Liberals fine veteran $8,000 for displaying american flag at his home

Even though I am on the Board of my HOA, I agree they can really get carried away. We had one regime for 6 years that treated it like it was their own banana republic and we where their subjects. Selected enforcement, harassment, no annual meetings, etc.
Finally we got sick of the little c***sucker, banded together, ousted him and started a new Board. Now there is no more of that crap, everything is laid back, and happy again.

Good work; yes, not all HOA members are would be tyrants, but it only takes a few to ruin the rest. Many were set up to assist with neighbor watch programs, then some got obsessed with lawn care, bicycles on roads therein, and coordinating color schemes.

Ever live in a condo? We had a black guy move in and all of the sudden his kids toys are all over our lawn. Know how you deal with that? You fine the owner. If he lets his tenant break the rules, we'll fine him and he won't be able to sell his home until he pays all the fines too. This guy was soooo ghetto he made a liberal like me not want to live near black people. Still don't. No offense to black people but you know how you all are. :lol:

No, there is neat freak a few houses from mine. He must use fingernail clippers to keep his yard so uniform, scrubs the sidewalk too. As this area is thunderstorm central, I imagine he stays up all night, as now there are almost daily watches, every other afternoon and evening, a storm. Yet his yard never has a stray piece of twig or pine cone in the am..... a very orderly man.
Good work; yes, not all HOA members are would be tyrants, but it only takes a few to ruin the rest. Many were set up to assist with neighbor watch programs, then some got obsessed with lawn care, bicycles on roads therein, and coordinating color schemes.

Ever live in a condo? We had a black guy move in and all of the sudden his kids toys are all over our lawn. Know how you deal with that? You fine the owner. If he lets his tenant break the rules, we'll fine him and he won't be able to sell his home until he pays all the fines too. This guy was soooo ghetto he made a liberal like me not want to live near black people. Still don't. No offense to black people but you know how you all are. :lol:

No, there is neat freak a few houses from mine. He must use fingernail clippers to keep his yard so uniform, scrubs the sidewalk too. As this area is thunderstorm central, I imagine he stays up all night, as now there are almost daily watches, every other afternoon and evening, a storm. Yet his yard never has a stray piece of twig or pine cone in the am..... a very orderly man.

I know a rich woman who lives in a 3 million dollar home and the grass is PERFECT. My brother took me around and dared me to find one blade higher than the rest. Insane. Goodnight.
Right because only those evil liberals form HOA's

my god you're a useless hack

is that flag touching the ground, btw?

It had to have been liberals that did this. There is a law in Florida that only liberals are allowed to be officers of HOA's.

Jacksonville is a conservative city(.) That noted, HOAs go way overboard, all too often.

There was a bill in committee here in NC that would have stripped HOA's of the power to foreclose.
The bill died in committee because lobbyists pleaded with legislators to drop the idea. Their contention was that if HOA's had no such power, they could not compel home owners to comply with regulations.
In my opinion these HOA's are necessary. However in most cases the old adage "absolute power corrupts absolutely" is prevalent with HOA board members.
This is one of those cases where the HOA wanted their asses kissed and now they are mad at this guy. One thing though. There are laws that protect homeowners from such draconian acts. Unfortunately the homeowner must at his own expense hire legal counsel.
BTW, the NC House was run by democrats. Surprise surprise.
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Reason why you should make sure you don't live under a HOA that fines someone because their grass 1/4 of an inch too high, someone puts up a flag, or because it is in the running to set up a 'community' with the freedom of action of Jonestown. :popcorn:
Even though I am on the Board of my HOA, I agree they can really get carried away. We had one regime for 6 years that treated it like it was their own banana republic and we where their subjects. Selected enforcement, harassment, no annual meetings, etc.
Finally we got sick of the little c***sucker, banded together, ousted him and started a new Board. Now there is no more of that crap, everything is laid back, and happy again.

Good work; yes, not all HOA members are would be tyrants, but it only takes a few to ruin the rest. Many were set up to assist with neighbor watch programs, then some got obsessed with lawn care, bicycles on roads therein, and coordinating color schemes.

Ever live in a condo? We had a black guy move in and all of the sudden his kids toys are all over our lawn. Know how you deal with that? You fine the owner. If he lets his tenant break the rules, we'll fine him and he won't be able to sell his home until he pays all the fines too. This guy was soooo ghetto he made a liberal like me not want to live near black people. Still don't. No offense to black people but you know how you all are. :lol:

its ok Bobo.....most people know Liberals are just as bigoted as to your buddy Franco.....he has problems with the Brown folk....
When you purchase a home in which an HOA is involved you sign off on the rules. If you don't like the rules, don't buy the place. It's that simple.

BS. If he was black and put out a Kenyan flag you liberals would say hell with the rules, the HOA is violating this man's free speech rights.

Taz you a big bad Liberal now?....
Nowhere does it mention anyones political leaning or affiliation. What is wrong with you?

They don't have to say it, you nitwit. Everyone knows all liberals hate america and hate veterans.

Funny because the year McCain ran the vets analyzed the GOP's voting record and the Dems voting records and it turned out we voted with the troops 80% of the time and even McCain himself voted against the troops 80%. We with them 80, GOP against them 80%. This is a fact.

Remember, you guys don't support the troops. You support the missions. You used the troops as pawns. We wouldn't have sent them to Iraq to get killed or injured unless it was necessary. Was it? Really? Saddam? :eusa_liar:

If corporations wanted to they could all take every homeless vet off the streets and give them a job but they don't. They don't hire anyone unless they absolutely need them and I bet you they avoid vets just like they do the long term unemployed.
kinda like Vietnam.....gotcha.....
Jacksonville is a conservative city(.) That noted, HOAs go way overboard, all too often.

