Liberals: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals

Somebody's conveniently forgotten what Trump said on the subject:

"People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble."

Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want

Like I said, nice try, OP.

Look! An idiot has arrived.


Conflating locker rooms where people get naked with bathrooms. Rich... I don't believe Trump called anyone intolerant either.

But thanks for providing more proof for your truly special grade IQ again.

Yeah, the big difference is, a locker room for 12 year olds is just for 12 year olds.

A bathroom is for 12 year olds and every other age.

Goddam you're stupid. You're so stupid it's not even funny. It's tragic.
I pointed out they already have in a much longer post than you quoted and nowhere have I said anyone should be forced to do a damn thing.
If a girl must change for gym at school, shower, go to the bathroom, etc. in the school facilities and they cannot stop guys from being in there with them then they are being forced, you nitwit. I can't tell if you're an idiot or if you're being disingenuous because you're desperate for access to female facilities.
Why don't you find yourself a time machine and go back to a time when women were scorned for showing an ankle. Your puritanical bullshit is getting old.
That aligns with your ideology. Back then they were forced to cover up. Now you want to force them to get naked. Ask any pre-teen and teenage girl and they will tell you to a woman that they were self-conscious and mortified over the thought of other girls seeing them at that age. You can't even begin to imagine (due to your limited IQ) how much worse that will be with boys in there with them.

There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever why a biological male cannot use the men's facilities other than the deviant desires of disgusting people.

Hey dumb fuck, I've said more than once that I am NOT in favor of men sharing the womens facilities and I have provided my reasoning for it. STOP TRYING TO PUT FUCKING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!

BTW you might want to ask yourself why children are so self conscious, could it possibly be being raised by puritanical self conscious assholes like you? They aren't born that way.
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Hey dumb fuck, I've said more than once that I am NOT in favor of men sharing the womens facilities and I have provided my reasoning for it. STOP TRYING TO PUT FUCKING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!
Hey you dumb are in favor of it. You're advocating it right here on this thread over and over and over. Are you so dumb that you don't even know what you advocate for when you advocate for it?
BTW you might want to ask yourself why children are so self conscious, could it possibly be being raised by puritanical self conscious assholes like you? The aren't born that way.
Actually you ignorant tool - they are born that way. Ask any of the 100% of girls who say they were mortified about getting undressed in front of just other girls if there parents told them that they should be ashamed and horrified over their own bodies and they will all tell you unequivocally - NO.

But after spending years with clothes on in front of people and being self-conscious during a tough age, it's only natural to not want to get naked in front of other people. Now do the world a favor and shut the fuck up you nudist freak.
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Hey dumb fuck, I've said more than once that I am NOT in favor of men sharing the womens facilities and I have provided my reasoning for it. STOP TRYING TO PUT FUCKING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!
Hey you dumb are in favor of it. You're advocating it right here on this thread over and over and over. Are you so dumb that you don't even know what you advocate for when you advocate for it?

You're a fucking liar and a dim witted idiot. I think we're done.
Hey dumb fuck, I've said more than once that I am NOT in favor of men sharing the womens facilities and I have provided my reasoning for it. STOP TRYING TO PUT FUCKING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!
Hey you dumb are in favor of it. You're advocating it right here on this thread over and over and over. Are you so dumb that you don't even know what you advocate for when you advocate for it?
You're a fucking liar and a dim witted idiot. I think we're done.
God I hope so. I'm assuming you have a nudist colony to get to right now? Fuck'n idiot.... We get it. You're a typical fat Texan who gets off on nudist colonies. Fine. You're an adult. But stop pushing your sick shit on children you piece of shit.
BTW you might want to ask yourself why children are so self conscious, could it possibly be being raised by puritanical self conscious assholes like you? The aren't born that way.
Actually you ignorant tool - they are born that way. Ask any of the 100% of girls who say they were mortified about getting undressed in front of just other girls if there parents told them that they should be ashamed and horrified over their own bodies and they will all tell you unequivocally - NO.

But after spending years with clothes on in front of people and being self-conscious during a tough age, it's only natural to not want to get naked in front of other people. Now do the world a favor and shut the fuck up you nudist freak.

I'm sorry your parents fucked your head up so badly, you know there's help for that, right?
Hey dumb fuck, I've said more than once that I am NOT in favor of men sharing the womens facilities and I have provided my reasoning for it. STOP TRYING TO PUT FUCKING WORDS IN MY MOUTH!
Hey you dumb are in favor of it. You're advocating it right here on this thread over and over and over. Are you so dumb that you don't even know what you advocate for when you advocate for it?
You're a fucking liar and a dim witted idiot. I think we're done.
God I hope so. I'm assuming you have a nudist colony to get to right now? Fuck'n idiot.... We get it. You're a typical fat Texan who gets off on nudist colonies. Fine. You're an adult. But stop pushing your sick shit on children you piece of shit.

Damn, are you a child? Nah, children are more open and accepting than you.
I'm sorry your parents fucked your head up so badly, you know there's help for that, right?
I think you're confused. My parents raised me properly - with morals and decency. You are the asshole whose parents raised him in nudist colonies and resorts.
Damn, are you a child? Nah, children are more open and accepting than you.
Ah yes....the deviant, fat Texan thinks we need to be more "accepting" like the left-wing lunatics because he gets off on nudist colonies.

Dude - I'm not accepting and I'm not going to be. It's an idiotic and childish argument. Imagine if Adolf Hitler asked "why can't you be accepting of slaughtering Jews"? Imagine if Ted Bundy said "why can't you be accepting of raping and murdering women"?

