Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

I wanted to post this true story for all of you despicable idiots who are speaking on a subject in which you have zero knowledge about...

I come from a massive family of law enforcement. Many, many members of my family worked in law enforcement. Many. One such family member, who was exceptionally important to me, did regular training with me.

The training was designed to be as real world as possible and put pressure on you so that you could function in the event of having to defend yourself in life or death situation. The target was moving, you had to change out your magazine 3 to 4 times (depending on the exercise), you were scored, and all of it was timed. Many people early on would fumble with swapping out their magazines as they experienced pressure for the first time while shooting.

So why do I bring this up? Because several times each day, this very important family member would look at me and say "isn't this relaxing"? Now, I never found it relaxing. I found it useful, educational, necessary, and interesting. But I never found it "relaxing". But this person did.

Which begs the question - did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that Chris Kyle found it relaxing as well, and thought it would be therapeutic for the Marine too?

Did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that maybe Chris Kyle felt the only way he could "connect" with this Marine was to start with the only thing he knew for sure they had in common - shooting?

Did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that maybe Chris Kyle felt that maybe it would be a great way to "blow off some steam" and get out some pent up frustration before being able to make real progress?

Of course not. And you know why? Because none of you idiots have the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. Not one of you has ever even shot a gun, much less served in combat. Yet, strangely, you're all willing to ACT like you know what you're talking about and condemn Chris Kyle for taking this Marine to a shooting range - as if you know what that or the PTSD is all about.
I wanted to post this true story for all of you despicable idiots who are speaking on a subject in which you have zero knowledge about...

I come from a massive family of law enforcement. Many, many members of my family worked in law enforcement. Many. One such family member, who was exceptionally important to me, did regular training with me.

The training was designed to be as real world as possible and put pressure on you so that you could function in the event of having to defend yourself in life or death situation. The target was moving, you had to change out your magazine 3 to 4 times (depending on the exercise), you were scored, and all of it was timed. Many people early on would fumble with swapping out their magazines as they experienced pressure for the first time while shooting.

So why do I bring this up? Because several times each day, this very important family member would look at me and say "isn't this relaxing"? Now, I never found it relaxing. I found it useful, educational, necessary, and interesting. But I never found it "relaxing". But this person did.

Which begs the question - did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that Chris Kyle found it relaxing as well, and thought it would be therapeutic for the Marine too?

Did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that maybe Chris Kyle felt the only way he could "connect" with this Marine was to start with the only thing he knew for sure they had in common - shooting?

Did any of you certified idiots consider for a moment that maybe Chris Kyle felt that maybe it would be a great way to "blow off some steam" and get out some pent up frustration before being able to make real progress?

Of course not. And you know why? Because none of you idiots have the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. Not one of you has ever even shot a gun, much less served in combat. Yet, strangely, you're all willing to ACT like you know what you're talking about and condemn Chris Kyle for taking this Marine to a shooting range - as if you know what that or the PTSD is all about.

The fact that Kyle may have found going to a shooting range relaxing and even theraputic does not change the fact that it was not a very intelligent or reasonable way to deal with a man who had serious mental issues, who had been arrested previously for threatening to kill his family. If Kyle had been more thoughtful and intelligent about this issue, he would have realized that though going to a shooting range was a relaxing, theraputic activity for himself, it may not be a good idea to take someone who is mentally unstable to such a place. Perhaps he should have been wise enough to consult a psychiatrist before trying to use that particular theraputic method with someone who has ptsd. Just sayin'.....:cool:

You post an article that contradicts yourself and proves you're wrong (and a fuck'n idiot - but hell, we all knew that already). The very first sentence from the article you posted:

A Lloyd's insurance syndicate has begun a landmark legal case against Saudi Arabia, accusing the kingdom of indirectly funding al-Qa'ida and demanding the repayment of £136m it paid out to victims of the 9/11 attacks.