Even though I am on the Board of my HOA, I agree they can really get carried away. We had one regime for 6 years that treated it like it was their own banana republic and we where their subjects. Selected enforcement, harassment, no annual meetings, etc.
Finally we got sick of the little c***sucker, banded together, ousted him and started a new Board. Now there is no more of that crap, everything is laid back, and happy again.

Good work; yes, not all HOA members are would be tyrants, but it only takes a few to ruin the rest. Many were set up to assist with neighbor watch programs, then some got obsessed with lawn care, bicycles on roads therein, and coordinating color schemes.

I agree, we only have one on our board that wants to bust some people's horns for no good reason, in fact she was actually wrong on this latest incident. We keep her at bay and just appease her (she's elderly) but we don't issue any violations unless people just basically give the "finger" to basic rules of common decency and respect. We are a beach community so we like the laid back and nice approach, instead of a punitive ball busting approach. We just got re-elected as a board and everyone is happier.
Even though I am on the Board of my HOA, I agree they can really get carried away. We had one regime for 6 years that treated it like it was their own banana republic and we where their subjects. Selected enforcement, harassment, no annual meetings, etc.
Finally we got sick of the little c***sucker, banded together, ousted him and started a new Board. Now there is no more of that crap, everything is laid back, and happy again.

Good work; yes, not all HOA members are would be tyrants, but it only takes a few to ruin the rest. Many were set up to assist with neighbor watch programs, then some got obsessed with lawn care, bicycles on roads therein, and coordinating color schemes.

Ever live in a condo? We had a black guy move in and all of the sudden his kids toys are all over our lawn. Know how you deal with that? You fine the owner. If he lets his tenant break the rules, we'll fine him and he won't be able to sell his home until he pays all the fines too. This guy was soooo ghetto he made a liberal like me not want to live near black people. Still don't. No offense to black people but you know how you all are. :lol:

Did you ever try to ask the guy in a polite manner before fining him? Have you fined other residents for breaking the rules without first informing them of the problem?
The guy should have read the rules of the housing addition.... he knew what he was doing went against the agreement, which is not a rarity in the USA...
I would never live in a community that restricts and makes you conform...i live on 43 acres in the country, I can do as I please...
Nowhere does it mention anyones political leaning or affiliation. What is wrong with you?

They don't have to say it, you nitwit. Everyone knows all liberals hate america and hate veterans.

Funny because the year McCain ran the vets analyzed the GOP's voting record and the Dems voting records and it turned out we voted with the troops 80% of the time and even McCain himself voted against the troops 80%. We with them 80, GOP against them 80%. This is a fact.

Fun fact:

Merely saying something is a fact doesn't make it one.
More proof liberals hate america.

HOA rules, flag fight could force vet from home |

June 23, 2014


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The Stars and Stripes are at the center of controversy, at least at Larry Murphree's home.

“I want it to go away. It's such a minor little thing and they keep coming after me,” he explained.

“They” is Murphree's homeowner's association. He's lived in the Sweetwater community near Jacksonville, Florida, for years, and been at odds with the HOA for more than two over a small American flag.

The veteran decided to put one in his flower pot, and has been fined as a result.

“They just sent me a letter that says I owe them around $8,000 and they put a foreclosure lien on my house,” Murphree said.

But is it possible, that an HOA can fine and then put a foreclosure lien on a home?
“There’s an actual Florida statute that says he can display this flag,” legal and safety expert, Dale Carson said.

Federal law from 2005 also backs that up.

. do you know it was liberals running the homeowner's association. All the ones I've belonged to were run by staunch republicans/teabaggers. It's a power thing.
This guy was soooo ghetto he made a liberal like me not want to live near black people. Still don't. No offense to black people but you know how you all are. :lol:

You say that as if that attitude is unusual among your ilk. :lol:
When you purchase a home in which an HOA is involved you sign off on the rules. If you don't like the rules, don't buy the place. It's that simple.

BS. If he was black and put out a Kenyan flag you liberals would say hell with the rules, the HOA is violating this man's free speech rights.

Taz you a big bad Liberal now?....

Evidently. In a thread yesterday I was a right wing wacko. I wish everyone could make up their mind as to what my political leanings are. It gets exhausting.
The condo association HOA board is dominated by far right wing reactionaries.
The real problem with many HOAs is that the Board is often empowered to amend or change the rules without the need to reach a concensus with the other owners. It is not uncommon for owners to find that after buying a property and understanding the rules at the time of purchase, the rules are later changed without consultation and they become saddled with requirements that they never agreed to.

BS. If he was black and put out a Kenyan flag you liberals would say hell with the rules, the HOA is violating this man's free speech rights.

Taz you a big bad Liberal now?....

Evidently. In a thread yesterday I was a right wing wacko. I wish everyone could make up their mind as to what my political leanings are. It gets exhausting.

i hear ya.....i get the same disagree with a far Righty and you must be a disagree with a Far Lefty and you must be a Righty.....what else can you be?....
The real problem with many HOAs is that the Board is often empowered to amend or change the rules without the need to reach a concensus with the other owners. It is not uncommon for owners to find that after buying a property and understanding the rules at the time of purchase, the rules are later changed without consultation and they become saddled with requirements that they never agreed to.


Sorry, no. As the former president of two HOA's (not the republican ones like this :)) the HOA convenants are provided to the owner prior to purchase, he/she signs a document stating they read them. Additionally, changes to the covenants must be noticed to all occupants and voted upon at board meetings...

That the residents don't read them? meh...

(Note: I agree this veteran should not have been told to take down the flag. And Florida law has allowed flags, with restrictions, on any homeowner's property - including those within HOA's.)

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