Liberals Entire Lives Revolve Around Hatred for White People


May 23, 2014
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
It's what defines them.

Victimization is a virtue.

Hard work and ethics and self reliance are viewed as character flaws.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
How did you know?! Using your damned witchcraft, you cracka ass ******?? :mad:
You validate my point. By using race over the decades...race is now a political issue. No such thing as "hate speech" now. It is legitimate political discourse.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
How did you know?! Using your damned witchcraft, you cracka ass ******?? :mad:
You validate my point. By using race over the decades...race is now a political issue. No such thing as "hate speech" now. It is legitimate political discourse.
You honkey ass ******* have been using race for centuries you dumb cuck
Nope. Too busy being concerned with success, building a nation, and defending the free world. What? What's that? Oh you did get fast enough service at Taco Bell from the white kid at the register. Racism huh? Such a serious issue.
The nation was built 200 years ago, the free world is not what the USA is defending anymore thanks to republicans, success is what you make it. I can't say as I have ever seen a white boy work in a taco smell.
The Race Card has been tremendously successful for them for decades, but they've badly over-played their hand.

The Regressives, as a result, are complicit in Trump's presidency, and 1,000+ Democratic seats lost nationally.

Enough Americans are sick of their shit. Can't blame them.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
How did you know?! Using your damned witchcraft, you cracka ass ******?? :mad:
You validate my point. By using race over the decades...race is now a political issue. No such thing as "hate speech" now. It is legitimate political discourse.
You honkey ass ******* have been using race for centuries you dumb cuck
Nope. Too busy being concerned with success, building a nation, and defending the free world. What? What's that? Oh you did get fast enough service at Taco Bell from the white kid at the register. Racism huh? Such a serious issue.
Stop taking credit for things people did who died way before you were born. And no, I won't be going to visit you at Taco Bell.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

Here we see the alt-rightie wallowing in her own self-pity.

Playing the victim, imagining themselves as the "outsider" or oppressed. Your failed life is your own fault.

The promotion you didn't get, the boy who didn't ask you out, the University you didn't get accepted to.... you are not capable of an honest self-examination of your own choices and consequences... and you see the same behavior in some minorities so you focus your self-hatred and shame on them...
Advertising is going all in on straight white hate.

Big brands shun straight, white Britain in their adverts

They believe it's a winner for them.

One of the guys was white...

The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
Liberals don't hate all whites, just the little fascists like you. Liberalism and Fascism, oil and water.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

To at least some degree anti-white hatred is based on jealousy of success. Which Obama tapped into to the point it became a hate-geyser, since Obama was always filled with an insecure, chip-on-shoulder, jealous resentment of whites ("you didn't build that"). I've always believed that coveting is the darkest, most destructive of all human emotions.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

Here we see the alt-rightie wallowing in her own self-pity.

Playing the victim, imagining themselves as the "outsider" or oppressed. Your failed life is your own fault.

The promotion you didn't get, the boy who didn't ask you out, the University you didn't get accepted to.... you are not capable of an honest self-examination of your own choices and consequences... and you see the same behavior in some minorities so you focus your self-hatred and shame on them...

A muslim crybaby accusing ANYONE ELSE of self-pity??? That's rich. Why don't you go perform a rimjob on your pedophile prophet, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
To at least some degree anti-white hatred is based on jealousy of success. Which Obama tapped into to the point it became a hate-geyser, since Obama was always filled with an insecure, chip-on-shoulder, jealous resentment of whites ("you didn't build that"). I've always believed that coveting is the darkest, most destructive of all human emotions.

Still slinging falsehoods and half truths I see. Just a reminder that "You didn't build that" referred to the infrastructure, education and regulatory supports paid for by American taxpayers, which helps American businesses be successful.

That's why businesses are supposed to pay taxes - to pay their fair share of those supports.

If conservatives didn't lie, deceive and twist the truth, they'd have nothing.
To at least some degree anti-white hatred is based on jealousy of success. Which Obama tapped into to the point it became a hate-geyser, since Obama was always filled with an insecure, chip-on-shoulder, jealous resentment of whites ("you didn't build that"). I've always believed that coveting is the darkest, most destructive of all human emotions.

Still slinging falsehoods and half truths I see. Just a reminder that "You didn't build that" referred to the infrastructure, education and regulatory supports paid for by American taxpayers, which helps American businesses be successful.

That's why businesses are supposed to pay taxes - to pay their fair share of those supports.

If conservatives didn't lie, deceive and twist the truth, they'd have nothing.

A. I'm not a true conservative because I support abortion and legalization of weed, B. There are lots of self-hating whites like you (assuming you're white, I honestly don't know) who masochistically get off on minorities hating you. C. You haven't provided one QUANTUM of evidence that anything I say isn't true. When it's self-evident to anyone with functioning 5 senses and a brain, white males are constantly the liberals' ultimate enemy. And in my official capacity as your white male enemy, I wish cancer on all liberals.

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