Liberals Continue Their Assault On Anything That Casts Doubt on Climate Change

If it was only on this board I would not say a thing. You already have settled the debate in your mind, you aren't open to any discussion as you already labeled deniers as screwed up. You don't want debate, you want silence.
I am specifically referring to SSDD and others like him who are screwed up. If you want to defend their ideas on science I'm honestly willing to listen to your observations and comment on them without resorting to insults.
If it was only on this board I would not say a thing. You already have settled the debate in your mind, you aren't open to any discussion as you already labeled deniers as screwed up. You don't want debate, you want silence.
I am specifically referring to SSDD and others like him who are screwed up. If you want to defend their ideas on science I'm honestly willing to listen to your observations and comment on them without resorting to insults.

I am more about schools that start banning books that inspire debate. I am not a Trump supporter however Trump and Sanders are both inspiring debate and challenge the status quo. Which I love.

As fas as SSDD, I understand your frustration but you lumped many into one.
I am more about schools that start banning books that inspire debate. I am not a Trump supporter however Trump and Sanders are both inspiring debate and challenge the status quo. Which I love.
I agree.
As fas as SSDD, I understand your frustration but you lumped many into one.
SSDD has some minions that frequently give him "winner" ratings when he says something off the wall: specifically, JC, Frank, Skookerbil, and Billy Bob. Their own posts also fail the test of sanity. There are others who downplay the effects of GW who are much more knowledgeable about science and can intelligently debate.
Remember when liberals were all about debate and questioning? Against banning, always open to new ideas.
Still are, you denier cult moron.

Now they are intolerant to other views or ideas.
A really stupid lie, asswipe. This a battle between scientific facts and made-up, unsupported, anti-science propaganda that serves the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry billionaires and industry executives.

The sane, intelligent people you're idiotically trying to denigrate are rightfully "intolerant" of the deliberately deceptive lies and fraudulent propaganda being churned out by the stooges for the fossil fuel industry....who are trying to insert their bullshit into children's textbooks.

I am more about schools that start banning books that inspire debate.
Nobody "banned" any books, bozo.

The school board demanded that their children's textbooks contain and reflect the current scientific that the 43% rise in CO2 IS abruptly warming the planet, not "may be contributing", and other half-truths and evasions.

You are very confused!
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If you can't completely prove your theory, how do you get everyone to accept and comply with it? You BAN any opposition or any alternate theory, of course!

School Board Votes to Ban Materials That ‘Cast Doubt’ on Climate Change

Obama and his DOJ have already begun looking into how they can criminalize any opposition to Global Warming, not the banning of any opposition to it in schools has begun.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, the acts of the few are not ‘representative’ of an entire class of persons.
Remember when liberals were all about debate and questioning? Against banning, always open to new ideas.
Still are, you denier cult moron.

Now they are intolerant to other views or ideas.
A really stupid lie, asswipe. This a battle between scientific facts and made-up, unsupported, anti-science propaganda that serves the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry billionaires and industry executives.

The sane, intelligent people you're idiotically trying to denigrate are rightfully "intolerant" of the deliberately deceptive lies and fraudulent propaganda being churned out by the stooges for the fossil fuel industry....who are trying to insert their bullshit into children's textbooks.

Another chirp from the Regressive Left, love your intolerance of others. Take take book banner!
Remember when liberals were all about debate and questioning? Against banning, always open to new ideas.
Still are, you denier cult moron.

Now they are intolerant to other views or ideas.
A really stupid lie, asswipe. This a battle between scientific facts and made-up, unsupported, anti-science propaganda that serves the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry billionaires and industry executives.

The sane, intelligent people you're idiotically trying to denigrate are rightfully "intolerant" of the deliberately deceptive lies and fraudulent propaganda being churned out by the stooges for the fossil fuel industry....who are trying to insert their bullshit into children's textbooks.

Another chirp from the Regressive Left, love your intolerance of others. Take take book banner!
Another bleet from one of the bamboozled, anti-science sheep who swallow the denier cult lies and regurgitate bullshit.
Remember when liberals were all about debate and questioning? Against banning, always open to new ideas.
Still are, you denier cult moron.

Now they are intolerant to other views or ideas.
A really stupid lie, asswipe. This a battle between scientific facts and made-up, unsupported, anti-science propaganda that serves the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry billionaires and industry executives.

The sane, intelligent people you're idiotically trying to denigrate are rightfully "intolerant" of the deliberately deceptive lies and fraudulent propaganda being churned out by the stooges for the fossil fuel industry....who are trying to insert their bullshit into children's textbooks.

