Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

More people died today in automobile accidents (including children) than will all of February from guns. So it begs the question (the million dollar question that you run from every time - like a coward): why aren't you advocating to ban automobiles or at least "make some changes"?

Are you saying that driving is not regulated?

Are you allowed to drive a Formula One car on public streets? Why not?

Are you saying that guns are not regulated? :lmao:

I've purchased several firearms in my life time, and each one included a full F.B.I. background check. Furthermore, for fully automatic weapons, paperwork has to be submitted to the ATF and approved before the sale is permitted.

Thank you for proving your ignorance on this topic, which you are all to happy to weigh in on, despite your lack of knowledge.

By the way, don't you further prove that automobiles are a bigger problem when more people die from them despite the fact that they are "regulated"? Clearly they are extremely fucking dangerous when so many die despite "regulations". Perhaps it truly is time we outlaw these tools of death.

And when DOT determines that a speed limit is too high on a given road, they lower it in the name of public safety.

Why then can't the government also make these determinations regarding certain firearms?
So, with all these armed patriots at the gun range, why did none of them shoot Kyle's murderer?
Ultra-wingnut site has this anti-Ron bit:

In the aftermath of Ron Paul’s despicable tweet today slamming US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, murdered on Saturday while helping a fellow soldier learn to cope with post traumatic stress syndrome, Paul’s son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has told Breitbart News exclusively, “Chris Kyle was a hero like all Americans who don the uniform to defend our country. Our prayers are with his family during this tragic time.”​

"has told Breitbart News exclusively". Shows where Rand gets his news. There & WND no doubt
Are you saying that driving is not regulated?

Are you allowed to drive a Formula One car on public streets? Why not?

Are you saying that guns are not regulated? :lmao:

I've purchased several firearms in my life time, and each one included a full F.B.I. background check. Furthermore, for fully automatic weapons, paperwork has to be submitted to the ATF and approved before the sale is permitted.

Thank you for proving your ignorance on this topic, which you are all to happy to weigh in on, despite your lack of knowledge.

By the way, don't you further prove that automobiles are a bigger problem when more people die from them despite the fact that they are "regulated"? Clearly they are extremely fucking dangerous when so many die despite "regulations". Perhaps it truly is time we outlaw these tools of death.

And when DOT determines that a speed limit is too high on a given road, they lower it in the name of public safety.

Why then can't the government also make these determinations regarding certain firearms?

Well they could - so long as they do it Constitutionally. They could actually outlaw guns all together - if they properly amended the Constitution. The problem is, they don't. They just abuse power.

However, my question has been and still is, why the focus on guns when there are many other causes of death?
He stops him from further attacking the Roman soldiers. I'd say that's advising him against living by the sword.

And I challenge you to provide a link to me saying either of the bolded quotes you're attributing to me.

And again we see you speaking on God's behalf. You have no idea why Jesus stopped him. May have been because he didn't want any more bloodshed. May have been part of the master plan. May have been because he accepted his destiny and didn't want that interfered with.

But nope, Kevin here decides he's the official spokesman of God. And by golly, he KNOWS what God knows and he's going to tell us all, and Chris Kyle "got what he deserved".

"If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword" = "If you live for getting into battles, eventually you will lose a battle. Doesn't mean your wrong. Doesn't mean your right. Just means that percentages are working against you the more battles you do".

But hey, prophet Kevin, please don't let me stop you. Continue to pervert the teachings for your pro-Ron Paul agenda.

So wait... are you speaking for God?
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

You have to admit, his death ON A FIRING RANGE, is pretty ironic.

It sort of shows us what a lie it is to imagine that a well armed society is a safe society, does it not?

He was armed, spectators were armed, and STILL this highly trained soldier was murdered BY GUN by a nutter WITH A GUN.

Its a damned shame. He was a US hero who got killed by a veteran suffering from PTSD.

I don't think anyone has ever said that an armed society would have zero murders.
You need mental healtcare professionals as much as Ron Paul does.

He blamed America for 9/11 on national television

He said that Navy Seal Chris Kyle "got what he deserved"

He is a despicable, deplorable, sick fuck and so are you for supporting this disturbed dementia patient who should have been properly placed in a nursing home decads ago

So Jesus Christ believed Peter deserved to be attacked by the Romans since he attacked them first?
Why are you bringing fables and fairy tales into this argument?

Should I start referring to Aesop to confirm MY arguments?

If Aesop is relevant to the discussion at hand.
Are you saying that guns are not regulated? :lmao:

I've purchased several firearms in my life time, and each one included a full F.B.I. background check. Furthermore, for fully automatic weapons, paperwork has to be submitted to the ATF and approved before the sale is permitted.

Thank you for proving your ignorance on this topic, which you are all to happy to weigh in on, despite your lack of knowledge.

By the way, don't you further prove that automobiles are a bigger problem when more people die from them despite the fact that they are "regulated"? Clearly they are extremely fucking dangerous when so many die despite "regulations". Perhaps it truly is time we outlaw these tools of death.

And when DOT determines that a speed limit is too high on a given road, they lower it in the name of public safety.

