Liberals vs. Leftists

Those are now called "libertarians", most of whom are right-leaning, conservative, and anti-government.
Literally every single libertarian I know is left-leaning as all hell on all social issues. They like to pretend to be fiscally right and against government expansion but how can you be either when you are OK with an open border to the thirdworld?
Libertarians are simply Lib-Lite.
Golfing Gator
Literally every single libertarian I know is left-leaning as all hell on all social issues.

Well, yes. libertarians are a 'live and let live" people, thus we would always be left on social issues as the right is all about "be just like me or I will force you to".
Well, yes. libertarians are a 'live and let live" people, thus we would always be left on social issues as the right is all about "be just like me or I will force you to".
The right is wise enough to know you can’t have an effective, robust welfare system (the safety net you cherish) and take the hippy as fuck “live and let live” approach.
Prosperous, civilized, first world societies must have established normalities, standards and expectations for the citizenry to meet.
Drop all welfare/social services bullshit and I couldn’t give two fucks about what degenerates do with themselves.
Literally every single libertarian I know is left-leaning as all hell on all social issues. They like to pretend to be fiscally right and against government expansion but how can you be either when you are OK with an open border to the thirdworld?
Libertarians are simply Lib-Lite.
Golfing Gator

Maybe I'm behind the times. Back in the day Ron Paul was the standard for libertarianism. He had some good ideas but he lost me when he said Iran should have nukes because "everyone else does."
The original term for a liberal meant that they wanted liberty.
From Its Very Beginning, a Suburban Snob Mob

"Liberal" comes from a Latin word that implies inheriting the Townership of White slaves. Plebeians were never called "liberales."

They start out pretending to be moderates just to catch us off guard. But the full agenda is always under their expensively cufflinked sleeves.
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Well, yes. libertarians are a 'live and let live" people, thus we would always be left on social issues as the right is all about "be just like me or I will force you to".
BL likes a big daddy government that will tell him how to live. Otherwise, he'll get confused and do it all wrong.
BL likes a big daddy government that will tell him how to live. Otherwise, he'll get confused and do it all wrong.
You Lib-lite Little House On The Prairie hippy whackos just haven’t moved on to 21st century reality in today’s taxpayer dependent beanerized America…we aren’t comprised of the same ambitious people we once were…contray to what you father government loving statists believe…it is the people that make a nation…it is not the government that does. Shit people always = Shit nation.
You Lib-lite Little House On The Prairie hippy whackos just haven’t moved on to 21st century reality in today’s taxpayer dependent beanerized America…we aren’t comprised of the same ambitious people we once were…contray to what you father government loving statists believe…it is the people that make a nation…it is not the government that does. Shit people always = Shit nation.
Bottom line, you want big government telling everyone how to live, we do not.
But I only do since your retarded hippy ideals turned our nation into a taxpayer dependent shithole….FUCK ALL SOCIAL SERVICES…..let men die in the streets if they want to spend their days gaming and taking cock in the ass…let the children of beaners running baby factories die if they can’t be fed without taxpayer money…..LIVE AND LET LIVE BABY!

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A lot of leftist politicians have voters believing that they are liberal.
No - liberals are pretending to support the left.
Liberals believe in freedom of speech, leftists do not.
You have it backwards; liberals hate free speech, and the left supports it.
Leftists are not interested in anyone's rights except their own.
Liberals are this way, not the left.
Divide and conquer is how they achieve that.
Now you're talking about the Deep Swamp.
Some of them advocate for (among other things) separate graduation ceremonies for black and white students.
This OP is getting less rational, which I didn't think was possible...
There is a name for that. It's called "Separate but equal".
This irrelevant argument could be made, yes.
In America, liberals are patriotic Americans,
No - they've been trying to burn the country down for the last 7 years.
leftists are not!
The left rejects amorphous and meaningless categories.
Liberal politicians need to challenge leftists in primary elections.
Never happen, and why would it?

Anywhere that liberals have power, they slice the throats of the tiny and powerless left to destroy any voice they might exeert as swing voters.
The future of America depends on that happening.
The future of the United States depends on many things, including people embracing reality rather than spewing nonsense.
Liberals, leftists, progressives, commies, Marxists....

What's the difference?
The differences are considerable between the tiny/powerless left and the huge liberal/progressive juggernaut - a national majority.

Marxists are about as plentiful as Nazis these days, so are completely irrelevant.
Didn't we just have this exact same rant posted the other day? Did I miss the spam email the rest of you got?
Conservatives are destroying themselves with nonsense like this, but they just won't stop.
I have been pointing this out for years, here. Liberalism is neither an authoritarian ideology nor one predicated on identity.

The Leftist sheeple here are nearly the antithesis of liberal in that they seek complete control over others and base their views on tribe.
This is modern liberals, not the left.

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