Liberals - It's time to be polite

Even if I was, I'm a nobody. Name someone important who's doing it.
Lol many garbage RW sources have gotten off the Trump train in the past months so I’ll give you that. Prior to that, it was basically and garbage RW source like Newsmax or Breitbart. They know he can’t win a general election so they shrugging him off now.
Dear Bill:

I could not disagree more strongly. These people see good manners as "weakness" and they have no interest in discussing the issues, since they're mostly incapable of doing so in the first place.
"Manners"? WHEN do you Leftists EVER display "manners"? You don't know the meaning of the word.
All you do is call us "racists" and "ignorant" and "anti-science" and, oh yes, "Bible-thumpers."
Not only do they insult, berate, and literally demonize anyone who disagrees with them, they continue to spout the ridiculous lies and hate spouted about the "stolen election". Everyone is lying but Trump and Tucker Carlson.
Fifty-one FBI agents and high officials claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian conspiracy hatched by Trump. They lied through their Leftist teeth, and that flipped the election, whether or not there were thousands of mules stuffing the ballot boxes illegally.

The USA, which is recovering very nicely from the pandemic is being lead by a usurper and all immigrants are "illegals". The racism and misogyny are so thick, that you get shouted down here for saying blacks aren't thugs. And they're getting crazier by the day.
Facts cause you Leftists to call anyone presenting them "racists." Billions of dollars are being spent for the 7,000,000 illegals who poured through our southern border at the behest of you Leftists. Happy now that 100,000 Americans are dying annualy from fentanyl overdoses? That children are being abused and sold as sex slaves after coming here illegally? No, you don't give a damn.

I thought we'd gotten rid of these cockroaches after the Civil Rights Act was passed, and Roe became law, but it seems that this stupidity has become the entire platform of the Republican Party you're going to have to redo all of the social and economic progress of the 50's, 60's and 70's because the Republicans have undone all of it.
You DEMOCRATS fought tooth and nail against passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

biden segregation.jpg

You DEMOCRATS voted unanimously against a law banning men from competing against women in sporting events. Democrats hate women and unborn babies and want babies aborted as often as possible. Sickening, truly.


The rest of the world is moving on to 21st Century problems.

Like changing the sex of small children after you brainwash them in public schools.

transvestites brainwashing children.jpg
Back to the thread title which has been hijacked by Lying Leftists.

The bitter Leftist always had a chip on her shoulder, so Shirley was surely surly.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
I disagree, when liberal trash are offensive, abrasive, absurd, and just plain stupid, it's the only time they are honest.
But they continue to build these stupid windmills. Why is that?

For the same reason "they" chirp endlessly, "sustainability," "net zero," "climate change, climate change, climate change," "fossil fuels bad," "protect the environment," "the science is settled," "go green," "ecotour," "ban drilling," "ban fracking," "we CARE!"

Gas powered helicopters are used to spray de-icing chemicals on windmill blades coated with icicles, and after only 25 years, the windmill blades are useless and are carried in diesel powered trucks to a landfill in Montana and buried. And on and on the craziness goes.

Cuba is the only country classified as sustainable. You want sustainability, move to Cuba. Not many are doing that. Cubans are dying to get out.

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