Another chirp from the Regressive Left, love your intolerance of others. Take take book banner!
Another bleet from one of the bamboozled, anti-science sheep who swallow the denier cult lies and regurgitate bullshit.

You know nothing of my position or my reasons, you are a regressive leftist. You lie and demean and you don't know what or the whys of what I believe. I vote for Sanders, I hate Clinton and her lies, I hate Trump and his lies. The government has an agenda as does big oil. Truth is I don't believe either, dumbshit.
You know nothing of my position or my reasons,
On the contrary, PatheticGoof, your demented denier cultish posts reveal an enormous amount about your a anti-science "position" and your complete lack of "reason"...or intelligence.

The government has an agenda as does big oil. Truth is I don't believe either, dumbshit.
You idiotically reject and deny the scientifically confirmed truth about human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes and disruptions, dumbshit.

The facts about this subject are determined by the science, not your paranoid crackpot conspiracy theories about the government's secret nefarious "agendas". I don't really care if you choose to not believe the government (not believing the oil and coal billionaires goes without saying), but what you are really saying here in all of your posts is you don't trust science or scientists, and you very probably hold close to your heart the same kind of crackpot conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists being in a huge plot that were ginned up by the propaganda pushers working for the fossil fuel industry, and then fed to their "useful idiot" dupes in the astroturfed cult of AGW you, moron.
bripat and crick did a good job of putting information out on the Wegman and NAS reports, as I have done in the past.

one thing I would like to point out is that the IPCC has guidelines as to what types of papers can be inserted into the reports, specifically cut off dates so that peer reviewed papers can only be used if they have been accepted for publication. these rules have been broken repeatedly, in all the reports.

eg. McIntyre and McKittrick's paper criticizing the Hockeystick was dismissed by citing Amman and Wahl's papers supporting Mann. unfortunately they did not pass review and were not published. embarrassing.

this was a major issue, and precipitated the climategate email release. the emails relating to AR4 and the skullduggery used to deny McIntyre access to information were the reason Jones put out the 'delete all emails' email, in defiance to FOI. they have never been released
this was a major issue, and precipitated the climategate email release.

You know this how?

Well, I certainly can't prove it. The person who released the emails did leave a few cryptic comments and did call himself foi. It makes you wonder where those emails went. Wahl admitted he deleted them, Briffa's admitted that he transferred them to a memory stick and took them home for safekeeping. Jones denies doing anything and yet they weren't there in the climategate emails. Things that make you go "hmmmmm"
Remember when liberals were all about debate and questioning? Against banning, always open to new ideas. Now they are intolerant to other views or ideas. No questioning just following what the dear leaders say. This is the Regressive Left.

I would be perfectly tolerant to new idea. I am not tolerant to insults accusations and charges presented without a hint of supporting evidence. Do YOU have any?
Hey pot how's kettle? So, you're going to say you don't use the word DENIER? And other insults. I can search tomorrow and give you other ones.
You know nothing of my position or my reasons,
On the contrary, PatheticGoof, your demented denier cultish posts reveal an enormous amount about your a anti-science "position" and your complete lack of "reason"...or intelligence.

The government has an agenda as does big oil. Truth is I don't believe either, dumbshit.
You idiotically reject and deny the scientifically confirmed truth about human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes and disruptions, dumbshit.

The facts about this subject are determined by the science, not your paranoid crackpot conspiracy theories about the government's secret nefarious "agendas". I don't really care if you choose to not believe the government (not believing the oil and coal billionaires goes without saying), but what you are really saying here in all of your posts is you don't trust science or scientists, and you very probably hold close to your heart the same kind of crackpot conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists being in a huge plot that were ginned up by the propaganda pushers working for the fossil fuel industry, and then fed to their "useful idiot" dupes in the astroturfed cult of AGW you, moron.

Again, I am on the fence with Climate Change and the influence we have on it. Climate Change has been going on since the planet formed, both heating and cooling. Then again you can't deny the effects pollution has on the earth.

I don't trust the money. There are huge dollars spent on both sides of the debate. I trust science, when money isn't involved.

Again your regressive left rhetoric is on display. Thank you for proving my point.
If you can't completely prove your theory, how do you get everyone to accept and comply with it? You BAN any opposition or any alternate theory, of course!

