Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

distinction with a huge difference

Ron Paul is an ideologue who would sacrifice people for a principle. He's a Randian imbecile who forgets principles were invented to serve humanity, not the other way around.

People who don't bend a principle in time of crisis or need, are people who lack common sense and the ability to face reality. They lack true humanity. Most of the criticisms of our founding fathers is that in times of need or crisis, and sometimes out of convenience to a larger principle or cause, principles were put aside briefly.

Just because he differs with you as to what principles would best serve humanity doesn't mean he would "sacrifice people for a principle."

One can only judge the man by his past words...his actions being few as he is always on the fringe and has no power: "Ron Paul is an ideologue who would sacrifice people for a principle."

By his words he must be judged

When has Paul done anything that would lead one to believe he would do that?
As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies." -Ron Paul
I think his tweet speaks for itself.

Yes, it does, and I see NOTHING in it that sounds like 'mocking'...
Was Jesus saying Peter was bringing it on himself when he used that exact language after Peter cut off the Roman's ear?


So Jesus was essentially saying that Peter deserved to be killed? Or would you say that "bringing it on himself" is not necessarily the same as "deserving" to be killed? I'd say they're essentially the same, and I'd disagree that that was Jesus' point.
Not sure what a fictional character and fable has in all of this?
Now if our resident Rick Perry supporter would show up, we'd have a completed ron paul thread.
See what I mean? Ron Paul is the guy both sides love to hate. He's a LOLberal! He's a conservative, racist k00k!

You partisan players are so predictable, it's a tragedy in comedy.

I personally like about 90% or what RP Stands for, but as I mentioned, the other 10% would keep me awake at night it's so out there.

So Jesus was essentially saying that Peter deserved to be killed? Or would you say that "bringing it on himself" is not necessarily the same as "deserving" to be killed? I'd say they're essentially the same, and I'd disagree that that was Jesus' point.
Not sure what a fictional character and fable has in all of this?

Many people not only base their actions on these fables, they expect others to live by them too.

Crazy, huh?
See what I mean? Ron Paul is the guy both sides love to hate. He's a LOLberal! He's a conservative, racist k00k!

You partisan players are so predictable, it's a tragedy in comedy.

I personally like about 90% or what RP Stands for, but as I mentioned, the other 10% would keep me awake at night it's so out there.

That is a wonderful and thoughtful indepth analysis. The man is irrelevant for fucks sake. But I digress. Everyone jump in and give him a few good well thought out whacks!


Predictable as it gets.
And the idiot Sovereign Citizen libertarians on this site couldn't understand why conservative voters sent him home with his tail between his legs in the Republican primary??? SMH....
I think the point is that "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword" is not coming from a place of judgement, but rather a concern for that person's safety. So Ron Paul was not saying that Chris Kyle "brought it on himself" or that he "deserved" it, which you never personally said I'm just throwing that in there, but rather that he's concerned for these troops and their safety. His later explanation of the tweet makes this clear. He's concerned for the lives of these troops, and thus disagrees with our foreign policy putting them in danger. If he was criticizing anything it was the government's foreign policy.

Paul obviously realized his mistake and tried to sooth it over with his second tweet.

It's clear that his first message was to question Kyle for using his talent and reputation as a shooter as a point of access to counsel troubled veterans.

No way to spin around that.

I don't think Ron Paul thinks he made any mistake. I think he used that phrase the same way Jesus used it, and I think his second tweet, which was really on Facebook but no matter, was simply explaining that fact.

As for the second part of the tweet, he was merely questioning whether using that form of "counsel" was wise, and obviously events proved that it might not have been.

So you trying to couching it in much softer terms - which might have served Paul well.
As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies." -Ron Paul
I think his tweet speaks for itself.

Yes, it does, and I see NOTHING in it that sounds like 'mocking'...

No mocking I agree....In bad taste though.... Not unusual for Paul.

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