I don't give a shit that you're a sick deviant. Have at it chief. Just don't drag children into your fucked up fantasies. If they become an adult and choose to join you - fine.
I'm sorry your parents fucked your head up so badly, you know there's help for that, right?
I think you're confused. My parents raised me properly - with morals and decency. You are the asshole whose parents raised him in nudist colonies and resorts.

Child, my parents were evangelical Christians, I've never been in trouble with the law, I'm just an average guy. Some of the nicest, most conservative people I know are nudist. They come from every walk of life, age and race. Scientist, doctors, nurses, engineers, teachers, contractors, people that work at home depot, they could be your best friends or Sunday school teachers and you wouldn't know. Why wouldn't you know, because of judgmental asses like you, they don't tend to talk about it even though they are doing nothing wrong or illegal.
Damn, are you a child? Nah, children are more open and accepting than you.
Ah yes....the deviant, fat Texan thinks we need to be more "accepting" like the left-wing lunatics because he gets off on nudist colonies.

Dude - I'm not accepting and I'm not going to be. It's an idiotic and childish argument. Imagine if Adolf Hitler asked "why can't you be accepting of slaughtering Jews"? Imagine if Ted Bundy said "why can't you be accepting of raping and murdering women"?

I don't give a shit that you're a sick deviant. Have at it chief. Just don't drag children into your fucked up fantasies. If they become an adult and choose to join you - fine.

God you so pathetic it's funny. Thanks for the belly laugh.
Why doesn't this pedophile Chris Cuomo advocate teaching cross-dressing idiots to 'tolerate' their own damn restroom?!? Teach men who want to be women to 'tolerate' the men's room!


Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves (which is literally how we will end up since they've banned all forms of energy - necessary for civilized life).

CNN's Cuomo: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals In School Locker Rooms | The Sean Hannity Show

Are you aware that many 12 year old girls and some younger now days are sexting with their boyfriends, and most all have seen porn on the internet? Girls won't go blind if they see a dick, if they did we'd have about a 90% blindness rate already.

Are you aware that your stats are made up and that in the small cases where that is true - it was by choice of the young girls and not forced upon them?

Yeah, I made them up myself. I saw a report on the local new last night. They interviewed a couple of peer counselors at a local school. They showed how kids are getting around their parents prying eyes and doing all kinds of shit with their smart phones and computers. The kids they interviewed were middle schoolers. I think you're confusing nudity with lewdness, just seeing the human body is not a traumatic experience. But many of the kids they talked about were into both.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of the bathroom and locker room sharing thing because of the possibility of unwanted physical contact in close quarters, not because of what they might see.

Use caution with the semantics being played. The issue at hand isn't whether or not your daughter would be traumatized at the sight of a penis.
If your 12 year old daughter happens to see a penis because John was climbing a fence and his pants got caught which yanked them down exposing his would have to agree thats far different than 40 year old Bubba sitting down next to her in the locker room at the gym and flopping his penis out to change.

Actually I don't see the difference, neither is sexual.

I wouldn't either if I thought I might want to show 12 year olds my penis at some point. Drug dealers hate the war on drugs...right.
Nudists are just as big a whack-job as is a man who believes he's a's just not normal. Covering our sex organs in public is kind off the basic of all basics that make up a civilized society.
(There's you cue to bring up European beaches)

Just curious.

What would you be doing, naked, in an elementary school girls' locker room?

Dare we ask?

Somebody's conveniently forgotten what Trump said on the subject:

"People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble."

Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want

Like I said, nice try, OP.

Look! An idiot has arrived.


Conflating locker rooms where people get naked with bathrooms. Rich... I don't believe Trump called anyone intolerant either.

But thanks for providing more proof for your truly special grade IQ again.

Yeah, the big difference is, a locker room for 12 year olds is just for 12 year olds.

A bathroom is for 12 year olds and every other age.

Goddam you're stupid. You're so stupid it's not even funny. It's tragic.

Actually Mr Whack-Job, our public gyms are for people 12 and up as are the locker rooms....I suppose that makes them the perfect place for you twisted minded fucking loons to stalk your prey...wouldn't you say?
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Just in case anyone was wondering why Donald Trump won. What can even be said about such a sick, disgusting, pro-pedophilia comment? The left is a bunch of uncivilized neanderthals who want to regress society back to the caveman era where people just defecate in front of each other in caves (which is literally how we will end up since they've banned all forms of energy - necessary for civilized life).

CNN's Cuomo: Underage Girls Should Be Taught 'Tolerance' For Male Genitals In School Locker Rooms | The Sean Hannity Show
Sex trafficking is widely excepted by progressives… Proven by their acceptance of the most repugnant of people… The Clintons.
If they become an adult and choose to join you - fine.
God you so pathetic it's funny. Thanks for the belly laugh.
Yep...the nudist here thinks choice by adults is "pathetic" and something to be laughed at. Dude - didn't you say you were "done"? Go get to your nudist colony before you miss out on your favorite seat in front of the toilet.
There is a distinct difference between adults practicing nudism and young children being exposed to it in restrooms or locker rooms.
There is a distinct difference between adults practicing nudism and young children being exposed to it in restrooms or locker rooms.
A distinction OkTexAss wants to ignore out of his lust to develop more freaks such as himself.
There is a distinct difference between adults practicing nudism and young children being exposed to it in restrooms or locker rooms.
A distinction OkTexAss wants to ignore out of his lust to develop more freaks such as himself.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the first mental midget that tries it around ours will soon rue the day he does.

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