Liberals Converting to Conservatism - Why Not The Other Way Around?

I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

now you look at the NYT, troll boy?

what part of "may" is beyond your comprehension?

Instead of spewing hateful insults at the OP, how's about providing an example that liberalism is the natural state of humankind, and that most people eventually gravitate toward it?
I used to be "liberal". Then I wised up. A lot of people do. The balance have undeveloped pre-frontal lobes. That or they lack the fortitude to realize they've been indoctrinated.

Really, I see conservatives as the "new liberal". Today, "liberals" are actually progressives, which is code for foolish lunatics.
Actually both parties are losing numbers, while Independents make up a larger number than either party. It's becoming a long term trend.
People are sick of narrow-minded partisan politics that get nothing done that is targeted for all citizens benefits.
In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents
The Fastest-Growing Voting Bloc In America Isn't What You Think It Is
not all liberals and conservatives are democrats and republicans.
That is good news either way, though. Fuck the duopoly
But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal.
Especially when you don't LOOK.

Trump's Chumps are namecalling conservatives as RINOs and liberals on a daily basis.
Disagree with Trump?


Just ask DarkFury or JGalt.
If you're 20 and not a have no heart.

If you're 40 and not a have no brain
I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

Teens are very wishy washy, those with money who do not want to part with it become Rep. You know those who do not want to pay taxes, are anti gov, and gun lovers.
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain | Quote Investigator
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
Jimmy Carter signed into law where it was no longer legal to have mentally challenged people incarcerated. We see from the actions of the left that the infestation of insane people have started to decrease, because they are killing themselves by aborting their children and many getting a brain and moving to the right.

I've heard of many cases where a liberal or a progressive suddenly "sees the light" and becomes a fine upstanding conservative. But very seldom do you ever hear of a conservative becoming a liberal. Why is that?

List of former liberals - Conservapedia

NYT: Liberal Teenagers May Turn Into Generation of Conservatives

Teens are very wishy washy, those with money who do not want to part with it become Rep. You know those who do not want to pay taxes, are anti gov, and gun lovers.
Democrats are a bunch of pansy ass woosies too, so what....

I think the happy medium is Libertarianism. As Reagan said, that's the "soul of conservatism" and some logically minded liberals can get on board as well. It's the alt-left, socialist, neo-communist that have ruined liberals.
The question asks more than examples of individuals who have converted from liberalism to conservatism or the other way around. Rather: "What is the natural political state of Americans?"

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