Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

Yea that bullshit dosent wash.

Gawd, you get stupid sometimes.

Update: Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog

Ron Paul outraised EVERY candidate for President from military donors, and when it became clear that Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee that money shifted from Paul to Barack Obama.

A little education goes a long way, especially in your case...

It is fucking Paul campaign org!

Open Secrets is not a Paul website.

Good lord have mercy.
Yea that bullshit dosent wash.

Gawd, you get stupid sometimes.

Update: Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog

Ron Paul outraised EVERY candidate for President from military donors, and when it became clear that Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee that money shifted from Paul to Barack Obama.

A little education goes a long way, especially in your case...

It is fucking Paul campaign org!

Wow.... just WOW!! Are you really as unhinged as you seem?

Open Secrets is NOT a Paul campaign organization, and if you had half the brains of your Icee dispenser you'd already KNOW that.

You've just outed yourself as one of the most ignorant posters in 'Politics'... GOOD JOB!!
I never stop being amazed at watching the butt-hurt of the Ron Paul zombie's. I've never (and I do mean NEVER) seen such sore losers in my life.

God damn can you people cry, and piss, and moan like a bunch of little bitches. You didn't get your way, so you took your ball and went home. Fine.

But then you come back every day and you cry about what happened.

Let it go​

Ron Paul is a fuck'n lunatic who belongs in a nursing home for dementia patients. He couldn't even get support from the right, how the fuck was he going to garner support from independents or liberals?!?!
I wanted to post this true story for all of you despicable idiots who are speaking on a subject in which you have zero knowledge about...

I come from a massive family of law enforcement. Many, many members of my family worked in law enforcement. Many. One such family member, who was exceptionally important to me, did regular training with me.

The training was designed to be as real world as possible and put pressure on you so that you could function in the event of having to defend yourself in life or death situation. The target was moving, you had to change out your magazine 3 to 4 times (depending on the exercise), you were scored, and all of it was timed. Many people early on would fumble with swapping out their magazines as they experienced pressure for the first time while shooting.

So why do I bring this up? Because several times each day, this very important family member would look at me and say "isn't this relaxing"? Now, I never found it relaxing. I found it useful, educational, necessary, and interesting. But I never found it "relaxing". But this person did.

Which begs the question - did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that Chris Kyle found it relaxing as well, and thought it would be therapeutic for the Marine too?

Did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that maybe Chris Kyle felt the only way he could "connect" with this Marine was to start with the only thing he knew for sure they had in common - shooting?

Did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that maybe Chris Kyle felt that maybe it would be a great way to "blow off some steam" and get out some pent up frustration before being able to make real progress?

Of course not. And you know why? Because none of you idiots have the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. Not one of you has ever even shot a gun, much less served in combat. Yet, strangely, you're all willing to ACT like you know what you're talking about and condemn Chris Kyle for taking this Marine to a shooting range - as if you know what that or the PTSD is all about.

The fact that Kyle may have found going to a shooting range relaxing and even theraputic does not change the fact that it was not a very intelligent or reasonable way to deal with a man who had serious mental issues, who had been arrested previously for threatening to kill his family. If Kyle had been more thoughtful and intelligent about this issue, he would have realized that though going to a shooting range was a relaxing, theraputic activity for himself, it may not be a good idea to take someone who is mentally unstable to such a place. Perhaps he should have been wise enough to consult a psychiatrist before trying to use that particular theraputic method with someone who has ptsd. Just sayin'.....:cool:

And I'm just sayin'.... what would some stupid bitch from Harvard that never served one day in the military know about PTSD? I guarantee you that Chris Kyle understood PTSD and how to treat it 1,000x's better than ANY psychiatrist in world history ever has. There is no substitute for experience my friend.

I've heard from 3 Navy Seals since this happened, and everyone of them said this was a completely normal and rational choice by Kyle.

Furthermore, all you whacko's on the left keep acting like this would not have happened had they not gone to a firing range. Like the Marine couldn't have brought a gun and shot them outside of a restaurant :cuckoo:
The official logo of Ron Paul supporters:


From Paul?

He's a nut.

Only b/c you've been conditioned by corporate media and the establishment to believe so. . .

Nobody finds swallow more appalling than me. But sorry, he's 100% right on this one.

The only one who conditioned anybody was that quack Ron Paul himself. Blaming America for 9/11 is the most despicable thing I've ever heard a politician say (and that's saying a ton - because Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have said some of the most deplorable shit in world history).

He then strikes again mocking a true American hero...
Wow - looks like Guy is finally taking his therapy seriously....

Just when I was thinking you were smart enough to keep your dick sucker shut, you pop back up to demonstrate your unfettered ability to showcase your ignorance.

I notice you totally ignored the government's terrorism report I kicked your ass with a couple pages ago and went right for the ad hominem attacks like the pussy little bitch that you are, Rotty. Why don't you neg me again so you can send another sniveling little bitch message, you brain dead eunuch? Fucking hacked off, brainwashed morons like you give the human race a bad rep, loser.
Ron Paul is a fuck'n lunatic who belongs in a nursing home for dementia patients. He couldn't even get support from the right, how the fuck was he going to garner support from independents or liberals?!?!


