Liberals - It's time to be polite

No. There won't be a lot of gloating...but "polite" to a group that has had "troll the libs" as their defining mantra for 5 years?

I don't think so
the crazy lunatic white supremacists on this board are not the voter base any sane and logical political movement would want...

You think everyone on this board who does not or did not vote Democrat is a White Supremacist? I am very much a conservative capitalist and fundamentally disagree with most of the economic, regulatory, and international policies of today's Democrats. I am also married to a Mexican, father of two Latino sons, believe that people should not be discriminated based on their race, creed, or ethnicity, and I support the rights and protection for same-sex couples or same-sex orientation individuals.

Putting me in the bucket of white supremacists is laughable because true white supremacists would reject me.
But yet you vote for the party that defends business owners right to discriminate.

Do you actually benefit from republican economic policies? Because overall most Americans don’t. The gap between rich and rest of us has widened since Reagan and the bush boys. So I’m glad most Americans showed up and voted for democrats because now maybe the economy will be good for more people not fewer. Trump gave the middle class a $2 hr raise. Gave the rich a $500,000 raise. That’s no right And didn’t make America great again.

PS. I know lots of Latinos who voted for trump too. So I don’t faul you for voting gop over racism when even stupid Latinos voted for the guy Too

The so-called “stupid Latinos” you refer to are smart enough to realize that more jobs and opportunities for small businesses are created under a Trump or GOP Reagan type vs. Democrats. What you are spewing is nothing more than class warfare and economic envy used in failed socialist countries.

Explain to US why Trump’s 3.3 percent Unemployment rate gets hit with a global pandemic in March which immediately takes Unemployment to 14.7 percent. By October, the Unemployment rate is down to 6.9 percent. Intrastate that with unemployment at 9 percent in 2010 and it took Obama Biden five years to get unemployment to move 4 points to just over 5 percent. Under Trump, Unemployment plummeted faster in a global pandemic in 6 months vs 5 years that unemployment decline was extremely sluggish under Obama Biden.
Riding on Obama’s economy. Does not look so hot now. Just like Obama digging us out of the Bush Depression Biden will have it worse, dealing with the pandemic and Trump’s trillion dollar deficit. And do nothing Mitch will make it harder just as he did with Obama.

You still did not answer the question why and how unemployment fell so much more rapidly in a pandemic Trump inherited vs unemployment sluggish decline under Obama. You try to blame McConnell that Obama had to deal with yet Trump has Pelosi. Obama’s sluggish digging is attributable to the fact his priority was rewarding friends like those at Solyndra.
In March Everyone was furloughed or laid off for two weeks. In two weeks people got called back to work. Trump did nothing.

What about all the people who got bonus unemployment so decided to stay unemployed?

Im so sick of republicans bringing up solyndra. You conservatives are so against the green economy. It’s not like you guys to be against a new industry. You’re only against them because coal and oil corporations tell you to be.

Same reason you’re against marijuana because the tobacco lobbyists own you

I’m so sick of liberals bringing up the green economy and how it will bring jobs yet they don’t provide the how and why backed up by empirical data or logic. You keep being sick of Solyndra. It was an absolute failure accept for the insiders (cronies and friends) who took the US taxpayer dime.

You mention one company. There are thousands who succeeded. Clean Energy is here to stay..Enjoy. Now we have a President that embraces it!

Why is it necessary to denigrate, demean, or destroy the fossil fuel industry as the basis for a successful Green Deal? This is what makes me question it. If a company can innovate technology so that our economy runs on water, air, and sun at scale and the fossil fuel industry becomes extinct, I’m all for it because that’s the market driving it; not some agenda-driven liberal fascists who primarily want fossil fuels to go away even if it compromises our economy without a proven viable alternative.
This is why I bring up the facts that many Oil Companies are making changes of their own. No Industry remains static forever. Those working in the Oil Industry know this. Innovation is the name of the game.
the crazy lunatic white supremacists on this board are not the voter base any sane and logical political movement would want...

