liberals should get jobs to help take their minds off of rich people

Doorstop comes to mind.

I don't get this gut-twisting envy over what other people have.
They're not "liberals" they're progressives.

True liberals want as much separation from the government as possible - these freaks want the government to dictate....

How can one be a liberal when you believe that the government should redistribute wealth???

IMO, calling them liberals is illogical, which is why I never call them liberals...

I'm a liberal - they're not.
They're not "liberals" they're progressives.

True liberals want as much separation from the government as possible - these freaks want the government to dictate....

How can one be a liberal when you believe that the government should redistribute wealth???

IMO, calling them liberals is illogical, which is why I never call them liberals...

I'm a liberal - they're not.

They're liberals...
Actually, liberals are worried class warfare against the non rich has ruined the country, like most Indies...but keep those Foxblinkers on...

Ows are mainly underemployed grads, screwed by Booosh by doubling cost of public colleges AND screw job bank student loans...
Why do Republicans think it's the liberals who are unemployed? After all, it's the Blue States supporting the Confederate Dumb Fucks in the Red States.
They're not "liberals" they're progressives.

True liberals want as much separation from the government as possible - these freaks want the government to dictate....

How can one be a liberal when you believe that the government should redistribute wealth???

IMO, calling them liberals is illogical, which is why I never call them liberals...

I'm a liberal - they're not.

They're liberals...

How can one be liberal and rely on government or endorse reliance on government??

Reliance on another is anything but liberalism.... Liberal means "liberty."

The french revolution was liberals vs monarchic fascists.
Why do Republicans think it's the liberals who are unemployed? After all, it's the Blue States supporting the Confederate Dumb Fucks in the Red States.


I'm living in Illinois/Chicago area dummy (biggest blue area in the country maybe).... Businesses and residents are fleeing this state like bats out of hell and I cant blame them..

I would love to know where you get your fucked up ideas, do you just make this shit up or do you read propaganda??

This state has a 15 billion dollar deficit...

They're creating jobs in every red state and the blue states are losing them...

Look at Wisconsin (where I work) or Texas ...

Most of the Blue states are fucked...

Hell, gas in Wisconsin is like 2.95 a gallon and in Chicago its like 3.85. If you're a smart person you would know what that means...
#8- Move to red state where they cut half the teachers, cops, and firemen to save the bloated rich. You deserve it.
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Move to red state where they cut half the teachers, cops, and firemen. You deserve it.

Cops are violent bullies who pick on vets, we don't need em.

teachers don't teach squat. the education in America sucks no matter how much money you throw at it..

we'll keep the firemen for now.
#8- Move to red state where they cut half the teachers, cops, and firemen to save the bloated rich. You deserve it.

The only bloated things are the teachers and cops salaries and pensions.

That's the fucking problem with the economy - public sector workers - especially teachers are making way too damn much.

Then you gotta pay them a pension then social security???

Illinois pension system: 2 teachers union lobbyists used loophole for fat pensions - Chicago Tribune

^^ that is typical Illinois or Chicago for you...

I'm sick of that shit...

The real greedy motherfuckers are those who belong to unions - not the rich who make their money selling a product or service in a competitive market - UNLIKE unions where there is no competition
Shit, several government employees and teachers here in Chicago have been caught retiring (hence collecting their pensions) then being rehired at a higher salary while the continue working. So basically those criminals are collecting their pension AND their salary because they "came back to work."

Then people want to talk about greed????

Is knowingly deceiving and ripping off the taxpayer not greed??

Then they want to raise taxes to pay for that shit???

But hey they all vote democrat so democrats will back assshits like that 100% as long as they vote democrat..

The democrats have become the new Mafia...
Actually, smaller class size works- the one thing Pubs won't do- costs money.

It also hires more UNION teachers...

I would totally agree to smaller classes and more teachers but on one condition - the teachers union is abolished..

If you care about the kids you know certainly you would compromise with that??
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Actually, smaller class size works- the one thing Pubs won't do- costs money.

It also hires more UNION teachers...

I would totally agree to smaller classes and more teachers but on one condition - the teachers union is abolished..

If you care about the kids you know certainly you would compromise with that??

Been there --- done that --- smaller classes NOT a big solution.. California mandated smaller class sizes and still keeps screwing kids and parents out of decent education...

The GREAT school systems of the world don't worry as much about class size as they do about the quality of curriculum and the abilities of the teachers. We are graduating stone - stupid teachers from "colleges of education"...
Nick this also happens a lot in the corporate sector too,I know many people who have been retrenched by their own company,got a huge payout then been rehired on big money. just saying,its not just government employees..Trust you are keeping Well....steve:cool:
Shit, several government employees and teachers here in Chicago have been caught retiring (hence collecting their pensions) then being rehired at a higher salary while the continue working. So basically those criminals are collecting their pension AND their salary because they "came back to work."

Then people want to talk about greed????

Is knowingly deceiving and ripping off the taxpayer not greed??

Then they want to raise taxes to pay for that shit???

But hey they all vote democrat so democrats will back assshits like that 100% as long as they vote democrat..

The democrats have become the new Mafia...
I'm sick of that shit...The real greedy motherfuckers are those who belong to unions - not the rich who make their money selling a product or service in a competitive market - UNLIKE unions where there is no competition

The next time some asshole from a broke bluestate tries to give you grief - just have them read this article. It is the perfect summation of why IL, RI, NY, CA, NJ and a few others will be bankrupt. Oh yeah, RI already is:

The Beholden State by Steven Malanga, City Journal Spring 2010

The Beholden State

"How public-sector unions broke California"

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