Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

Also, there was nothing in Afghanistan or Iraq to keep me safe from, as I was never threatened by anything in that portion of the world.

You're right Kevin. You were never threatened by "anything" in that portion of the world. Terrorists from Al Qaeda didn't hijack planes and crash them into buildings all across the United States on 9/11. Nope. Never happened. Just a big Hollywood conspiracy so GWB could chase oil.... :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, does this man even have the slightest shred of credibility left? No wonder he's a Ron Paul supporter - both of them speak from a stand point of nonsense and zero credibility.

How sad that Chris Kyle served so that people like you could shout ignorance all day long.

Of the 19 hijackers, 18 were from Saudi Arabia and one from Yemen, but don't let the facts get in the way of your imbecilic rant, Rotty.

Hey imbecile - Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. So I guess we were way out of line going into Germany, uh? Yeah, according to Pinestra here, we should have dropped bombs on Austria because you always attack what country a person was born in, not where they have their base of operations... :cuckoo:
Of the 19 hijackers, 18 were from Saudi Arabia and one from Yemen, but don't let the facts get in the way of your imbecilic rant, Rotty.

Hey fuck'n imbecile - they planned, financed, and were TRAINED in Afghanistan you uneducated, ignorant piece of shit. But don't let these real FACTS get in the way of your ideology.... fuck'n jerk.

Guy here thinks Saudi Arabia was to blame, but the US military got lost on the way and landed in Afghanistan instead.... :lmao:

What a dumb piece of shit you are....

The financing came from Saudi Arabia, and they trained right here in the good old USA.

Hey Pinestra, the financing came from Osama Bin Laden, and their terrorist training took place in Afghanistan. Only their flight training occurred in the USA.

Once again, you're fuck'n clueless but all too happy to open your mouth and embarrass yourself.
Hey fuck'n imbecile - they planned, financed, and were TRAINED in Afghanistan you uneducated, ignorant piece of shit. But don't let these real FACTS get in the way of your ideology.... fuck'n jerk.

Guy here thinks Saudi Arabia was to blame, but the US military got lost on the way and landed in Afghanistan instead.... :lmao:

What a dumb piece of shit you are....

The financing came from Saudi Arabia, and they trained right here in the good old USA.

Hey Pinestra, the financing came from Osama Bin Laden, and their terrorist training took place in Afghanistan. Only their flight training occurred in the USA.

Once again, you're fuck'n clueless but all too happy to open your mouth and embarrass yourself.

Fuck all, you're a mindless idiot!

Lloyd's insurer sues Saudi Arabia for 'funding 9/11 attacks' - Home News - UK - The Independent

Google '9/11 financing' for more edjumakayshun...
I have just seen on the news that this guy who shot Kyle had earlier been arrested for threatening to kill his own family. I think Kyle, by writing a book about, essentially bragging about, his sharp shooting abilities and the high number of people he killed, has to some extent opened himself up for some of the disrespectful comments mentioned here. After having seen the news report that the man who killed Kyle had earlier been jailed for threatening to kill his family, my first thought is that Kyle may have been a sharp shooter with a gun, but he wasn't too sharp mentally to take someone like that to a gun range and give him a loaded gun, then turn his back on the guy. Wow. Really poor judgement.
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

You have to admit, his death ON A FIRING RANGE, is pretty ironic.

It sort of shows us what a lie it is to imagine that a well armed society is a safe society, does it not?

He was armed, spectators were armed, and STILL this highly trained soldier was murdered BY GUN by a nutter WITH A GUN.

Its a damned shame. He was a US hero who got killed by a veteran suffering from PTSD.
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

You have to admit, his death ON A FIRING RANGE, is pretty ironic.

It sort of shows us what a lie it is to imagine that a well armed society is a safe society, does it not?

He was armed, spectators were armed, and STILL this highly trained soldier was murdered BY GUN by a nutter WITH A GUN.

Its a damned shame. He was a US hero who got killed by a veteran suffering from PTSD.
Yes. It is all very ironic. Just one irony after another.

You post an article that contradicts yourself and proves you're wrong (and a fuck'n idiot - but hell, we all knew that already). The very first sentence from the article you posted:

A Lloyd's insurance syndicate has begun a landmark legal case against Saudi Arabia, accusing the kingdom of indirectly funding al-Qa'ida and demanding the repayment of £136m it paid out to victims of the 9/11 attacks.

Apparently you have no idea what the terms "accusing" and "indirectly" means. First of all, because an insurance company (desperate to recover massive sums it was forced to pay out) accuses somebody, doesn't mean said entity is actually guilty. Furthermore, indirectly means not intended. So your case is we were wrong to go into Afghanistan and instead should have bombed Saudi Arabia because you read read an article on the internet that a British insurance company is making an accusation :lmao:

  • Here's the bottom line asshole: Al Qaeda's base of operations was in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden (leader and financier of Al Qaeda) was a welcomed guest of the Taliban - the radical religious faction that was controlling Afghanistan at that time and they are on record stating as much.

  • The U.S. intelligence community knows more in 3 minutes than Llyod's insurance will know in 100 years. And the average baboon knows more than you ever will. The U.S. did not conduct operations in the wrong nation and you're the only fucking asshole in the world unaware of that.

  • The fact is, you wanted to protect your little boyfriend there, made a stupid fucking statement (stating where the terrorists were born - as if that fucking matters) and now you're too arrogant to acknowledge your incredible stupid statement, so you double-down with further stupidity.
Of the 19 hijackers, 18 were from Saudi Arabia and one from Yemen, but don't let the facts get in the way of your imbecilic rant, Rotty.