You think everyone on this board who does not or did not vote Democrat is a White Supremacist? I am very much a conservative capitalist and fundamentally disagree with most of the economic, regulatory, and international policies of today's Democrats. I am also married to a Mexican, father of two Latino sons, believe that people should not be discriminated based on their race, creed, or ethnicity, and I support the rights and protection for same-sex couples or same-sex orientation individuals.

Putting me in the bucket of white supremacists is laughable because true white supremacists would reject me.
But yet you vote for the party that defends business owners right to discriminate.

Do you actually benefit from republican economic policies? Because overall most Americans don’t. The gap between rich and rest of us has widened since Reagan and the bush boys. So I’m glad most Americans showed up and voted for democrats because now maybe the economy will be good for more people not fewer. Trump gave the middle class a $2 hr raise. Gave the rich a $500,000 raise. That’s no right And didn’t make America great again.

PS. I know lots of Latinos who voted for trump too. So I don’t faul you for voting gop over racism when even stupid Latinos voted for the guy Too

The so-called “stupid Latinos” you refer to are smart enough to realize that more jobs and opportunities for small businesses are created under a Trump or GOP Reagan type vs. Democrats. What you are spewing is nothing more than class warfare and economic envy used in failed socialist countries.

Explain to US why Trump’s 3.3 percent Unemployment rate gets hit with a global pandemic in March which immediately takes Unemployment to 14.7 percent. By October, the Unemployment rate is down to 6.9 percent. Intrastate that with unemployment at 9 percent in 2010 and it took Obama Biden five years to get unemployment to move 4 points to just over 5 percent. Under Trump, Unemployment plummeted faster in a global pandemic in 6 months vs 5 years that unemployment decline was extremely sluggish under Obama Biden.
Riding on Obama’s economy. Does not look so hot now. Just like Obama digging us out of the Bush Depression Biden will have it worse, dealing with the pandemic and Trump’s trillion dollar deficit. And do nothing Mitch will make it harder just as he did with Obama.

You still did not answer the question why and how unemployment fell so much more rapidly in a pandemic Trump inherited vs unemployment sluggish decline under Obama. You try to blame McConnell that Obama had to deal with yet Trump has Pelosi. Obama’s sluggish digging is attributable to the fact his priority was rewarding friends like those at Solyndra.
In March Everyone was furloughed or laid off for two weeks. In two weeks people got called back to work. Trump did nothing.

What about all the people who got bonus unemployment so decided to stay unemployed?

Im so sick of republicans bringing up solyndra. You conservatives are so against the green economy. It’s not like you guys to be against a new industry. You’re only against them because coal and oil corporations tell you to be.

Same reason you’re against marijuana because the tobacco lobbyists own you

I’m so sick of liberals bringing up the green economy and how it will bring jobs yet they don’t provide the how and why backed up by empirical data or logic. You keep being sick of Solyndra. It was an absolute failure accept for the insiders (cronies and friends) who took the US taxpayer dime.

You mention one company. There are thousands who succeeded. Clean Energy is here to stay..Enjoy. Now we have a President that embraces it!

Why is it necessary to denigrate, demean, or destroy the fossil fuel industry as the basis for a successful Green Deal? This is what makes me question it. If a company can innovate technology so that our economy runs on water, air, and sun at scale and the fossil fuel industry becomes extinct, I’m all for it because that’s the market driving it; not some agenda-driven liberal fascists who primarily want fossil fuels to go away even if it compromises our economy without a proven viable alternative.

You don’t because most Oil energy companies are far advanced in clean energy. It is the Congress and government who are far behind.
the crazy lunatic white supremacists on this board are not the voter base any sane and logical political movement would want...

You think everyone on this board who does not or did not vote Democrat is a White Supremacist? I am very much a conservative capitalist and fundamentally disagree with most of the economic, regulatory, and international policies of today's Democrats. I am also married to a Mexican, father of two Latino sons, believe that people should not be discriminated based on their race, creed, or ethnicity, and I support the rights and protection for same-sex couples or same-sex orientation individuals.

Putting me in the bucket of white supremacists is laughable because true white supremacists would reject me.
But yet you vote for the party that defends business owners right to discriminate.