Apparently you have no idea what the terms "accusing" and "indirectly" means. First of all, because an insurance company (desperate to recover massive sums it was forced to pay out) accuses somebody, doesn't mean said entity is actually guilty. Furthermore, indirectly means not intended. So your case is we were wrong to go into Afghanistan and instead should have bombed Saudi Arabia because you read read an article on the internet that a British insurance company is making an accusation :lmao:

  • Here's the bottom line asshole: Al Qaeda's base of operations was in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden (leader and financier of Al Qaeda) was a welcomed guest of the Taliban - the radical religious faction that was controlling Afghanistan at that time and they are on record stating as much.

  • The U.S. intelligence community knows more in 3 minutes than Llyod's insurance will know in 100 years. And the average baboon knows more than you ever will. The U.S. did not conduct operations in the wrong nation and you're the only fucking asshole in the world unaware of that.

  • The fact is, you wanted to protect your little boyfriend there, made a stupid fucking statement (stating where the terrorists were born - as if that fucking matters) and now you're too arrogant to acknowledge your incredible stupid statement, so you double-down with further stupidity.

Gee Rotty, I guess you're incapable of using Google. 7.2 million results from 'saudi financing 9/11'.

Here's one of them...
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States
Monograph on Terrorist Financing

It remains to be seen whether the Saudi government will be willing to make politically and religiously difficult decisions. The action it has taken in 2004 against several al Haramain branch offices is unquestionably significant. Although the government has
frozen the assets of branches of al Haramain, it has not used its leverage with the head
office to ensure that no funds flow to the designated branches.142 Similarly, the Saudis
have yet to hold prominent individuals—like the former head of al Haramain, for
instance—accountable for terrorist financing. Such actions would send a signal both to
potential targets and to the Saudi public that the Saudi government is serious about
stemming the flow of funds to terrorists and their supporters.
We are optimistic that the U.S. and Saudi governments are on the right track in their
mutual efforts on terrorist financing. Neither country can afford to lessen the intensity of
its current approach. The Saudi government has come far in recognizing the extent of its
terrorist-financing problem. We cannot underplay, however, the reluctance of the Saudi
government to make the necessary changes between 9/11 and late spring of 2003. It
remains to be seen whether it has truly internalized its responsibility for the problem.

You can find this on page 133 of the report if you don't want to take my word for it.

As for the rest of your diatribe, please post a quote of me saying we should have bombed Saudi Arabia, or that we shouldn't have gone into Afghanistan, or STFU.


Smart choice...
Paul Liberaltatians are like progressives in the fact that they hate anything that is pro american. That includes soldiers.
Paul Liberaltatians are like progressives in the fact that they hate anything that is pro american. That includes soldiers.

So do Soldiers who are libertarians hate themselves?

And what the hell do you know about Soldiers?

i am sorry you fucknut I didnt say libertarians....I said Paul Liberaltarians.

"Fucknut", how very junior high...

OK, for the learning impaired:

So do Soldiers who are Paul libertarians hate themselves?

And what the hell do you know about Soldiers?[/
So do Soldiers who are libertarians hate themselves?

And what the hell do you know about Soldiers?

i am sorry you fucknut I didnt say libertarians....I said Paul Liberaltarians.

"Fucknut", how very junior high...

OK, for the learning impaired:

So do Soldiers who are Paul libertarians hate themselves?

And what the hell do you know about Soldiers?[/

I wouldnt know.....Did Kerry who hates solders hate himself???/ Or did Ron Paul himself?
i am sorry you fucknut I didnt say libertarians....I said Paul Liberaltarians.

"Fucknut", how very junior high...

OK, for the learning impaired:

So do Soldiers who are Paul libertarians hate themselves?

And what the hell do you know about Soldiers?[/

I wouldnt know.....Did Kerry who hates solders hate himself???/ Or did Ron Paul himself?

See, this is where basic oversimplification of issues gets us. To rudimentary talking point aimed at people with no grasp of the real issues lacking in intelligence to understand them.

While I don't know either man personally, I can deduce from their statements nd past histories that neither man hates Soldiers and neither man hates themselves.

One question though, why do low Knowledge republican voters use the word "hate" so much? Just curious.
"Fucknut", how very junior high...

