liberals think America is a shithole. theyre racist against their own country

So prove it....

Sneaky Dick Durbin once compared U.S. soldiers to Nazis

"You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent." - Crazy Uncle Joe Biden

if you still dont beleive me, just check Wacky Tariq Nasheed's or Disgusting Linda Sarsour' twitter feed.
remind us who has been saying our country is "going to hell" and we need to make America "great again".

remind us who has been saying our country is "going to hell" and we need to make America "great again".
Yeah. Obama was trying to make America a shithole. Hillary would have kept it going. The policy of the globalist commie is to make all nations equally shitty.
remind us who has been saying our country is "going to hell" and we need to make America "great again".

Under Obama it was, and Trump is turning it around again. Fiat Chrysler is coming back, with a billion dollars! Thanks president Trump!
So prove it....
Obama wanted to transform America. And I don't know one liberal, that didn't want to polish his knob. Racist.
Sincer when do we owe a politician anything?
Obama was your man, he could do no wrong in liberal eyes. Until now, his treasonous ways are being exposed. Are you trying to back peddle on your support?
I didn't suck his ass with the ferocity you do Trump...
“Let’s be clear. The people of New York know exactly what those values are,” Cruz told reporters in the Bronx. “They’re the values of liberal Democratic politicians, like Andrew Cuomo, like Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, like Charlie Rangel, all of whom Donald Trump has supported” financially.

“If you want to know what liberal Democratic values are, follow Donald Trump’s checkbook,” he added.

Cruz derided ‘New York values’ with a sneer, but now he must face New Yorkers

“Take the F U train, Ted,” blared the cover of the New York Daily News on Thursday, the day after Cruz was greeted by hecklers at a campaign stop in the Bronx. Cruz was swarmed by media as he walked into a Dominican-
Chinese restaurant, where he met with local and faith leaders. Two men were dragged out by police after they disrupted the gathering.

“Ted Cruz has no business being in the Bronx. This is an immigrant community,” one of the men, who wore a Yankees hat, said in English. He then approached cameras and said in Spanish about Cruz, a Cuban American: “He’s a racist who represents the white supremacy. We’re not going to allow that in our neighborhood.”
So prove it....
Obama wanted to transform America. And I don't know one liberal, that didn't want to polish his knob. Racist.
Sincer when do we owe a politician anything?
Obama was your man, he could do no wrong in liberal eyes. Until now, his treasonous ways are being exposed. Are you trying to back peddle on your support?
I didn't suck his ass with the ferocity you do Trump...
I don't, if Trump does something I don't approve of. I will call him out on it. Something you couldn't say with Obama. Normally I'd say the tweeting thing is stupid, but the way it drives you liberals nuts. I applaud it. Because it is very entertaining. If you wouldn't get your panties in a wad about everything he does. Republicans like me would call him out more. Just like if you didn't run Hillary, there would be no Trump. Liberalism is a mental disease. Lol
spare me the lectures about Trump, you disgusting racists!

Which liberals think that America is a shithole? Oh right you are just being a lying idiot again.

Remember- liberals think America was and is great- Trump doesn't think America is great- but is hoping to make it great again.
So prove it....
Obama wanted to transform America. And I don't know one liberal, that didn't want to polish his knob. Racist.
Sincer when do we owe a politician anything?
Obama was your man, he could do no wrong in liberal eyes. Until now, his treasonous ways are being exposed. Are you trying to back peddle on your support?
I didn't suck his ass with the ferocity you do Trump...
I don't, if Trump does something I don't approve of. I will call him out on it. Something you couldn't say with Obama. Normally I'd say the tweeting thing is stupid, but the way it drives you liberals nuts. I applaud it. Because it is very entertaining. If you wouldn't get your panties in a wad about everything he does. Republicans like me would call him out more. Just like if you didn't run Hillary, there would be no Trump. Liberalism is a mental disease. Lol
I didn't run Hillary I have no control over who runs for president duh...And I can hear the sucking sound coming from your posts....

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