Do you actually benefit from republican economic policies? Because overall most Americans don’t. The gap between rich and rest of us has widened since Reagan and the bush boys. So I’m glad most Americans showed up and voted for democrats because now maybe the economy will be good for more people not fewer. Trump gave the middle class a $2 hr raise. Gave the rich a $500,000 raise. That’s no right And didn’t make America great again.

PS. I know lots of Latinos who voted for trump too. So I don’t faul you for voting gop over racism when even stupid Latinos voted for the guy Too

The so-called “stupid Latinos” you refer to are smart enough to realize that more jobs and opportunities for small businesses are created under a Trump or GOP Reagan type vs. Democrats. What you are spewing is nothing more than class warfare and economic envy used in failed socialist countries.

Explain to US why Trump’s 3.3 percent Unemployment rate gets hit with a global pandemic in March which immediately takes Unemployment to 14.7 percent. By October, the Unemployment rate is down to 6.9 percent. Intrastate that with unemployment at 9 percent in 2010 and it took Obama Biden five years to get unemployment to move 4 points to just over 5 percent. Under Trump, Unemployment plummeted faster in a global pandemic in 6 months vs 5 years that unemployment decline was extremely sluggish under Obama Biden.
Riding on Obama’s economy. Does not look so hot now. Just like Obama digging us out of the Bush Depression Biden will have it worse, dealing with the pandemic and Trump’s trillion dollar deficit. And do nothing Mitch will make it harder just as he did with Obama.

You still did not answer the question why and how unemployment fell so much more rapidly in a pandemic Trump inherited vs unemployment sluggish decline under Obama. You try to blame McConnell that Obama had to deal with yet Trump has Pelosi. Obama’s sluggish digging is attributable to the fact his priority was rewarding friends like those at Solyndra.
In March Everyone was furloughed or laid off for two weeks. In two weeks people got called back to work. Trump did nothing.

What about all the people who got bonus unemployment so decided to stay unemployed?

Im so sick of republicans bringing up solyndra. You conservatives are so against the green economy. It’s not like you guys to be against a new industry. You’re only against them because coal and oil corporations tell you to be.

Same reason you’re against marijuana because the tobacco lobbyists own you

I’m so sick of liberals bringing up the green economy and how it will bring jobs yet they don’t provide the how and why backed up by empirical data or logic. You keep being sick of Solyndra. It was an absolute failure accept for the insiders (cronies and friends) who took the US taxpayer dime.

You mention one company. There are thousands who succeeded. Clean Energy is here to stay..Enjoy. Now we have a President that embraces it!

Why is it necessary to denigrate, demean, or destroy the fossil fuel industry as the basis for a successful Green Deal? This is what makes me question it. If a company can innovate technology so that our economy runs on water, air, and sun at scale and the fossil fuel industry becomes extinct, I’m all for it because that’s the market driving it; not some agenda-driven liberal fascists who primarily want fossil fuels to go away even if it compromises our economy without a proven viable alternative.

You don’t because most Oil energy companies are far advanced in clean energy. It is the Congress and government who are far behind.

If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.
If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.
Tax incentives to Big Oil? Brilliant. Because we know THEY can be trusted to do the right thing


Newsflash...they already are drilling to the max. You've heard of fracking right?
If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.
Tax incentives to Big Oil? Brilliant. Because we know THEY can be trusted to do the right thing


Newsflash...they already are drilling to the max. You've heard of fracking right?

First off, I’m not suggesting giving further tax incentives on the promise of alternative investment. There would need to be metrics and milestones met. Further, I’m not certain we have tapped enough here domestically. You are talking fracking. I’m talking drinking.... as in off the Atlantic and California Coasts. I’m sure I just put my name on the Liberal hit list for suggesting such a thing but ironically, it would all be aligned with my goal of accelerating and expediting alternative energy replacement for oil.
the crazy lunatic white supremacists on this board are not the voter base any sane and logical political movement would want...

