Liberals Cause Their Own Homeless Problem

If only we had a government that cared about the people, rather than just big corporations and billionaires.

Our founders didn't create a federal government to care about people, they created a federal government to govern. If you can look at all our welfare programs and the cost of them, and say our government only ares about big corporations, then you are too myopic to see the entire picture.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Our founders didn't create a federal government to care about people, they created a federal government to govern. If you can look at all our welfare programs and the cost of them, and say our government only ares about big corporations, then you are too myopic to see the entire picture.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Lol. Yet the elites have twisted it into benefiting themselves enormously, but you don’t see it.
I don’t buy that. Homelessness could easily be eliminated in this country. It just takes money.

Sure, money solves all problems. That's why we're 31 trillion dollars in debt and growing.

Back in the 60's when I was about five or six years old, my father took me with him somewhere (I forget where now) and we had to go through a rough part of town where the blacks lived. I gazed upon what I saw and told my father I wish I had a million dollars. My father laughed and asked what I would do if I had a million dollars. I told him I would give it to these people so they didn't have to live like this.

My father smiled at my innocence and said "son, you can give each and every one of these people a million dollars, and in a matter of time, they will be living right back here again."

Pop was right, and we see it all the time. Money doesn't solve all problems and at times, makes them worse.
Lol. Yet the elites have twisted it into benefiting themselves enormously, but you don’t see it.
The elites feed at the trough filled with taxpayer money. The rich business class wants people to prosper enough to continue buying their stuff.
Sure, money solves all problems. That's why we're 31 trillion dollars in debt and growing.

Back in the 60's when I was about five or six years old, my father took me with him somewhere (I forget where now) and we had to go through a rough part of town where the blacks lived. I gazed upon what I saw and told my father I wish I had a million dollars. My father laughed and asked what I would do if I had a million dollars. I told him I would give it to these people so they didn't have to live like this.

My father smiled at my innocence and said "son, you can give each and every one of these people a million dollars, and in a matter of time, they will be living right back here again."

Pop was right, and we see it all the time. Money doesn't solve all problems and at times, makes them worse.
Yet another dumb excuse for doing nothing.
Yet another dumb excuse for doing nothing.

As SassyIrishLass already pointed out, most cities and states do spend billions on the problem already, that's on top of all the private charities we have in this country. So it's not like nobody is doing anything.
I wonder how many of those Blue state homeless are immigrants from Red states? I suspect if I had mental issues the services of a Blue city might be very appealing. If I was a drug abuser or dealer, I might be tempted to find a bigger market in an urban area.
For the most part, homeless are the people from their area. What do you think they do, find the money for a plane ticket from Arkansas to LA? People are homeless because they have no money for anything, including travel, unless it is by foot.
As SassyIrishLass already pointed out, most cities and states do spend billions on the problem already, that's on top of all the private charities we have in this country. So it's not like nobody is doing anything.
You’re a little slow. It’s obvious this approach isn’t working. Let’s try something else. How about HOUSING FOR THE HOMELESS?
Ray, you should educate yourself and not listen to the echo chamber.

PC 459.5 shoplifting is always a misdemeanor crime and punishable by up to six months in a county jail and fine up to $1,000, unless the defendant has one of more prior convictions. Shoplifting is commonly thought of as stealing an item from a store without paying for it.

Shoplifting Laws in California | Penal Code 459.5 PC​

In many states, including California, store owners are allowed to detain suspected shoplifters. This serves to protect them from allegations of false imprisonment.

Here's What to Do if a Store Detains You for Shoplifting​

Penal Code 459.5 PC - California "Shoplifting" Laws & Penalties​ › ca › defense › penal-code

California Penal Code 459.5 PC defines shoplifting as entering into an open business with the intent to steal merchandise worth $950 or less.
What are the California... · ‎What happens when I get... · ‎Can you legally detain a...


No, you can’t steal up to $950 worth of merchandise in California without consequence under Prop 47​

Prop 47 reclassified theft offenses from felonies to misdemeanors, including shoplifting. It doesn’t mean people can steal up to $950 in goods without consequences.
It looks good on paper. Rules set down by the district attorney's office say that shoplifters will not be prosecuted despite what the statutes say. This is why, even with all the paper support, stores are driven to close because of organized shoplifting.
That way is clear. Stay in school, don't do drugs, crime, or become a parent before you can support a family. Don't dress or groom yourself like a bum, pimp, or streetwalker. You'll be just fine.
Yeah that works. Yet somehow the problem gets no better.
Liberal policies have increased homelessness and income inequality, that's why it is worse in the liberal cities and states. Liberal policies make living unaffordable.
Ignore everything I said and just repeat the same falsehood. Both liberal and right-wing conservative policies contribute to the homeless epidemic for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post (Post # 56: Liberals Cause Their Own Homeless Problem). Inequality is created when you refuse to invest in important national infrastructure and increase taxes on working-class families while lowering it for the rich and powerful. When you strip workers of their ability to negotiate collectively, increasing their leverage with their wealthy employers, it reduces their wages and increases their debts (credit cards.etc), lowering their standard of living.