OK, for the learning impaired:

So do Soldiers who are Paul libertarians hate themselves?

And what the hell do you know about Soldiers?[/

I wouldnt know.....Did Kerry who hates solders hate himself???/ Or did Ron Paul himself?

See, this is where basic oversimplification of issues gets us. To rudimentary talking point aimed at people with no grasp of the real issues lacking in intelligence to understand them.

While I don't know either man personally, I can deduce from their statements nd past histories that neither man hates Soldiers and neither man hates themselves.

One question though, why do low Knowledge republican voters use the word "hate" so much? Just curious.
Why are you too stupid to listen to what Paul said?
I wouldnt know.....Did Kerry who hates solders hate himself???/ Or did Ron Paul himself?

See, this is where basic oversimplification of issues gets us. To rudimentary talking point aimed at people with no grasp of the real issues lacking in intelligence to understand them.

While I don't know either man personally, I can deduce from their statements nd past histories that neither man hates Soldiers and neither man hates themselves.

One question though, why do low Knowledge republican voters use the word "hate" so much? Just curious.
Why are you too stupid to listen to what Paul said?

If you're referencing his "live by the sword, die by the sword" statement, of course I heard it.

Those of us who serve know that we can be killed in the line of duty at anytime. Part of the job, therefore we know the statement is true.

I hardly see how anyone could think this means he hates Soldiers, unless of cource it was simply their confirmation bias towards Paul, doing the talking.
See, this is where basic oversimplification of issues gets us. To rudimentary talking point aimed at people with no grasp of the real issues lacking in intelligence to understand them.

While I don't know either man personally, I can deduce from their statements nd past histories that neither man hates Soldiers and neither man hates themselves.

One question though, why do low Knowledge republican voters use the word "hate" so much? Just curious.
Why are you too stupid to listen to what Paul said?

If you're referencing his "live by the sword, die by the sword" statement, of course I heard it.

Those of us who serve know that we can be killed in the line of duty at anytime. Part of the job, therefore we know the statement is true.

I hardly see how anyone could think this means he hates Soldiers, unless of cource it was simply their confirmation bias towards Paul, doing the talking.
All of them.....He hates the USA and its soldiers.
Why are you too stupid to listen to what Paul said?

If you're referencing his "live by the sword, die by the sword" statement, of course I heard it.

Those of us who serve know that we can be killed in the line of duty at anytime. Part of the job, therefore we know the statement is true.

I hardly see how anyone could think this means he hates Soldiers, unless of cource it was simply their confirmation bias towards Paul, doing the talking.
All of them.....He hates the USA and its soldiers.

Well, alrighty then. :lol:
Paul Liberaltatians are like progressives in the fact that they hate anything that is pro american. That includes soldiers.
Hey Corky, since you don't know the difference, let me make it easy for you...
Last edited:
Paul Liberaltatians are like progressives in the fact that they hate anything that is pro american. That includes soldiers.

Strange that active duty military donated more to Ron Paul than any other candidate then.

Yea that bullshit dosent wash.

Gawd, you get stupid sometimes.

Update: Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog

Ron Paul outraised EVERY candidate for President from military donors, and when it became clear that Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee that money shifted from Paul to Barack Obama.

A little education goes a long way, especially in your case...
Strange that active duty military donated more to Ron Paul than any other candidate then.

Yea that bullshit dosent wash.

Gawd, you get stupid sometimes.

Update: Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog

Ron Paul outraised EVERY candidate for President from military donors, and when it became clear that Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee that money shifted from Paul to Barack Obama.

A little education goes a long way, especially in your case...

That's like saying the sun is hot sometimes.
Strange that active duty military donated more to Ron Paul than any other candidate then.

Yea that bullshit dosent wash.

Gawd, you get stupid sometimes.

Update: Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog

Ron Paul outraised EVERY candidate for President from military donors, and when it became clear that Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee that money shifted from Paul to Barack Obama.

A little education goes a long way, especially in your case...

It is fucking Paul campaign org!

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