You think everyone on this board who does not or did not vote Democrat is a White Supremacist? I am very much a conservative capitalist and fundamentally disagree with most of the economic, regulatory, and international policies of today's Democrats. I am also married to a Mexican, father of two Latino sons, believe that people should not be discriminated based on their race, creed, or ethnicity, and I support the rights and protection for same-sex couples or same-sex orientation individuals.

Putting me in the bucket of white supremacists is laughable because true white supremacists would reject me.
But yet you vote for the party that defends business owners right to discriminate.

Do you actually benefit from republican economic policies? Because overall most Americans don’t. The gap between rich and rest of us has widened since Reagan and the bush boys. So I’m glad most Americans showed up and voted for democrats because now maybe the economy will be good for more people not fewer. Trump gave the middle class a $2 hr raise. Gave the rich a $500,000 raise. That’s no right And didn’t make America great again.

PS. I know lots of Latinos who voted for trump too. So I don’t faul you for voting gop over racism when even stupid Latinos voted for the guy Too

The so-called “stupid Latinos” you refer to are smart enough to realize that more jobs and opportunities for small businesses are created under a Trump or GOP Reagan type vs. Democrats. What you are spewing is nothing more than class warfare and economic envy used in failed socialist countries.

Explain to US why Trump’s 3.3 percent Unemployment rate gets hit with a global pandemic in March which immediately takes Unemployment to 14.7 percent. By October, the Unemployment rate is down to 6.9 percent. Intrastate that with unemployment at 9 percent in 2010 and it took Obama Biden five years to get unemployment to move 4 points to just over 5 percent. Under Trump, Unemployment plummeted faster in a global pandemic in 6 months vs 5 years that unemployment decline was extremely sluggish under Obama Biden.
Riding on Obama’s economy. Does not look so hot now. Just like Obama digging us out of the Bush Depression Biden will have it worse, dealing with the pandemic and Trump’s trillion dollar deficit. And do nothing Mitch will make it harder just as he did with Obama.

You still did not answer the question why and how unemployment fell so much more rapidly in a pandemic Trump inherited vs unemployment sluggish decline under Obama. You try to blame McConnell that Obama had to deal with yet Trump has Pelosi. Obama’s sluggish digging is attributable to the fact his priority was rewarding friends like those at Solyndra.
In March Everyone was furloughed or laid off for two weeks. In two weeks people got called back to work. Trump did nothing.

What about all the people who got bonus unemployment so decided to stay unemployed?

Im so sick of republicans bringing up solyndra. You conservatives are so against the green economy. It’s not like you guys to be against a new industry. You’re only against them because coal and oil corporations tell you to be.

Same reason you’re against marijuana because the tobacco lobbyists own you

I’m so sick of liberals bringing up the green economy and how it will bring jobs yet they don’t provide the how and why backed up by empirical data or logic. You keep being sick of Solyndra. It was an absolute failure accept for the insiders (cronies and friends) who took the US taxpayer dime.

You mention one company. There are thousands who succeeded. Clean Energy is here to stay..Enjoy. Now we have a President that embraces it!

Why is it necessary to denigrate, demean, or destroy the fossil fuel industry as the basis for a successful Green Deal? This is what makes me question it. If a company can innovate technology so that our economy runs on water, air, and sun at scale and the fossil fuel industry becomes extinct, I’m all for it because that’s the market driving it; not some agenda-driven liberal fascists who primarily want fossil fuels to go away even if it compromises our economy without a proven viable alternative.

You don’t because most Oil energy companies are far advanced in clean energy. It is the Congress and government who are far behind.

If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.
I agree, but it would have to be clear the investment is in clean energy.

Big companies should work with Government for climate change. I believe Biden has already reached out to many CEO’s. I know Mary Barro met with him, along with many others. We do need that co-operation. He has many years of reaching across the aisle in the Senate.
If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.
Tax incentives to Big Oil? Brilliant. Because we know THEY can be trusted to do the right thing


Newsflash...they already are drilling to the max. You've heard of fracking right?

First off, I’m not suggesting giving further tax incentives on the promise of alternative investment. There would need to be metrics and milestones met. Further, I’m not certain we have tapped enough here domestically. You are talking fracking. I’m talking drinking.... as in off the Atlantic and California Coasts. I’m sure I just put my name on the Liberal hit list for suggesting such a thing but ironically, it would all be aligned with my goal of accelerating and expediting alternative energy replacement for oil.