Why then can't the government also make these determinations regarding certain firearms?

Well they could - so long as they do it Constitutionally. They could actually outlaw guns all together - if they properly amended the Constitution. The problem is, they don't. They just abuse power.

However, my question has been and still is, why the focus on guns when there are many other causes of death?
It's only a focus on certain types of guns.

Just like there is a focus on certain types of cars, like Formula One or any other non-street-legal car.
Mock? No.

Ironic? Yes.

Stupid? Absolutely.

Hence the notion of giving a mentally distrubed person a gun..should be put to rest.

It's sort of common sense.

But no common with conservatives.

I know.
And when DOT determines that a speed limit is too high on a given road, they lower it in the name of public safety.

Why then can't the government also make these determinations regarding certain firearms?

Well they could - so long as they do it Constitutionally. They could actually outlaw guns all together - if they properly amended the Constitution. The problem is, they don't. They just abuse power.

However, my question has been and still is, why the focus on guns when there are many other causes of death?
It's only a focus on certain types of guns.

Just like there is a focus on certain types of cars, like Formula One or any other non-street-legal car.

Doesn't matter (and for the record - that makes it even more illogical). The fact is, the left seems to be soooooo "upset" over these deaths and the deaths of children. Well, way more children die from car accidents every year. So, if they are truly concerned about the death of children, why aren't they calling for the ban of automobiles? Or, at the very least, some radical changes to the auto industry?

Furthermore, 99% of all gun deaths are from handguns. So what is with the irrational thinking that we need to focus on "assault rifles" and/or "large capacity magazines"?

Sorry, but the whole thing is completely irrational and simply does not hold up under logical scrutiny. If liberals were truly concerned about deaths, they would start with the #1 cause and work their way down. Clearly this is nothing more than there irrational fear over an inanimate object that they know nothing about.
Mock? No.

Ironic? Yes.

Stupid? Absolutely.

Hence the notion of giving a mentally distrubed person a gun..should be put to rest.

It's sort of common sense.

But no common with conservatives.

I know.

If you "mourn the death of common sense in our society" as your avatar states, then why in the hell are you a liberal?!? Nobody has less common sense than a liberal.

The fact that they believe 1% of the population should labor to provide for all needs of the other 99% is about as lacking in common sense as it gets.

You post an article that contradicts yourself and proves you're wrong (and a fuck'n idiot - but hell, we all knew that already). The very first sentence from the article you posted:

A Lloyd's insurance syndicate has begun a landmark legal case against Saudi Arabia, accusing the kingdom of indirectly funding al-Qa'ida and demanding the repayment of £136m it paid out to victims of the 9/11 attacks.

Apparently you have no idea what the terms "accusing" and "indirectly" means. First of all, because an insurance company (desperate to recover massive sums it was forced to pay out) accuses somebody, doesn't mean said entity is actually guilty. Furthermore, indirectly means not intended. So your case is we were wrong to go into Afghanistan and instead should have bombed Saudi Arabia because you read read an article on the internet that a British insurance company is making an accusation :lmao:

  • Here's the bottom line asshole: Al Qaeda's base of operations was in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden (leader and financier of Al Qaeda) was a welcomed guest of the Taliban - the radical religious faction that was controlling Afghanistan at that time and they are on record stating as much.

  • The U.S. intelligence community knows more in 3 minutes than Llyod's insurance will know in 100 years. And the average baboon knows more than you ever will. The U.S. did not conduct operations in the wrong nation and you're the only fucking asshole in the world unaware of that.

  • The fact is, you wanted to protect your little boyfriend there, made a stupid fucking statement (stating where the terrorists were born - as if that fucking matters) and now you're too arrogant to acknowledge your incredible stupid statement, so you double-down with further stupidity.

Gee Rotty, I guess you're incapable of using Google. 7.2 million results from 'saudi financing 9/11'.

Here's one of them...
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States
Monograph on Terrorist Financing

It remains to be seen whether the Saudi government will be willing to make politically and religiously difficult decisions. The action it has taken in 2004 against several al Haramain branch offices is unquestionably significant. Although the government has
frozen the assets of branches of al Haramain, it has not used its leverage with the head
office to ensure that no funds flow to the designated branches.142 Similarly, the Saudis
have yet to hold prominent individuals—like the former head of al Haramain, for
instance—accountable for terrorist financing. Such actions would send a signal both to
potential targets and to the Saudi public that the Saudi government is serious about
stemming the flow of funds to terrorists and their supporters.
We are optimistic that the U.S. and Saudi governments are on the right track in their
mutual efforts on terrorist financing. Neither country can afford to lessen the intensity of
its current approach. The Saudi government has come far in recognizing the extent of its
terrorist-financing problem. We cannot underplay, however, the reluctance of the Saudi
government to make the necessary changes between 9/11 and late spring of 2003. It
remains to be seen whether it has truly internalized its responsibility for the problem.

You can find this on page 133 of the report if you don't want to take my word for it.

As for the rest of your diatribe, please post a quote of me saying we should have bombed Saudi Arabia, or that we shouldn't have gone into Afghanistan, or STFU.


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