We also need price controls on rents. That's the bare minimum for housing working-class people (95% of the population). Housing should be a right in our supposedly Christian nation. Supposedly Christian.

" Adam Smith – the father of capitalism, believed landlords were parasites, that they reaped what they never sowed. Karl Marx, the father of communism, actually referenced Smith, writing that landlords have their “origin in robbery.” " Source: 5 Invaluable Rules for Being a Landlord But Not a Jerk

Adam Smith the father of capitalism:

“Ground rents are a species of revenue which the owner, in many cases, enjoys without any care or attention of his own. Ground rents are, therefore, perhaps a species of revenue which best bear to have a particular tax imposed upon them.”

“As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”

“A tax upon ground-rents would not raise the rents of houses. It would fall altogether upon the owner of the ground-rent, who acts always as a monopolist, and exacts the greatest rent which can be got for the use of his ground.”

“The sea in the neighbourhood of the islands of Shetland is more than commonly abundant in fish, which make a great part of the subsistence of the inhabitants. But in order to profit by the produce of the water, they must have a habitation upon the neighbouring land. The rent of the landlord is in proportion, not to what he can make by the land, but to what he can make both by the land and water. It is partly paid in sea-fish.”

― Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith wasn't too friendly to "landlordism". Housing should be considered a human right, especially for those who are willing to work. No working person should be homeless, due to the cost of living being too high. Our supposed Christian nation, should obey God's law and at the very least make food and housing a human right, especially for those who are willing and able to work.

Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the homeless epidemic in this country, due to incompetence and indifference.
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Ignore everything I said and just repeat the same falsehood. Both liberal and right-wing conservative policies contribute to the homeless epidemic for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post. Inequality is created when you refuse to invest in important national infrastructure and increase taxes on working-class families while lowering it for the rich and powerful. When you strip workers of their ability to negotiate collectively, increasing their leverage with their wealthy employers, it reduces their wages and increases their debts (credit cards.etc), lowering their standard of living.

We also need price controls on rents. That's the bare minimum for housing working-class people (95% of the population). Housing should be a right in our supposedly Christian nation. Supposedly Christian.

" Adam Smith – the father of capitalism, believed landlords were parasites, that they reaped what they never sowed. Karl Marx, the father of communism, actually referenced Smith, writing that landlords have their “origin in robbery.” "

Source: 5 Invaluable Rules for Being a Landlord But Not a Jerk

Adam Smith the father of capitalism:

“Ground rents are a species of revenue which the owner, in many cases, enjoys without any care or attention of his own. Ground rents are, therefore, perhaps a species of revenue which best bear to have a particular tax imposed upon them.”

“As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”

“A tax upon ground-rents would not raise the rents of houses. It would fall altogether upon the owner of the ground-rent, who acts always as a monopolist, and exacts the greatest rent which can be got for the use of his ground.”

“The sea in the neighbourhood of the islands of Shetland is more than commonly abundant in fish, which make a great part of the subsistence of the inhabitants. But in order to profit by the produce of the water, they must have a habitation upon the neighbouring land. The rent of the landlord is in proportion, not to what he can make by the land, but to what he can make both by the land and water. It is partly paid in sea-fish.”

― Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith wasn't too friendly to "landlordism". Housing should be considered a human right, especially for those who are willing to work. No working person should be homeless, due to the cost of living being too high. Our supposed Christian nation, should obey God's law and at the very least make food and housing a human right, especially for those who are willing and able to work.

Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the homeless epidemic in this country, due to incompetence and indifference.
Ignore everything I said and just repeat the same falsehood.
You’re a little slow. It’s obvious this approach isn’t working. Let’s try something else. How about HOUSING FOR THE HOMELESS?

And do you want this housing next door to where you live? How much are you willing to pay for this housing? After all, with housing, you will also be responsible for paying for their utilities as well, perhaps paying for their food on top of it.

Okay, let's do that. Did we solve the root problem?

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