Liberals to Trump-Supporting Tangier Island ‘We Hope You Drown’

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Liberals are so vomitous, I'll bet the inside of their skulls have a pulsing, spongy mass of greenish-black slime mold where their brains should be. Liberal filth really are walking, overflowing port-a-potties.
Since climate change is not the cause, who cares?

And you got that from this non authority's blog. Actual scientists with actual degrees in climatology tell a different story.

So where is YOUR link?

Oh, you just made that shit up!



Chesapeake Bay and Global Warming - National Wildlife Federation

Climate - Features -

Research shows significant ways climate already has changed for the Chesapeake

Not a single blog from someone with zero credentials

See! You liberals cannot read!

From your first link:

"and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk."

Suck it up, buttercup!

Yes, natural erosion is contributing in addition to climate change.

one-foot increase in relative sea-level rise over the 20th century, six inches due to global warming and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk.

Thank you for admitting your error. You may now resume playing with your blocks.
And you got that from this non authority's blog. Actual scientists with actual degrees in climatology tell a different story.

So where is YOUR link?

Oh, you just made that shit up!



Chesapeake Bay and Global Warming - National Wildlife Federation

Climate - Features -

Research shows significant ways climate already has changed for the Chesapeake

Not a single blog from someone with zero credentials

See! You liberals cannot read!

From your first link:

"and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk."

Suck it up, buttercup!

Yes, natural erosion is contributing in addition to climate change.

one-foot increase in relative sea-level rise over the 20th century, six inches due to global warming and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk.

Thank you for admitting your error. You may now resume playing with your blocks.

I don't ignore the natural erosion. You are ignoring the climate change.

Oh, and all I did was ask a simple question about the credentials of the author the OP cited.
The President's response wasn't much better than the liberals. Trump's response per Tangier Island Mayor James "Ooker" Eskridge was, "He said not to worry about sea-level rise," Eskridge said. "He said, 'Your island has been there for hundreds of years, and I believe your island will be there for hundreds more." But at least the mayor was charmed to speak to the President and so however it turns out I'll have to call it a happy ending.

Trump tells Tangier Island mayor not to worry about sea-level rise

See! You liberals cannot read!

From your first link:

"and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk."

Suck it up, buttercup!

Yes, natural erosion is contributing in addition to climate change.

one-foot increase in relative sea-level rise over the 20th century, six inches due to global warming and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk.

Thank you for admitting your error. You may now resume playing with your blocks.

I don't ignore the natural erosion. You are ignoring the climate change.

Oh, and all I did was ask a simple question about the credentials of the author the OP cited.

I ignore climate change because there is not a damn thing we can do about it, Just like there is nothing to do about the land subsiding.

It used to piss me off so bad when I lived in VA and we would spend millions of dollars to replenish sand on the beaches only to have the next hurricane, tropical storm, or nor'easter wash it all back out to sea.

People thinking we can beat Mother Nature at her game are honed to the fine edge of a beach ball!
Why haven't they built a sea wall yet? Waiting for a hand out? How long have they known the island was sinking and eroding away?

Oh yeah and fuck those assholes who called some of their businesses and whined about President Fuckwad.
Ohhhh people saying mean things on the internet. Well conservatives NEVER DO THAT! Lol! You righties have actual organizations centered around your hatred of others!
Just make sure this is big news all across the country. It serves two purposes. It fucks with liberals and pokes a stick at the hoax of global warming.

See! You liberals cannot read!

From your first link:

"and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk."

Suck it up, buttercup!

Yes, natural erosion is contributing in addition to climate change.

one-foot increase in relative sea-level rise over the 20th century, six inches due to global warming and another six inches due to naturally subsiding coastal lands--a factor that places the Chesapeake Bay region at particular risk.

Thank you for admitting your error. You may now resume playing with your blocks.

I don't ignore the natural erosion. You are ignoring the climate change.

Oh, and all I did was ask a simple question about the credentials of the author the OP cited.

I ignore climate change because there is not a damn thing we can do about it, Just like there is nothing to do about the land subsiding.

It used to piss me off so bad when I lived in VA and we would spend millions of dollars to replenish sand on the beaches only to have the next hurricane, tropical storm, or nor'easter wash it all back out to sea.

People thinking we can beat Mother Nature at her game are honed to the fine edge of a beach ball!

And that is where you are wrong. There is nothing we could have done about six of the 12 inches...but we could do something about the other six. We chose not to because ending our dependence on fossil fuels is just too inconvenient for some.
As I always say, isn't amazing how these violent, spittle-flecking, foaming, rioting, death-threatening, utterly hate driven liberalfilth are IDENTICAL to the muslims they cocksuck? It really proves that ones cannot embrace a Nazi-like bloodbath of 24/7 human rights atrocity EVIL like Islam without that evil rubbing off on these traitors and leaving a giant, permanent shit-stain on whatever passes for their souls.
"Angry liberals are wishing death on a tiny, vanishing island in Chesapeake Bay because its inhabitants mostly support Donald Trump and refuse to think correct thoughts about climate change.

Tangier Island in the middle of Chesapeake Bay, about an hour’s boat ride from the Virginia mainland, rises only a few feet above the waterline and has been slowly eroded by the sea since it was first colonized in the 1600s. Now its 500 remaining residents are desperate for federal support because it is on the verge of disappearing.

But when they asked for support from Donald Trump to help them build a wall – a sea wall, this time, to hold back the eroding waves – it prompted a barrage of hate from outsiders. Their crime, apparently, was to blame the island’s plight on natural erosion and not rising sea levels caused by man-made climate change."

"Their other crime was to be the kind of independent, hard-working, honest, all-American types – Tangier Island harvests more of the bay’s prized blue crabs, 13 percent, than any other town in Virginia – who inevitably voted for Donald Trump.

Eighty-seven percent of Tangier Island’s residents voted for the Donald. He noticed and in June spoke to the mayor James “Ooker” Eskridge who drew the president’s attention to the island’s plight."

"Oh – and the islanders are, of course, right to blame erosion and not “climate change” for their island’s plight. ... But there is a very good reason for this – the land is sinking.
Chesapeake Bay is the site of an ancient impact crater, caused by a comet or meteor. As a result the land has been subsiding ever since. Estimates by proper scientists suggest it is sinking at a rate of up to 3mm/yr."

Delingpole: Liberals to Trump-Supporting Tangier Island 'We Hope You Drown'

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