School Board Votes to Ban Materials That ‘Cast Doubt’ on Climate Change

Obama and his DOJ have already begun looking into how they can criminalize any opposition to Global Warming, not the banning of any opposition to it in schools has begun.
The Gorebal Warming cult requires that science and logic be silenced.
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, seeing how it is too tiny a percentage of the atmospher
Link ... The Molecular Greenhouse Gas Composition of the Atmosphere Taking into Account Vertical Variation
The approximate mass of all water substances in the atmosphere is 12.9 × 10^18 grams.
The approximate mass of carbon dioxide is 3 × 10^18 grams

A way to calculate calculate the importance of the effect of CO2 is to look at the ratio of H2O vapor to CO2.
12.9/3.0 = 4.3.
The weight of CO2 is about a quarter of the weight of water vapor. The volume ratio is about a factor of 10 which is the number to use for back radiation.

In this light an increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has a much larger effect than any“gut feel” that the concentration of CO2 is so small. An increase from 280 ppm to 400 ppm is not trivial in comparison to H20 vapor.

If you want to argue against AGW you have to use arguments other than your feeling that CO2 is such a small percentage of the atmosphere. If you insist .04 is a small concentration, you must also insist that water vapor is a trace gas with a small concentration.
Thanks for your link which makes my point, not yours. Here is a quote from your link.


The situation is even more extreme than what was presented just above because the greenhouse gases vary in their effectiveness in absorbing thermal radiation. A molecule of H2O is 50 percent more effective or efficient in absorbing radiation than a molecule of CO2.

And the percentage of h2o is? 100,000 times greater than co2? All infrared radiation absorbed by co2, has 1st been absorbed by h2o and then remitted, radiation emitted by co2 is absorbed by the nearest h20 molecules, which are in the thousands, whereas there is only one lonely co2 molecule.

The CO2 mass is insufficient to carry enough energy to warm the surrounding air/water during daylight hours. At night CO2 speeds up heat release as observed in deserts. Just looking at the molecular mass of CO2, the fact the molecule can not produce heat, Doing the math properly, you can tell that it is incapable of doing what they hypothesize.
Remember when liberals were all about debate and questioning? Against banning, always open to new ideas. Now they are intolerant to other views or ideas. No questioning just following what the dear leaders say. This is the Regressive Left.
All about debate? Have you seen some of the debates on this forum? Avid deniers have screwed up ideas of the laws of physics and don't believe in basic tenets like quantum mechanics, and radiation physics. It is hard to be open to ideas of those who are anti-science and can only guess what science actually is. They put scientific words in sentences that make absolutely no sense. Many of the more thoughtful folks here have kept up long patient dialogues with those who can't understand even simple scientific issues. Debating of that kind is impossible.
Anti-science? Where's the back radiation experiments? Isn't proof of concept scientific?LOL
I am more about schools that start banning books that inspire debate. I am not a Trump supporter however Trump and Sanders are both inspiring debate and challenge the status quo. Which I love.
I agree.
As fas as SSDD, I understand your frustration but you lumped many into one.
SSDD has some minions that frequently give him "winner" ratings when he says something off the wall: specifically, JC, Frank, Skookerbil, and Billy Bob. Their own posts also fail the test of sanity. There are others who downplay the effects of GW who are much more knowledgeable about science and can intelligently debate.
And yet you still haven't posted any evidence on back radiation. I personally have posted physicist reports that challenge that hypothesis. You do know hypothesis is not evidence right mr denier?
I have posted this picture for you four times now. This is a DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF BACK RADIATION. Yet you keep insisting that no evidence exists of back radiation. Are you stupid or just a liar?

RT, I know the climate changes, in some places 4 times a year. You can 'yell' all you want, but when the news reports liberal school administrators ban books offering different views than global warming and a liberal administration considers prosecuting those who disagree with them, there is nothing 'right wing intolerant' going on. The intolerance is owned by liberals.

As I said earlier, 'evil' / the left TEACHES tolerance until it has the power / control to begin silencing their opposition / good. We are seeing that in action now.
Do you realize what a fucking idiot you sound like? The Attorney General of Virginia tried to bring charges against Micheal Mann for publishing a paper concerning the warming of the climate, later labeled the Hockey Stick. As for not presenting the denialists views in a science class, that is not done for the same reasons we don't present the views of the creationists in a biology class. No science behind either view, in fact, a denial of science and evidence in both cases.
The 'Hockey Stick' theory / science turned out to be a total scam, false manipulation of scientific data.
Really? Then why has it been backed up by more than a dozen scientific studies using different proxies, done by different researchers. You are a flap yap liar that doesn't ever bother to research the drivel you post.

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