Liberals vs. Leftists

So you believe in alien overlords, the NWO, and you are a bilderbert.
It's not “bilderbert.” It's the Bilderberg Group. Look up the WEF, WHO, IMF, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, Tavistock Institute, etc. These organizations are all very powerful, influential, and aim for Globalism. Several of America's Presidents have outwardly spoken about moving America into “The New World Order.” Please learn to pay attention.

And where you came up with “alien overlords” is anybody's guess.
I happen to know lots, and lots of them. Unfortunately, most right-wing Constitutionalists aren't power hungry, control freaks, so they don't get into politics.
By the way, what's worse in your eye Biden Kissing a young girl or scum bag raping a 13-year-old and telling her he will kill her if she talks.
It's not “bilderbert.” It's the Bilderberg Group. Look up the WEF, WHO, IMF, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, Tavistock Institute, etc. These organizations are all very powerful, influential, and aim for Globalism. Several of America's Presidents have outwardly spoken about moving America into “The New World Order.” Please learn to pay attention.

And where you came up with “alien overlords” is anybody's guess.
You would know about all the loonie shit.
Word meanings change over time. This usually occurs as a result of a word being misapplied by one influencer, then repeatedly misapplied by ignorant followers. So for these sorts of discussions to make sense to all the participants, each word needs to be clearly defined and fully understood before the conversation can lead to honest dialog.

Like I mentioned earlier—the term “right-wing” is often confused with the term RINO (Republican In Name Only). In other words, not all Republicans are true, Right-Wingers. They are warmongering Globalists, lacking any true sense of American patriotism.
Some good points.

I think the biggest problem is that conservatives - not all, but far too many - have no idea what the left actually is.

They insist on angrily and ignorantly misapplying the term to anyone who doesn't agree with their numerous rigid agendas, that isn't in proper lockstep with them.

Democrats are not leftists, nor are US liberals.

Many if not most US leftists are libertarian, and this has not changed for more than 100 years.

The left is a TINY and (mostly) powerless group in the US, and the Democrat disenfranchising of leftist voters in the summer of 2020 is the reason Biden is in the White House, as the only time the left can exert any power is in swing states during national elections, as the Democrats know all too well.

The left utterly despises liberals and Democrats for this ongoing disenfranchisement, and for the many other actions they've taken over the decades to attack the left while pretending (when convenient) to support it.
Some good points.

I think the biggest problem is that conservatives - not all, but far too many - have no idea what the left actually is.

They insist on angrily and ignorantly misapplying the term to anyone who doesn't agree with their numerous rigid agendas, that isn't in proper lockstep with them.

Democrats are not leftists, nor are US liberals.

Many if not most US leftists are libertarian, and this has not changed for more than 100 years.

The left is a TINY and (mostly) powerless group in the US, and the Democrat disenfranchising of leftist voters in the summer of 2020 is the reason Biden is in the White House, as the only time the left can exert any power is in swing states during national elections, as the Democrats know all too well.

The left utterly despises liberals and Democrats for this ongoing disenfranchisement, and for the many other actions they've taken over the decades to attack the left while pretending (when convenient) to support it.
I agree that "most" conservatives lump all liberals in with all leftists and Marxists. I, personally, make a distinction. I happen to watch Jimmy Dore all the time. I disagree with him on many issues, but at least he recognizes that the Dem Party is not America's friend. On the other hand, I would NEVER watch the Young Turks because of their extreme Marxist ideology. Dore's heart is in the right place, even if his head isn't. The Turks are outright lunatics. Although Ana Kasparian seems to be waking up on a few issues which is good to see. I'd love to have her on the "right" side of history. She's feisty and very good-looking.
I agree that "most" conservatives lump all liberals in with all leftists and Marxists. I, personally, make a distinction. I happen to watch Jimmy Dore all the time. I disagree with him on many issues, but at least he recognizes that the Dem Party is not America's friend. On the other hand, I would NEVER watch the Young Turks because of their extreme Marxist ideology. Dore's heart is in the right place, even if his head isn't. The Turks are outright lunatics. Although Ana Kasparian seems to be waking up on a few issues which is good to see. I'd love to have her on the "right" side of history. She's feisty and very good-looking.
OH, boy the commie attack. I enjoy this one the most, it is the willingness for the most brainless among us to step right up and say how totally stupid they are. There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble. The only way the hate party can make it work for them is by defining what it is themselves. Problem is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is straight up stupid.
NOTHING ELSE HAS TO BE SAID> WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST MARXIST OR COMMUNIST COUNTRY, UNLESS THE HATE PART FORCES THE POPULATION TO CHOOSE THAT OVER THEIR STUPID VERSION OF CAPITALISM> Where every dime of new profit is forced up into the hands of the golden few at the top. As it has been since 1981 trickle down lie.
You people are idiots. And you prove it every time you open your yap!
There is one tenant that is the base tenant for Socialism communism and Marxism, Everyone knows it , and without which there is no socialism communism or Marxism. The means of production is owned and controlled by the government, and the sale of that production is designated to the states. There is no where to find that or even find people who want that in this country , It never has happened and it never will. The ultimate stupidity of the hate party.
On the other hand, I would NEVER watch the Young Turks because of their extreme Marxist ideology. The Turks are outright lunatics. Although Ana Kasparian seems to be waking up on a few issues which is good to see. I'd love to have her on the "right" side of history. She's feisty and very good-looking.
Eye Candy Makes Men Go Blind

Ironic that Ana is Armenian, and the original Young Turks massacred her people.
OH, boy the commie attack. I enjoy this one the most, it is the willingness for the most brainless among us to step right up and say how totally stupid they are. There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble. The only way the hate party can make it work for them is by defining what it is themselves. Problem is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is straight up stupid.
NOTHING ELSE HAS TO BE SAID> WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST MARXIST OR COMMUNIST COUNTRY, UNLESS THE HATE PART FORCES THE POPULATION TO CHOOSE THAT OVER THEIR STUPID VERSION OF CAPITALISM> Where every dime of new profit is forced up into the hands of the golden few at the top. As it has been since 1981 trickle down lie.
You people are idiots. And you prove it every time you open your yap!
There is one tenant that is the base tenant for Socialism communism and Marxism, Everyone knows it , and without which there is no socialism communism or Marxism. The means of production is owned and controlled by the government, and the sale of that production is designated to the states. There is no where to find that or even find people who want that in this country , It never has happened and it never will. The ultimate stupidity of the hate party.
Didn't "81 million" "vote" for Socialist Biden? Sounds like a tad bit more than a "thimble" full.

Forcing the haves to pay for the have-not's medical care is Socialism.
Forcing the working class to pay for someone else's tuition is Socialism.
Forcing Americans to pay for illegal invaders is Socialism.
Discussing the idea of whites paying reparations to blacks is Socialism.
Forcing companies to hire certain races based on skin color is Socialism.

Please try to pay attention. But for now, you're dismissed.
Also, Libertines are often called Liberals and they are not.
"I only ask to be free," says Mr. Skimpole in Charles Dickens' Bleak House, and his words would undoubtedly have appealed to the world's first libertines. The word libertinus was used in early writings of Roman antiquity to describe a slave who had been set free (the Roman term for an emancipated slave was the Latin libertus). The "freedman" sense of libertine was extended to freethinkers, both religious and secular, and later came to imply that an individual was a little too unrestrained, especially in moral situations. The Latin root of libertine is liber, the ultimate source of our word liberty.


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