We need a combination of all. You are quite right you do not just give incentives without black and white contracts. But I think most oil companies are ready to move forward with a new Leader. I expect Biden to put competent people in charge of agencies.
If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.
Tax incentives to Big Oil? Brilliant. Because we know THEY can be trusted to do the right thing


Newsflash...they already are drilling to the max. You've heard of fracking right?

First off, I’m not suggesting giving further tax incentives on the promise of alternative investment. There would need to be metrics and milestones met. Further, I’m not certain we have tapped enough here domestically. You are talking fracking. I’m talking drinking.... as in off the Atlantic and California Coasts. I’m sure I just put my name on the Liberal hit list for suggesting such a thing but ironically, it would all be aligned with my goal of accelerating and expediting alternative energy replacement for oil.

We need a combination of all. You are quite right you do not just give incentives without black and white contracts. But I think most oil companies are ready to move forward with a new Leader. I expect Biden to put competent people in charge of agencies.
When Democrats give oil companies access to public land they get compensated. Republicans just say here take it. At least that’s what gw bush did
If I were in office, I would be pushing tax incentives to Big Oil for investment in alternative energy to expedite it to market to replace fossil fuels AND I would be pushing for approval to drill as much as possible domestically for the short term. Both would do amazing things economically for US; starting with reducing dependency on foreign oil.

There IS no "alternative energy." You have no idea what you are talking about.

More wind and solar, more money.jpg
His metaphors were always like close proxsimilies.

Jose, a new man was hired for the road crew doing repairs on I-5 in central California. After work, the crew would have a beer together at Sam’s bar.
At quitting time, Joe asked, “Do you know the way to Sam’s, Jose?”

When my daughters were young, they liked to tear things up. They were tearers.

At the 9 AM memorial service, the mortuary director greeted friends and family of the dearly departed: “Good mourning!”

Albert Kristow, an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, had a fearsome reputation among criminals throughout Saskatchewan. When bad guys would try his patience, Officer Albert would famously give them to ten to hightail it out of town and never return, or else! Albert seldom got beyond six, before the bad guys would vamoose: “One, two, three, four, five…..”
Thus did all criminals fear….. the count of Mounty Kristow.

Orville, the herpetologist, moved from Arizona to Cuba. Of course he took his pet poisonous lizard with him.
But Orville DID rename his pet.
What did he rename the reptile, you may ask.
Havana Gila
My latest original pun. (I should charge for these brain candies...)

Vladimir Horowitz was preparing for a concert in the Metropolitan Opera and he called the most famous piano tuner in New York to come to his apartment. Horowitz was shocked to see how old and frail the tuner was but let him in to do his magic. “I’m having more trouble hearing now,” said the tuner. After many hours of work, he got up and called in Horowitz to sit down and test his work. After a few notes, Horowitz said, “This is awful! I thought you said it was finely tuned!”

“No,” said the old man. I told you it is FINALLY tuned.”
One hot summer in Iowa, temperatures reached 100 degrees and hogs were dying because they can’t sweat. The farmers brought the hogs into the barn and turned the fan on to cool them. Of course hogs eat constantly and as a result, are pooping all over the floor constantly. So when the farmer and his helper were doing work inside the barn they heard a loud crash and a “splat.”

The helper said, “What was that?” Farmer replied, “That was the fan hitting the shit.”
The Lone Ranger must have lived in Canada.
They named their biggest city after Lone Ranger’s sidekick, Toronto.

Wait for it, wait for it....

I have sew much to do......

Sew much to do.jpg
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The Lone Ranger must have lived in Canada.
They named their biggest city after Lone Ranger’s sidekick, Toronto.

Wait for it, wait for it....

I have sew much to do......

View attachment 754443
Ther was a little known episode where the Lone Ranger's sidekick decided to move to a foreign city and learn a new language. Yes, kiddies, Tonto moved to Toronto to speak Esparanto.

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