are generally dirty and have even been violent on a few occasions. They simply don't belong here. The police have been next door about a dozen times in the last five or six years because of all the problems they bring with them.
Sad. I'm a life-long Dem but I voted against the Dem in the last election based on this exact issue.
"The Poor Are Always With You."

It only seems like we're not helping the poor.

We help one generation, which is quickly replaced by another, ad infinitum.
You know what doing the same thing expecting a different result means?
Agree. I think drug use is the primary cause.

Drug use is the primary problem that the homeless cause ... their garbage is particularly onerous ... sharp needles dripping with AIDS ... and not surprisingly these are the ones who will be most expensive to house ... and treat ...

If services are available in rich Blue States, and not poor Red States ... then having the homeless in Blue States is understandable ...
What I've said all along and this article is the proof. And, it's not an article from Fox News. It is an article from the Atlantic, which leans left. Liberals have caused their very own problem. Same holds true with income inequality and a whole slew of other things.

Democrats creates homelessness insise the US and is importing a lot more through the southern border.

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