Liberals vs. Leftists


And historically-speaking, it was during the Bush and Clinton eras that the Democrat Party went full-blown Marxist with the protests at the World Trade Organization in 1999 and the "Occupy Wall Street Movement" in 2011.
^ The opposite of reality.

These were protests AGAINST establishment Democrats (among others), who are not remotely Marxist.

Occupy was a MASSIVE backlash against Obama in particular.
Maybe I'm behind the times. Back in the day Ron Paul was the standard for libertarianism. He had some good ideas but he lost me when he said Iran should have nukes because "everyone else does."
The US left is heavily grounded in libertarian ideation - this has been true for more than a century.

So unless you're 150 or so, you just don't understand what the left in the US actually is, and has been.
From Its Very Beginning, a Suburban Snob Mob

"Liberal" comes from a Latin word that implies inheriting the Townership of White slaves. Plebeians were never called "liberales."

They start out pretending to be moderates just to catch us off guard. But the full agenda is always under their expensively cufflinked sleeves.
Liberals are conservatives who hate conservatives; they're not moderate.
No. Just no.

The majority of the leftists here are authoritarian which is the OPPOSITE of libertarian.
There are MAYBE 3 leftists on this entire forum, and none of them have posted to this thread yet.

And none of them are authoritarian in any way.

You speak of LIBERALS, not the left.
A lot of leftist politicians have voters believing that they are liberal. Liberals believe in freedom of speech, leftists do not. Leftists are not interested in anyone's rights except their own. Divide and conquer is how they achieve that. Some of them advocate for (among other things) separate graduation ceremonies for black and white students. There is a name for that. It's called "Separate but equal". In America, liberals are patriotic Americans, leftists are not! Liberal politicians need to challenge leftists in primary elections. The future of America depends on that happening.
Leftards are a bunch of evil fucking asswipes.

Let's not mince words. :p
A lot of leftist politicians have voters believing that they are liberal. Liberals believe in freedom of speech, leftists do not. Leftists are not interested in anyone's rights except their own. Divide and conquer is how they achieve that. Some of them advocate for (among other things) separate graduation ceremonies for black and white students. There is a name for that. It's called "Separate but equal". In America, liberals are patriotic Americans, leftists are not! Liberal politicians need to challenge leftists in primary elections. The future of America depends on that happening.
Liberals (as the term already implies) are in general people that want to add ideas towards an existing order or culture via new inputs - which they define to be an advantage to society.
However there are conservative minded liberals, there are normal liberals and a whole lot of Lefty Liberals.
Lefty&Lib only want to destroy existing values - raise constant chaos in society - refute own responsibility (thanks to democracy, which enables them to do just that)

Therefore the by far largest threat to a democracy or any country are Lefty&Libs - whilst they have more or less no impact onto autocratic countries, unless those Lefty&Lib instigators are being supported by outside "democratic" governments.

So called Right-wingers or Right extremists (it's a proven fact) only start to come up, upon Lefty&Libs increasing their actions and start to gain control over a society.
The Fascist and the Nazi movement only came up and gained increasing support in order to counter Lefty&Lib excesses. see former Europe or see present USA and Europe.

There was no right-wing extremism in Europe, before Communists and Lefty&Libs started to create havoc. - FACT.
I never supported Obamacare. I am not trying to defend Obama.
I get National health Insurance. I do not get the corrupted costs and the massive issues that will come from it. The problem is that every program enacted is near impossible to get rid of. And the costs keep piling up.
There are MAYBE 3 leftists on this entire forum, and none of them have posted to this thread yet.

And none of them are authoritarian in any way.

You speak of LIBERALS, not the left.
Word meanings change over time. This usually occurs as a result of a word being misapplied by one influencer, then repeatedly misapplied by ignorant followers. So for these sorts of discussions to make sense to all the participants, each word needs to be clearly defined and fully understood before the conversation can lead to honest dialog.

Like I mentioned earlier—the term “right-wing” is often confused with the term RINO (Republican In Name Only). In other words, not all Republicans are true, Right-Wingers. They are warmongering Globalists, lacking any true sense of American patriotism.

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