First off, every person that ever supported Ron Paul, and followed his candidacy knows that the corporate media is in the pockets of big business. They also know that the two major political parties are also in the pockets of the self same interests. This is the main reason why nothing gets done in D.C. Nothing is supposed to get done.

So then, this is what irritates the people, the fact that the Republic is broken. The legitimate commander in chief, the real coalition builder who should be in office if it weren't for big business and unlimited corporate money, would be Dr. Paul. There is corruption in the process, and it now shows.

What is good for the people is bad for the business elites. What is good for the business elites would end up costing any representative or congressperson their job.

During his last run for presidency there was major corruption within the Republican Party and within the media. The legitimate candidate of the Republican party should have been Ron Paul. The corporatocracy sabotaged his run. Legitimately, there is every evidence that he WON the the first couple of primaries and caucuses, in all but South Carolina. Some very dirty and nasty tricks were played though, both on the ground and in the media. If they hadn't been, with that momentum, he would have had the press coverage to easily sweep the nation and secure the nomination.

With the discontent in the progressive wing among the Democrats on issues of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, along with Obama's abusive use war making powers, the extreme left would have certainly voted for Ron Paul. He already had the endorsement of the likes of Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader.

The person that needs to stop listening to, reading, and watching corporate driven media is YOU. If you think a man that refuses to partake in and accept corporate money like the major candidates is a lunatic, you don't know jack shit about politics in the beltway or indeed about how they work on the international stage. Congratulations. Lunatics like you will be the death of this once great Republic.

From Paul?

He's a nut.

Only b/c you've been conditioned by corporate media and the establishment to believe so. . .

Nobody finds swallow more appalling than me. But sorry, he's 100% right on this one.

The only one who conditioned anybody was that quack Ron Paul himself. Blaming America for 9/11 is the most despicable thing I've ever heard a politician say (and that's saying a ton - because Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have said some of the most deplorable shit in world history).

He then strikes again mocking a true American hero...

Why is blaming America for 9/11 so despicable? Who created Al-Qaeda?

From Paul?

He's a nut.

Only b/c you've been conditioned by corporate media and the establishment to believe so. . .

Nobody finds swallow more appalling than me. But sorry, he's 100% right on this one.

The only one who conditioned anybody was that quack Ron Paul himself. Blaming America for 9/11 is the most despicable thing I've ever heard a politician say (and that's saying a ton - because Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have said some of the most deplorable shit in world history).

He then strikes again mocking a true American hero...

Obsess much?
Only b/c you've been conditioned by corporate media and the establishment to believe so. . .

Nobody finds swallow more appalling than me. But sorry, he's 100% right on this one.

The only one who conditioned anybody was that quack Ron Paul himself. Blaming America for 9/11 is the most despicable thing I've ever heard a politician say (and that's saying a ton - because Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have said some of the most deplorable shit in world history).

He then strikes again mocking a true American hero...

Why is blaming America for 9/11 so despicable? Who created Al-Qaeda?

Osama Bin Laden created Al Qaeda (and that is a fact). Any other stupid questions?
Ron Paul is a fuck'n lunatic who belongs in a nursing home for dementia patients. He couldn't even get support from the right, how the fuck was he going to garner support from independents or liberals?!?!


First off, every person that ever supported Ron Paul, and followed his candidacy knows that the corporate media is in the pockets of big business. They also know that the two major political parties are also in the pockets of the self same interests. This is the main reason why nothing gets done in D.C. Nothing is supposed to get done.

I see... so what you're saying is you just need a stronger tin foil hat? There is no big fuck'n conspiracy going on in Washington my friend. Nothing gets done because the left is working over time to bring pure unadulterated communism to our country and the right sent their people to Congress to stop it.

So then, this is what irritates the people, the fact that the Republic is broken.

The Republic is not broken you quack. It's working damn near flawlessly. We sent people to Washington to stop the Dumbocrats communism and that's exactly what has happened (hence the "grid lock"). The only problem we have in Washington is that we have leaders ignoring the Constitution. The real problem this country is the moral decay which has lead to the call for communism.

The legitimate commander in chief, the real coalition builder who should be in office if it weren't for big business and unlimited corporate money, would be Dr. Paul. There is corruption in the process, and it now shows.

Listen, there is NO doubt that Ron Paul would be the most constitutional president since the 1700's. However, he's a fuck'n quack who claims we do not need a military (after all, he says it is OUR actions that have caused hostilities and that if we just stop our actions, we'll have ZERO hostilities, thus we will have no need for a military). The guy is a fuck'n quack peace/love/sex HIPPIE.

What is good for the people is bad for the business elites. What is good for the business elites would end up costing any representative or congressperson their job.

I see... so what you're saying is you just need a stronger tin foil hat? :cuckoo:

During his last run for presidency there was major corruption within the Republican Party and within the media.

