Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

How was it inappropriate?

He seems to be indicating that Kyle "brought it on himself" by counseling a troubled vet at a firing range. I understand his point, but there was probably a better way to convey that thought and a more appropriate time to do it.

The barbs from the far left ... "karma .... poetic justic .... ironic" are also ill-timed and in much poorer taste imho.

I guess they would rather those insurgents he killed to be unmolested in their attempts to kill Americans???? Whether you agree with why they were there or not (and I do not), to wish them harm is just indefensible imho.

Was Jesus saying Peter was bringing it on himself when he used that exact language after Peter cut off the Roman's ear?

He seems to be indicating that Kyle "brought it on himself" by counseling a troubled vet at a firing range. I understand his point, but there was probably a better way to convey that thought and a more appropriate time to do it.

The barbs from the far left ... "karma .... poetic justic .... ironic" are also ill-timed and in much poorer taste imho.

I guess they would rather those insurgents he killed to be unmolested in their attempts to kill Americans???? Whether you agree with why they were there or not (and I do not), to wish them harm is just indefensible imho.

Was Jesus saying Peter was bringing it on himself when he used that exact language after Peter cut off the Roman's ear?


So Jesus was essentially saying that Peter deserved to be killed? Or would you say that "bringing it on himself" is not necessarily the same as "deserving" to be killed? I'd say they're essentially the same, and I'd disagree that that was Jesus' point.
How was it inappropriate?
#1. He wasn't active duty and in theatre #2. He wasn't challenging the shooter. In other words he wasn't "living by the sword." Be a whole other story if he took guys out to the range and told them "Ok we are going to play a little game here. The object of the game is going to be who can shoot who first in the back." If he did that I digress

A sniper gets shot = what some people see as a form of karma ... snipers do shoot people in the back. People trying to throw American soldiers out of their homeland are not in-theater, they are home...they have more right than us to be fighting.

Insurgents were not terrorists. They may have been our enemies, but they were defending their home against an invader.

facts are important here
I agree, if we were being occupied I think 99.99% of the population would be branded "insurgents" and "terrorists". I also have no argument with us occupying their country. It's BS and senseless. We are losing good men and women every day not to mention the senseless slaughter of innocent women and children. I'm going off topic <whoa holdup CK>

These men, Chris included, are being used as pawns. They are doing their jobs (whether right or wrong) and don't deserve to be killed, just because they served and killed the "enemy." Being killed in an active combat zone is one thing, being killed just hanging out with friends is another
Ron Paul is a liberal......So what?

In a classical sense, yes.

distinction with a huge difference

Ron Paul is an ideologue who would sacrifice people for a principle. He's a Randian imbecile who forgets principles were invented to serve humanity, not the other way around.

People who don't bend a principle in time of crisis or need, are people who lack common sense and the ability to face reality. They lack true humanity. Most of the criticisms of our founding fathers is that in times of need or crisis, and sometimes out of convenience to a larger principle or cause, principles were put aside briefly.
Ron Paul is a liberal......So what?

In a classical sense, yes.

distinction with a huge difference

Ron Paul is an ideologue who would sacrifice people for a principle. He's a Randian imbecile who forgets principles were invented to serve humanity, not the other way around.

People who don't bend a principle in time of crisis or need, are people who lack common sense and the ability to face reality. They lack true humanity. Most of the criticisms of our founding fathers is that in times of need or crisis, and sometimes out of convenience to a larger principle or cause, principles were put aside briefly.

Just because he differs with you as to what principles would best serve humanity doesn't mean he would "sacrifice people for a principle."
Was Jesus saying Peter was bringing it on himself when he used that exact language after Peter cut off the Roman's ear?


So Jesus was essentially saying that Peter deserved to be killed? Or would you say that "bringing it on himself" is not necessarily the same as "deserving" to be killed? I'd say they're essentially the same, and I'd disagree that that was Jesus' point.

I would say that Jesus' point was that violence begets violence.

I would say that Paul drove the "brought it on himself" point by criticizing him for counseling a troubled vet at a gun range. And that point is a foolish one. Joe Montana probably counsels at risk youth by tossing football with them. And this man was a famous and accomplished shooter - so he used his reputation as a way to earn the trust of a troubled person so he could try to help him.

Yes, when that point of access is shooting then there are some inherient risks. Kyle accepted those risks and tried to use his talents as a way to reach out to this guy. Anyone with a psychology background can appreciate what he was doing and would know better than to criticize a dead man for those efforts.
#1. He wasn't active duty and in theatre #2. He wasn't challenging the shooter. In other words he wasn't "living by the sword." Be a whole other story if he took guys out to the range and told them "Ok we are going to play a little game here. The object of the game is going to be who can shoot who first in the back." If he did that I digress

A sniper gets shot = what some people see as a form of karma ... snipers do shoot people in the back. People trying to throw American soldiers out of their homeland are not in-theater, they are home...they have more right than us to be fighting.

Insurgents were not terrorists. They may have been our enemies, but they were defending their home against an invader.

facts are important here
I agree, if we were being occupied I think 99.99% of the population would be branded "insurgents" and "terrorists". I also have no argument with us occupying their country. It's BS and senseless. We are losing good men and women every day not to mention the senseless slaughter of innocent women and children. I'm going off topic <whoa holdup CK>

These men, Chris included, are being used as pawns. They are doing their jobs (whether right or wrong) and don't deserve to be killed, just because they served and killed the "enemy." Being killed in an active combat zone is one thing, being killed just hanging out with friends is another

Gun culture gets a shock? Life can really suck. Welcome to reality is what I would tell his friends. Guns and people with issues = death
As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies." -Ron Paul
I think his tweet speaks for itself.

same here.

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