Hey imbecile - Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. So I guess we were way out of line going into Germany, uh? Yeah, according to Pinestra here, we should have dropped bombs on Austria because you always attack what country a person was born in, not where they have their base of operations... :cuckoo:
Was it a gun free zone?

Yeah everybody was free to have a locked and loaded gun.

And STILL this hero got killed, ironically by ANOTHER hero with a gun.

Guess we need to outlaw nicotine and shovels:

He and Morgan Mengel tried to poison her husband by spiking a juice drink with liquid nicotine, prosecutors said, and when that failed, he used company shovels to bludgeon his boss to death at the West Goshen Township firm.

Woman admits role in murder

Now this one is a real predicament. Not only to we have to outlaw knives, but we also have to outlaw anything can be used to "smother" (geez - pillows, sheets, clothing - we're all going to be NAKED, blankets, and literally millions and millions of other items):

A Teaneck man accused of stabbing his girlfriend to death and smothering her 5-year-old daughter

Man accused of slaying Englewood mom, young daughter pleads not guilty |

Oh My God!!! Do you realize what this means?!? We are going to have to outlaw hands for all human beings. Every person born will have to have their hands amputated. But wait a second, how will the physicians amputate when they won't have any hands?!? Damn, this is a real conundrum!

A 53-year-old man was arrested Tuesday in the strangulation of a woman whose body was found at a Third Ward house over the weekend

Man charged with murder in woman's strangulation - Houston Chronicle
Not mocking. But not making a big deal. It's just another gun death. No reason to change anything. Carry on.

More people died today in automobile accidents (including children) than will all of February from guns. So it begs the question (the million dollar question that you run from every time - like a coward): why aren't you advocating to ban automobiles or at least "make some changes"?

Are you saying that driving is not regulated?

Are you allowed to drive a Formula One car on public streets? Why not?
One of the most sensible things Ron Paul has ever said.

Just because you've served honorably doesn't mean you can't make a stupid mistake. It was dumb to take someone not quite right in the head to a gun range to shoot. Sadly the guy didn't get to rethink his decision.

go are they doing with guns?

are returning vets with mental health issues protected from gun checks?

wtf are they doing with guns?

are returning vets with mental health issues protected from gun checks?
How was it inappropriate?

The biggest problem with America is their pride. Their inability to admit they were wrong.

No matter what Obama does, the left worships and fellates him, making excuses and covering for what he does wrong. Why? Because if they admit he is wrong, then they have to admit they were wrong for voting for him.

The same is true with the radical right-wing nut "Sovereign Citizen" assholes who worship and fellate Ron Paul. Even when he is egregiously wrong and his actions completely unacceptable, fuck'n Sovereign Citizen moron's will go "gee, what was wrong with what he said" as if it's not terribly obvious. :cuckoo:

Do you ever get tired of spouting this utter bullshit?

The Left criticizes Obama almost as much as the Right. Just for different reasons.
The Paul haters try so hard...

You need mental healtcare professionals as much as Ron Paul does.

He blamed America for 9/11 on national television

He said that Navy Seal Chris Kyle "got what he deserved"

He is a despicable, deplorable, sick fuck and so are you for supporting this disturbed dementia patient who should have been properly placed in a nursing home decads ago

So Jesus Christ believed Peter deserved to be attacked by the Romans since he attacked them first?
Why are you bringing fables and fairy tales into this argument?

Should I start referring to Aesop to confirm MY arguments?
Not mocking. But not making a big deal. It's just another gun death. No reason to change anything. Carry on.

More people died today in automobile accidents (including children) than will all of February from guns. So it begs the question (the million dollar question that you run from every time - like a coward): why aren't you advocating to ban automobiles or at least "make some changes"?

Are you saying that driving is not regulated?

Are you allowed to drive a Formula One car on public streets? Why not?

Are you saying that guns are not regulated? :lmao:

I've purchased several firearms in my life time, and each one included a full F.B.I. background check. Furthermore, for fully automatic weapons, paperwork has to be submitted to the ATF and approved before the sale is permitted.

Thank you for proving your ignorance on this topic, which you are all to happy to weigh in on, despite your lack of knowledge.

By the way, don't you further prove that automobiles are a bigger problem when more people die from them despite the fact that they are "regulated"? Clearly they are extremely fucking dangerous when so many die despite "regulations". Perhaps it truly is time we outlaw these tools of death.
Ultra-wingnut site has this anti-Ron bit:

In the aftermath of Ron Paul’s despicable tweet today slamming US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, murdered on Saturday while helping a fellow soldier learn to cope with post traumatic stress syndrome, Paul’s son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has told Breitbart News exclusively, “Chris Kyle was a hero like all Americans who don the uniform to defend our country. Our prayers are with his family during this tragic time.”​
Also, there was nothing in Afghanistan or Iraq to keep me safe from, as I was never threatened by anything in that portion of the world.

You're right Kevin. You were never threatened by "anything" in that portion of the world. Terrorists from Al Qaeda didn't hijack planes and crash them into buildings all across the United States on 9/11. Nope. Never happened. Just a big Hollywood conspiracy so GWB could chase oil.... :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, does this man even have the slightest shred of credibility left? No wonder he's a Ron Paul supporter - both of them speak from a stand point of nonsense and zero credibility.

How sad that Chris Kyle served so that people like you could shout ignorance all day long.

Of the 19 hijackers, 18 were from Saudi Arabia and one from Yemen, but don't let the facts get in the way of your imbecilic rant, Rotty.

Pssst! Hey dumbass: al Qaeda isn't a country. :lol:

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