I see... so what you're saying is you just need a stronger tin foil hat? :cuckoo:

The legitimate candidate of the Republican party should have been Ron Paul.

:lmao: It's not up to you to decide who should be the "legitimate candidate" (and thank God for that, you tin foil hat quack). The American people voted - and in a LEGAL vote, Ron Paul got his ass kicked. Period. End of Story. :lmao:

The corporatocracy sabotaged his run. Legitimately, there is every evidence that he WON the the first couple of primaries and caucuses, in all but South Carolina. Some very dirty and nasty tricks were played though, both on the ground and in the media. If they hadn't been, with that momentum, he would have had the press coverage to easily sweep the nation and secure the nomination.

I see... so what you're saying is you just need a stronger tin foil hat? :cuckoo:

With the discontent in the progressive wing among the Democrats on issues of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, along with Obama's abusive use war making powers, the extreme left would have certainly voted for Ron Paul. He already had the endorsement of the likes of Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader.

:lmao: keep telling yourself that kid. Romney was a gabillion times more "moderate" than Paul, and he couldn't garner any support among the left. Paul is so radical, he can't even garner support on the right (hence is stupid old ass being sent home where it belongs)

The person that needs to stop listening to, reading, and watching corporate driven media is YOU. If you think a man that refuses to partake in and accept corporate money like the major candidates is a lunatic, you don't know jack shit about politics in the beltway or indeed about how they work on the international stage. Congratulations. Lunatics like you will be the death of this once great Republic.

First of all, if you think Ron Paul doesn't accept "corporate money", you are such a naive little slave worshipper, you should probably be locked away in a mental health institute.

Second, it's lunatics like you and the rest of the butt-hurt little Paul-bots who will be the death of this once great Republic because you're a bunch of sore loser little bitches. You're guy lost, so you did what you could to sabotage the election. You went out and voted for Gerry Johnson just to make a point to everyone that your tiny little hiney hurt. Now, thankfully you radical nut jobs are so few and far between, you made no difference in the elections outcome one way or another. But it is sad you couldn't respect our Constitutional process and just support the most conservative candidate between the TWO (and only two) candidates that had any chance of winning the election.
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I notice you totally ignored the government's terrorism report I kicked your ass with a couple pages ago

You're so insanely stupid, you never even considered that I didn't see your post and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about...

Unlike you, I have a JOB. Can't spend 24x7 seeing EVERY post while living off of other hard working American's like you do.
I notice you totally ignored the government's terrorism report I kicked your ass with a couple pages ago

You're so insanely stupid, you never even considered that I didn't see your post and have no idea what the fuck you are talking about...

Unlike you, I have a JOB. Can't spend 24x7 seeing EVERY post while living off of other hard working American's like you do.

You don't have a link that says 'View first unread' on your screen?

I never stop being amazed at watching the butt-hurt of the Ron Paul zombie's. I've never (and I do mean NEVER) seen such sore losers in my life.

God damn can you people cry, and piss, and moan like a bunch of little bitches. You didn't get your way, so you took your ball and went home. Fine.

But then you come back every day and you cry about what happened.

Let it go​

Ron Paul is a fuck'n lunatic who belongs in a nursing home for dementia patients. He couldn't even get support from the right, how the fuck was he going to garner support from independents or liberals?!?!

This argument holds no water. Ron Paul's support always came mostly from independents, and other non-traditional Republican voters. There's no logical reason why a number of people on the right not liking Ron Paul would indicate that even more independents or disaffected Democrats would dislike him, and, in fact, we know that that's incorrect.

As we often find to be the case Paul is the strongest candidate with independents, tying Obama with them while the rest of the GOP field trails by 6-15 points.

Obama leads GOP field by small margins - Public Policy Polling

In other words, the Republican candidate most competitive with Obama among independents and disaffected Democrats was Ron Paul.
I never stop being amazed at watching the butt-hurt of the Ron Paul zombie's. I've never (and I do mean NEVER) seen such sore losers in my life.

God damn can you people cry, and piss, and moan like a bunch of little bitches. You didn't get your way, so you took your ball and went home. Fine.

But then you come back every day and you cry about what happened.

Let it go​

Ron Paul is a fuck'n lunatic who belongs in a nursing home for dementia patients. He couldn't even get support from the right, how the fuck was he going to garner support from independents or liberals?!?!

This argument holds no water. Ron Paul's support always came mostly from independents, and other non-traditional Republican voters. There's no logical reason why a number of people on the right not liking Ron Paul would indicate that even more independents or disaffected Democrats would dislike him, and, in fact, we know that that's incorrect.

As we often find to be the case Paul is the strongest candidate with independents, tying Obama with them while the rest of the GOP field trails by 6-15 points.

Obama leads GOP field by small margins - Public Policy Polling

In other words, the Republican candidate most competitive with Obama among independents and disaffected Democrats was Ron Paul.

Careful, facts are likely to make Rotty's head explode...

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