Liberals explain to me what this 700 billion dollars was for

Those SEIU purple shirt goons, the OWS shitters, UAW, NEA and the rest of the Unions, they don't come cheap.

Barry needs the cash to keep programs and payolla flowing to his looter buddies.

It's how a kleptocracy works.
Ask Mitt, maybe he can tell you being he fully supported it. Recovery Act: Mitt Romney flip-flops on the Recovery Act - - YouTube

Make sure you vote for one of the 2 liberals running, can't wrong being they are almost the same person. Almost because it depends when you look at Mitt's record.

I plan to vote for the one who didn't make a fortune sending American jobs overseas.

In other words you will vote for those that committed murder, ran drugs and paid off buddies with tax payer dollars.

Fucking low life.

I plan to vote for the person who loves America. Not one that shipped his wealth into off-shore accounts to avoid paying for the services he receive. I'm not going to vote for Mr. Etch-a-Sketch the freeloader.
Dear JRK,
Please do not attempt to understand economics, recessions, etc because they are beyond your comprehension skillset.

Thank you,

Yeah, like you have a hint of a grasp on macro-economics....

Oh Say can you see, by the Keynes dull light, the invisible hand that's poised to slap you?
Also SS took in 189 million more than it spent during 2007.
Social Security Trust Funds

so there is another 189 mill that our govt raided from the SS "trust fund".

And was used to offset 189 billion in excess spending in the 2007 budget.
so does that mean that the defecit was 189 billion higher than advertised?
I plan to vote for the one who didn't make a fortune sending American jobs overseas.

In other words you will vote for those that committed murder, ran drugs and paid off buddies with tax payer dollars.

Fucking low life.

I plan to vote for the person who loves America. Not one that shipped his wealth into off-shore accounts to avoid paying for the services he receive. I'm not going to vote for Mr. Etch-a-Sketch the freeloader.

Romney is my 4th choice
BHO is not a choice

It is very simple. Do we really need 4 more years of this? When will race baiting and class warfare fix whats wrong with this country?

If I was a liberal, my anger would be the lack of choice you have, not at Romeny
I plan to vote for the one who didn't make a fortune sending American jobs overseas.

The sad thing is, Dick Suck, your rep is higher than your IQ....

{Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said Tuesday that it’s time for the head of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness to resign or be fired because he’s sending jobs to China.

In a press release last week, Kucinich noted that in his role as the CEO of General Electric, Obama job czar Jeffrey Immelt was sending advanced technology and U.S. jobs to China.

“Jeffrey Immelt has a conflict of interest,” the Ohio congressman said. “He cannot ethically advise the President on how to create American jobs and promote American competiveness, while at the same time leading a company that is exporting American technology and, along with it, American jobs.”}

Kucinich: Obama’s job czar expert at creating foreign jobs | Raw Replay
Sending jobs overseas is what "the market" demands. So we do it.
After all whatever is good for the market is good for America.
Sending jobs overseas is what "the market" demands. So we do it.
After all whatever is good for the market is good for America.

We seldom agree, But your 100% correct
People demand Aaple to sell there I pad at X
To do that apple sends there product assembly over seas
It is that simple

We are the reason jobs are sent over seas

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